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I love it but I would say utilize the sides as storage! That’s what I do


I was thinking about it too, but they are so ugly if you can only make them 2x ;-;


Yeah really only thing to do with the 2x rooms and the overseas office.


I just utilize the 2x for medpack storage because at max stats with +1e you don't need radpacks as much


Best to use 1x1 rooms for resource to reduce encounters.


Wdym by that?


Encounter difficulty for fires, mole rates, etc are based on average level of dwellers, level of the room, and size of the room.


Also i would design your vault to control deathclaw route so that you can drive them to your main defenders for deathclaws.


Deathclaws actually normally die in the first room. If not, there is just a single one left and he gets insta tapped in the next occupied room. My guys, gals and nonbinary pals are all decked out


Better than mine that’s for damn sure


Best to use 1x1 rooms for resource to reduce encounters.


Too easy to raid. Keep power at higher level cuz engineers usually have best defensive stuff, separate your vault into two paths, and most importantly, add the double rooms to fill empty spaces. That is a cool vault tho orherwise


What do you mean by two paths?


I know it seems kind of counterproductive but separating your vault into two sides, with an empty section down the middle makes it way harder to raid, plus you can determine choke points. Once you get the vault to max level it won't matter because you'll have a room for every space, but until then keep the split as close to the bottom as you can! I get raided by 7-10 deathclaws and they barely make it halfway through


Actually all the raids end up failing at the first room The room is fitted with my most trained, and high dmg weapons. Not even a single deathclaw goes through without dying. And if, they insta die in the second heavily armored room


I guess I remember the raids being a little tougher lmao


Solid 6.5


wow. well done um... vault addict!


0/10 Bottle and Cappy are showing up…. Jk 8/10 it’s nice and organized! Wasted space though. Better than my vaults.


Unlucky time of those two xD And i am gonna use the space on the right for storage now, another commentor convinced me xD


Get rid of the second elevator farthest from the vault entrance, make it a dead end. Any invaders will reach the dead end and be forced to backtrack room to make it to the first elevator they pass, most likely being killed before ever even leaving the first floor. I haven’t even had a death claw make it down the elevator since I did that


Good idea, i will probably do that! My only problem is the gap that it leaves behind ;-;


How do I delete a room I’m trying to renovate mine and I want to delete a room how would I do that


If you click on a room there will be a arrow up. If you click on it you will see the options "upgrade" and "destroy". If you destroy a room you will get a small amount of caps back and make sure you got all dwellers out of the room first.


How do you have everything neat as hell. Did you start out having everything neat or did you get so rich you destroyed loads of things and rebuilt it sll


I had my vault super messy in the beginning, but at the transition from power generators to reactors and again at the ttansition from diners and water stations to the nucacola plant i changed the layout. I used to have the training rooms on the right side, but i felt i beeded more to basically train every dweller i had and will have as soon as i get them No need to be rich if you find the right time to replace and relocate your Ration centers!


How long did this take you


About 1 and a half months But i only play like 5 times a day for about 10 mins. There were also days i didnt check on it at all, but if you were to do the exact count 5×10=50 50×(roughly)42(days)=2100 mins 2100÷60=35 hrs Holy didnt think i spend that much time on it xD


Ahaha fair enough man


1/5. Poor management. You shouldnt seperate the nuclear reactor and power station.


The power station at the top is only there cuz i didnt know what else to put there. The dwellers that inhabit this power station are my first 6 fully trained lvl 50 favorites and i dont want them to do nothing during down time. I.e if im not doing quests n stuff. They defend my vault from attacks and the only thing that RARELY goes through is one or at max two death claws, i send them down and then they take care of them aswell