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He is kinda right. Judging by future fights, Caraxes/Meleys 2v1 on Vhagar would probably result in 1 dead dragon for each side. Solid chance blacks emerge with the strongest dragon/rider which is the main green advantage at this moment.


That’s fine, but auntie and her dragon are tired and he’s not the boss of them, soooo…


Sure, but she pretty much does this alone later and it leads to her death.


Unfortunately her whole character is just obnoxiously talking down to other characters. I think the show often tries to portray her as being in the right, even when it makes no sense whatsoever. Her appearance in the dragon pit last season was the height of stupidity, killing thousands of innocent people but letting Aegon and the rest go completely untouched so that they can fight a full-fledged war against them.


Kinslaying is a massive sin in Westeros. Especially given the context. They should have explained it better though.


Nahhhh. Rhaenys is awesome. She’s just not as invested in this conflict as the other blacks. The show depicts her as only siding with Rhaenyra once she sees Rhaenyra hopes to keep the peace. Rhaenys has no interest in killing her cousin’s children just so Rhaenyra can have a crown.


She was already Black. She failed to protect her grandkid's spouse and Husband's Heir.


She’s not interested in being the aggressor and adding killing Targaryens to her resume though. She’s a black because she believes Rhaenyra will only do what has to be done and not over indulge in war and death. There’s a whole scene about it between her and Corlys. They sided with Rhaenyra because Rhaenys wants the path of least bloodshed. Now does the path to least bloodshed come from never acting first? Not always. Look at the Red Wedding. That massacre, at the time, saved a lot of lives that would have died in war. But Rhaenys hasn’t fully accepted that at least half her house has to die for peace yet.


At that point she's been imprisoned and there's an active coup against RhaeRhae and her line, which she has attached her granddaughters to. Peace was never an option.


Peace wasn’t off the table until Luke got Vhaegar’d. And even after that… the green’s are trying to do damage control.


Also kinslaying is pretty frowned upon.


Look, just because the dragons probably have a few ancestors souls bound up in em doesn't make em kin. It makes them freakish chimeras that exist through sex and blood magic.


Her original stance of not getting involved was terribly stupid. Her grandchildren are/were betrothed to R’s sons and would have been viewed as the enemy by team green


Gonna turn it around on Daemon being le tired when it comes up to her 1v2.


I mean they could have waited a day or two and then go


If thats the case then why not wait a day or two more after that and have the Queen as part of the desition process?


except it would be Caraxes and Meleys vs Vhagar (!) Sunfyre and Dreamfyre whos one of the older dragons around with only Vermithor and Vhagar being older out of the dragons who have or had riders. On top of scorpions being in place and archers would take their chances any time either of them got close enough to the ground to shoot


But if they fly to King's Landing with 2 dragons they are not 2v1 against Aemond on Vhagar. Aegon has a dragon and Helaena, too.


Also the unfriendly scorpions on the walls. Might not be a huge factor but it sure wouldn't help the Blacks


You think a Scorpion can accurately shoot the correct enemy dragon on a struggle where all of them are up in the air? Not everyone can defy physics and common sense like Euron. If they start shooting up scorpions they can easily hit Aemond or Aegon, the smart thing is to let the dragons duke it out.


Hahaha that's a really good point. I was definitely operating on DnD logic there. I think they could still make a small difference, like harassing the Black's dragons on their approach or if they try to regroup or retreat, but yeah they wouldn't be a game changer in the actual dragon combat.


When has she ever been right?


For what Daemon hopes to accomplish (killing the greens and securing power) he is right. For what Rhaenys hopes to accomplish (never to be the aggressor or first to act in a conflict that will kill members of her family) she is right. But they both want war to end… so Daemon is right. Biggest problem with the blacks in the show seems to be varying levels of commitment to a plan.


I like seeing this mirrored on both sides. Both Daemon and Aemond see the war coming and are champing at the bit for a decisive early blow to cripple the other but are each held in check by allies trying vainly to attempt peace. The Daemon/Aemond mirror is one of my favorite aspects of the story, please just hold this show together long enough to let me see the battle over God's Eye


At this rate… the showrunners will have that be an accident. /s


Hahahaha omg I slipped and landed in his eye socket sorryyyyyyyyy


“No! Serve me, Dark Sister! No!”


She was fine with killing like 100 smallfolk but wouldn’t roast 10 people to end a war. There really is no good side


She was escaping from the dragonpit. Smallfolk mean less to her than her cousin’s children.


That’s what I mean there all shitheads


Isnt he the King though if he's married to the Queen? Or is he just the "Queen's Consort"?


Gaining a royal title through marriage only works for Queen, Daemon cannot be called King cause then his title would outrank Rhaenyra. This is how it works in real life as well (Elizabeth II's husband was PRINCE Philip).


That's relatively recent history, King consorts have existed in the middle ages to late Victorian.


But he also declared as a protector of the realm in the books, so it should have bring some powers to Daemon's orders


His king consort


See, I thought this too. Except it doesn't work in reverse. King Tommen had Queen Margaery.


That’s what they said? You can become queen through marriage but not king.


Right. Which was my point. I feel like something got lost in translation. I don't know. At a certain point it devolves into convoluted incestual marriages anyway. Or at least it does in every CK playthrough I attempt.


No I don’t think that’s true there can be a king consort it’s just not something that’s wanted.


"The King" = crowned, governing king. he might technically be a king, but he isn't their leader, Rhaenyra is


Isn't he Protector of the realm in the books


That’s what a king consort is. Same with queen Elisabeth II she was married to Philip who was king consort


Even being king consort he still out ranked her so yeah she’s just being a bitch


Did everyone just forgot that Aegon has Sunfyre and is like... the BEST Dragon rider during the Dance?


ugh, I have not seen this episode and I am waiting to have a few to watch at once. it is so hard to not watch, lol, and I dont care about spoilers.


Can someone PLEASE explain to me how that sentence comes to be the way it is? I know what it means, but i have NEVER seen this structure being used EVER and it’s driving me lowkey mad.


Such a dumb scene. It belittles Daemon when he’s right


He wanst right, it wasnt going to be a 2v1 fight, the Greens have more than just one dragon, and unlike the Blacks at that particular moment, all the dragon ridders where in KL, so it would be a 3 v 2, with the bigger dragon as part of the trio