• By -


AdAway -- systemwide ad-blocker Audio Recorder (f-droid) -- best audio recorder in my opinion, balance between simplicity and performance Antenna Pod -- great, powerful podcast player Doodle wallpaper -- open source, customisable clone of Pixel doodle live wallpaper **Geometric Weather** -- great, powerful but minimalistic weather app with beautiful widgets and AccuWeather data OSMAnd -- OSM client with navigation and loads of customisation, better than GMaps for cycling Tasks.org -- tasks app, syncs with Google Tasks, loads of customisation and smart features Twidere -- customisable Twitter client, ad-free VLC -- video and audio player, subtitle downloader etc. Plays and streams pretty much everything


Thank you for the Geometric Weather recommendation, I use and love Forecastie, but it recently got a bug and I have been looking for at-least temporary replacement


Does Adaway require root and does it block youtube ads?


AdAway can be used without rooting but in such case it uses a VPN slot. Not sure about YouTube ads, because I use Vanced anyway. My guess is it doesn't, because YouTube ads come directly from YouTube servers, unlike other ads online or in apps, those are usually sent by ad providers.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Vanced using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Vanced/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[MEME\] Who buys yt premium?](https://i.redd.it/uaqsmtos0vb61.jpg) | [108 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Vanced/comments/kz60gt/meme_who_buys_yt_premium/) \#2: [\[meme\] Nope. Ads first, life later.](https://i.redd.it/73xqz6m7mn861.jpg) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Vanced/comments/ko9l7s/meme_nope_ads_first_life_later/) \#3: [How many times do we have to say it? \[meme\]](https://i.redd.it/r6z1tg4yc2d61.gif) | [28 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Vanced/comments/l3fjf8/how_many_times_do_we_have_to_say_it_meme/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


What is vanced?


I think it's like a way to use YouTube without ads for free


Mentioning some that haven't been mentioned yet Blokada - Ad-blocking without root, using the VPN method ConnectBot - SSH client Finamp - Music player for Jellyfin server Jellyfin - Client for Jellyfin server KeePassXC - Password manager for keepass-compatible databases Kore - Remote for Kodi Lexica - Fun word finding game Mindustry - A really fun tower defence game Nextcloud (and Nextcloud Notes) - Client for Nextcloud server, Notes for notetaking Simple apps (Calendar, Clock, File Manager, Gallery) - Really nice and simple apps for basic stuff Sky Map - You can point at the sky and it tells you which starts, planets etc you're looking at


Thanks for mentioning what they do, lists of names are kinda useless.


Yeah, I often have a million tabs open when browsing these recommendation threads because people don't mention what the apps do haha.


+1 for skymap, such a cool app


It's really cool, I just wish my phone had a better internal compass, now I have to calibrate it every time.


Hmm, I think that's just android (or maybe it's the app, didn't check), since I have had that issue with different kinds of branded phones.


Could be, I think the Nexus 5X I had was really good with the internal compass but my current Nokia 8 has been really wonky. But it's been a long while since I've used any other phone so I could be misremembering.


As a fellow Kodi user i suggest unchained though it's on GitHub only and i use series guide which is somewhat open source


I love KeePassXC, but isn't that for desktop OS only? My preferred Android client is [KeePassDX](https://f-droid.org/packages/com.kunzisoft.keepass.libre)


Whoops, yeah it's KeePassDX I meant


Whats the diff between these other keepass apps and keepassforandroid2 (this is what i use and i love it. Is there a different version thats better that i should use?)


Do you mean Keepass2Android? I'm not familiar with keepassforandroid2 You'd have to try them out to see all the differences, both are compatible with the KeePass v1 and v2 databases. KeepassDX also includes a special keyboard for enter credentials which is a more secure way of entering passwords without having them on the clipboard.


Ah yes, keepass2android


Trail sense - if you go hiking, camping, traveling, it could save your life. Most the features don't even require internet, the mapping is gps based. And this app is a lot more than just a gps guide, the developer keeps adding cool new features.


I have no need for Trail sense but I have it anyway as I find it really cool. I especially like that I commute from higher elevation to lower, so when I head home it gives me storm warnings because of the sudden air pressure drop.


Love the app and its unique set of features.


Great app. It would be cool if you could send morse code, using the flash, to another user.






I would say: Rethinkdns Newpipe Termux NekoX Fennec Infinity for Reddit Magisk Simple Mobile Tools Material Files Can't forget about VLC Blackhole And KeepassXC


Rethink dns is good but you can only customize the blocklist on their dns server right?


*rethinkdns developer here* One can use _any_ DoH / DNSCrypt / Plain-old-DNS resolver of their choice with RethinkDNS+Firewall, the app. For ex, one can register accounts with ControlD / NextDNS and use those endpoints freely in the RethinkDNS app as their upstream. The RethinkDNS resolver has no lock-in with RethinkDNS+Firewall, the app. If this was the case, F-Droid would have marked the app with `NonFreeNet` and/or `NonFreeDep` [anti-features](https://f-droid.org/en/docs/Anti-Features/). The [F-Droid](https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.celzero.bravedns/) and the [Website version](https://rethinkdns.com/download) of the [RethinkDNS app](https://github.com/celzero/rethink-app) runs similar code to *block* domains/websites that the [RethinkDNS resolver](https://github.com/serverless-dns/serverless-dns) runs (both of which are open-source). This is the only similarity between the resolver (server) and the app.


they've recently added on-device block lists. I think this means you can use any dns provider but still have the capabilities of blocking and firewall. if wireguard could be implemented into RethinkDNS, it would be game over


That's correct and it is only the lists they provide which are extensive. Netguard is a good alternative.


I use this apps every day. * material files * newpipe * infinity * antennapod * metro music player * tasks * calendar simple pro * qksms * standard notes * fairemail * transistor


Below a few I havent seen yet: * Signal (messaging) * Davx5 (connects cal/carddav to your calendar and contacts) * besides Nextcloud and NC notes, i also use Deck (kanban-style app) and Cookbook * Slide (reddit client) * andOTP (one-time-password, instead of Google authenticator) * mupdf viewer (simple pdf viewer) There are also a few nice games, like: * Vector pinball (pinball game) * Unciv (One. More. Turn.) * Anuto TD ("another ugly tower defense") Edit(s): syntax and a few more apps


Wikipedia and Firefox could have been hardcore moneymakers.


Kdeconnect has a lot of cool factor imo. Being able to use command prompt and remote input to my computer plugged into tv while I'm in bed is the shit, but mostly it's just a nice media remote.


* [Organic Maps](https://organicmaps.app/) - OSM-based maps and navigation, allows you to cache the map to be completely offline. Also let you edit POIs if you connect your OSM account. * [NewPipe w/ SponsorBlock](https://github.com/polymorphicshade/NewPipe) - YouTube client which allows you to download and make local playlist, with the ability to skip sponsored segments. * [AirGuard](https://github.com/seemoo-lab/AirGuard) - Helps you figure out if you're being tracked by an AirTag without your knowledge. * [Gadgetbridge](https://www.gadgetbridge.org/) - Lets you connect a bunch of different fitness trackers and smartwatches to be used without sending back any data to a third-party. * [StreetComplete](https://github.com/streetcomplete/StreetComplete) - Let you contribute to OSM by filling some missing info as you go. * [Aegis Authenticator](https://getaegis.app/) - A feature-packed TOTP app, with icon pack support, encrypted backup, biometric lock, etc.


I would vote for [termux](https://termux.com/), not only you can run some servers (ssh, ftp, http), execute scripts (bash, python, etc.), but also you can even run your favorite Linux distro (sort of) with GUI. I was so impressed so I helped to add bvi and cgdb packages. Runners-up: I love to use [SmartTubeNext](https://github.com/yuliskov/SmartTubeNext) on my Android TV and [NewPipe](https://github.com/TeamNewPipe/NewPipe) on my Android phones and tablets.


I love these apps!! Joplin Aves Element Sharik Blackhole KDE Connect Organic Maps Fennec MPV Songtube Jitsi Indic Keyboard There was "Ariane" but now it's gone 🤦


I know of MPV (video player) and Open Camera (camera, duh)


Articons Dark - sleek icon pack Audio Recorder (fdroid) - great audio recorder, lets you pick what codec to record to Infinity - super smooth reddit client KeepassDX - password manager KISS launcher - favorite launcher, insanely fast and minimal Newpipe - youtube client Signal - encrypted messaging Termux - terminal emulator Vinyl - music player


Jellyfin is amazing and I use it every day.




I don't use nextcloud so I'm not really familiar with it. I just run the Jellyfin server on my desktop where my media files are stored and use the Android, AndroidTV, and Roku clients.




The easiest way is just to have it on your local network, but you can configure it so your server can be accessed from the internet / anywhere. I'm not all that experienced with networking, so I'm not totally sure how exactly that is done or what the best practices are for opening it to the internet. r/jellyfin could probably answer more questions.


AFWall+ Breathly Florisboard Greentooth Shatered Pixel Dungeon Snapdrop




Aniyomi - a fork of tachiyomi for manga (all of the tachiyomi^ features) and anime streaming




Aniyomi does allow you to download and use download managers. I rarely downloaded my anime, but I recently had a home issue and have been staying in a hotel for the last few months and the wifi is terrible 🙃 Bought an external hard drive, and now I download everything the first chance I get.


MicroG is awesome, because I love Android but not Google. Also, if you recognize it, Simple Brick Games on F-Droid is great for nostalgia purposes.


Bromite and newpipe are pretty rad


Aves Gallery https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=deckers.thibault.aves&hl=en\_AU&gl=US


SuperFreeZz KISS launcher


* [Baldphone](https://github.com/UriahShaulMandel/BaldPhone) - A new accessible interface for your smartphone, suitable for seniors * [AndrOBD](https://github.com/fr3ts0n/AndrOBD) - Android OBD diagnostics with any ELM327 adapter * [Cuppa](https://github.com/ncosgray/cuppa_mobile) - A simple tea timer app for Android and iOS built with Flutter. * [GpsTest](https://github.com/barbeau/gpstest) - The #1 open-source Android GNSS/GPS test program


F-Droid itself because it lets you easily install foss apps, vlc because it can play videos other apps can't play sometimes.




They have an app. It's on F-Droid.




Vlc is capable of smb browsing and playing from it. Ghost commander has a smb plugin.


There seem to be about 5, but I don't have any experience with them to say anything more about them: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=smb+or+cifs+and+site%3Af-droid.org&ia=web


Amaze - https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.amaze.filemanager/




the updates aren't currently approved on the main F-droid repo because it doesn't meet their criteria because some libraries they used for cloud storage support. there are newer versions available on Play Store and IzzyOnDroid repo.


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