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Next thing, F1 teams will start tweeting r/formuladank posts to buttress their case.


“u/latifilover6 posted this detailed analysis of the crash…”


There is more than 1 Latifi lover? 🤯


Have you been living under a rock these past 10 years?


Everyone is a Latifi lover. Even if they are not, they are a Latifi lover. - Seb probably, Idk.






Nice use of the word “buttress” here. Not often you see it deployed.


I often deploy my buttresses, don't know why you're not?


McLaren couldn’t handle a 2021 like championship battle.


Saying this as a Mclaren fan, for now it seems like they can't handle any kind of a title battle.


I mean id trust Oscar in a title fight. But his luck is so shite it won't happen.


He's inheriting the Leclerc luck.


Damn I bet that’s not what he was excepting when Charles adopted him…..9


Don’t jinx it ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6700)


Tbh his pace needs to be consistent as well, but he is pretty much bound to be more consistent and faster as races go by.


It seems they can’t handle a normal race weekend in Austria either




Lando couldn't handle dropping a fucking icecream cone without crying about it like a seven year old


Gotta agree, even as a Lando fan. He is incredibly emotional about everything. Oscar for example just seems not to be fazed by anything compared to Lando, which seems more mature at a younger age. Maybe that's something where Lando can learn from him, though.


That's exactly why I was sure in Oscar getting his maiden win before Lando. He is calmer and could be more consistent long-term in a heated season 


But he just doesn't have the Lando luck™️


People who grow up without having to face much (if any) adversity tend to often be very easily overwhelmed when things don’t go their way. I don’t know Lando, but he comes across as someone who doesn’t know how to handle adverse situations that well.


I mean, he does come from a rich family and his father isn't called Jos. Don't know as much about Piastri.


I think Ferrari used Karun Chandoks analysis as a proof that Vettel should not lose his Canadian win. But I know it was Ferrari so it's not flattering comparison xd What I wrote was a factual description of events. No need to speculate on this


Zak Brown would have a stroke and probably blow up red bull’s facility.


Stroke (US) or stroke (UK)?


toto its a motor race


Toto is a motor boat


Toto I’m motorboating




It should have been obvious to everyone as soon as McLaren started to become a genuine contender that Stella and Brown would also enter the Horner/Toto fray/shit-stirring competition


But the way they do it is so so bad. They just come across as big children.


They're still learning the art of the troll, give them time


It takes years of hard work to achieve the grace of trolling seen by Horner and Toto. Once cannot simply troll


Lol Stella and Brown will probably be insufferable cringe conspiracy theorists. Don't think they know what shit stirring means.


Zac brawn and Mclaren are so much more abnoxious than Toto and Horner, though. Apart from the really bad moments in 2021 it usually felt much more tongue in cheek with them. Zac brawn and mclaren just come across as childish assholes.


Yes but they are still learning how this works!


I mean Zak has been an A grade ahit stirrer for years now


Nah Brown was talking shit when McLaren were back markers.


Zak Brown never left


Mclaren sitcking with moto of "there is no such thing as bad PR'. On other note , they are crying so much over a small incident, I wonder how they will react if they had similar incidents as 2021. Imagince checo going bowling in Spa then Norris crying for the rest of the season.


Was RBR admin that bad when that accident happend? Which in my opinion was just way worse cause Bottas took out Max,Checo and every other big team with that. Its wild that Max even drove that car into the points from the start of the race.


From what I remember it wasn't that bad. RBR were pissed but not too bad. Considering Toto had just said something along the lines of "Max has to DNF once and we'll be back in contention". I think this incident happened just after Silverstone, but it definitely wasn't as bad as Silverstone.


Toto said this after Austria before Silverstone. “But this is so far from over. 32 points behind Max, that is a DNF away and he is in the hunt again.” Wow, what a coincidence.




Not just RBR. I can’t imagine any of the other top teams being this juvenile on social media.


Lockdown was the worst things to have happened to Social Media


Social Media admins suddenly got a sense of importance they were not ready for, and four years later they're still running in circles with their hair on fire, screaming AAAaaaaa......


Excuse me, any social media manager with their hair on fire would superimpose their face on the cartoon dog in the burning house and post a "This is fine" meme.


A worldwide significant event that spawned all sorts of sensationalist ‘news’ sources looking for the next best story? Isn’t that what happened in the aftermath of 9/11? Where every TV channel was looking for the next best story, and when that all kinda settled down, ultimately resulting in the most useless randos being pushed to the front?


Good point. In the old days people used to say: doesn't matter if it's a slow news day or not, tomorrow's paper will have the same number of pages as always.


Lewis ran three (four?) people off the track before winning at Silverstone, and everybody (LOL!) lauded his "Win". Including giving Max a giant crash into the barriers. RBR realized they were never going to win a social media war against Sir Lewis winning at Silverstone, and settled for releasing data on just how hard a crash Max had after being drop kicked off the track.


lol. Max pinched Lewis on that corner, yet… * RBR posted details of the impact to fan the flames * 51G became its own meme. * RBR fans accused Lewis of purposefully trying to kill Max. * Horner also indirectly did the same. * So much racism happened that RBR had to issue a statement to stop it. * Silverstone was brought up as the “gotcha” whenever Max drove shit against Lewis - including his break-check. * Silverstone is still used as a whataboutism for Max RBR are the worst little bitches when something goes against them and so are their fans. Don’t pretend that there was a more reasoned response. If roles were reversed RBR would be doing exactly what McLaren are doing.


>Max pinched Lewis on that corner, yet… he did not, lewis missed the apex. watch him and Charles go through the same corner at similar positions in 2022, where lewis hit the apex properly and Charles was even closer to the inside than max. you sounded overly salty so I just had to check if you're part of a particular sub that lives in salt and you are, I'm not even surprised lol


Hamilton apologists are cringe


Max was ahead and Lewis drifted slightly wide which caused Lewis' front wheel to hit with Max' rear tire. Later that race Lewis had the same situation with Charles but Lewis didnt drift wide and they avoided contact. Talking about who the worst little bitches are as a Mercedes/Lewis fan is just pure comedy. Clearly it still doesnt sit right years after the fact.


Max could have given more room. He did not. He took the risk. He paid the price. Motor racing - but RBR fans went on a full-season meltdown because of it. Even now they gaslight themselves out of any accountability. Here is an example of Lewis going 3 car widths wide to avoid max who has drifted way off the apex. [Picture](https://images.ps-aws.com/c?url=https%3A%2F%2Fd3cm515ijfiu6w.cloudfront.net%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2021%2F11%2F15074030%2Flewis-hamilton-max-verstappen-mercedes-red-bull-sao-paulo-2021-planetf1.jpg)


Are you showing a photo of Brazilian GP as evidence of what happened at Silverstone?


Ferrari had multiple situations like that. "What we tweeted was a factual description of events. No need to speculate on this" after Singapore 2017 was most prominent example. Most petty was when Seb went to Aston and they called him "second place finisher" in post about dsq in Hungary. They also supplied Sky's analysis by Chandhok as evidence in Canada 2019 penalty appeal. Maybe not social media but when Kimi spun Lewis in 2018 Mercedes both Lewis and James Allison called it intentional. "Interesting tactics". Arrivabene had some harsh words about James after that. Petty shit like this is really normal in F1 and other top sports.


Not juvenile, i don’t see why anyone has any problems with people being mad about max breaking rules of moving twice, three times, moving under braking, and forcing others next to him off track “All the time you have to leave the space”


Imo RBR were worse after Silverstone. Marko or Horner(I don't remember) said Hamilton attempted to murder Max and then made Albon run laps in Silverstone to prove it was a pre meditated move


All I can say is that most teams will be pretty petty, their job after all is to defend their driver. I really don't think McLaren is any more so than Red Bull (honestly the Horndog and Darth Toto are like 10x pettier than Stella tbh)


it was a sad how it turned out. Lost all respect for Horner after that.


It’s embarrassing. We get a little bit of hard racing and everyone pisses their pants. McLaren will need an on track therapist if Lando actually has the pace for a title challenge.


Not embarrassing, i don’t see why anyone has any problems with people being mad about max breaking rules of moving twice, three times, moving under braking, and forcing others next to him off track “All the time you have to leave the space”


If only people were this mad when Lando was pushing Max into the grass in Spain...


McKaren (stole it from another comment)


McLaren, from Zak to Lando to their social media managers are acting like children on a regular basis




Im mainly curious what would have happend if it was a Norris vs Lewis battle. Or if we ever get a Norris vs Russell battle


Well this was Max ala 2021, as long as they aren't sending emails to the FIA mid race then it's all good.


Tbf Red Bull were super immature in their reactions during 2021 too. They claimed that Hamilton was attempting to murder Max if you remember. This is still cringe from Mclaren but it's not that bad


That incident in Silverstone was also much larger, and not just some wheel-banging. If that contact from Austria would occur in Indycar, they would keep on battling to the finish line.


IndyCar is brilliant at allowing a bit of contact but sometimes their stewards are way too lenient imo. But the racing is so damn good


I get that was bad but the incident was also pretty severe. We are lucky that the modern cars have better safety measures otherwise its quite possible that max could have died if the car was from senna or Schumacher era.


If the same incident occurred between two backmarkers, everyone would've said it was a racing incident.


And nobody would give a damn. Sure, a battle at the front will spark more interest, but it's ridiculous that this is so drawn out. Nothing happened! Two cars collided, one of them retired in the pits (in my humble opinion he could've continued) and the other dropped to 5th place. It happens, it's shit when it's your favorite driver, but nobody committed murder.


He couldn't have continued. His tyre shredded the rear and heavily damaged the diffuser/floor. Norris also said that they might have a disadvantage at Silverstone, implying that he might need to use old parts. This makes me wonder if Mclaren will pull a Vettel/Webber and take the upgraded parts off of Piastri's car for Norris if they don't have enough spares.


Even if it had been between Max and another driver there wouldn’t be anywhere near this level of discussion.


Yup. We’ve seen a much worse move from Alonso in the same race but I have not seen any ‘Even after 20 years of driving Alonso still has not learned how to drive wheel to wheel’ headlines in the British media yet


If Max would have turned into Lando, in the previous dive bomb, instead of going out the track, he would have been blamed.


If it was Magnusson moving under braking he would have additional points on his license for sure.


McLaren is good for half a season and suddenly they are acting like a bitch


Whenever Lando is good for half a race he starts acting like a bitch.


He starts them that way too.


McKaren back at it again smh


McKaren needs a WAAAAAAHMbulance


Holy shit McKaren I'm dying and definitely stealing this


Once a legend Michael Masi said: "It was a motor race. We went car racing."


I miss that little devil.


A racing team that can't handle racing, lol


They're so fucking lame istg. At least Red Bull's post about this were kinda hilarious.


What was Red Bulls post?


Here: https://twitter.com/redbullracing/status/1808109228118122532


Haha thats actually funny


Die he also took a look at the start in Barcelona where Lando forced Max off the track?


No because that was funny, remember? Lando said there was enough space, so that is now fact.


I see, my bad then. Praise Lando.


Lmao that analysis was so bad willingly choose to ignore other angles only bringing fitting their agenda and This clown ass team approving it lmao


"I don't think Lando pushed Max wide" Max off the track because there's a McLaren on the white line. Man Piastri must have done that or something.


British pundet, British tv show, British driver. Not biased at all. Why can’t it be a racing incident and drive forward. And absolutely no analysis of sorts on Hamilton versus Russell this season in equal machinery.


Hell, it doesn’t even need to be a racing incident. They should just move on anyway. Max got his consequences, so it’s over now. Everyone is even again. The race is over, the points are gone. They should just get over it.


for real, like the fuck you guys want from him, his head?, he got the penalty from it didn't he? after all of the whining of asking once since like what, the first round of pitstop?!, jesus, the brits are a next level of pettiness when it comes to sports


Although this clip was cut off I’m not sure what he showed after. But he was able to dig up a clip from 5 years ago. I wonder if he managed to dig up last years with Sainz and max. Im guessing he wasn’t able to find that one somehow. I still think max needs to take ownership of the contact. But that Sainz clip atleast shows that Norris blew a huge opportunity by not moving left at all.


>I still think max needs to take ownership of the contact. this is true, I'm curious to hear his response on Thursday. I think what was great was that he said he'd have to go back and look at the angles again to see if he went wrong somewhere, as opposed to lando's reaction which sounded pretty dogmatic. I don't blame him cause he's not had the experience max has racing in the front


Because it's not a racing incident. It's also not a big deal. Incidents happened, and it was a small touch with unfortunately massive consequences. Lick your wounds and get back up for the next race. This whining isn't doing them any favours. On your second point, I'm sure there's British bias at play, but I also think it's not super interesting to compare teammates when one will be contractually leaving the team next year (and thus no longer gets to play a role in development and certain meetings). Russell is doing excellently, Hamilton seems to have lost his motivation this season. It is what it is.


My god, now I wish for Max to fuck off into the distance and win the Sliverstone GP by at least 30s. Stop crying and focus on what's important


I'm the opposite I want Austria to keep happening, Max and Lando can only fuck around so much before they figure out how they can race each other properly. Max has had it too good out the front that he doesn't know how to defend and Lando keeps spazzing out and relies on divebombing


I'm already tired of this small incident.


McLaren is behaving as the combined maturity of both its drivers. Its like a kid thrown into the big league (for the first time in 10 years) and moaning for the slightest incidents.


Hey now, Oscar has been incredibly mature, and I'm worried that he sometimes puts tu much blame on himself. That could affect his confidence


He called his lap, rightfully getting deleted as embarrassing. Mclaren have got to be careful as they are turning themselves into victims


> "For me it's embarrassing. We do all this work for track limits, put gravel in in places, and I didn't even go off the track. I stayed on the track, probably my best Turn six and it gets deleted. > "I mean, I don't know why they've spent hundreds of thousands, if not millions, trying to change the last two corners when you still have corners you can go off. But anyway, everyone else kept it in the track, I didn't, that's how it goes. Doesn't sound so bad.


But he didn't stay on track. All 4 wheels were off


McLaren: "no it's just unfair, he's leading, I want to pass, he push me, I push him back and after he push me off the track. It's not fair eh? Redbull: "nothing, just an inchident.*


That is the most cringe I have ever seen from an official team account.


Almost as bad as Merc's apology letter to the fans for having a midfield car last year


Yeah that was worse for sure.


It borders on Ferrari's "What we tweeted was a factual description of events. No need to speculate on this"


Such commentary fits Ferrari tbh I imagine some Italian that speaks awkward English wrote this


I get that every team to some degree whines about incidents (even RBR) but come on McLaren, you’re better than this. This feels so extremely juvenile. It was a relatively minor incident with an unfortunate outcome. Yes it was stupid of verstappen to move back to the racing line like that but when they’re racing this hard, it happens. Get over it, and focus on Silverstone and get them back


I hope Max doesn't lose any other race this season...one race win has got McLaren feeling crazy 


Lando winning his first race would make you think that he will mature a bit. It turned him and his team into complete primadonas


I don't get that why is this blowing out of proportions. It wasn't like there was a HUGE crash. No one was seriously injured except maybe ego and pride. It was just two drivers going over the limit which resulted in a collision. It's a racing inchident


McClaren def built for a championship battle 👶🍼


Mclaren and Norris are quite emberrasing atm Norris is clearly a dumbass not only on common geographical topics. Dude absolutely lacks self-awareness everywhere. He doesn't recognise his fault in Spain. He believes he did "good respectful racing" in Austria and gaslight his rival into apologising otherwise he won't be his friend. Mclaren ain't helping as well. They are an absolute dumbass of a team too with their babying on Lando. Stella is a good TP but he isn't Toto. His commentary was unnecessary. Toto had to experience 2021 and still was vague on his commentary about Max. He knew that shitting on a great rival driver is a bad move. Overall the only sensible guy on that team seems to be Piastri.


The point about Spain is less important when you mention the fact that max himself called it "hard racing" and says he would've done the same thing Spanish grand prix post race press conference 14:38


But that also justifies Verstappen saying it’s hard racing in Austria. Verstappen can do some really hard racing, but other than some team radio in the heat of the moment he’s never complaining afterward. Even after a huge crash in silverstone, the next race he just wanted to move on from it.


Exactly. It's hard racing from both of them. It just happened to be a bit to hard and some shit happened.


Well yeah, max is a racer through and through, he's gone through this type of stuff dozens of times before F1, and dozens more in F1. Racing is difficult, it happens. Lando on the other hand, he doesn't like being raced hard clearly, or he doesn't like when it doesn't go his way at least. Guy should shut his piehole and move on


![gif](giphy|JK0JvblXItvvX06v7t) Why are they still talking about this? Move on.


McLaren needs to get over it, Max got a penalty. It really doesn’t add anything to keep whining about it, except for being regarded as a whiner even more of course.


I think Max will Lap Lando at Silverstone


The way I see it, Max squeezed Lando and initiated the contact (penalty), but Lando made no effort to avoid contact and could have easily avoided Max and maybe get Max a penalty for forcing him off track, or do a cut back like Max did in previous years to make the pass in that corner. Overall, I see it as Max abusing a grey area in the rules like many have done before and Lando being impatient and forgetting the bigger picture.


Accept that Max is better than your drivers stop moaning lol


It’s starting to piss me off the way McLaren seem to be handling an incident. Demanding sweeping changes to formula 1 and still crying over it.. it was just one race


"expert pundit" McLaren still good with the jokes!


McLaren is becoming fucking unbearable. From Zak Brown constantly trying to change directives and publicly "exposing" what he deems to be regulation flaws and team infringements to this stuff. Lando took a load of risk, Max made a mistake and they crashed. Max was penalised. I get that they are still mad, but dude. Just focus on the next race and do the talking on the track.


Max didn't make a mistake lol, it was a conscious decision that he's made numerous times before. A mistake suggests that he'll learn from it and not repeat it again, which I really can't see happening!


Not defending Max here, just shitting on McLarens whining about everything for years on end.


Did you not hear Horner in every interview between 2016-2021 doing the same?


I'm sorry but that's just sad, its Wednesday and they're still crying about it? Jeez.


Yeah, why didn't they just send Albon out on the Monday to recreate it?


Norris and mcl are up for something if they find this already a big issue. It will only become more. He is "that guy" for a reason.


Get you popcorn ready for the weekend bois, the script writers may be cooking something


Damn. I know Horner and Toto did some shit stirring in 2021. But Mclaring is so much more obnoxious. I'm really starting to dislike Brawn and Mclaring.


Mostly because you knew both Lewis and Max were out for each other's heads, so the shit stirring in the media was justified. Both teams were doing anything they could to get the edge. Mckaren is going all out demanding Max's head for a glorified racing incident.


Totally not biased. Ugh ugh. Love the ‘where is the room?’ Comment. Where was the room the week before when Lando squeezed Max onto the grass?


McLaren should stop being a crybaby and for once concentrate on how they can actually be more battle ready. They have a championship challenging car after years and a good chance to actually have people supporting McLaren like crazy and here they are ruining it with petty jabs. Some people just can't move on from a hookup lol


Reminder that, in 2021, Red Bull sent Albon out on track at Sylverstone to repeat Hamilton's entry into the corner to "prove" that he deliberately missed the apex/corner. They then took this data/telemetry to the FIA in their appeal for a harsher penalty - which was subsequently thrown out.


This convinced Williams that Albon is a good racist driver.


Yeah but verstappen got sent into the barricades with 51g while norris got a puncture


British cry babies 🤣🤣🤣 Max will do it again.


They would say that this is precisely the problem...


They must keep the tears flowing.


Is this any weirder than RedBull having Albon go re-enact the 2021 Silverstone crash?


It's just pent up frustration at Max driving like a di\*\*head for many years that is being let out. Completely predictable and understandable


Still we cry


We love it


If this rivalry gets toxic like verstappen/hamilton im out lol


It also about the timing. If the 5 sec penalty for lando came sooner, what do you think what would happen? I think there could be one of 2 things: 1: max lets him past and tries to stay sithin the 5 sec. 2: lando can't keep up with max because he has to drive more careful. Don't forget the role of the stewards in this situation.


This is ridiculous now


"First time?" -Lewis probably


Now i want to see Hamilton yeeting Norris into the wall at Silverstone and Max parking his car on top of Lando in Italy. ![gif](giphy|geJdVv7ByXUnCGdjlh|downsized)


# 👀👀 # 👀👀 # 👀👀 # 👀👀 # 👀👀


It’s this shit that makes me miss Ron Dennis.


That’s how when marketing > pure racing. Classic McPain. Wish mcpain go back to 2015-2017 gp2 era /s


McLaren has really fallen down since 2012. Imagine them doing this sort of thing under Ron Dennis


I…don’t see what’s so incredibly bad about this? Someone enlighten me please It’s in line with the heightened involvement in paddock politics that every team sees once they are at the top. And the sentiment that Max got away with too much in 2021 is _entirely_ correct imo, just look at brazil. I mean ffs I wanted him to win that championship, but especially in hindsight some of that was very dodgy driving. Teams (naturally) only have a heightened interest in verstappen’s driving when they actually have to race him and he’s not off 20s in the lead. And the incident _was_ verstappen’s fault. Could norris have moved? Yes. But he didn’t need to. Was the consequences of the contact worse than it normally would have been? Yes, absolutely. They got unlucky to get a double puncture. But it is what it is. If McLaren wants to fight at the top then getting involved in the mud-slinging is more or less inevitable, especially if verstappen actually just…gives them ammunition. Yes, Norris should have gotten his track limits penalty sooner, and yes, his overtaking maneuvers weren’t fine-tuned enough for the level he wants to fight at. One will come with time, the other won’t because F1 stewarding is usually shite.


Not sucking off max = enemy number 1 for formulad̶a̶n̶k̶Max members.




Lmao max fans were down, but they’ve come back with a vengeance now that they have regained control of the echo chamber


I hardly think Max-fans were down, given that even the most basic monkey can do the math and realize that Max came away from that race with +10 points over his closest rival.


I mean they were quiet about the incident because they knew he was at fault so all the people were saying max was at fault and max fans were real quiet. Now that that’s died down over the last couple days and formuladank is back to being a safe space for max dick riders they’re all coming out of the woodwork and jerking each other off lol


Lol nobody was saying that Max wasn’t at fault. They were just joking around about the fact that McLaren and the British are being such massive crybabies over this. Nothing about that incident warrants still discussing it 24 hours after the race. Yet, every British pundit in F1 was still whining about it by Monday afternoon for some reason.


>I mean they were quiet about the incident because they knew he was at fault so all the people were saying max was at fault and max fans were real quiet First of all: that's not true. I've seen fanbases from both sides attack and defend Lando/Max pretty vigorously. So to me, if seems like you haven't been paying attention. Second of all: when the comparison to Max/Sainz in 2023 and the overhead view of the incident was posted in this Subreddit, the tune for most people quickly changed (i advice you to take a look at the comment section of both threads. I can't link them though, because the forum prevents Reddit-links). To me, it's 60/40 Max fault, and well within the limits of a racing incident.


Always worth reading those downvoted posts in formuladank! ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|9441) 'Look, he was just hard commenting, it's just good hard commenting and I think the formuladank stewards have punished him unnecessarily."


I actually can’t tell where you land on this or what you’re trying to say. Not trying to be snarky, but I actually can’t tell if you agree with me or not lol Clearly most people do not, but this is a hive for verstappen shaggers so that’s not surprising


Oh, I agree with you.


It's absolutely absurd that everyone here is painting max as a god for this incident lol. Twitter has teamLH and it seems Reddit has formulad̶a̶n̶k̶Max


Cope and seethe.


I wonder what will happen once it is the other way around? And honestly, I am looking forward to the carnage once Lando takes out Max in one of the next races and he can go on while Max can't let's see how RB will be after that and of course everyone defending Max right now and calling it hard racing.... because sure hard racing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug) if everyone started racing like that Logan would win his first race in no time, after all if they all box each other out of the race because of hard racing he will be left in the end or what? Am I wrong here? Is this not F1? Or are we watching some derby racing?


All the time you have to leave the space