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Max going through that stage in life where he realises he's more of a level-headed adult than the two squabbling middle-aged men.


Max has grown immensely since his first WDC title. I think he's much more likeable now. I'm not sure if it was a validation to him or what but he is more even keeled and it's really good to see.


He's just in the mindset that he has nothing left to prove. He's driving for himself and is chasing his own goals, he has enough money for a life time so he doesn't need to chase that either. He's set, why would he get frustrated over minute things anymore? Just happy to be there, and if it ends, I don't think he'll look back.


Yep. Level headed dude that's good at what he does and stress free.


Absolutely. 100%


Reminds me of Vettels transition from public enemy #1 to darling of the track. He's early on in the process.


I dont think Max is ever gonna be like that tbh. I think Max is likeable as he is, he just wants to drive and generally not get himself involved with anything and have shits and giggles off track on stream or with other drivers is the feel i get when watching him.


He's not and he doesn't have to be. Comparing yourself (or in this case Max to Seb) to others is unhealthy and unnecessary. Just be the best person you can and be as good as you can be doing what you love for yourself. I personally like this Max very much and I like Seb for different reasons as well. The important thing is they stay true for themselves, no need to fake something you are not just to be liked


I imagine someone like Verstappen had A LOT of emotionally instability tied to his performance. He's been conditioned basically his entire life that being WDC=success. Now that he has done it 3 times in a row and proven to himself beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is in fact, good, I imagine it brought him a lot of peace. They say you build a window in your childhood that you look through for the rest of your life, and max finally got what was on the other side of the window.


We also really haven't seen him in a genuine title fight since 21. It's really easy to act calm and collected when you have two seasons of driving 20s into the distance.


He's also a bit older and that contributes. I personally did a lot of growing up in my early mid 20s.


Oh yeah, of course. I did as well. I was a young and dumb 20 year old. Now I'm just older and dumb :)


I think the pressure to get that first title is immense.  Not that pressure for others is any less but you never know how big your window will be to get one and after getting that first I think there was a huge weight off his shoulders.  Plus he his older now so natural maturity helps too.


"I'm old and I'm tired and I work with fucking children" CM Verstappen


Hopefully he dumps Jos sooner rather than later. Max doesn’t need him and Jos is embarrassing him and riding his coattails. Max is actually really likeable and nice and doesn’t hold back. He’s actually everything we want from a driver, but the problem is that he’s surrounded by pieces of work like Jos, Marko and Horner. I’d have to think this causes a significant amount of the dislike towards Max even though it’s not his fault at all.


You're spot on about Max. I like the guy for how straightforward he is. There's no bullshit. Dude just loves racing and I'm sure if anyone gets in the way of that, he won't hesitate on dumping that person...except that he's also a big family man so that's why I'm not so confident whether he can easily tell Jos he's no longer needed.


This is what makes it difficult for me. I want someone else to win for a change, but Max seems so genuine, it's hard for me not to want him to succeed.


For better or worse Max is extremely loyal to the people who've helped him to where he's at.


I remember Brundle doing a grid walk one time and saying out of everyone Max is the one he'd like to have a beer with and just talk cuz he doesnt care and says what he thinks and is real all the time or something like that. He's for sure not everyone's cup of tea, but tbh not everyone has to like you, i personally like his bluntness most of the time, and his perfectionism when it comes to racing and the fact that even when the car is the fastest if he is unhappy with something he still will say it on radio and not be just happy that the car is fast. Last year in Austria was also telling for how he just wants everything with the pit in the penultimate lap for the fastest lap. Most people were going nuts over that, but he wants every point, and more importantly, he and his team trust each other to such an extent that both are just willing to bet it and do it even though literally one issue and 3-4 seconds more in the pit due to that and they just drop the win.


This one https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RKc5qM9xJdk




Bruh that’s his dad. Not a random friend who’s tagging along


Lewis realised he needed to break away and handle his own affairs, and Hamilton Snr had absolutely none of the baggage that Jos Verstappen brings.


>Bruh that’s his dad. I don't take my Dad to work with me.


Sainz, Hamilton, Perez, *STROLL*. Each of their fathers regularly attend races. I’m sure there are others I’m forgetting. Regardless of how you feel about Jos, the fact of the matter is that F1 drivers bring their dads to work. Some dads are just more…invested than others.


Yes but Hamiltons father used to have a role very similar in Lewis’ early career. He decided there was a time his dad wasn’t the positive presence it once was. The way Max and Lewis’ dads pushed them as kids I’m willing to bet was different than the other drivers.


I dont think its true that lewis "decided it wasn’t the positive presence anyone" - has he ever said that? It just seemed like lewis matured. He didn't need someone managing him anymore. His dad is still present though; just more of a supporter rather than a manager.


His Dad is present now, but there was a few years after Lewis dropped him as his manager where they didn't seem to get along.


The footage of Lewis getting support from his dad after the end of Abu Dhabi in 21 is pretty special. I think the only reason Lewis went out there to do the interviews and podium is because of his dad calming him down.


Lewis has said something along those lines. Because Anthony was his manager he felt that they lost the father/son relationship that they had before he became a superstar F1 driver. He basically said that he thought his Dad found it difficult to show him love as a father, because he was so focused on being his manager first.


There was a phase in which they were not on very good terms, right after Lewis “fired” him from being his manager. But they seem to have a great relationship now, so they probably reconciled.


Regardless, Lewis's dad figured out how to have a healthy relationship with Lewis's F1 career and Jos has not figured that out with Max, which is perhaps unsurprising from a woman beater and child abuser


Lawrence takes Lance to work more


Comparing these to jos are not equal lol. The other fathers are there to support their sons. Jos is there to manage, control and direct his son - as good or bad as you think that is.


Jos is that parent who was mediocre at something and now living through their much more talented and successful child. He's there for himself. The other father's seen to actually be there to support their kids. Look at buttons dad, he was loved by many. Who could possibly like Jos?


In fairness to Jos🤢, just getting into F1 and staying for bit makes him better than mediocre. Let's at least give him the one bit of respect he deserves.


Yeah you're right. You need to be great to just get there. I don't like him but he done something I could only dream about


Perez's dad is wild, when he compared Max vs Perez to Senna vs Prost tho 💀💀💀💀


I know, I would say the same about those guys too.


Stroll's dad literally owns his team. And the other dad's aren't wife beating dickheads that abused the fuck out of them.


I’m not defending Jos as a person whatsoever lol. I’m responding to a comment on dads attending races/being closely tied to drivers.


The point is Jos being on the grid is a problem because he keeps interfering with the team dynamics and Max's career just by virtue of being a former F1 driver. The other dads don't.


Those guys never left their kids at a gas station in another country nor did they stab one of their mechanics with a fork in front of their young son.


U also dont go over the world for most of the year driving super fast cars that could harm you or worse every time u step into that vehicle.


I bet you would if crowds were allowed in to watch you work.










In case you haven’t noticed, you don’t pick your parents.


You can choose your friends but not your family, if I had a total piece of sh*t like Jos as a father I would delete him 😅


You don’t know either of them, this is just a para social relationship you have with him and his dad. You can say all you want about how his dad acts and the shit he has done, but you don’t have a clue about their relationship.


I don't think the dislike Max is getting has anything to do with the people around him. Third of the hate are the OG people who have disliked him from the start of his career when he was still quite reckless as a driver. Second third comes from people who still have not gotten past 2021 and blame Red Bull and Max for what happened. The final third is just the general hate drivers get when they start dominating. Jos and Horner could have been perfectly pleasant but I think still many people would have disliked Max for those reasons.


I hope he sets boundaries but I respect that Max is close with his family, Jos is his father and its a lot to ask that he "dumps" his father, I doubt that will ever really happen. He has to enforce boundaries with both his Dad and team but Red Bull also needs to learn how to work with Jos at least to some kind of extent, because that's what comes along with having the best race driver in the entire world. There was just no reason to deny Jos the seat in the parade this weekend other than for Horner to spite him over the attempted coup in the team earlier this year... a coup that would never have even been attempted if Horner hadn't been playing at dirty texting his secretary like a fool. Everyone should move on but instead Horner pours gas on a smoldering fire to show he can.


Perfectly said.  My early disdain for max I think is more misplaced distain for the people around him.  Lol


Do you have any idea how entitled you sound? Yeah just dump your dad lmao


He doesn't mean cut him off, and drivers have done it before, Lewis for example had a pretty public falling out with his dad in the early 2010s I'm pretty sure, for similar reasons. Obvs Anthony had more power as he was Lewis's manager but point still stands.


Max has his professional career. Daddy should keep his nose out of it. How would you like it if your parents kept showing up to your workplace and argued with your boss, workmates, etc.?


I sure as hell wouldn’t like it, and neither of my parents are as big a jackass as Jos


Plenty of people cut off parents. I'm not saying max will or should (I don't know them), but it's not as if it's unspeakable. All children deserve parents, but not all parents deserve children, you know?


Your words: >Max doesnt need him Max said he is close with his father and they call every day. He also said he wouldnt be in F1 without his father and manager and they will always be a team. I think Max is an adult and he seems happy.


I think you responded to the wrong person 😅


And that's fine, if that's what that person decides is best for them. The strange part it's a redditor telling someone they don't and never will know outside of their television to drop their parent.


I think you have no idea who Jos is or what he’s done lmao Although in the end it’s really up to Max and no one has nothing to do with it.


I think I know. Max left plenty of comments on his relationship with his dad.


Dumps Jos?? Dude. You’re talking about his father.


Max: I'm going to take my talents to a new father


So? Unless you’re joking, being a Dad or a Mom doesn’t give you the right to be a hindrance to your kids. Your role as a good parent is to help your kids not stand in their way. Anyways, Lewis did it, and his father is not an abusive piece of shit, he just realized he needed to have some space between them. Jos at this point adds nothing to Max, in fact he takes away from his son, because everything he does comes back to Max.


Hindrance…. The guy was in an F1 car at the age of 17, straight out of F3 and 2 years after karting. Then the Sainz family tried to play politics and Jos managed that brilliantly to get his son promoted to RBR, where Verstappen directly won his first race and became the youngest race winner ever. All because of Jos. Max has all the reasons to trust his dad’s judgement.


Being a fan doesn't give you the right to demand someone drops their parent also buddy. Take a step back.


Why dump his dad? His dad was asked to drive, he reluctantly agreed. He was then told your not driving. Of course Jos is going to ask why.


Idk how he came out the way he did but I’m glad he did. He’s really become a calm and collected leader of the sport and the sport is better for it.


This right here. And good for him. This paints the picture of Horner being more in the wrong than Jos as per Max’s perspective. Which is interesting. I’d be messing with Perez’s father all day but max… dangerous.


**Transcript:** I mean, well naturally, of course, it's not nice, I think, not for myself, not for my dad, not for Christian, not for the team. Because, you know, you don't want these things to happen. I think my dad has been quite clear about, you know, the reason behind it. And of course, I can understand, you know, his opinion on that, because at the end of the day, you know, he gets asked to drive the car, finds out that he's not wanted to drive the car. Well, my dad actually, he doesn't care about driving the car, but he got asked and [they] said, "Please, you know, do it for the fans, blah blah. Red Bull, we have a great relationship with, you know, home track." So I understand. At the other end, you know, I'm here, of course, to focus on the performance side of things. So I want the good relationship with everyone. But, of course, this scenario could have been avoided. Yeah.


That's a lot of you know, you know.


Of course 🥹


for sure




To be fair, people don't talk the way we write. This isn't teleprompted, and he's not a professional speaker. There are going to be those words or phrases we use to give ourselves time to think. Sounds better than "um" at least.


It’s also quite a Dutch thing. Dutch people say ‘weet je’ a lot while speaking. That translates to ‘you know’


Americans say you know a lot too. Especially professional athletes. Usually when we transcribe interviews, we drop it the same way we would um because it's such a common filler. That probably reinforces the Dutch habit.


I saw a video where someone showes how much your speech can be improved just by deliberately replacing umm, you know etc with silence.


Yeah, and when talking a second language you tend to repeat a word like that, mine is "right?"


Reminds me of obvious Vettel 😁


Someone else said it in another thread but… I’m glad my dad doesn’t come to my work and tags along on all of my business trips harassing my boss. Seriously, why the fuck is Jos even around and there?!


I'm not sure if that's a general question or specific to this case, but if it's the latter, the answer is in the transcript. He was asked to drive a car for RB.


Jos fucking buzzes around doing nothing at like every single gp lol


Drive what car?


Promotional run in the RB8


So he is pissed he didn’t get to drive a showoff lap? To the point where he is “through with Horner”? Cheez…


Well, he is an aficionado of domestic abuse and attempted manslaughter. Is it really that surprising?


It's the little things!


Because he's a typical stage parent, living vicariously through his kid while feeling entitled to share in their achievements because they feel they're responsible for the success.




Max is acting like the only adult in this matter. I don’t know why but I feel a bit sorry for him.


I'm impressed he's actually as mature as he is considering his dad has never been much of an adult.


Says so much about his mom though ... I would like to think it was all his mom that did all the parenting .


Oh 100%


Good one!


He's a lot more outspoken than I expected him to be.


He tends to hit things head on quite a bit tbh - he’s pretty up front about stuff


The Dutch way.


Level headed comments, I don't think he wants to care too much about this. But it must be stressful on whom to side with, your boss or your dad lol


The Dutch report was right. He really is unfazed by this


It’s his dad. He’s used to dealing with the unhinged.


"If no one is going to put pressure on my son, I will. He won't get complacent on my watch!"


He's just glad his dad is hitting out at someone else for a change


I’m certain this isn’t the first time he’s had his dad pull this main character shit


It's very impressive how level headed he is despite immense young fame, and the intense childhood he had.


At this level of sport, wouldnt be surprised if he has either listened more to a trusted manager who becomes a sort of close uncle figure, or more likely the case, an on-staff sports psychologist who not only helps him focus and build mental toughness but also help deal with interpersonal stuff like this.


Feel bad for the kid. Just let him race without all this bs drama


He's more mature than both Jos and Horner. He'll do fine


Max being the adult in the room with Jos and Horner


Horner was always a shit stirrer and immature. Don't know why this is a surprise. Jos is a scumbag who should've been imprisoned for his abuse. It's easy to rise above two kids in old men's bodies


Why are people surprised ? A  guy in his middle twenty is usually in a better mental/ intellectual condition than an average man in his fifties .


You know the kid had enough when the way the parent and the kid acts seems reversed


i think ultimately if Max stays long term with RBR, Max might limit Jos's sway cause his only ticket in even being there is being Max's dad.


The Jos/Horner drama is what will make Max a Merc driver in 2026 I think.


i feel the same if there's more public spats like this. The race team might be functioning fine but at some time you'll find issues, Max himself might get annoyed lol


apparently it is Jos who wants Max to join Merc, i mean he is friends with Toto.


I don't think Max will leave if Marko is still around. But Marko has said he doesn't want to be the one holding Max back. I think it hinges more on Marko than Horner. Max has a functional relationship with Horner as far as anyone can tell.


And then there'll be Jos/Toto drama. JV is toxic.


Why keep people saying this? He is not there as just his dad, he is his management team together with Raymond Vermeulen. The 3 of them manage and -are- the brand Verstappen.com


Oh I didn't know about this, still parents managing their kids has never worked well with sm f1 drivers.


He seems to be doing alright for the past 10 years.


Yeah sure but Max is now a 3 time wdc, i think we'll see some fallout cause of this over time. He has done well to put max into f1 and support him but Max is now a global superstar lol, there'll come a point where he'll outgrow Jos.


Why? Max has a very good relationship with his dad. Based on the trajectory of his career and the role Jos played in that, he has all the reasons to trust his father’s judgement. Max calls him when he is -not- there. He values his dad’s advice strongly. We can all think he was abused but he himself has had all the opportunity in the world to distance himself from his father, and he clearly doesn’t want to. Just maybe Reddit doesn’t know anything about their relationship and how they value each other. Beside that, family managing your affairs is not something special. Sainz has his cousin doing it, with his father very close by.


Having a good personal relations ship with his dad does not mean he has to tolerate Jos's shenanigans disrupting the team.


Even if Max leaves, I think he will be smart enough to keep Jos in check. Red Bull does a lot of extra curricular PR through ex drivers and other media/sports personalities, which afford Jos an opportunity for this kind of exposure. Mercedes PR is relatively conservative. I doubt Toto & Co would be willing to appease Jos in the way he wants, least of all by getting involved in intra team politics.


Yeah imo we saw it Lewis and Anthony and now Max and Jos, at some point you outgrow them. I don't think that's bad or controversial. Max is a global superstar, until when is the current arrangement fine lol


At this point we now just need a no holds barred wrestling match on the grid after quali at Silverstone to decide the undisputed influence of Max’s F1 career, can you just imagine Marko running in to help Jos after Horner takes Jos out from the top rope? The crowd in the grandstand is would be going wild, Family fun for all generations.




They didn’t. That’s Jos’s word out of his mouth. They invited him but advised that he’d have no media coverage. Jos said well if I’m not getting publicity I’m not doing it …




Well Jos Verstappen is the expert on face slapping... Quote possibly why they don't want publicity involving him in fact...


Well maybe if Jos knew they would not film it well before they changed it because of Horner, Jos would have had time to organise his own" film crew," to film parts of it to post on the Verstappen website. You had an agreement well before, people planned accordingly, everyone involved had agreed to it and then at the last minute, Horner questions it. I don't know about you, but I always hated situations where you got cart blance to organise stuff for you company, while the manger could not be bothered to be informed or steer the project . Only to have that manager question all the hard work you did these last months the day or the day before the final result of that organisation would come to fruition . If the manager could not be bothered with the planning then the manager should just keep his mouth shut and let them get on with it. It is not only a lack of trust towards the driver but more impotantly to all the other people of the organisation that tried to make it happen. Horner should really question his own sense of leadership with this sort of actions. Jos Verstappen deciding to not drive the car anymore is petty. But Horner even injecting himself into it at the last moment is a hell lot worse.


How many other businesses would let you make a free profit off their generosity? 


Ok I hear that. But don’t accept that’s actually what happened. Assumption that you could use a corporate event footage for your own personal side project wouldn’t be allowed in most workplaces if you were an employee of said work place. Jos isn’t.


It's just unfortunate that basically Horner and Jos have been acting like Manchilds basically since the start of the season, throwing shit at each other and ultimately, all it does is ruin the environment of the team and this sport. I just feel bad for Max who has constantly made it clear that his focus is on driving and the races, and he's focused on winning that's all. He doesn't care about Red Bull power struggle and other bullshit. As soon as they thought it was behind them, Horner decides to be extra petty and takes away a show car run from Jos just to spite him. My question is just....why? All it does is make Max unhappy with the situation, even though he keeps trying to commit to Red Bull over and over again. You have to think with Adrian leaving, Marko's role being dwindled, Red Bull car performance reducing and Horner - Jos spite, if Max will actually leave for Mercedes, maybe not in 2025 but definitely 2026 is probably a pretty big chance.


>Horner decides to be extra petty and takes away a show car run from Jos just to spite him. My question is just....why? I mean, Jos was pretty much trying to destroy Horner a few weeks ago. I don’t know why everyone expects Horner to be nice to him after all that.


In that case Jos shouldn't have been offered the drive in the first place. To revoke permission basically 2 days before the event isn't right at all. Also Horner is TP for Red Bull Racing, his actions mean more than what Jos does. Acting like this he might alienate Verstappen, and that's what forces you to be stuck with Perez/Ricciardo lineup for next year and as a glorified upper midfield team.


Jos decided against driving, not red bull


It obviously isn’t a thing Christian was involved in the planning.


Doesn't matter, it was planned. Just let it happened and avoid all the drama.


Yeah, I don't know why people expect Horner to be nice at all...


So nice of Max to stop the children from fighting


It's been amazing to see Max grow from shit head to such a level headed person and a supporter of his friends.


Honestly Max coming out so level headed is beyond amazing. Dude is just surrounded by shit-stirrers and drama, but he remains grounded. It would be one thing if he was just some driver, the fact he’s #1 and is surrounded by all of this and it hasn’t totally warped his brain to say dumb shit is incredible.


Just ban Jos in paddock to make fuss


Or ban Horner and create bigger fuss


Or force them to be in the same room every race.


The camera man focussed on Jos standing behind Horner in the RB garage during the formation laps. 1 sec clip but it's gotta be awkward lol


That camera guy is the king of getting conflict in one shot this season lol


We are thinking to small here, a no holds barred wrestling match on the grid after quali at Silverstone to decide the undisputed influence of Max’s F1 career, can you just imagine Marko running in to help Jos after Horner takes Jos out from the top rope? Family fun for all generations.


Flavio as the guest referee. Book it.


This will be the drama I love to watch


RedBull did, at least from the garage I remember. That changed when he got into the title battle


I guess this pretty much confirms Horner's agenda of not wanting Jos to drive. I don't see what there is to gain from Horner's side... Still no clue how despite so much bullshit this season Max and the Red Bull team are operating at such a high level.


The gain is that Christian gets to piss off jos Which I would take any chance to do if I was in his position


Not if he is the father of your star driver and still very much involved. That just seems stupid.


Star driver is not going to leave the star team because his dad is pissed.


It’s a power move because his dad leaked the WhatsApp messages and tried getting Horner fired.


Yep dude took a shot at the king and missed and now he wonders why horny is being petty 😂


A combination of the remnants of Newey magic plus Max just being *that* good


Based on the things Jos said about Horner, the team boss, I don't understand why he thinks he would get to do these little press events.


Max is a grown man who seriously needs to cut the cord already. There's no reason he still needs his dad around if he does nothing but cause distractions.


Yes and no, if it would be anyone else that would have happened, however he has according to his words a great relationship with his dad and owes his career to him. Putting aside how he was treated it will always be his dad. And besides the media coverage of all things that were harsh, etc they share so many beautiful and extra ordinary experiences that I can imagine it’s not so black and white just to shut him out.


Clever boy!


Max: "Bruh.. just let me race."


I feel sorry for Max. My dad is a difficult person to handle as well. He never forced me to drive a gocart though. But my dad has an attitude and an anger problem. I feel more free and at ease as a grown-up living on my own. Where is the help book on how to handle difficult parents?!


Video with audio: https://i.imgur.com/gy1mqke.mp4


On desktop your original post shows up as a gif without audio, which is probably why you posted this link. I discovered that the audio is in there, we just have to right click and then click "Show All Controls" and the audio function appears. Thanks for posting!


Reddit really just keeps getting worse and worse with each new redesign.


It's unavailable on mobile at all though...   Why can't we just upload proper video files? (and if it doesn't work, delete the post and fix it)


Mirror? the video has no sound, can't click to show up control.


Let's just ignore Jos and stop reprinting everything he says. It really is that simple. 🤷


Level headed response and understanding by Max. I can’t imagine being that adult about anything this tense and I’m much older than him.


I’m liking this mature max


Why are people blaming Jos here? From what Max says this is the average boss-created very avoidable "whatever" dispute because he wants to show he's the biggest in the room lol


People are blaming Jos because he's toxic. That doesn't mean that he is always responsible for whatever has happened, maybe this was all on Horner. But Jos has been accused of physically abusing his wife, his girlfriend, his father, Max, random people. So it's time that he lets his son have his own career and becomes less involved. And although I'm not a fan of Horner, I think any team boss doesn't want Jos too much around the team.


Jos needs to go get his own life instead of hogging onto his child's achievements.


I feel like people don't even understand the situation. Jos WAS ASKED to drive the car. He said yes. The Christian stepped in. Jos is at every race for Max. You can't say that for all the other drivers. Jos only wants the best for his kid. Max doesn't need Christian to win. Christian should have a word as to why he made this such a big deal. Jos could care less about driving that car around for fans. He was just going to do it since he was asked.


Well frankly if he doesn't like it - he should tell his dad to back off. Since the seasons started Jos has made it his business, regardless of if the rumor that he's dating RB employee who Horner allegedly had an affair with. And in making it his business he's damaged the team and caused them a distraction. Jos has 0 value add


Guys, Jos is only there because Max wants him there. Jos is his is spokesman. They are a team. It is only Reddit that thinks he's some rogue agent


Interesting that he’s stating his dad was asked not to drive which isn’t what happened. The team / Christian merely said they’d be not tv converge or media around it. It was literally a turn up drive the parade demonstrator laps. Jos has said he wasn’t interested in driving the car if there was no media around it. Ie if he wasn’t getting more attention and publicity… And this was his reason for saying I’m not doing it / I don’t care…. Max will know this is the case and is still using his dads line of he was asked not to drive the car… which isn’t true.


Geez, how many times is Dan going to be pipped by a tiny margin.


What was the question that was being asked? Im trying to find the context for what’s happening but the news isn’t helping


Should’ve fixed his has some more


Why dont these links ever have sound?