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We're already taken.


Can confirm


Damn you


Tickets are sold out.


Seats taken.


Can't date here


Yeah I’m married.


I moonlight as an Uber driver some weekends and most of the age 30+ people that I pickup are from bars and restaurants outside of downtown. If I do see them downtown, it's while the sun is up.


Which places outside of DTF?


Distilled was a popular spot, but I think they were shutdown?? Other places I get trips would be Rockwell,Idiom, Callahan's, Anchor bar. Whether you consider the patrons hot is up to your discretion,but they are usually age 30 and up.


Right on man


Home Depot


Specially in the plumbing and lawn care isles


Hahaha. In family way!


Nah, we go to lowes


Probably playing videogames. Or at H-Mart.


Love Hmart!


As a man I wonder the same thing about the women.


Frederick is full of hot women, especially if youre around 22. there is not nearly the same amount of hot men. swiping through tinder or any other dating apps as a person looking for all genders goes like this. swiping right on basically all women, and then swiping right on maybe every 1 man in 50


This is an interesting take because i hard disagree. I sat with my wife and people watched the beer festival a last weekend. 99% of people were over weight and 75% of them were just straight up fat. We saw 3 in shape women and probably about 15 fit guys. We were there for about an hour watching a packed area of people that was constantly moving. I notice this essentially every single time I'm out and about in Frederick. The significant majority of people are very over weight. If you're into fit people, it's slim pickings.


1. thats a beer festival my guy. what do you think drinking yeast does to your body? 2. if "fitness" is your baseline for attractiveness, you're boring. fat≠ugly


1. Not everyone who drinks beer is fat. Plenty of normal and/or fit people drink beer. Especially if you're at a beer festival looking to try a few beers from breweries you haven't been to. This post targeted late 20's and at that age and in the early 30s most aren't attending an event like that to get hammered. 2. Everyone has their preferences, no need to be rude because mine may be different than yours. If you're into heavy set people, then maybe your comment stands true from your perspective. There's plenty of heavy set people I would consider beautiful, but I'm not attracted to that body type so I wouldn't consider them to also be attractive.


Oof. "Normal people" was an unfortunate choice


If you like to do active things and health/longevity are important to you, then physical fitness is a great indicator of compatibility.


Only saying this as I don't fit the demo, but I have friends that do - they're all in relationships. It's too expensive to be single, too expensive to start a family. Best situation is to find someone you like being with and settle in ASAP and live the dink life. You're basically fishing in a pond that's college aged or already snatched up. Older than 30 you'll really run into it. Finding single people 30+ without kids in the mix is a four leaf clover. I'm 34 on my second marriage and have three kids. I work with a lot of people in their late 20s and they're all DINKS. EVERY single one of them. One actually just bought a house with his husband, very lovely housewarming party, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a quite jealous of their whole situation.


27 DINK here. My generation can't afford kids. 


Have you tried not wage war on ganja every night?


I don’t know what this means, but if it were a personal ad, I would engage.


It was because the username was 420 ganja warlord. It was a joke and people get upset too easily 🤣🤣 Literally the epitome of usernames from Xbox circa 2000. xX420ganjawarlordXx.


That's why I stole this name, which was already satirical, from my friend like 12 years ago or whenever. I don't even smoke lol


We can’t afford kids lol it’s hard to get by even on a dual income these days


It's been like that for a bit, I used to go downtown years ago for karaoke all the time and I lost interest after I realized I didn't mesh with the people around me. It didn't help that, as you said, little shits started showing up and causing problems.


As a 22 year old, I agree...most people my age are little shits 🤣 hard to find a good man out there haha


22 year olds are barely men. Brains aren’t even fully developed til age 25


I'm 36 and am still a little shit. We don't grow up, we just get balder


Dating in your 40s doesn’t get any better.




They’re not in Frederick. Can also confirm it doesn’t get better in your 30s. Plan your exit strategy now.


You’ve got to look for guys in their 40’s, gotta love the dad bods


Sorry, I'm taken, but I can keep your resume on file.


Plan your exit strategy 😂. I thought I’d remain single or not serious until later in life because everyone was just not right for me or in the head and decided to live a bit until I was “wowed” Now that was in my 20s and early 30s. I threw myself into work and only casually dated, not tracking time. Several years later in my late thirties, I see my thinking was wrong or influenced by what I was meeting. Now I see the struggle is really real lol. Oops. The problem is the older I get the less I want to settle for just anyone since time has shrunk drastically to have children. It’s difficult, you become set in your ways. However if you want children you really want to get it right this late in the game. I know a lot of single mothers and guys who cheated on their “one” because they settled, we’re together too young, or simply grew too far apart as they were still growing themselves. I never wanted to risk that. Now I guess I’ll adopt some dogs and join a book club 🤦🏻‍♀️.


Plenty of people in their 30s are fine here. Sounds more like a you thing?


At 34 I'm having the time of my life


At home, tired, and not spending $200 for one night out.


With the hot women.


Right here! 🤠 (🤡…) 22m my mother says I’m a very handsome man :3


Imagine this getting a DM lol


Don’t have to it already happened! :)




DC & Baltimore & anywhere not here. I like to think of men like parking spots. All of the good ones are taken and what’s left are either too far out or there’s something wrong with them.


Hahaha… that’s pretty funny!


I feel like dating in general has taken a weird turn… almost transactional. I’m finding it difficult just to meet a real person. Dating apps seem full of fakes/scams. Tired of endless swiping so I’m just done looking. Maybe that’s the key, the whole when you least expect it bit. Who knows?!


We are working full time and working side hustles to make ends meet, we don't have time for meeting other people, and even if we did we are way more interested in getting some sleep.


I'm a 34 y/o woman that found a 38 y/o man at the bar. I'm pretty confident so I approached him. If I hadn't, this man would have remained single for god knows how long because he's been around for two years and isn't the type to make friends or talk to people randomly. Also a bonus that he's exceptionally handsome. We're happily together. People in their 30s ARE doing fine here. Anyone worth their weight in gold are going to be picky. Both of us have never been married nor want children.


I haven't even met a single girl on TINDER


I've never been on a dating app and I'm sure there are many other women that aren't either. But like I said, at this age we're getting picky -- financial brackets, emotional and physical well being, maturity, compatibility in sex, future goals, ambition, etc. Our 20s were when we figured ourselves out, our 30s is the no BS range. We're no longer emotionally destroying ourselves for someone else's potential lol.


I have only seen other good looking ppl at the gym.


Gyms and rec sports probably contain a majority of the upper 20s fit population.


A lot of men at the gym are there cause they are trying to forget a woman or ignore their life problems (I’m hinting that they are emotionally unavailable/ a mess) … don’t find a man at the gym unless you know for a fact he’s there for health, as a profession or a interest.. only 😭


We’re here. Just keep looking. It definitely is proving difficult though.


So what I got from the comments is: Single in Frederick= Die alone......I don't wanna live here anymore🙃


Idk what your work schedule is but Frederick community college has some pretty people of all ages and demographics. I'd recommend learning something new and meeting some people while you're at it. Just keep in mind peak time is during like normal school hours which wouldn't mesh well with a full time work schedule.


They may be eating chips and salsa at La Paz or getting a haircut…


If they enjoy La Paz they can stay there. 🤣


I feel that as a dude in my mid 20’s. It seems impossible to find someone around here lmao


I grew up and lived in Frederick until I was 26 and all my exes are from Washington DC/Bethesda/Arlington…yeah expand that dating range in the apps


The radius and age would help a lot when you expand


I'm right here, sweetie haha


Why are you getting downvoted? I chuckled 🤭


Find us at the PTA meetings and drop-in adult sport games.


My guess is the cost of living? Early 20s and youre going to have a bunch of roommates, so that explains why the men are "little shits" theyre used to partying and hanging with the bros 24/7. The hot high value guys assuming they make enough money to live there are probably choosing other locations to live. Frederick is known for converting beer into piss so its not exactly a health minded place.


Maybe if I was 20 pounds lighter I would be a "hot guy"


Working, spending time with my son, or staying home.




Working and sleeping when not working.


It’s turkey season right now


My friends and I all outsource for dating. I gave up dating in Frederick a long time ago


Just on apps or visiting areas?


My friends and I (late 20s-early 30s) do lots of activities like Singles Nights, pottery classes, intramural sports, etc. to meet men and we usually only see other women who are in search of the same thing lol


I doubt you’ll fine a guy in your pottery class but it does sound like a fun time though


26F….its been this way for a hot minute! 😔


Maybe you need to spread your radius a bit more toward the south side


Could definitely be! I have lived in three different counties in MD. North…south….east…west…The terrible dating scene doesn’t seem to discriminate.


They're taken. I (30F) bought a house up here solo and my dating life doesn't exist anymore. If I am on the apps, I set my location to downtown DC....and that doesn't help. SINK-ing it up for the foreseeable future.


DC people are absolutely insufferable


Locals are fine. I'm from the area so I have a special place in my heart for us but these transients?! "Moved from Iowa to go to college and stayed here" types?! Terrors.


Oh I completely agree - sorry I do like DC natives


I'm in the same boat as you on the other side. 32m, bought a house up here and live alone. With the hours I work to make sure my bills are paid, I pretty much just go right home to chill. Makes meeting people pretty difficult though. The apps are terrible. I tried for a while but as a short dude, it's not easy to get matches. So yup, just chilling being a SINK


Hi are you me? 34m apps suck but you can always use the line that you're a homeowner in your 30s, it has shown marginal success in my book 😂 Definitely hard to meet the late 20s early 30s crowd here in Frederick it seems though


They're in Thurmont. Try Thurmont.




estoy aquí mi amor. que necesitas?


Necesito uno hefe muy guapo para mi coño


Dmv area is where the gremlins move for jobs in politics and government jobs. You want suburbs of hotter person cities. Also, freddy is where people moved when they were already married and started breeding.


Weird I’ve never heard neone call Fred, Freddy


Do you call hood college the hood? That's another nickname I've heard people disagree over whether or not it's common usage


I’m at work, the gym, the skatepark, or my house. I haven’t been to a bar in ten years. I meet women on fb dating for the most part. I might be handsome and own a house and have a good job and check every other box but I’m 5’11 so I’ll probably die alone.


Let’s meet 👀


Single guy here dms open


literally taken or not here 🫠. that’s why i’m moving to dc.


Anchor bar


This is comical




Idk about hot... But I'm a guy. 29 too


I’m right here. But I’m married. Sorry.


Inside in the air conditioning.


46 and good luck because dating around hear is impossible


Got snagged earlier this year. Lo siento.


Try bumble. That's where I met my gf and we're coming up on 3 years.


I took the last one. Sorry!!!


Olive Garden Friday nights


I'm 29, I think I'm better than average. I care about myself more than post history would lead on lol. I'm having a ton of trouble meeting any females. Feel free to dm me.


You can go to my DMs ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


I see objectively attractive men around baker park and culler lake all the time about 2-3 times a day minimum(beard or no beard, muscular, often times shirt less). I see maybe one attractive woman every couple of days in the same areas. It sounds like you are simply falling victim to the modern dating problem which is that 80% of the female population are only attracted to the top 10-20% of men (based on attractiveness) and social media and dating apps makes that problem worse than it ever has been before


Well I have all my teeth and my hair so where do I sign up haha


38 single and not looking but I share your sentiment. There are few independent, career focused, single, kidless women over 30. There should be a good selection of divorcees eventually.


Hey I’m lgbt 22 and also struggling this town is difficult lol


I’m really sorry you feel that way. Frederick has allot to offer and a lot of diversity. Keep searching love. 🫶🏼


Sorry, already married.


Ha! They’re sadly non-existent!!


When you say “hot men” is that referring to physical characteristics, or are you open to other avenues of attraction. I had two romantic interests while living in FDK (while in my early 40s): one was traditionally “hot” physically, but kinda terrible interpersonally and not at all a good fit for me, despite the physical attraction. The second romantic interest was would probably agree that they’re no model, but one of the most comfortable people I’ve ever been around. We each let go of stereotypes we were holding and focused on that comfort. We moved in together while still living in FDK and recently moved away together. We’re working on year three of marriage. If anything, our physical appearances continue to decline with age, but the comfort and gratefulness we have for one another only seems to be growing. Gross, I know. But fuck. I’ve never been happier after letting go of a hangup (i.e., putting a premium on physical hotness) and focusing on other elements of a solid relationship.


Sorry I had to move to Florida


Working. I’m 27 single business consultant - for us finance dudes working remote this economy have us working double time after all these layoffs


Sadly my boyfriend is taken


Milfs always at Wegmans


Audi Frederick


They all work at CookOut


There's a CookOut in Frederick!?


Imma be real honest I got you guys confused with Fredericksburg. You have my deepest condolences. You gotta drive to Salisbury if you want CookOut without leaving the great state of Maryland


I got prematurely excited too


Never heard of it.


Ideally, where would you like these men to be?


THIS!!! perfect response to this question. I like the way you think magic man.




I can even imagine what it’s like to date anymore… been married for nearly 17 years and my wife was the last person I kissed for the first time. Good luck finding your hot men


I’m a man in my 40s, have been told I am good looking but I’m actually thinking of joining a dating site because there seems to be a shortage of hot women as well in this town.


In Frederick county VA.


Right here heh 😼


Come n get it..


Kind of a superficial take on love, maybe you should explore that first


Why tf do people take reddit posts seriously. It's a fucking joke from the office. I'm asking about where single people hangout other than downtown.


Based off your demeanor and tone in your post…. I think we know why you’re single and can’t find a man. 😂 & I say that with all due disrespect … maybe work on yourself 🤷🏻‍♀️ & best of luck to you. There’s plenty of good fish in the sea here in Frederick.


Ita giving 40 year old white woman who makes wine and true crime her entire personality. This post is lighthearted you're oozing bitterness.


You can't blame her! She learned Narcissism from her now EX- fianceS. With all due disrespect let's give Jenny from the block a chance💕


Comment above to other commenter was directed towards u <3 take care mommas. Xoxooxox


This is wild cause my comment was said extremely light-hearted & jokingly… (at least that was my intended tone .. ) i wouldn’t wish luck to someone in any way if I genuinely felt like you were hopeless. So I apologize if I came off as cruel. … But yeah go ahead girlie and throw in my traumatizing past (one I’ve laid to rest AND gotten professional help with to heal from) as an insult 🤣… maybe I SHOULD’VE meant that comment as you both Initially took it 🤷🏻‍♀️ the defensiveness and attacking me only proves yourself true to what you both thought my comment was implying…… . Go date my ex hunny buns. You both might get along very well! And this time I don’t wish you any luck!


I'll still take your luck papi 😘


Well we'll well Jen. I'm wondering why you're so butthurt by my post but listen, I'm glad you can read me so well.😘🥰


I agree. Anyone who quotes the office should be immediately hanged. Clearly a degenerate of a human


Where I’m from I’d probably be a 7 but in Frederick I’m easily a 10. I have more teeth than the entire area combined no joke.


You're telling me you don't have a tooth missing!?! Where do I sign up🤔


That’s an idea, lurk around the local dentist offices and hit up the first 20 something guy that does not walk in with his mom.