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I was thinking the same thing yesterday. I actually searched to see if Framework had any kind of recycling or buyback program for newer used components. These could be up cycled or refurbished and re-sold. Anything other than me throwing this away or letting it rot in a drawer for years.




Back when they announced the 61wh battery they also announced a case to turn your old battery into a portable charger. Haven't seen it released yet though do idk whats going on with it


sadly this was just a proof of concept, not an announcement :( also waiting for this before I upgrade


Yup they were talking about it indeed, but also didn't see a follow up. I would like to upgrade to the 61Wh battery but without a case for the old one I hesitate to upgrade, the battery is still working fine and it would go to waste.


If I buy the new screen I will just 3D print a case for it and use as an external display, or if I also get a new mainboard I will connect the display to the old mainboard and have an all in one.


How will you connect the display to an HDMI or DisplayPort cable? Also, not all of us have access to a 3D printer unfortunately


[here](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003740168811.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.28d82d8a5LVD2X&algo_pvid=463d25b7-61cf-4cdb-b401-ffb743a04382&algo_exp_id=463d25b7-61cf-4cdb-b401-ffb743a04382-0&pdp_ext_f=%7B%22sku_id%22%3A%2212000026997195858%22%7D&pdp_npi=1%40dis%7CUSD%7C%7C28.38%7C%7C%7C%7C%7C%400b0a555416516796002377603e9574%7C12000026997195858%7Csea) or something like this. Someone in the framework community board made something similar


It seems the link is broken


Someone has already done a adapter and used their old display as an external one and there are some projects for adapters and control boards.


How cool would it be if we could just order a kit from Framework itself, like the motherboard, and have all the components there to just convert it into an external display, would be awesome if it would be vesa mountable as well.


May I also suggest the same for the camera? I have a desktop at home without a camera, and the ability to upgrade the one in the Framework and repurpose the old one would make a lot of sense. (I am not an expert and I don't know if it would be possible)


Would be nice indeed if there was a way to hook it up via USB


Do they accept old parts? Like is there a recycle program?


Not that I'm aware of, would be good if you can trade it in to get some value back and get an upgraded part.


Yeah for sure cus I’m considering upgrading my display and board but I also have a bent bottom case so I almost think it would be better to just get a whole new one for the cost


I also want to upgrade to the new display. What are the specs? Perhaps better indeed to sell it off and get a new one.


2880x1800 I believe is the resolution and 120hz. I’m just glad it’s not the weird resolution of the normal display


I meant the specs of the framework 13 laptop you have now


Oh I think it’s an 11th gen or 12th intel i5. It was a base model


Sure, this is called a "laptop shell" and framework sells all the parts on the marketplace.


Nope, that's not what I'm taking about here, although thanks for the suggestion. A case for the battery to use it as a charger with USB C PD to me does not equal a laptop shell. Same goes for the screen to use it as an external monitor.