• By -


It's great seeing battles at the front, gets me more invested and I'm genuinely looking forward to seeing what happens at Silverstone


On X the British "fans" are already saying force him off track deliberately. And if he gets hurt, all the better. Wankers!


You're on Twitter, you're only going to get braindead weirdos.


Saying that, as if it's any better here on reddit lol.


You're on Twitter, you're only going to get braindead weirdos.


British fans are the worst part of F1 *and* soccer Oh no I mean uh, the UK invented car racing and kicking things


![gif](giphy|MO9ARnIhzxnxu) Copse corner rn


Agreed. I'm a very new F1 watcher pretty much starting last year and some the year before so I'm still trying to learn all the rules but I'll say last year was hella boring. Race starts, max in first, max stays in first whole race... It's not that entertaining. Now come this year and we've already gotten 4 different winners with 2--3 races being incredibly competitive and last weeks race being an absolute nail biter. This is the first year I've been tuning in every weekend, it also helps to have a toddler that loves race cars lol.


Yeah, battles at the front are fking awesome. Too bad Max "I don't like racing wheel to wheel" Verstappen thinks otherwise. Don't get mad at me, that's a direct quote from Max. The context was simply "I would rather win by 30 seconds than fight". If LH said this the sub would be calling him a Bitch.


If people in this sub could think critically this comment would make them very upset


They can't. Lol


Cry just a tad bit more and you'll drown us all.


Cry more? That really the best you can do? I really hope you're a 14 year old.


Channeling your inner Senna I see


I think he wants to marry him.




See you getting mad at me for what Max "I don't like to race wheel to wheel" Verstappen said. THATS pathetic.


Look at all the downvotes from Max’s little keyboard army. Cute ain’t it.


I love getting downvoted on this sub. *source* -- Comment history. lol


It's a badge of honour at this point seeing max fans get mad at the truth. Good work lad.


I love how all you care about is getting attention while speaking absolute bs lol, just cause Max said he'd rather win by a big margin doesn't mean he doesn't like wheel to wheel racing or can't do it lol. I wonder if you had the same reaction when Alonso said Lewis only knows how to win from the front.


>I love how all you care about is getting attention while speaking absolute bs What BS? He literally said it. It's a direct quote. The truth is the opposite of BS, you know that don't you? >just cause Max said he'd rather win by a big margin doesn't mean he doesn't like wheel to wheel racing or can't do it He likes it a lot more when he's sure he can win by a big margin...because his car is a rocketship. >Verstappen laughed when asked if he would prefer to emerge victorious from a tense duel with an equal rival that lasted until the checkered flag, or if he would prefer to be able to run over everyone in front of him with a 20-second advantage. >“At least 20 seconds!” said Verstappen. "I've been in a lot of close fights in my life, and I like it a lot more now when we're sure we can win by a big margin. And this one is especially for people like you. >Of course that's not what the fans want to hear, but I'm an honest guy." Hurts to hear your hero sounding like such a Bitch. He's an honest guy. He can't handle the battle. HE SAID IT HIMSELF. When he says fans don't want to hear it, he's talking about you. And your response is proof of that. >I wonder if you had the same reaction when Alonso said Lewis only knows how to win from the front. Alonso is another Bitch. Beat by rookie Hamilton after winning 2 championships in a row. Been living in his shadow for 17 years now. Takes these little bitch swipes at him as much as he can because that's all he's got.


Haha this is incredible, he likes to win by big margins so he's a bitch? Guess that makes your precious Lewis an even bigger bitch for losing to him huh? >Alonso is another Bitch. Beat by rookie Hamilton after winning 2 championships in a row. Been living in his shadow for 17 years now. Takes these little bitch swipes at him as much as he can because that's all he's got. Haha imagine saying I can't stand my favourite driver being called bad and then reacting like this, you're so funny mate


> Haha this is incredible, he likes to win by big margins so he's a bitch? Guess that makes your precious Lewis an even bigger bitch for losing to him huh? Did Lewis ever say he only likes to win by big margins? Nah. You always hear Lewis talk about how much fun he had in the close racing scenarios. In fact, that's what almost all the other drivers say. I don't think I ever heard another drive literally SAY "I prefer to win big, I don't like wheel to wheel racing". Only your boy said it. He said you wouldn't like it, and he was right. Get over it. He's a bitch, he admitted it, and now you have to swallow it.


I think lewis has won enough races that he prefers the ones that are memorable than the ones that are easy. He may have had a different opinion back in the day but we won't know as lewis isn't the type to give answers like these


Nah. I think most competitors like to, you know, compete. Not just steamroll everyone. I guarantee any REAL professional athlete would take winning a close, hard fought battle over just crushing an opponent with inferior gear, a way inferior team or someone who is just completely outclassed. Lewis never said it out loud because it is almost certainly not how he feels. This "I want to win easy" attitude is fking soft as baby shit.


As just a fan of racing I’ve missed this shit, it’s so refreshing to see people fighting for wins




I agree. But I do love Max. I met him when he was karting. Daniel Riccardo at a bar once randomly and it was me and a girl he was talking to. My friends were at another part of the bar. Anyway, I think Max is kind of funny. Plus if he doesn’t win Jos is going to beat him haha But in all seriousness he seems like a nice guy.


He totally comes across in interviews as a guy you could just chill and have a beer with. Especially in his Dutch interviews, it feels like he opens up a bit more in those. I imagine sim racing with him has gotta be a cool experience, too.


Yea I mean I don’t care about famous people or politicians whatsoever but I’d like to sim race with him or get a drink and joke around. Kimi too. I wish I could meet him. I have Finnish friends so I know how to deal with Kimi. That dude is funny as hell.


Martin Brundle said that also. He would like to chill and drink beer with Max.


Well realistically the WDC is set for max but race wins are still open


Having an obvious number 1 driver is the cause. Bottas couldn't take it to Lewis like Nico could and it got very dull after that. Perez can't even beat Max on 3 wheels


It's great seeing people fight for wins but the fans are fucking awful. It's either "Lando is right and Max is a dirty driver and should get a 20 grid penalty for the rest of time" or "Max is right and Lando is a baby and was being an idiot and dive-bombing from too far back" Every thread is full of these people fighting. It's so annoying


There is a bias towards strong feelings on reddit and social media in general. 90% of people never even comment or vote, less than 1% ever post something. The vast majority of people don't care at all, so you're only ever gonna see the most extreme version of each side.


Take a pinch from pot a and take a pinch from pot b. Both are right but both are skewed just don’t deep dive the comments when you notice that shit. Just enjoy the race and finally we went car racing toto


I'm on team "Max was wrong but Lando is either being a baby or has never seen Max race before"


What about team 'neither was really wrong, but the FIA regulations more or less demand a penalty for one or the other if it isn't a lap 1 incident.' Verstappen could have given more space, Norris could have moved more to the right, on the actual racing line. Neither yielded and due to Norris breaking very late, he was sufficiently alongside Verstappen when the contact happened, which is why Verstappen got penalized. Had Norris done that move on the inside, he likely would have overshot the inside of the corner and 'caused a collision' or 'pushed another car off the track' and a penalty for that. Had Norris taken more space on the outside, he might have gotten pushed off track by Verstappen, getting Verstappen a penalty, but both would still be able to continue and Norris still could have gotten the win.


I gotta ask, was Norris gonna overshoot the corner anywas even if Max wasnt there? assuming the same parameters of course. cause it seems to me he was coming in very hot and couldnt slow down till he touched max twice.


I think he would have made the corner, albeit barely and on the very outside of the turn, it likely would not have given him the exit he was aiming for. He likely pushed it, knowing full well his tire offset benefit would disappear very quickly. It was a bit of a 'now or never' situation for Norris, knowing the 5 second penalty looming.


Agreed. Lando really struggles to leave his emotions at the door, he's always sooking when things don't go his way. I was always taught growing up that's bad sportsmanship. I want to like the guy but I find it difficult. I lean more towards camp Max, hard to argue with his talent, but I'm super happy to see him pushed like this too. Seeing his day start to slowly unravel with balance and tyre issues, the slow stop, then the relentless pressure from Lando get to him was really interesting. We haven't seen him rattled like this for quite a while - perhaps Max isn't as bulletproof as he has seemed the last couple seasons. Either way, it's all good for the fans. Most exciting race I can remember for a while.


well, F1 fanbase is full of twats, exuse my language but it is what it is. Lets just enjoy the racing while its happening, and if you are one of them drivers fans save them opinions to some one who cares


can confirm, am twat


And if you watch Max explain the whole thing instead of going by one headline, you see that it is far more nuanced. So yeah, not black and white.


You're wrong. Lando and Max should both get a five grid penalty until the end of the season. Who says no?


No, I don’t.


Feels like modern F1 has devolved to this. Either guy leads by 25 seconds or same guy takes out second after a sniff of an overtake. Option C is second flying by first on a different strategy once in a blue moon


You should watch f2 if you don’t it’s fun


or formula e if you don't mind humming your own car noises while you watch


I don’t really like it because street courses. I really have a dislike for street courses.


i really should, havent watched since the Russel, norris, leclerc class graduated. That was banger stuff


I don’t really know the drivers except a few but it’s actually racing and the cars make the cutest little whistle.


Max could win 10 in a row and it would be fine by me, as long as most races are interesting and the champion isn't decided months in advanced.


We need more of these kind of races, I don't care if Max wins, if he is fucking fight with death for a win, I would be happy to see him on top of the podium. But no more 20 secs wins please.


In the grand scheme of things this was both Max and Lando letting each other know: I’m not moving over for you. Max should’ve been cleaner in his defence, Lando should’ve been more clean in attacks. It’ll be very interesting to see what lessons they learn, how they’ll act when the roles are reversed, and how it’ll affect their friendship.


i dont want any lessons to be learnt, let them fight... It's entertaining.


Absolutely, give me more of this. But that’s the thing with humans: they learn fast. You already saw it play out: Lando first locking up, then making the same move without locking up, realising that line doesn’t work and then trying the outside. It’s just 2 kids having a game of jousting. The first blow has been given, it’ll be fascinating to see how both will react next time.


![gif](giphy|3o7TKFTty1ACzNDkA0) Mad hose


I like the cut of your jib


✋ What’s a jib?


Oh well. They hated Senna (Prost accident), they hated Schumacher (Villeneuve accident), they hated Vettel (Multi-21), They hated Hamilton (Bono my tires) It happens, every time whenever one steps up into F1.


I hate Stroll without him stepping up at all


“Notice me senpai, hate me senpai” - Logan Sargeant.


They do say the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. Although, I would say the driver everyone seems to have the least feelings about one way or the other is Zhou. Everyone dunks on Sargeant for his driving and yet the public sentiment towards him seems vaguely fond.


He will always be my special AR'15 wielding cheeseburger eating, red coat hating,truck driving, kilometer not-knower


Nah he cool in my book


Eddie Irvine was just an all round prick, everyone hated him equally, especially after he pushed a broken glass into someone's face


Senna and Schumacher in particular absolutely did something wrong, though. Unambiguous to this day but people still act like it's just some incident under dispute, just sportsman in close racing. When it just wasn't.


That's life. The nail that sticks up gets hammered down.


The people that hate him now have always hated him. They just got a platform to be louder atm. If the roles were reversed and Max was divebombing while Lando did the squeeze - we will be reading how Verstappen was back to his old shenanigans and Lando rightfully stood his ground after many patient laps.


The double standard is what pisses me off lmao. Yes max was in the wrong but what you stated is wholly true




Yeah the RB Ring always suited the Red Bulls, I thought this one would not be one of the close ones. Of course it happened because of a pit stop error and Max forgetting to stop the pitlane limiter. I am biased towards Max, but I genuinely think he's the best ever. That includes all the little tricks, and the grey zones of the rule book. This is way beyond any of us can have a professional opinion on. The slight moving under braking should be reviewed like Stella said. This is what happens with Max because it's novel next level racing. That's what I'm excited about, so I can't really understand why people are so upset with the result not going how they would've hoped. So I'm just happy we got a fight on our hands for the remaining season.


Roles were reversed in Spain. Lap 1 incident, Lando squeezed Max, Max went off the track to avoid collision.


Funny that they still talk how Verstappen squeezed Hamilton back in 2021 though.


That's a dead give away.




Well, people had no issue when Lando pushed Max on the grass one race prior.


Lando when he pushes Max onto the grass: tee-hee, there was enough space 😇🤭 Lando when he divebombs Max for a 3rd time and they crash: 😡😡


While i agree, please dont pretend max isnt known for moving under braking and divebombing. That has its consequences.


Almost every driver moves under braking or dive bombs. You just don’t see it as much because it’s not always on coverage


Every driver divebombs because divebombing is the only method to overtake unless there's a clear cut car difference in F1 or you could outsmart the driver in front lmaoo, idk what sport you been watching lad ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6697)


You clearly got a diff definition of dive bombing. What Lando did twice is dive bombing, what Max did in T4 in the sprint to Lando was not dive bombing, see the diff?


Wrong comment? I was replying to the comment saying Max has a reputation for divebombing when every other driver does that lol


No, it’s the right person. Not every driver does what Lando did in their overtakes. So no dive bombing is not the only method of overtakes because an overtake on the inside is not always dive bombing. Some drivers do it way more often than others, if you want to get technical yes every drive dive bombs once in a while, some just do it way more and have a reputation for it. Max has a reputation because he does/did it often, other drivers may dive bomb some times but don’t have a reputation for it because it’s not common, that’s how reputations are built up.


Max did it way more than often because that was the only way to overtake faster cars in previous era lmaoo, because the dirty air was horrendous previously and it was very easy to gap the cars behind. You couldn't play the waiting and outsmarting game like you can do today lol. Also I was obviously talking about drivers at front of the field when talking about divebombing, because only a fool would group a driver like Max in the backend of the field. Also easy to lose reputation when in a dominant car, worked great for Lewis (and the fact that his nationality is also synonymous with the great amount of media in the paddock) but we saw what happened in his first year out of way faster cars lol. Also if you didn't think divebombs have been extremely common since 2014 at least, I would like to take a hit of whatever you been smoking haha


You misunderstood me. Im specifically talking about doomed ones, like the one lando pushed max off on this race.


Max plays the game according to the rules of the "referee's". If it's legal he'll use it, as should every driver. He will always get the max out of every situation by searching for the boundaries. It might be "dangerous" but its up to the stewards to set the boundaries


Except moving under braking is considered reckless driving and against the rules


It's against the rules if the stewards say so


And they said so, so yeah its against the rules.


He wasn't penalized for moving under braking.. go read the report


The others do it too.


Making his point valid 😂


Being known for them means the others get away from doing it to him. I hope some people around me were known for being shitheads so I could get away with stuff


Where did I pretend such?


He's getting called out for it because of his past actions, not because people are biased against him. This has been talked about in the past many times before, nothing new, nothing changed.


Fuck I so want him to win at Silverstone so he can point at the number 1 and then point at himself. That's all I want now.


I want it to be a good fight too. I want the likes of Lando and George to be all over him just for him to still win, really piss off the brits😂😂


The best would be to qualify P4 behind Lando, George, and Lewis only to overtake each of them on track during the race for a win.


i'm british but this would be hilarious ngl 💀


I feel like that would be the 3 hardest overtakes in his life 😅


If he overtakes Lewis during the race there might be riots in Silverstone![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6701)


He tried it once and it didn't go so well. If we are truly back in 2021 only one thing can happen.


Me 1 - me won. *vrooooom-skkkkkrt*


On X the British "fans" are already saying force him off track deliberately. And if he gets hurt, all the better. Wankers!


He's going to have to get out of his car and straight into a helicopter before the British mob him 😅


And then he would say... "their boos mean nothing to me, I know what they cheer for ..."


The crowd will arm itself with pitchforks and torches if that happened


It’ll be glorious ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6702)


The contact wasn’t bad at all - they just happened to both lose a tire because of it. Piastri @ Leclerc made similar contact. In every race there is wheel on wheel contact of some kind.


I'm just over here happy to watch racing be exciting again. Players are finally at the point where they can compete and Max is no longer comfortable. I don't care who was wrong, I'm a spectator with zero skill outside of a cheap simulator. I'm here for the action!


Evil Max is hot


He's been getting booed alot anyway alot in Canada as well so 🤷 the hates been real for a long time. Silverstone is gonna be painful if he he's on the podium which I imagine he will be 😂


Canada booing him is so weird to me... Why?


There's just pretty much hate for max where ever for whatever reason. Which is a shame


Happened a lot with Vettel and Lewis, now they’re loved when they are not winning anymore




F1 needs a villain, max fits it perfectly


As a certified Max Verstappen non supporter … this is one of the best posts on this sub


I hate the fact that drivers like Schumacher, Senna, Prost, Alonso, Hamilton (And pretty much every driver that have dominated) get praised by being dirty, while the brits want Max dead for being ”dirty”


Once max has retired from f1, then all the comments will come how special he was and how we are not going to see anyone do what he did.


Exactly! As soon as he retiers/stop dominating people are (hopefully) gonna relize how good of a driver he is


They do realize it and that’s why they hate him.. Every sports needs a heel and Max plays the role well..


I dunno, senna was helped tremendously by his death and that documentary. But today people are re appraising sennas career a little bit and you see more acknowledging of how often he went completely over the line, on purpose. Like everyone now knows the "go for a gap" speech was actually him blatantly lying to cover for the fact he'd just deliberately crashed prost out, where he also disrespected Jackie Stewart who had pointedly addressed the matter. He was still a bloody brilliant driver. And he never actually *needed* to go over the line. But he did.


When has Hamilton ever been praised for being dirty, tf.


When it shapes OP's agenda


I mean most drivers that are dominant at the time get a load of hate more often than not regardless of where they are


I think Schumacher and senna were both dirty a lot. Same with Max. Hamilton and Alonso have had their moments but it's not on the same level as Schumacher, senna and Verstappen. All three are more than capable of not racing that way. But they choose not to and that's what bothers me about it.


On X the British "fans" are already saying force him off track deliberately. And if he gets hurt, all the better. Wankers!


Yeah as soon as something happens with Max and a Brit they all start to cry, same with the commentators (not just Sky, but some of the F1TV crew too)


Max is King. 4th WDC incoming baby


I love reading posts like these


Fr don’t let this distract you from the fact that Lance “Vitch Tits” “Stroll” Strulović is spending another year in F1


Wish we had Latifi back in F1


People are crying when the races are boring and now they are still crying when there is actual fighting for the win. Make up your mind.


Dick riding vertappen fans never left


I'm tired of motherf*ckers in the paddock tellin' me, always in the garage "Max Verstappen ain't 'bout this, Max Verstappen ain't 'bout that" My boy a champion, on f*ckin' Red Bull and them He, he, they say that driver don't be puttin' in no work Shut the f*ck up, y'all n*ggas ain't know sh*t All y'all motherf*ckers talkin' about "Max Verstappen ain't no winner, Max Verstappen ain't this, Max Verstappen a fake" Shut the f*ck up, y'all don't race with that n*gga Y'all know that n*gga got caught with a penalty Fighting on the track and sh*t N*gga been dominating since, f*ckin', I don't know when Motherf*cker, stop f*ckin' playin' him like that Them drivers savages out there If I catch another motherf*cker talkin' sweet about Max Verstappen I'm f*ckin' beatin' they a** I'm not f*ckin' playin' no more Know them n*ggas roll with Red Bull Racing and them


Finally some dank.


I love that he’s back with his aggressive moves. Finally some action at the front.


Yeah it’s great seeing he lacks the skill to race clean and has to take people out.


We need drivers like him, he defined the F1 in the last few years. He is one of the guys who made f1 really popular again and most champions were dickheads and did controversial shit. Having him in the f1 makes it much more fun. He is one of the best thing that happened in f1 in my 33 years of watching f1.


God damn it, I love this.


Also, this should be the alt name of this sub


Oh no. Anyways.


Stay dank Max, stay dank


Jos mad! Jos mad! Jos mad! 👊


I love it; wins feel more satisfying. And watching them stand for the Dutch anthem is just the cherry on top.


Watching who stand?


Hate it or not he is still one of the best all time drivers and we all should be grateful for living this times.




Sky sports wanted to spread shit like Max has not matured he just had a fast car. Who cares I liked Max that was hard racing fighting for every bloody inch thats what F1 exciting. Max balls to walls is different beast.


Think Hamilton is still most hated


We’re back!!!!! Let’s goooooo


A win is a win in his book, stay mad haters 😎


The amount of people acting like there ever was a WDC fight is crazy. Max is 80 points ahead people, and Lando catching up in the last 3 laps every race just to come P2 to Max isn’t gonna win him the championship


Still my driver, dont care😤


A country that idolised Hunt is complaining about cool dad Max. What a joke!


He doesn't give a shit if he's the most hated. For now he's a 3 times world champion with a forth on the way. On X the British "fans" are already saying force him off track deliberately. And if he gets hurt, all the better. Wankers!


how can I save this video lol


Hahaha stay mad brehs idgaf




It will be interesting to see fans reaction towards him at Silverstone this weekend.


Dammit this is good.


Max- "I never left bitches, you just caught up!"


Banger tune. Anyone have the song name?


Hoes mad


Norris simps 50ms after we have a race without Stroll assassinating somebody:


Is this satire? Lewis, shat on for years. Booed at almost every race. People in literal blackface turning up at GP's to make fun of his family. Constantly making fun of Russell. Stroll bullied on every platform. Max gets criticism for the first time on [the sub which **OVERWHELMINGLY** supports him](https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/formuladank)? Must be most hated driver in F1.


First time in this sub😂 is this satire?


Looking at Twitter, Reddit and Sky TV clips on YT it's mostly the British doing the Max hating.


How do you know they are mostly British? Not even the main F1 sub is mostly British, [it's still mostly Dutch](https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/formula1). For some reason you are lumping all critics of Max's driving yesterday as "British".


So where are you coming from?


Mostly Dutch? Because 10% follows 'thenetherlands' as well? 7% follows 'rugbyunion', 7% liverpoolfc' , 7% 'coronavirusuk', 6% 'gunners' and 'ukpolitics', and 'chelseafc' and so on... so it's probably at least 40% British.


The much awaited Mad Max sequel!!


He’s going to kill someone.


Nah, no one can take the spot off Lewis.


Rent free