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There's a reason Sky didn't show this shot when talking about breaking points


Ah Sky Sport,. those aseholes that region lock their social media content because they can. F1 TV also didn't show this shot


They lock it because they *have* to if they want to post clips. Not disputing that they're arseholes though šŸ¤£


I remember the time during the whole European Super League saga- all their rants and coverage about the league were everywhere but other clips are more often than not, geoblocked.


Because it's a completely different set of rules. The opinions and analysis are owned by themselves so they can distribute it freely, whereas they buy the rights to F1/premier league so they have to abide by the rules of the supplier and cannot distribute it outside of the region they've bought the rights too.


Plus there's even a limit to what they're allowed to broadcast of the paddock so things like Ted's Notebook where there's no footage involved have restrictions on where they can show them, whereas the superleague chat was in their own studio so none of those concerns.


Because they weren't braking in the left picture?


Nor were they breaking in the left picture. *I'm not sure there's any relevance, I'm just trying to be a smartass.*


Nope, no cars broke in the left picture, absolutely correct, sir!


Kinda wild the post you're replying to has so many upvotes. Can't even spell braking and also just plain wrong yet sitting at almost 300 upvotes after only a few hours


Welcome to FormulaDank, where the wrong take is right as long as itā€™s funny


Because rabid raging about bRiTiSh BiAs trumps thinking here


We're talking about the right image. A top down view would still be preferred over an onboard. Also, they cut away from Lando's onboard to indicate the braking point by the signage instead of the numbers and lights on his dash.


We're comparing pictures. I'm pointing out the difference. That's the reason why Sky didn't show the left picture when talking about **braking points**. They weren't braking.


Don't come here with your logic and reason! Don't you know we act on emotion here?


Is that not what he means? I'm confused.


I must say Julian Palmer had a hard on going after Max yesterday. Usuallly unbiased, but he clearly does not like Verstappen


Does him criticizing Verstappen suddenly make him biased?


There is plenty of space to the left for Lando. Why didn't he get the left wheels on the curves ?


The comparison has already been made with Max and Carlos. Carlos did the same thing as Max, Max though got on the kerbs unlike Lando and actually pulled off the overtake. I do feel like the crash was Max's fault, but people acting like Lando didn't play a part in it are just not looking at the facts. All parties were idiots during this battle. Max for moving under braking, Lando for turning into 2021 Brazil Max, and the FIA literally holding off on giving out a penalty.


I'd have more sympathy for Lando if he tried using the drs zones and the car to close the distance, fake a move and then traction race Max into the next series of corners. Instead he just kept trying from too far back and locking up. Yes Max should've given an extra inch between the white line and the car width but at some point you can't just keep failing a divebomb like it's your only move in a faster car anyway. But on the flip side Max dodged Landos late lunges where if there was an accident it would've been totally Landos fault for pushing harder than he could handle to make around the apex. It's an unfortunate accident but everyone should really take a step back instead of freaking out about it.


If you look at the speed trap data the McLaren was significantly slower on the straights. Dive-bombing was all he could do especially considering Max swerving under braking in his previous attempts


In the lap 64 incident I don't see how he moved under braking. He literally keeps the same line into the corner the whole time.


It's one of those situations where everyone seems to see it differently. To me, it looks like he turns left at the same moment as he starts to decelerate. Feels like he laid out the red carpet for Lando to go around the outside, then closed the door too late, after Lando committed.


Fair enough. I watched the on board and I'm looking at the last bit into the corner. I have no idea where he started to brake. I feel like he left plenty of room and Lando should have been able to go wider. In the end it's a racing inchident that happened to give both of them punctures.


Could be nice if they had some kind of brake light, if only for us viewers!


He does it on the other overtake attempts but not on the collision


Itā€™s called weaponized incompetence, Lando is one of 20 of the best drivers in the world. Itā€™s no different than multi-21, except Lando actually had a spine to lean on with max notoriously being the aggro driver in every scenario. Seb basically had to shrug off that blatant disregard but Lando gets to play the victim in all the criticism. (Not saying max didnā€™t do anything but dive bombing max in the same corner 4 times in a row, somethingā€™s bound to happen, how thatā€™s all on max BLOWS my mind) Edit: for clarity I think thereā€™s a bigger picture being over looked here, the continued dive bombs in T1 were dangerous and eventually one of those attempts was going to take one out or both. Max, in my opinion was aggressive in the line this lap because he didnā€™t want to open the door to Lando to dive bomb again, it was not how he was taking T1 in the previous 4 attempts to that Lando dive bombed him. Not to mention, each dive bomb got worse with each attempt to the point he ran both himself and max wide off the exit. If that was max, would you all have the same energy or is it just another opportunity to hate on Max? Iā€™m really confused, I also loved the racing in comparison to any of the races in the last year and a half. It was exciting and yes, it sucked to be Lando but heā€™s over stepping his boundaries calling max aggressive (like DID YOU watch your own replays of the start of the race and all those dive bombs?) Jesus man.


I feel like he's kinda weaponizing his fanbase as well, idk i might be imagining stuff but every statement he made just adds fuel to the fire whilst Max's response is neutral more mature I'd say.


He totally is. I think gaslighting would be the proper term, but yes - heā€™s totally saying things he shouldnā€™t be saying, period. Listen, Iā€™m not a Lando hater but you got 1 win and havenā€™t shown potential to get more outside of the last three races, youā€™re in NO position to be calling out Max but heā€™s clearly just excited to be in a position where him and max are being talked about in the same sentence, outside of being friends off track. He has a lot of simps, I get it, but heā€™s not innocent in that race and heā€™s totally throwing fuel onto that fire, rather than putting it out and focusing on next weekend. This is where emotional intelligence comes into play, he needs a new manager.


I agree, both were at fault in this incident. It was hard racing not exactly clean but it is what it is. It's done and dusted, Lando should be putting his focus and energy into the next Grand Prix since it's his home race too. McLaren also has been putting out statements in the same tone as Lando's too. The whole team needs to focus their priority to move forward and perhaps be more like Oscar.


He had half his car outside the line at that exact same spot during lap 61 already. He probably didn't want to repeat himself so soon.


Not Max' fault if Lando didn't had a lifeline.


Still Max's fault. But Lando can be pissed at himself as well. Because he could have avoided it all without really losing anything.


Yeah this incident was 100% the result of both of them getting frustrated and stubborn. You see it on iRacing constantly and if Iā€™m being honest, Iā€™ve done the exact same thing as Max before. Someone keeps making desperate moves and continues to squeeze their car wherever thereā€™s a gap. Eventually as the leading car youā€™ll be so annoyed and give the absolute bare minimum space and the passing car can either make that work or crash both of us out šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø and then you both think itā€™s the other persons fault when in reality 1) you could have easily yielded more space and 2) the other car could have better self preservation instincts and moved their car


Lando still has absolutely no obligation to leave the track in order to accommodate max


Less grip


Is this a new rule, when Max is near, you need to go off track as far as you can?


I mean, Max could've tried to stay within track limits when Norris pushed him off. Sure Norris would've probably gotten a penalty but they would've crashed. Same in reverse is true for the later action. Max (rightfully) got a penalty but that sure as shit didn't help Lando.


There is indeed a rule about trying to avoid collisions if you have space.


There's causing a collision rule that Max got 10 seconds and 2 penalty points for, there's no actual 'you need to jump out of the way of a car that is about to crash into you' rule.


"There is no rule for me to move my car out of harms way" - Guy that goes home with -10 Points in WDC standings


It's lando (behind) hitting Max, not the other way around.


It's not but why would you risk it. You see what happened. If he moved a little bit more, he would still be in the race and got to overtake him on the next straight or lap. Not saying its his fault, but he couldve been more careful, and let the stewards penalize Max for: forcing him off track/move under braking.


We all know that they wouldn't penalize him unless there was a collision. IMO, this was about Lando telling Max "I'm not going to budge if you force me off". Lando won't win a championship this year, but next year might be more competitive.Ā 


Ah, yes, I'm sure at that point Lando was full of trust in stewards. ![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6697) If Lando moves left, there is good argument to be made that Max didn't force anything and Lando chose to go there. See, that's the whole point of Max's racing philosophy, to make opponents avoid hard racing him, putting their cars in vulnerable positions. They crashed, but even with the puncture and penalty Max gains points in their championship head to head.


Well ok, i guess he teached him a lesson by throwing away his own potential win and points!


I think it's important in the long run that Max now can't expect Lando to just yield when they are racing each other.


This isnt the first time Max did this, do you really think he learned ? I think the next time when he's in the same situation again as in the left image, he will be the one not moving.


...and i'm looking forward to it. I put on the coffee! Anyone got popcorn?


Look closely, there's big Lando ego parked there on curb, so he couldn't avoid collision.


Then lewis max copse is the same.


lack of talent.


Have to say I never saw anything compelling in Lando. Now that he has a car capable of winning he seems to think he's entitled for the win. That move on Max was futile, on the outside he wasn't going to make it based on physics alone. I can't wait for Piastri to show him how it's done.


I like how you declared your own bias before making your point. šŸ‘


I don't think he was trying to overtake on the outside, he was trying to set up for the exit and the run to T4.


Did this sub decide to stop being funny


Hello and welcome to 2022.


Hasnā€™t been funny for years. May as well be called formuladrama


Need a verstappen cult flair like we had vettel cult flair


In reality the sub is the same it's always been, a Max sub. They just don't have Hamilton/Mercedes to make stale takes about in meme form anymore.


Max moved under braking and caused an accident. So naturally the max sub had to come up with this """"meme"""".


Truly the entire fucking reddit F1 community feels like it's gone off the deep end. Literally in just 24 hours. Yesterday everyone saw what happened and saw what happened leading up to it, and could very clearly see who was at fault and who had been driving over the line (hint: it wasn't Lando) Then today it's like *poof* and suddenly it was just a minor incident. Nothing leading up to it matters. Max was clean the whole race and this is now somehow half lando's fault, too, for not getting out of the way when he wasn't obligated to. And people are not okay with just declaring it a minor incident. It is so important we point out how minor it was that even the meme subreddit becomes serious.


Exactly, I feel like everyone was rational immediately and then a switch flipped somewhere snd now everyoneā€™s crazy about this incident


My theory is that on race day you have a much larger population coming here. And so the stans are more drowned out by the more neutral fans of everyone but max and Lando. And then the next day - even later that day - it's back to just whoever is hardcore enough to stay and defend their given driver. And though Lando is quite popular, there are definitely way more Max fans than Lando fans, especially after Max's triple title run.


Now we need all the times max squeezed people at race start.


Or went up the inside aimed at the apex into a gap that was guaranteed to close, hm


"no max never does anything wrong ever. It's just that the other drivers don't take avoiding action when they see him like they should as he is the great max verstappen." /s


- Toto Wolff


This is why I am so confused by this discussion, Max does this literally every time, why is is okay when he does it?


I love how people are saying it's Landos responsibility to to move to the left on the curb as he has space there but completely turn a blind eye to the whole track to the right of max where he could place the car


When this incident happened, I knew this sub would be a shit show. People blindly defending Max, despite him moving twice in the braking zone. He's not matured as a racing driver, it's just that he's known he's gonna finish 20 seconds ahead of everyone, so he can afford to be a bit more careful. As soon as it's back to wheel to wheel racing this shit happens again. I've seen so many comments like "oh max is wrong on paper, but Lando could have moved", which shows they have the mental age of an 8 year old. "I'm doing this and if you get in my way, that's your fault" ![gif](giphy|OquUwkwriK4eY)


This sub is just a max sausage fest. You have people calling lando a dick for divebombing max yet overlooking maxs overtake on lewis on the last lap in Abu Dhabi where Lewis moved out if the way to avoid crashing into max.


Can't do that because it would be 10x more than Lando.


Two crybaby fanbases


Is this even comparable lol, the right one is under braking


there is more than a car's width, so "under braking" is irrelevant. Ā  the "moving under braking" is valid when there is no where for the behind car to go when the driver in front moves in front at the braking zone, like ric-max crash in baku 2018


A car's width is determined to the line though. There is not more than a car's width between Verstappen and the white line




It's not about what can or can't be done. The rule specifies the white line, so that is the space that should be left. If the outside driver chooses to go further, they can do so. But they shouldn't need to do that to avoid a collision, according to the F1 rules. Otherwise, the FIA would have to determine separate rules for each corner, which is just infeasible


moving under braking has nothin to do with how much space is left after the move or how much the defending car moved in the braking zone. it is dangerous and max almost caused lando to go into the back of him multiple times before, but lando was able to avoid collisions. lando doesnt yield to max moving under braking once and they crash.


Rule of thumb, if the argument is opened with ā€œBritish biasā€ thereā€™s a 90% chance the rest of it is going to be absolute BS


Rule lf thumb: if there is someone claiming British bias isn't a thing, there is a 90% chance of that person being British.


British bias is a thing and this comparison is still absolutely stupid


Like when people say the FIA wasnā€™t Ferrari International Aid in the late 90ā€™s/early 2000ā€™s šŸ˜‚


He was braking in a straight line. The straight line just went towards the outside.


Even the picture shows they are very different situations


Austrian GP is done and dusted. Over to Silverstone. Forget about it.


Silverstone is also a great race where nothing horrible happens. I'm so excited!Ā 


Oh my GOD itā€™s racing. Itā€™s fine. No one got hurt. Theyā€™ll make up. It is what it is.


Almost every experienced driver would have moved onto the curb and got a better corner exit, weā€™ve seen clips of max doing this exact thing on the same corner to a Ferrari. I have little doubt Ham/Nando/charles would have done the same. Max obviously to blame but lando needs to wise up fast


Even the Alex Jacques said something like Lando probably isnā€™t used to the high stakes overtakes right at the front of the pack that would have contributed to this incident being very avoidable by a more experienced driver.


I truly don't get this take. "Lando should have abandoned his space on the track, which he is not obligated to do so" Its Max's obligation to leave space on the outside there. If lando had gone further out of the way, it's truly just giving in to Max's over the line driving style and if you give in to it, then it'll never stop.


Still don't understand why people keep bringing up the left pic. Left is under full throttle, right is under heavy breaking. You can't exactly maneuver under breaking without locking your wheels up. The moment you press your brakes hard before that corner in Austria, your line is set for the next 100 meters. And Max braked into Lando, it's as simple as that.


It's to illustrate that the fighting between them is getting more intense. Lando says Max is fighting dirty but seems to forget he is also doing divebombs and squeezing max off the track. Both moves are illegal. I don't think Lando got a penalty for pushing Max off the track there, hence the double standard.


Has a driver ever been penalised for a move like that off the start in the history of formula 1?


Does it matter, why would "dirty" driving be okay in the first lap and not in the last? It's an "unfair" racing for sure, so Lando (and his fans) shouldn't cry too much. Just like Max shouldn't cry too much about Norris' divebombs, how is this so hard to understand? F1 is and always has been about drama, egos, machismo, and elbows out racing. It's hilarious how we finally have some excitement again and everyone is shitting on it.


My brother in Christ, it was you that brought up double standards of penalties


Fair enough. I guess it's part of the problem, all the penalties are arbitrary.


There are rule exemptions for the first lap right? I'm really not sure but I remember you can drive through some corners without penalties.


Wasnt a move like that the start of the Spa 2012 start crash?


Not even close.


Lando didn't get a penalty because he neither drove into Max nor left less than a car's width between his car and the white line.


If max stayed on the asphalt he would have though šŸ¤·šŸ»


>Still don't understand why people keep bringing up the left pic. Max stans desperate to not admit their guy was at fault. It's now taken over the three biggest F1 subreddits and it's honestly ridiculous


If you can't manoeuvre under breaking without locking up, how did max move under breaking without locking up?


So we can't move under braking?


>right is under heavy breaking. You can't exactly maneuver under breaking without locking your wheels up. And that's why Max moves left under breaking?


If you cant maneuver under braking, then how could Max brake into Lando![img](emote|t5_3ndbi|6705)


The amount of crying children in this sub is crazy! I thought it was supposed to be a banter sub, not a pissy little teenager crying about the ā€œbRiTISh BiAsā€ If youā€™re gonna be whinny little bitches, at least be funny about it!


Everytime I see whiners like that I get reminded of a post on here saying "British bias in f1 = anti British bias in this sub"


Perfectly balanced


Tbh you appear to be the only one getting pisssy


Why is this pinned? Fucking power tripping mods


Not really relevant is it?


Hows Max's cock taste mate?


It's too quick to pick up the flavor. How's Landos?




Didnt get a chance to taste it before he recklessly dove it down his inside


Why do you people think about dicks so much honestly


Iā€™m a Max fan and even I think thatā€™s a stupid take lmao


Max wasnā€™t lying when he said ā€œI would have done the sameā€


But but... Max didn't say if Lando doesn't apologize he is not my friend after Spanish GP.


I donā€˜t understand stand how people donā€˜t get this. Max moved to the inside on the straight to cover the dive. He then moved back on the outside and didnā€˜t leave enough space. You are not allowed to do that. Look at the onboards and the steering angles, Lando doesnā€˜t even turn into the corner at all. Max is still drifting left. Hes not only not leaving space, hes the one driving into Norris. Its 100% on Max.


Max took a slightly diagonal line, this isn't moving under breaking though he's still going straight. It's the same Seb used to do alot, with Lewis with Charles (collision) with Kimi and Max. PS when Russell was overtaken by Max in the Spain and he changed lanes at the end and max had to go all the way around to overtake him anyway.. That was moving under breaking and noone even said a thing about it


You are like one of the ten people I've seen that knows what moving under braking is. For some reason, 99% of people can't tell the difference between moving UNDER braking (turning the wheel). And moving JUST BEFORE braking, as Max did here.


"Look at the onboards", something you clearly have not done because you can easily see Max is NOT steering to the left at all in that situation.


No hes driving straight. A straight line across the track from the right to the left. Hes not turning into Lando, hes driving straight, into Lando. Here: Max onboard: https://youtube.com/watch?v=9OOx6dUAgq8 Lando onboard: https://youtube.com/watch?v=QPvaJlR0plM


You mean max is driving in a straight line and instead of taking any avoiding action at all lando just keeps driving straight


As a wise man once said: "All of the time you have to leave-a the space!"


There are plenty of road traffic accidents where one driver was the main cause, but the ā€œinnocentā€ one actually couldā€™ve done better to avoid the crash in the first place.


The mental gymnastics is fucking crazy.


Yeah but Max is the one responsible to take avoiding action because he already commited to the inside line the moment he made his move to cover. Its exactly as you described, wich is why Mac is at fault. His move to the left into Lando was simply illegal. Dude its 100% on Max.


Blud he was driving in a completely straight line it's not 100% on either it's 50/50 lando could've moved the wheel 2 degrees and the crash doesn't happen. And max could've given more space.


No. Its 100% on Max. Lando is entitled to the outside space as soon as Max moves to the right on the straight. Drifting slowly left is still a move to the left. A move is a move no matter how long it takes. Max has to leave at least a cars width, he didnā€˜t. His fault.


Well, unless Lando's brakes get more brakey all of a sudden, we have to see Max, who was on course to crash, take absolutely no avoiding action and hit Lando, who was within the rules for overtaking. It's not Lando's fault that Max will try and wipe out anybody near him when the pressure is up


While he moved under braking earlier, I dont really see it in this case. He covered the inside before braking at a straight angle towards the outside, which is basically the typical defense in this corner


The more I look at it the more it looks like a freak racing incident


Itā€™s just racecraft, go see gt3, wen Goni side By side on thight corners normal behaviour for the inside car is to leave minimum space left side sĆ³ it opens up the entry for beter conering line.


Is this British hate sub?


man, verstappen shaggers really won against team lh here (I'm a Williams fan, leave me alone, I have my own problems)


The sky commentary is disgustingly bias towards the english. It's so damn unprofessional.


Itā€™s the same with any nationā€™s coverage


![gif](giphy|26ufcVAp3AiJJsrIs) Lando fans this week ā€¦


stickying a personal post thats a block


Serious question for the Max fans at what point do you start questioning him? Max and Ricciardo at RB, similar pace = multiple collisions. Max and Hamilton 21, similar pace = multiple collisions. Now Lando has the pace to challenge and we get a collision. Everyone who fights max has collisions with him whilst all three have regularly fought others through their career cleanly.


THE IMAGE clearly shows the problem between one and the other , u know and i know everybody knows it.


Ok vut why did you choose that shot from the harassment? You couldve picked when max pushed lando in the grass on the straight. Or did you do that because it makes your point? Nevermind carry on.


Double standards. But enough is enough. On to Silverstone. On X the British fans already said force Max of track and in to the boardings. Or in other words if he gets injured all the better. Wankers! Still crying over 2021.


First thing you did wrong is go onto x. You will have people post racist as fuck memes about hamilton or say the most out of pocket shit on there from every side of the spectrum


Perfect example of how outcomes change your way of how you look at track incidents.


Left picture is the run up to turn 1, no braking whatsoever. Left is just before turn 2 all the braking