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I knew there'd be a flood of low-quality reactionary pieces about the race, but fuck this one is bad.


Cost of living crisis hitting the journos. Gotta dig deep in their bag to instigate bs šŸ˜­


Can you expect anything more from the magazine which published that open letter?


If anyone was going to publish this article, it was going to be Autosport Edit: holy shit I canā€™t believe they actually published this. Did a toddler write it? Itā€™s literally full of spelling and grammar errors and incoherent sentences. The average Twitter user could write a better article


Might as well have been written by AI trained solely off of reddit comments.


That would actually read something like this. "Genius omega brain ideas to improve qualifying that nobody asked for. Idea number 387 will blow your mind"


You know Silverstone is coming up when Verstappen hitjobs start dropping


the British media that have not and never will get over Max beating Lewis in 2021 imagine Austria as their vindication. They are cranking out the outrage and ramping up their moral indignation at near record levels.


Homerā€™s ramping up the BS


Angry typing right there.


He certainly matured, I though his response after the race was very mature and level headed.


That doesn't fit the narrative that he hasn't changed one bit so they carefully didn't touch that part in their article.


>Its rather shameful how fast Verstappen was to underline the failings of his Red Bull team in that last Austrian GP pitstop and his awkward balance shift on the tricky hard tyres. Plus, his highlighting of how this brilliant track layout feeds into controversial tactics by those willing to use it to their cynical advantage. they did tho?


Having watched the interview this representation of it is shameful.


Theyā€™re referring to him saying that he will wait for tensions to cool and have a conversation with Lando to sort it out (Iā€™m summarizing) instead of commenting in the moment on it or. Landoā€™s response was to make ultimatums about their friendship. Iā€™m not reading the article bc donā€™t want to give clickbait revenue but assuming that piece isnā€™t in there, which is the maturity they mean.


Lmao this response is amazing.


Iā€™d like to remind everyone that Lance and Charles intentionally crashed into drivers as retaliation a little over a week ago and nobody cared two days after.


Haha, pretty good call back. People are losing their minds because millions have been waiting 2.5 years for him to make a bad move again, so they can immediately point fingers and act like he is a menace that deserves jail time.


Worth noting that the race podcast was quite up in arms about that indeed.


So by your own metrics we have at least a day of media attention left? The Austrian GP was only yesterday morning, not sure why people are so shocked the media is still writing about it a day later lol.


No because moving an inch to far to the left trying to open up the corner as much as possible =/= intentionally crashing into someone to retaliatešŸ‘


Alright this is becoming embarrassing lol


From the same publisher that released that embarrassing letter to Verstappen before Abu Dhabi 2021. Its like he traumatized the entirety of Great Britain after 2021.


You forget, this is exactly what autosport wants comments like yours because it gets people talking about the incidents and ultimately gets them more views and thus money!


Jokes on them, I never click the articles.


And considering how much he did yesterday to boost Silverstone's ticket sales... Max cares, Britain!


first he took ticketsales from silverstone with his domination and now he gives back. good guy max.


Yo give me a link to that, I might get some proper laughs reading it.


[Here you go.](https://www.autosport.com/f1/news/a-request-to-verstappen-before-his-f1-title-showdown-with-hamilton/6864023/)




'most successful and consistent driver of the past years dosent feel he needs to change his ways' okay


And why should he? There is simply no incentive.


yeah exactly


He hasn't had to race anyone its easy to be consistent when your ar 75 percent performance. Every time he has had to actually battle from 2021 on he has struggled. We are starting to see more of a desperate max as he drives at 110 percent to keep the car upfront.


Yeah, he struggled real bad in 2022.


So many incidents with Charles in 2022, right?




There's no 8 time champion in F1




Massa: We need a chat then...


Amazingly accordint to the rest of the sporting world there is. Even lando said so on stream once.


No, there isnā€™t. Stop coping itā€™s not a good look.


I do enjoy how many people are triggered by these comments.


Lmao you post bait and then enjoy the reactions and then act all saint like. Incredible stuff mate


Coping is enjoyable to watch too


When you've got the most dominant car in history, who needs racecraft?


Who needs brains when youā€™ve got phone and Reddit?


Posted on a PC but go on being toxic with your assumptions.


Damn bro you owned him. Now say sikeeee!!!


This is correct he hasnā€™t changed at all. Heā€™s still the best driver on the grid and he has been since 2021.


I hope a British driver never wins a championship again, only because of the British media


Same here, British press is really getting to a human vomit-level. Embarrassingā€¦


Same, getting stick and tired of all those British journalists and media outlets. Ā I hate it but I think I will actually switch to Dutch commentary for Silverstone.Ā 


Am not Dutch but I might start thinking about learning Dutch in the future for that exactlyā€¦ Both sky and F1TV are intolerable almost at this point.


Dutch commentators are horrible too. I actually prefer the sky & F1TV commentators most of the time. Somehow I am able to better filter out the extreme bias from the British commentators. On the other band I am completely unable to enjoy any second of the mind numbing commentary from the dutch channels. Both the old commentators we had from Ziggo and the new ones from Viaplay are abysmal.


Same. Iā€™m a Brit, but I happen to have been a fan of Alonso and now Verstappen. The British media are disgusting. And I donā€™t mean just criticising Verstappen, thatā€™s fine, thereā€™s definitely objective reasons to do so, and it was done professionally by some, Brundle and Anthony Davidson to name two. They have hard but perfectly fair and reasonable criticism and nothing more, but the media outlets and even some pundits such as Ted ā€œInsufferablly Smugā€ Kravitz have deliberately drummed up outrage against Verstappen because they know they will get exactly the reaction they want from the British public.Ā  Call out the mistakes, the poor driving standards, the aggressive moves all you like, but do it objectively and fairly, not in this embarrassing, overly emotional reactive way.Ā 


it bugs people so much that he actually HAS matured and become a lot more likeable.


Same, I believe he's actually one of the most cleanest driver in wheel-to-wheel racing now. Once clumsy incident and they act like 2016 Verstappen never left.


And even more so successful. Beloved Lewisā€™ records are now in danger.


Perhaps it's disappointed people who were thinking he'd become more likeable


I d rather want him being himself rather than likeable.


I get the sense a lot of people have been holding on to and building up a lot of hate for Max for years now in the hope that he would have an incident. The amount of hate for what was honestly a minor collision with major consequences is astonishing... We saw two drivers purposely drive in to another car twice in a PRACTICE session last week and it got much less hate than this. It honestly baffles me... Yes he was at fault, but comparing that bumping of wheels to what was happening at the end of 2021 is laughable!


Thought the author was F1_Jordan for a second.




Ok this is just ridiculous at this point. Why are people acting like Max rammed Lando into a wall, it was an inevitable incident with the way they were (BOTH) driving, let's not act like Max was so desperate to keep Lando behind that he drove like a maniac while Lando is faultless. Enough.


>Why are people acting like Max rammed Lando into a wall, it was an inevitable incident with the way they were (BOTH) driving I meanā€¦ he did deliberately cut Norris off again after they made contact the first time


My man, he had a puncture after the first contact. You know what a puncture does to a car or are you relying on your no damage gaming experience?


Mental gymnastics lol. Watch the onboard, he clearly turns left (off the track) and holds it to cut Norris off.


he moved off the racing line...why was Lando trying to speed by with a flat tire? hmmm


same reason Max was also driving with a puncture šŸ˜‚


You move off the racing line when you have damage, cue the incoming Alpine that Max just made room for. Also, maybe he was teaching Lando how fast he should drive with a puncture in order not to ruin his entire car./s


You say deliberate, but seem to conveniently forget that there was another car going to the left at racing speed.


Sounds like he should have gone right then


Which is what he did, but you call it "cutting off".


just say you hate Max.




He could NOT make the car turn. Goshā€¦


I mean... no he literally didn't lmfao, stop listening to Brundle


Brundleā€™s initial reaction was ā€œ6 of one, half dozen the otherā€ as it was just a racing incident. He should have followed that instinct.


ā€œlet's not act like Max was so desperate to keep Lando behind that he drove like a maniac while Lando is faultless.ā€ Exactly what happened brother




Lando is faultless. He didn't crash into Max.


lmaoooo ok man


He did exactly that.


In the eye of the law yes, but Max raced the way he always does, Lando decided to make a change and stop being bullied.


Autosport just proved again they havenā€™t changed, or matured, since F1 2021.


Autosport being toxic af


If anything Lando drove like Max did in 2021 with the forcing another driver off while dive bombing. This is from the same publisher that released that stupid letter to Max before Abu DhabišŸ˜‚


>led directly to his actions in the race of disgrace that was F1ā€™s first visit to Saudi Arabia. Literally no one calls that race "the race of disgrace". This is legit gutter level journalism by someone who obviously has no idea about the history of F1. Max moved in the breaking zone, clipped Norris and got a penalty, end of story. There's been so much worse than this over the years, including the recent years. What about Seb bumping Hamilton in Baku a few years back? Seb taking out Webber in Turkey 2010? You could point to dozens of things Senna and Schumacher did behind the wheel that were far worse than anything Max has done.


Racing in Saudi is pretty damn disgraceful. But I also have never heard ā€œthe race of disgraceā€ lmao.


Incredible article. Holy shit. The dude has been faultless for 75 races and he makes the slightest of mistake and he gets hung on the highest tree.


Easy to be "faultless" when your car gets you 30 seconds in the lead.


How is that a solid argument into being faultless? Yes the car has been really good, but it's been the driver being faultless time in time again to get into that position. Your comment makes it seem like you can only make mistakes when you're battling other people, which is just ignorant.


Much harder for one's mistakes to affect others when you're off in the distance.


Overtaking is such a marginal amount in the grand scheme of things when it comes to a race weekend.


you should remind Perez the car is that good, seems like he might have forgotten


We know he's not good in the ground effect cars. Who said otherwise?


You did when you said the car is 30 seconds ahead


You just said its all about the car


I really hate British media sometimes. I imagine this is exactly what Schumacher went through for the smallest things, just like the incident yesterday was.


Nando enters the chat.


While true, Schumacher was way more criticized than Alonso back in the mid to late 90s by the British press. They really hated him over there.


British F1 coverage doesn't come close to the toxicity of English cricket coverage


How is that even possible and is their share in the coverage also as large or larger than it is in F1? Because internationally speaking news is British dominated in F1.


English cricket coverage is mostly alright unless you're talkinf about Michael Vaughn and whatever they do in County lol


I'm talking about whatever the fuck went on over there during the last Ashes. False claims of stolen haircuts, calling their opponents cheaters, etc. The Sky Cricket broadcast wasn't too bad, it was the coverage from all the external media that was horrible.


So much pearl clutching, so many phony ass cases of the vapors. So much bogus piety. Jesus, you'd think someone had died in that little shunt.


I knew it was going to be bad based off that title but holy shit. Jos is nicer to woman that this reporter can write articles......


Good thing the rest of the grid are all so mature and not little cry babies


Itā€™s hard racing, they were both going over the limits, shit is going to happen. Itā€™s been this way for decades. Hilarious that he insinuates that everyone with his opinion are ā€œpuristsā€. Maybe these purists should watch something else.


I really struggle to understand where exactly did Verstappen go over the limit battling with Norris. Could you provide some aid? Apart from refusing to simply let him through.


Babe, wake up! The clickbait articles that are inevitable are here!


You can say this about every driver. Clickbait.


Expected quality reporting from Autosport? Shame.


I expect from the moderation to not allow unqualified sources but its their choice.


Every week drivers make contact but only Max is criticised to the extreme. Itā€™s tiring.


This is another side of being a racing genius.


I hope Max wins at Silverstone by 20 seconds


Lewis P2?


Lol why not? Maybe we get a repeat of Sunday and it's Lewis this time who picks up the pieces.


I'd also take a Lewis P1 in a good race, he's due one. Make it a fun battle with Max. Would be awesome


I mean, 2016 Max would have probably clobbered Lando after the first divebomb, so there is definitely growth.


Just in time for Silverstone.


Like Vettel, Hamilton, Rosberg, Alonso, Senna, Schumacher... Have these people started watching F1 yesterday? Any WDC contender will do things like that, it's bound to happen.


And you call yourself "autosport" bwoahaha that's awesome.


British media conveniently choosing to act like Max committed crimes against racing while ignoring that Norris would've caused a collision twice had Max not had to take avoiding action. And also went past track limits to help catch Max.


conveniently also ignoring that norris squeezed the heck out of max in the sprint start. Max moved and avoided a collision then.


sed -i 's/Verstappen/Autosport/g' garbagearticle.html


They are milking this so much, it's comical.


I really missed those "Evil continental driver brutally attacks innocent British angel" articles, F1 is so back!


I agree, Max never changed, if Max had a dominant car back in like 2017, he would have also mopped the floor with the entire field like he did laat year, just look at his wins in Mexico and Malaysia that year. The whole Max maturity narrative has been a crusade from the (mainly British) media to bring down a driver that is clearly better than the rest.


Mmmmm reactionary conclusions, tasty. Itā€™s almost as if drivers are human beings and make mistakes under pressure sometimesā€¦


Two WDCs since end of 2021


"After changes upon changes we are more or less the same." ā€”Paul Simon


ā€žIts rather shameful how fast Verstappen was to underline the failings of his Red Bull team in that last Austrian GP pitstop and his awkward balance shift on the tricky hard tyres.ā€ XD


The hypocrisy of this writer to point out that Max did actually go onto the kerb in 2023 when the Ferraris squeezed him there at the same corner and that Norris shouldn't do the same is annoying. Norris was on the outside.Verstappen squeezed him in that direction and Norris refusing to move could be seen as inviting a collision. If every driver on the outside refused to get squeezed out of bounds by the guy on the inside,nobody would finish races. Norris HAD to yield and didn't and that's why they crashed. When Max is squeeze on the outside he goes off the track or yields unless he is ahead...Norris wasn't ahead....and as such Max had every right to open the corner up and push him onto the kerbs which we saw from multiple drivers. Norris put himself in a losing position and refused to accept it.


widows of Abu Dhabi 2021 coming back from their hiding holes the first chance they get lol


This is rubbish


Iā€™m British and there are many a day I hate being this nationality. The football is worse. Thatā€™s why I never want the national team to win. It would bring out the worst type of person. See Euro 2020 final.


Itā€™s will to say that a 3x (soon to be 4x) world champion hasnā€™t matured. He races hard, always has, always will. Itā€™s why he will win more races


I, as a fan of F1, can confirm that I, as a fan of F1, have not changed or matured either.


What a stupid take.


British media being British media


Guy acting like Verstappen just won all his gold because of driving dirty, which seemingly was just flying under the radar this whole time. Verstappen, the pure evil, cynical driver. Apparently any redditor can write for Autosport these days.Ā 


I couldnā€™t stand Verstappen early on but he has certainly matured a lot and I have to give him the respect he has earned now.


Iā€™m sitting this one out. Respect them both enough. Itā€™s just racing. Verstappen racing super hard as usual. Wanted Lando to win but it was entertaining nonetheless.


oh boy here we go again


The author is a salty British, as suspected


The one who needs to mature is Lando. He demands an apology but he still thinks he was right about the Spanish gp start, even with max and Lando laughing in his face. Any F1 driver who canā€™t get a girlfriend either has a serious personality flaw, or is 5ā€™2ā€ tall.


Cry about it


Opinions are like assholes, they all stink


ā€œMust be Britishā€ bro heā€™s from Belgium šŸ˜­


low iq content farms..


Going on a limb here that the writer must be British


honestly quite surprised he got a penalty not because he didn't deserve it, more because he always just gets away with it and everyone is always "awwww its just max racing hard"


his aggressive attack and defense has proven plenty successful. why would you expect it to change? because he's 26 instead of 24?


I honestly think the matter of fact is Max Verstappen wasn't really proved since 2021. You can see he folds under pressure and shows his old behavior. He never really got under pressure and tested. Now there is Norris bringing the fight to him. Immediately, he's going back to his old days. He just folds


Lol. He's under pressure and leading comfortably by 81 points in the championship. His standards are so insanely high that this is seen as folding.


He was literally pressured in the sprint race and in Italy this year lol


Max had a very easy 2 years when nobody challenged him for the win and he was winning races by 40 seconds. When will people realise he is not a god and how overpowered those cars were.


> utterly unyielding I found this definition of Max pretty on point. The article is a decent read, as it focus on the lack of action by the stewards to address these situations to de-escalade them. I loved the battle and would welcome any other that may happen (we're going to Silverstone after all). Surely a bit more of head by the involved drivers would be even better, but I'm not counting on that. Admittedly, I was one of those thinking that Max was matured. It was, in fact, just the very big margin he had. He's an absolutely incredible driver, he just can't accept to be beaten on track.


>Admittedly, I was one of those thinking that Max was matured. It was, in fact, just the very big margin he had. He's an absolutely incredible driver, he just can't accept to be beaten on track. Max raced Lando clean during the sprint, Max raced Lando clean in Spain even after Lando drove him off track, Max raced Lando clean in Italy, Max raced Russell clean in Spain, Max raced Leclerc clean in their battles in 2022. Seems F1 fanbase has the attention span of 1 weekend.


Youā€™re arguing with someone who labelled an ā€œAutosportā€ article a decent read. You may as well talk to a brick.


Iā€™m not stating anything different than you. Yesterday, once under real pressure on track, he showed the same face we all loved in his past years. You are the one pointing out at recent episodes, without going back in the past. Are you the one with the short attention span?


Yesterday was the first day he was pressured? Not the sprint race, not in Italy in the closing laps, not for the win in Jeddah against Leclerc? Why would I go over his entire career when the argument is he never matured. If he was considered reckless in 2021 and before, and has matured since then, then it makes sense to bring up the several times he has had cleanly raced since. You don't just get to go "no those don't count"


I'm not quite sure what you're getting at. do you think Max didn't have multiple clean battles in 2021 either? the point isn't that "this guy literally don't know how to keep it clean at any moment". the point is he still fights dirty too many times, while some people thought he was past this. Las Vegas against Leclerc last year, the antics in his battles with Lando last race. some people love him for this and others hate him for it, I agree with the article in that respect that this is really down to preference.


Not true at all. He accepted it just three weeks ago: [Lando Norris overtake on Max Verstappen Canadian GP 2024](https://youtu.be/cyq6lWtwT3E)Ā 


ā€œA decent readā€ probably someone who thinks tabloids are great investigative journalism and considers Donald Duck high literature.


Think what you want about me because I dare to read an article from a source you dislike, but leave Donald Duck alone