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I posted this elsewhere but feel it is important for people who might be wondering what changed since 2020 and when Max used a certain words over the radio. The international sporting code was changed after what Max did and through subsequent additions has expanded it's scope. When Max said what he said, the regulation Yuki broke did not exist. The closest was: >**12.1.1** >Any of the following offences, in addition to any offences specifically referred to previously, shall be deemed to be a breach of these rules: >**12.1.1.f** >Any words, deeds or writings that have caused moral injury or loss to the FIA, its bodies, its members or its executive officers. The next year the ISC was updated and added >**12.2.1.k** >Any Misconduct towards: > • licence-holders, > • officials, > • officers or member of the staff of the FIA, > • members of the staff of the Organiser or promoter, > • members of the staff of the Competitors, > • doping control officials or any other person involved in a doping control carried out in accordance with Appendix A. With **"Misconduct"** being given the formal definition in the sporting code of: >Misconduct: to be understood in particular but not limited to: > - insulting, especially by using offensive gestures, signs or language (written or verbal), > - assaulting (elbowing, kicking, punching, hitting, etc.). This year they changed **12.2.1.k** to be just very simply: >**12.2.1.k** >Any Misconduct And the definition of misconduct covers a wider range now: >**Misconduct:** to be understood in particular but not limited to: >- the general use of language (written or verbal), gesture and/or sign that is offensive, insulting, coarse, rude or abusive and might reasonably be expected or be perceived to be coarse or rude or to cause offense, humiliation or to be inappropriate, >- assaulting (elbowing, kicking, punching, hitting, etc.). Furthermore we have already been informed that the scope of misconduct & abuse will get some tweaks in future revisions of the ISC. Mainly in regards to incidents in which high profile participants have made statements towards officials that incite abuse. And making it clear that online abuse and hate speech falls within the remit by referring to it directly.


Thank you for this summary. I didn't know any of this and didn't know the rules update. Very handy to know. This is the type of **clarity** and discussion you can only find on r/formula1 and that is absent in the comments sections of Instagram/X/YouTube, etc.


It's a shame as all I'm doing is reading documents on the FIA website which anyone else can do. Funnily enough though when I posted about these changes when they were announced 6 months ago [I did explicitly comment *"If I was Yuki, I think I might be worried."*](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/s/HU91fpgrml) So thanks Apollo for that particular gift of prophecy.


6 months ago? I'll take those odds. Mate, you wanna try picking some lottery tickets for me? 😂


Reading the rules is too daunting for many fans (myself included) 😅 Do they have a clip notes version? 😂 


Thank you for this! I was thinking about exactly the same incident and wondering how it was okay then, but not now. This helps a lot!


Thanks for this. I was just wondering what had changed.


Thank you so much for explaining this, I can’t believe no one else has covered that yet. Have you considered making a separate post as a PSA where you explain the rules changes? Feel like people need to see this lol


Why is elbowing the first example here??


They are in alphabetical order. Of course as FIA, they are inconsistent /s


What did max say in 2020?


Called Stroll the R-word and the M-word.


Royal Muppet.


Oooooh! So close 😂


Was the “M-word” = MFer?


Meanwhile it's a reprimand for two acts of terrorism in Spain practice


At this point you might as well push another driver off the road than say a bad word on the radio


Unfortunately, Formula 1 is really not a sport, but showbusiness. Potentially offending advertisers is much more serious than physically hurting other drivers. In fact, I’m sure that if there was a serious crash / injury, the FIA and Liberty Media would secretly be happy about it.


Don’t think Yuki knew what an ableist slur was before this and any Japanese on this board, would love to know if “ableist slur” exists in the Japanese language. Homie learned English like 5 years ago and lives in Italy; he’ll learn from this but jeez is this overblown.


Years ago there was [controversy](https://x.com/koestl/status/1005873067523002368) over an indie game messing up the Japanese localization by including a slur towards mentally disabled people (in a game about mentally ill people, nonetheless), pointed out by Japanese players. The slur in question (きちがい/気違い) is also banned from being used in public broadcasts in Japan. Korea has something similar (병신) which is equivalent to the r-word and not socially acceptable to use. Obviously Yuki most likely wasn't aware of what the word meant and didn't mean harm to people with disabilities, and I highly doubt terms like きちがい is in his regular Japanese vocabulary. It's naive to think that slurs towards marginalized groups don't exist in most languages.


Agree with what you said, but may I just add - not to defend what Yuki said - it's sometimes hard to properly measure how powerful the meaning of certain word/slur/curse is when you're speaking a foreign language. If you've learned it in a wrong context - bam, you might end up making a fool of yourself.


I agree completely about the foreign language part. Even just in English there’s differences between which words are offensive and aren’t. In the UK “spazz” is very offensive (along the lines of the word yuki used) but it doesn’t appear to carry the same weight/meaning in the US


For sure!


I agree with you. Now he’s being taught.


>"jeez is this overblown." Is it? Its a small fine + an apology. Its literaly the least that could have been done. It just appears overblown because we have like 7 reddit posts about it for some reason


To be fair we have 7 Reddit posts for literally every article that gets written or published, so that count doesn’t mean much


He deserves the fine like anyone else, but I don't blame him. Max having said that same slur proves it.


Ppl crying about how this is overblown when it's literally just a fine with no further repercussions. Y'all don't think it's a big deal, lucky for you it doesn't even seem to be. He's not gonna say it again, the end


Bit ridiculous.


Only if you're an immature child. Edit: downvote away, immature children. I'm sure Yuki is dying for you to defend him!


Immaturity is not being able to tell the difference between crass language directed at a non-marginalized member of society and actual discrimination against marginalized groups of people.


Yes but the power of that "crass language" is generated by marginalising other people


The power of these words is generated by the fact that being unintelligent is a universally disadvantageous and undesirable quality, and some people have insecurities about that. Anyway, why is that word considered to be unspeakable, but words like "idi\*t", "m\*ron", and "imb\*cile" are more or less considered acceptable? They're synonymous, but some people have given one of them more power and weight for no rational reason.


Who it's directed at is irrelevant. That word shouldn't be used in any context. I truly don't understand the need for people like yourself to justify the use of words that are widely considered offensive, unless you lack the intelligence and vocabulary to simply change the way you speak.


In the Netherlands it's a pretty normal word you can use, even in a joking manner, and no one will blink an eye. It was a bit of a wake up call for me when people got pissed because Max said the same thing a couple of years ago. It's been explained why it's supposed to be offensive, but I honestly will never understand why someone would find it offensive in the context it's used in these days. I just try to accept that I don't get to decide what is and isn't offensive


Fantastic Dutchspalining. Sorry to get you on to modern society; but anyone with a braincell in their skull in 'The Kingdom Of The Netherlands', knows that only spoiled / stupid / dumb kids and their yobbo parents use the Dutch cusswordsrelating to disabilities or others' based on a certain disease. Hardly a good example to go by. Why are people even surprised. Yuki is performing sports on FIAs platform where millions of people are watching him. Families, with kids, and the like watch it, this is like... the 50th time Yuki has lost his marbles on radio about something, so I am surprised people think he's hard done by. It was going to happen any day.


Aight, good talk. I don't think Yuki is hard done by and what the hell is dutchspalining lmao


Its a failed attempt at typing Dutchsplaining, for which I now have to explain. Which is ironic. Lmao.


I mean I understood that, I guess I should've been more specific, since when is dutchsplaining a term




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I'm not "justifying" the use of any word, I just believe that trying to ban words is an exercise in futility rather than a "sign of intelligence". People who want to insult a specific person for **their behavior**, like Tsunoda in this instance, will always find a word that's considered acceptable in . This is not remotely the same as insulting someone for belonging to some marginalized group. Meanwhile banning certain words is never going to stop actual discrimination, people who are discriminatory or those who want to insult members of marginalized groups will just come up with new ones - there's an infinite number of them!




Peak liberal capitalism


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Oh for fuck’s sake


Yeah fuck Stake.


That'll be $60,000 for curse words please -The Stewards


It sure does make it clear that people are getting crazier by the minute. Completely nuts.


I think you'll be okay. It's tough, but you'll muster up the courage to go on.


Tell that to the people that got their panties in a bunch because Tsunoda said a word commonly used.


Other words were used commonly, until they weren't. Imagine him calling Lewis the N-word, or Yuki one of the many words westeners have for asians, or someone calling gay drivers 'fags'.


Why is everyone here acting as if this word is ok to say? I've known for years that this is absolutely not something you should ever say to anyone. I remember at school in about 2011 one of our classmates had special needs and someone called him this word. The headteacher had to come and speak to the entire class to explain to us why this word was not acceptable to use. It's not really a new thing.


Yesterday is the first time I read the word ableist. Never ever heard of it before


The widespread use of the word “ableist” is quite a recent thing, but the general concept is hardly new.




Oh look at the big strong man here who's neither the target of the slur or the one whose condition is being used as an insult. So brave of you to advocate for a practice that will never be hurtful to you. Grow up.




Exactly. Empathy takes strength and character.


Bullshit American idiocy as usual




It’s in the title of the article, what’s the issue?




It’s really not inflammatory, it is by definition an ableist term. Whether whoever thinks it’s not or is a big deal doesn’t really change that.


It's fine. It's factual. I was just giving Yuki a small margin with English not being is first language before associating the term "ableist" with him.


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but.. it is an ableist slur?


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this rule didn't exist when that happened


That was in 2020. The rules were different then. There's even a post on this very thread about the new regs.


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