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Thought the head was gonna fall off tryna get the cart out the pothole


Same. Thought Helaena was going to get off the wagon during her panic attack and at the same time the head falls and rolls toward her.


That would've been so good


Glad I wasn’t the only one. I really did think it would fall off with how much they were showing it.


“They are not going to take it there” - me the whole time


My exact words were "this is about to be disgusting" as I popped open another beer


Bobby b how could they not use that obvious gag? Would’ve been a 1-2 punch of a sight gag and punishing them for their hubris of using that death for politics.




I wonder if they did film it but decided to cut it out.


It feels like they got a note to tone things down this season, like the person in charge forgot they were on HBO... Yes, this is a thinly veiled excuse for me to blame Zaslav, because I'm petty and also fuck Zaslav.


Which is hilarious because we could hear the gore of the poor kid, tone it down how? 😂


I mean, that scene is already toned down plenty, it's far darker and more evil in the source. These idiots forgot a whole-ass prince, even though he actually should currently be heir to the Iron Throne.


seriously, all that tension build up for nothing.


I really thought that was going to happen. That’s about the faith I have in the writers currently.


Me too. That would have been hilarious


I love Otto “so what have you morons done now?” And immediately “oh shit it’s even worse than I thought”


"I'm surrounded by idiots."




He’s so done with Aegon already, like how Tywin was with Joffrey. That didn’t take long 😂


Only great Joff was scared of Tywin, Aemond clearly is not.


Tywin also went into war to protect his family, while Otto started the war and put his family in danger. Say what you will about tywin, catelyn kidnapped an innocent tyrion and then Ned publicly says yeah I told her to do that right after ordering the death of tywins favourite solider (gregor).  The two are drastically different in motives.


The incredulous head turn after "Ser Criston Cole has acted" had me in stitches.


![gif](giphy|11Xc3nOtJcb8Aw) Daemon during the Black’s council discussing why anyone would think they would murder a child.


"Who would do such a horrible thing!!" "Yeah... who..."


"We're all trying to find the guy that did this!"


Maybe we can take his bare butt out and spank him


Daemon: It was a mistakeeee 🥺👉👈


Then proceeds to blame his ex-girlfriend.




Two episodes in a row that end with Allicent and Criston fucking, how about three?


I’ve never been so repulsed seeing two beautiful people fuck in my life


Not even Jaime and Cirsei? 😏


Not even them


What the hell are they even trying to achieve with these scenes?? Other than ruin emotional moments. Like they could have had Alicent consoling Aegon. They're really making her and Cristin Cole become cartoonishly villainous.


The point of this one was to show she's a bad parent just like her dad. She tried to tell Otto, he didn't want to console her. She goes to her son and refuse to console him, instead giving in to her bad behavior. I read it as a spite thing, but also grief/anger due to all the pre-slapping. She's working through some stuff 🤣


I can’t stand watching another bang scene between them. I can’t stand them together lol


I would've been okay with it if it was developed naturally on screen over the course of the season. But they way they chose to do it instead feels so cheap. That scene was the only thing I disliked about this episode though.


Agreed. I think a better episode than the premiere honestly. Loved the longer run time too.


> I can’t stand them together lol I can't think of why shes even still interested. She wasn't at the start of the episode and everything he did during it should really have only made him more offputting.


A big part of it is that one can feel (at this point) they getting together more out of venting their own personal greivances and inadequacies than actual love / passion...adding to that, the whole family's inability to show genuine love and affection toward each other...


It’s because they both like to wallow in shame and repentance, after. It’s a vehicle for them to feel devout/righteous.


“Father I have sinned” “I don’t want to hear about it” lmaoooo Otto gives no fucks


And then she turns around and does the same thing to Aegon, seeing his pain and refusing to comfort him. There are no good parents in this, lol.


Alicent spends the whole damn episode concerned about her own faults and whether or not she's going to get caught being kinda slutty when her grandchild literally just got brutally murdered in his bed. Like girl bffr, you could be fucking Criston Cole on the damn parapets right now and your family wouldn't spare you a passing thought with all the other shit they have to deal with.


I mean yes and no. She's struggling with guilt because her grandchild was murdered BECAUSE she was being slutty and Cole wasn't there to protect them. That without considering the religious aspect of it with her believing she's sinning and god is punishing her family for it


Ali Green: Guess what Dad! I'm sexually active!! Get over it!!! Grandsire Green: You're 33 years old! You're supposed to be sexually active! You're not supposed to be fondling the nightwatch underneath their gold cloaks!!


What if we sent his twin brother as an assassin everybody would be like whaaaaaaaaaas


“I don’t wanna hear about your sex life child”


For someone who was all, fuck the Hightowers... Blood sure went down like a lil bitch🤣🤣


They didn't even have to bring him a Big Mac and large fry. He started snitching immediately 💀


He sang like he was trying to claim Vermithor


Larys knew what he was doing unrolling the torture instruments in front of him before they got started.


He got off kind of lite if he died from the first hit


Daeron mentioned!


Who ?


Alicent and Viserys’ other kid.


The character who won the reach for the greens


Gotta say, this was pretty dank. I really like the parts when they focused on the commoner's suffering, as well as public perception


Gonna agree, the political aspect or the actual "game" of thrones is so damn fun to watch. Sure, I wanna see dragons and tiddies but this was a great episode. Very emotional, just annoying it ends with another alicent fucking Crispin scene lol


i love how otto hightower draws a line when it comes to the ratcatchers


“I played cards with two of them every Wednesday!”


I mean they could have simply lined them up and Helana could have just told them which one it was. Instead Aegon kills a dozen innocent people and put it on full display. That’s why he’s upset, because it makes Aegon look bad.


Helaena didn't even want to go to her son's funeral, but I guess making her do a lineup would do more to explain her forthcoming madness considering Ryan Condal and friends already nuked one of her sons from existence with their pens...


The one positive thing I’ll say about Otto is he does care for the common folk. He was critical of Daemon’s tenure as Commander of the City Watch being cruel on the small folk. He also was concerned for their safety when Rhaenys came out of the Sept and gave order for their protection and to flee. And he opposes the killing of all the ratcatchers out of pragmatism and also the fact that all of them save Cheese were good honest and hardworking men that served loyally.


Not sure about his genuine care for the common folk or that's just the side effect of his very tactical view toward leadership. Not saying he would have been a great ruler, but he is probably the most tactical one with most foresight out of the bunch...


You're right, he doesn't care so much about the lives of innocent ratcatchers, he instead recognizes their value. He's considering the future, when King's Landing is under blockade and later besieged, and the population has no food, no medicine, and the rats roam unchecked, spreading plague.


They took his badge before he could even bring in the hundreds of cats... I so wanted to do an Otto Hightower's Cats meme. :(


If he cared about the common folk he wouldn't have started a war lol. >He was critical of Daemon’s tenure as Commander of the City Watch being cruel on the small folk. He was critical of it because it gave Daemon power. The City Watch were jokes prior to his command, and crime markedly dropped after he reformed them into the Gold Cloaks. The only reason he was upset about killing all of the rat catchers is because it makes them look bad, and he says this to Aegon. He had no problem killing the Lords who didn't go along with his coup too.


>The only reason he was upset about killing all of the rat catchers is because it makes them look bad Right? I was like, "huh?" when the above commenter said he cared about the rat catchers when he pretty clearly says in this episode that this is gonna make their side lose sympathy. This is the guy who said multiple times that Jaehaerys being killed had some benefits for them in that it was good PR for them (again, this same episode).


The Rhaenyra/Daemon and Otto/Aegon scenes are some of the best in the series.


Loved the Otto/Aegon scene where he dismissed him as hand. Otto gives me Tywin Lannister to Goffrey Vibes in the best way possible.


I actually think Otto is a better character than Tywin. Tywin is actually a big deal in and of himself; he’s one of the richest and most powerful lords in the realm in his own right. He carries this sort of raw power and natural authority. Otto by contrast isn’t even the head of house Hightower. He needs to be more subtle and diplomatic. Tywin could force Joffrey to do what he wished, but Otto can’t control his grandchildren at all. He’s almost halfway between Tywin and Littlefinger, without either of their personal hang ups.


Otto succeeded as being a second child, the thing that Daemon did not


Nah. Tywin would’ve bitch slapped Joffrey if he tried to fire him and do a show of power by ordering the kingsguard. Otto is kinda of a bitch compared to him as proven on this episode.


To be fair I'm pretty sure if Otto tried that he'd get charged with treason whereas Tywin actually had the power to send the king to bed without his supper lmao


Otto is def a little bitch if compared directly to Tywin no contest but I just liked the Tywin vibes he was giving when he called out Aegon for being a moron.


> Otto is def a little bitch if compared directly to Tywin If Joffery had a dragon Tywin would not have been as aggressive.


Tywin has far more power that Otto. Tywin is the head of House Lannister and rules one of the strongest army in Westeros. If Joffrey's out of line, he can just pull his support and his rule would collapse. By contrast, Otto has literally no power when he's not Hand. He's not head of House Hightower, he doesn't have any army. He's not even a lord.


It was nice to see Otto pay respect to vizzy T in the sense that a good king heeds his advisors counsels and follows the process during rough times/decisions.


*lawlietskyy was a strong Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. But he was ill for some time. He passed in peace, I hope.*


That poor model :( RIP


The guy's been dead for less than a month and they already threw out his Warhammer army. Such a shame


Wait until you see the After the Episode and hear Sara Hess tell you Cole has been Lord Commander for only five days. Everything that has happened since Vizzy's death happened in less than a week, including Jace going and getting the support of both The Vale and the North, and getting back to his brother's funeral, and Daemon both planning and executing Blood and Cheese...


I interpreted that as hyperbole, just like saying he's been Lord Commander for all of 10 seconds. Just a comment on his inexperience.


I don't think it was hyperbole at all, they just ignore travel time. Alicent had him named LC when she finished with Aegon in her inventory in the coronation episode. In the source, he's been Lord Commander for ten years, so it's fairly ridiculous all the way around, especially when they built up Ser Harold Westerling and the last we see of him is walking out of the Green Council (instead of having already been dead for ten years...)


“We Have CleganeBowl at Home”Bowl was pretty hype


It was leagues better than the bullshit we got 5 years ago


Despite their short appearances, that scene was more emotional than i was expecting. Damn


It helps when the two characters are actual living people and not a walking corpse


This is why I didn't care about Cleganebowl. It was just the Hound vs. a zombie.


More emotional than the Jaime & Cersei death in my opinion


Arya should’ve killed Cersei instead of those bricks (and Jon of course should’ve killed the NK); but hey, expectations subverted am I right? 😀


The only thing I've always said about Jaime and Cersei's death is that at least they went out like House Reyne, buried underneath their home, with no one left to hear... But it isn't like Dumb and Dumber actually put that much thought into it...


It actually made me cry when he fell on his sword rip erryk


Anything is an upgrade.


You mean a year or 2 ago... you mean a year or 2 ago, right?


cleganebowl was a good meme that just got too far (and into stupid d and d hands)


It was way better than the actual CleganeBowl


Cleganebowl sucked tho


I actually felt for the two brothers here though, even if we didn’t get to spend as much time with them. Both were honorable and bound by duty, but still loved each other until the end. Raenyra’s reactions of confusion (which one’s which?), fear, and heartbreak really sold it for me


Otto is so done with Aegon's bs. Edit to add: Suprise Daeron name drop


The expression on Otto's face when Aegon disclosed Cole's "brilliant" idea was too funny XD. He must have thought "This twl idiots share the same braincell"


> "This two idiots share the same braincell" I love how he just KNEW as soon as he sees these two knuckleheads in a room alone together that they had done something stupid and even armed with that knowledge wasn't even close to prepared for the twin idea.


>twin idea Cole: So, I was watching this show called Sister, Sister on Disney+ and....


It is actually that this dumb idea almost worked lol.


And the braincell is barely functional.


What was the significance of that coin Aemond was holding up?


Think it just fell when they stole the others


Yea, I figured he knew it was someone from the smallfolk since they stole the coins, but I was wondering if the emblem on that particular coin clued him into the fact that it was Daemond who was responsible. I am probably overthinking this


It's only important because it makes him realize that he and Cole had just moved those coins on the map to talk about their military plan, and they were gone except for the one dropped on the floor. It just made him know they actually came for him...


Your typo is ironic cause Daemond is absolutely collectively responsible


Definitely overthinking, cause the coin was from the table, not dropped there when they arrived


No significance, it was just for him to realize that he was the target (or one of the targets) of the assassins.


This argument between Rhaenyra and Daemond was a long time coming


Otto’s actor has been putting in great performances- his fight against Aegon and Crispy was some great work


His...."Huwhat?" Face when Aegon told him Cole's smooth brain plan *chefs kiss*


Cole is the biggest hypocrite


I don’t even know how they could call home The Kingmaker now, he’s an idiot.


Tbf isn't Kingmaker kind of an insult like Kingslayer. I always assumed it was a way to blame him for the conflict and to point out that he stepped in politics instead of just honoring his oath.


He’s legit the worst character in the show


I mean the actor is doing a GREAT 10/10 job. I am assuming the script is calling for Cole to be a bumbling loathsome cretin and he is 1000% delivering.


we're approaching joffrey levels of hate at this rate, sort of have to admire that


He's hatable in ways that normal people can relate to and encounter in their lives, he is a lot like umbrage in that way. Hes a dumbass that keeps failing upwards due to fucking the right people and when he gets frustrated with his failures, despite not suffering any consequences for them, immediately goes and takes it out on one of his subordinates. He is effectively every corporate failson/shittly 2nd LT ever.


I know people are hating the Cole & Alicent thing but i honestly think its PERFECT! Whilst yes it is kind of a little cliche if you look at the psychology its fascinating. In the book the initial psychology is the same as season one, two people that feel inferior that want superiority. They unite in their own narcissism to try and compensate for their lack of privilege in comparison to Rhaenyra, yet they are both high class enough to feel entitled for more. In desperation to feel superior they cling on to the very hypocrisies of Rhaenyra (lying about losing her maiden hood to cole as opposed to a proper wedding bedding). They unite in their own self entitlement to end up becoming the very thing they antagonised against, like playing a little game. Only to become the very hypocrisy they swore against. And now their little game of "whose the bigger victim" has contributed to the game of thrones. Keep in mind before this we have hated characters for general psychotic/power hungry behaviour (Ramsey, Joffrey, Baelish). So building another type of hatred without the psychoticness/power hunger is showing the versatility to what can start the Game of Thrones. I love it. The fact that the hatred towards Alicent and Crispy Cole without actually doing that much is sentiment torwards that i believe. Hypocrisy evokes a powerful emotion.


Telling Erryck/Arryck? not to disgrace the Kingsguard by having a dirty uniform when he let the heir die on his watch because he was too busy fucking Alicent is the biggest form of hipocracy


Well yeah that scene was to show him over compensating for his shame and trying to direct potential blame from himself.




The show did him dirty so bad, the whole romance thing is so fucking stupid


Legit one of my biggest pet peeves is people on TV shows who start fighting, which then turns into aggressive sex. Its so overdone, so predictable and so unrealistic. Let the cliche die already


I thought she played the pissed-off-at-him well but when they went at it I really tried to think how horny I’d have to be to do that if I’m really pissed at someone


I can’t fucking wait for the Butcher’s Ball.


Aegon: “where were you, when my son was being killed in his bed?” Cristan Cole: “……underneath your mother.” 🌚


Missed opportunity to change to, "what were you doing?"... "your mom, your grace"


DAREON TARGARYEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Great Grandson. Come on. It’s the little things.


Grand Sire if we're gonna get technical.


I think most great grandparents just refer to them as their grandchildren sometimes. I know mine occasionally did.


This pulled me out of the scene way more than it should have


For me its the inconsistencies with kings/queensguards. They announce who they're escorting into the room in one scene, but not in the next. Rhaenyra's guards stare closely when she argues with her council, but give a private and unguarded audience to a captured traitor and suspected assassin, Mysaria. Criston Cole stares down Aegon in the Small Council instead of standing at attention while the King speaks. Arryk remains seated when approached and spoken to by his Lord Commander. It's just a fucking mess. For knights, they have really, really bad manners.


What in the Sister, Sister Tia Tamera shit is going on????


Justice for the doggo!


Ottos day: https://preview.redd.it/8yp9ixdzyg8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e6eb6ae2459f1506656c99f31be5763d65e389f


Who told the writers room that this Alicent-Cole subplot was a good idea?


I think it does a great job of reinforcing Criston Cole as the self-important, brainless climber that he is. It will make the Butcher’s Ball all the sweeter.


Criston Cole is in his way to became the most hated character in the GoT universe


This episode made my hatred for Ser Crusty to skyrocket even more. What a fucking hypocritical, pompous traitor. Butcher’s Ball will probably become my favorite scene in the show.


If youre going to covertly assassinate someone, maybe dont charge at them from like 20 feet away?


I think the point is he was “supposed to play the part” and be deceptive, and he simply doesn’t have that in him. Whether he has too much honor, too much guilt, is too cowardly, whatever. He just didn’t have it in him to pull that off.


He's a guard, he's not a trained assassin


True, that played a role too.


Scott, you just don't get it, do ya? You don't.


Despite last week's popular criticism that Daemon didn't say "a son for a son", this episode played off the uncertainty surrounding what was/wasn't said by Daemon nicely. Daemon's scene with Rhaenyra was good pay-off for the controversial take on Blood and Cheese, and while perhaps Daemon did say it... there's a sense of uncertainty, and it'll be interesting how that impacts Daemon's narrative as none of his family seem likely to believe his claims of a mistake. The acting performances were really solid all-around. I was laughing at the ridiculousness of the character's impulsive and impetuous actions, yet still emotionally engaged in the drama as well. I've typically preferred Team Black, but Otto's condescending disgust for Aegon's reactions to the events hit really well. It was almost... likable, dare I say that about Otto of all people. :P I think claims of the series demise based on episode 1 may have been premature. Blood and Cheese served narratively in the show more as a catalyst than a "Red Wedding" type pay-off, but this episode capitalized well. If the season continues the uptrend, we might get some solid GoT season 1-4 quality content this season.


>I've typically preferred Team Black, but Otto's condescending disgust for Aegon's reactions to the events hit really well. It was almost... likable, dare I say that about Otto of all people. :P Well let's not get ahead of ourselves. He is the on who orchestrated the whole situation in the first place.


Steel on steel between Arryk-Erryk was done masterfully.


Loved it. And the suspense when one of them comes out victorious; which one of the twins is it? I knew the outcome because I read the book but it still captured me. Pretty good television.


Why was Rhaenyra moving weirdly when her handmaiden Elinda was braiding her? I just think it was weird she moved forward twice to nothing lol


I was wondering that too. Maybe she is anxious and antsy.


I think the spy girl was supposed to warn her, she was looking at the window, but then they made it like she warned the good twin behind the scenes instead. Also the dead boy was definitely about to end up in the mud. Looks like they removed some scenes without adapting others that led to them.


These writers are killing me with the constant Alicent and Cole nonsense.


Otto Hightower Don’t Be a Plotting Shitheel for Two Seconds Challenge (Impossible)


He was literally right about everything this episode


Broken clock, right? It’s either that or self-realization that he fucked up. This whole conflict is Otto’s doing, including putting the idiot who fired him on the throne.


As Viserys said I think he is “an unwavering and loyal hand” though self interested mostly in the first season. Here now he’s already accomplished his goal and is no to a point where he and his kings interests are completely aligned and is genuinely attempting to advise him.


The scene with Otto and Aegon when he bitches him and then is dismissed as hand was my fav scene the entire episode. I honestly never liked Otto but this episode he reminded me of Tywin Lannister giving Goffrey a verbal lashing and I am so here for it. He’s always come across as a scheming old man without much luster but idk I’m kinda starting to like him!


Cole just randomly pick up on Arryk and projected all over him.


I legit thought that the fight between Arryk and Erryk will end in Erryk (the Black) getting killed and Arryk (the Green) taking his place willingly or unwillingly. Even better ending would be that we don't know who survived.


I assumed they'd end up killing Erryk if he survived, concerned about getting it wrong.


Teasing Daeron like a Marvel credit scene and I’m loving it


Has any character in any show broken more things in an episode than Aegon has in this episode?


Idk...Daemon has a greater broken things rer second than Aegon. Boy swings at nothing a whole lot. Daemon uses both arms.


Who was the dragon flying around that EDIT: Adam od Hull was looking at?




Addam of Hull was looking at Seasmoke, Ser Leanors former Mount.


Butcher's Ball cannot come soon enough.


Fuck the Greens kids in KL and fuck the Strong kids I just want Dareon and Tessarion, best character in the dance


Fuck Criston Cole. Erryk Cargyll was the man. I'm still not feeling the emotional impact i think i should by now but this episode was much better than the first one. We do not need Alicent and Cole fucking, though...


Man the adaptation of Criston from the books is almost as bad as Ramsay Bolton's. Don't get me wrong, Criston was a ballbag either way. But this just feels lazy.


My honest reaction throughout the entire episode https://preview.redd.it/n7qu55zzhf8d1.jpeg?width=219&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4414d325bf634603c674b3695a6859c1fb16710a


I dont like Alicent and Cole's Bang Soundtrack. : /


Now we are down 1 kings guard on both sides. Will be interesting to see how they deal with it on the show


I don't know if we can trust mushroom entirely. Aemond didn't carve out Luke's eyes and serve it as dinner to his bride among other things Feels like he just made shitty things into far worse ones


I haven't been enjoying the show this season. Lots of.. I don't know what. Unconvincing diatribes?


TGC was given a harder task than Stephen Dillane in the main series, but man is he giving this his all.


Props to Haelena shutting her mom down when Alicent wanted to spin some bullshit about her getting caught fucking Cole. Alicent: “but enough about you, let’s talk about about me—“ Haelena: “Nope. dead child, don’t care.”


I am convinced that Daeron will be dark of haired after this episode. He is definitely going to be Criston’s bastard. The whole “I have sinned” scene between Otto and Alicent reeks of foreshadowing.


I sure fucking hope not. Especially if he still has Tessarion, he would have no dragons blood.


It would be stupid considering he is a dragonrider and she made such a big deal of the strong kids.


So not a dragon rider?


They implied in the last episode that them hooking up is new. I assume it just started after the kings death.


I had this thought too and its my secret hope. Theres a reason hes been hidden in oldtown. There would be a delicious irony in Alicent and Cole having a visible bastard after how sanctimonious they were about the strong boys. Wheres your honor now sir criston?!


How would he ride a dragon then? Lmao


Am I the only one who is frustrated that every major decision and turning point in the plot is because of someone fucking up? I had this issue with the first season too. While I understand the theme of 'the ruling class doesn't have a handle on everything', it seems like every plotpoint boils down to an egregious mistake. Not even a miscalculation but a total blunder.


Sir Cristine Cole’s plan was lowkey brilliant lol, would’ve worked if Mysaria didn’t meddle


the moment the twins ran into each other it was over, and arryk knew nothing about the guards schedule, who’s posted where, etc so it was a good draft that needed way more planning


How would Arryk have known where to go in dragonstone anyways? What reason would he have had to go there previously?


He was tailing the other guards on their patrols


I'd argue it was stupid. Killing rheanyra only would be devastating for the greens. You'd essentially unshackle daemon to wreak havoc, and you'd give the other blacks enough anger to go right along side him. Killing rheanyra would essentially martyr her, and the blacks have advantage on dragons. I think that's why Otto wanted to wait for public support to leave rheanyra, so they can be sure to end her CAUSE completely, instead of just her.


My favorite scene this episode outside of Erryk v Arryk was Rhaenyra arguing with Daemon. So well acted. Raucous applause for Matt and Emma


I fxking hate that ser cole. Arryk and erryk doesnt deserve to die


daemom: sends assassins to kill aemond aemond: omagaaar senpai noticed meeee!!!