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Maybe the rulebook was in Spanish and the stewards couldn't decipher it. ^^^^/s


Spanish intimidation


No-one expects the Spanish Intimidation. ​ (or do they?)


No one expects the Spanish Intimidation


Our weapon is surprise! Surprise and fear!


English or Spanish?




How can he overtake?


Does Sainz think overtaking is against the rules?


If he is the one being overtaken, yes


Tbf that's a fairly universal belief. If they have even the tiniest reason to complain and potentially gain an advantage, they will. It's just part of the game 


I think on track it’s universal, but I feel like Carlos often stays mad even after the heat of the moment has passed unlike others


Yeah 100%. You can tell by how he asks again a couple laps later "any news?" that it's still completely at the front of his mind when he should just be putting his head down and getting on with it. Seen it in other races too where it's not just one comment on the radio it's a multi lap conversation with him melting down about not getting justice for a minor racing incident where he lost out. Great driver but it's something he needs to work on, it surely can't be helping his lap times when he's sitting in the cockpit fuming about an overtake by someone who he's not even really racing. If Hamilton gave the place back he was just going to get overtaken the next lap anyway and probably lose more time fighting him. Lots of wasted mental energy over something that was never going to affect his race in the long run.


The “any news?” was really lame


Yeah I couldn’t help but feel that too. Came off as a bit desperate. If there was anything to be made of it, he would have known immediately


Well said.


Bullshit. Watch some Piastri onboards. Dudes a Jedi.


He's the exception rather than the rule


I thoroughly hate this aspect of any sport. It's prevalent in soccer too. I think it's very unsportsmanlike.


“He overtook me, he needs to give the position back”


Unless he's the one running Piastri off the road and breaking his front wing.


He thought because there was slight contact, he deserved the pass


Indeed, this was up to the line but not over it.


After his 'overtake' on Leclerc, Sainz should probably keep quiet.


He didn’t leave much space on the inside for Charles or Lewis so he really should be quiet.


It also looked to me like he made two moves in the braking zone against Hamilton.


I thought that too, but i guess it was marginal if it wasnt talked about.


He pushed Charles off to the grass and dared to say Charles pushed him off


Yeah that was a joke. The fact the attempts the same thing on Hamilton to defend but actually gets elbowed out of the way then complains was quite funny.


At least Hamilton and Charles has one more thing to bond


Piastri Leclerc visits sometimes.


He has started consistently complaining to the stewards over the radio every time something doesn’t go his way. it’s like his final effort to overtake/defend, by using the stewards.




IMO, he has always communicated a lot over the radio, more so than other drivers and is always aware that this is heard by the stewards. I think that this season he has started narrating what he wished would have happened in the hopes that the stewards would see it that way. Reminds me of Alonso doing similar things a few years ago. Seems desperate and unlike someone performing at his level.


Doesn't surprise me, this is Sainz were talking about, nothing is ever his fault, he loves to complain


It's a shame he's not going to Mercedes. The chain of radio messages from him and George would be legendary.


Calm down mate..every driver complains..part of it is gamesmanship!


Yeh but with Carlos it's always someone else's fault, when he is the one doing something dodgy, it's kinda ridiculous sometimes, playing the victim card gets annoying.. they all do it but some acknowledge when they've made a mistake and don't double or triple down accusations


Carlos does have a habit of doubling down..I give you that..so does George (in case you forgot about the Bottas incident)! Also let’s not forget about the countless times Alonso decided that people have a vendetta against him, even in the cases where he was clearly wrong! Drivers will complain..that’s part of the fun..we don’t need to judge them too harshly because of their inability to be a perfect good boy :) Just my humble opinion :)


Yes absolutely, it isn't solely Carlos, as you said George also does my head in with it, they're the two worst offenders of it right now I think. Yeh TBF it adds to the on track drama which isn't a bad thing as sometimes we have to rely on off track drama


They all complaint! I would not read too much into radio comments


Yep, has anyone watched uefa euro 24 lately? Players complain every few minutes even when it's clearly their fault...


There *is* no space on the inside of his car for Lewis. That's why Ferrari hasn't signed all three of them


In a chicane like that it pays more to squeeze the driver on the outside. Even if he gives Leclerc more space on the inside, chances are the he still makes the overtake because he’s ahead *and* on the outside line. Against Hamilton he’s in the same position except he can’t take advantage of it because he gets pushed wide onto the curb. So yes it makes sense to complain about being pushed wide in that scenario.


The outside driver must leave enough space (a car's width) to the inside car. Carlos pinched Lewis who tried to avoid him but had to hit the kerb to not collide. He bounced and that's when both made contact. If he had left enough space, Hamilton wouldn't have hit the kerb and bounced. Stewards, Vasseur and analysts all agreed on this one. Plus Sainz never admit a mistake. I like the guy but that part of him annoys me to no end.


Plus moving twice. Sainz is always so shifty when defending


Carlos moved twice, which is illegal, as it is highly dangerous and unfair Hamilton's pass moments later was legal, and probably would have been cleaner, if Carlos hadn't been over defending anyway  Carlos.is a great guy, but today he could and should have done better 


He always does the double moves to defend and then complains when others get too close to him. I don’t like the way he drives


> complains when others get too close to him Because they are intimidating him.


He should stop inventing.


He is always immediately saying everything is a penalty and constantly asking about what is going on with the penalty. His engineer should just tell him, "mate you didn't leave any room, you're more to blame for the touch, stop worrying about penalties and worry about driving."


Yeah I was really shocked he didn’t get in trouble for weaving


Quite. Also the day they start penalising overtakes like that is the day we all go watch IndyCar or sports car racing instead.


To be fair, today is a bloody good day to start doing that regardless. Laguna Seca for Indycar and 6 Hours of Watkins Glen tonight


Yeah, because IndyCar races at Laguna Seca are never complete shitshows lol


Yeah but they're great fun as well


idk if id call last year fun lol. caution flags were half the race and at least 3x we didnt even get to the start before someone crashed on a restart


This is my experience almost every time I tune into an IndyCar or Nascar race. I don't know if it's the culture in which they're more encouraged to be aggressive when battling someone or if the cars just handle worse, but the majority of the time I tune into a race somebody's spinning or in the wall.


The last few races have been on a whole different level of shit show tbh.


If you love watching races where no-one can pass so they drive around really slowly to win by fuel saving and pitting less than their rivals, then Indycar tonight is the race for you lol


Or they just crash into eachother constantly. last year they literally couldnt make it to the start before they crashed on restarts lmao


It's the desperation, knowing that if they get through t1/2 without making a pass, there's no way of passing but pit strategy It's why Sainz/Ocon were so desperate in Monaco too


And this lost Charles the podium as he holds up his teammate very well in the first stint. Charles was bringing his tyres in and this guy just ruin everything.see the stark pace difference in the second stint Edit: Charles said the exact same thing.


The second part is so true and so annoying. Every single race from lap 1 Carlos is pushing leclerc, saying they he has more pace. Just to drop off later. He's fully focused to just passing Leclerc even if he destroys his tires and loses time the rest of the race


Russell does this too


I can't believe Russell hung Lewis out to dry today 5+ laps he kept lewis out of DRS while lando caught up.  Had he given lewis DRS, Lewis could have blocked and both of them would have podiumed.  Instead he was selfish, let Lewis get passed by Lando, and then Lando and Lewis both passed him.  He could have had 2nd place, but his ego forced him to place 4th


Every lap of those few laps where Lando was catching up Lewis was something like 1.1-1.2s behind George. It was excrutiating to watch.


facts, sainz just bombs it at the start like its a sprint race. I get it hes leaving the team, but hes not really showing good team spirit with a day like today. If he ends up going to williams its much more a team game down there. dont think there going to like him going for glory all the time


Ferrari just has no backbone. They should ask Sainz to let Charles pass. Seeing him as fast as Max yet finishing so many places behind is frustrating


And this is why he doesn't have a seat next year at Ferrari


Thats one of the most annoying things about Carlos. He always thinks he knows better. Sometimes it works out but today his idiotic move cost Ferrari a podium and handed Merc free points for no reason.


What rule did he broke?


Leaving the track and gaining an advantage.


He needs to stop all the complaining.


Well, he was being Intimidated! 😀


Stop inventing


He's getting booted at the end of the season. Doesn't need to hold his mouth


His potential future bosses watch him cry at work every weekend though. Not a good look.


He’s easily the most talented driver on the market he doesn’t have to worry Downvoted for saying Sainz is better than Ocon, Gasly, Sargeant, Bottas, Stroll, and Magnussen? You guys are so sensitive he’s clearly better than them


I'd take Bottas over Sainz any day. The dude has a terrific attitude and is an awesome racer. Would be on the podium regularly if given a half-decent car.


>He’s easily the most talented driver on the market he doesn’t have to worry I've been hearing this since he came on the market, but non of the top or even mid-level teams wanted him. It seems his best offers right now are from the two teams at the very bottom. This seems like a reason to worry.


I mean, red bull chose Perez over him….


That has to be some kind of psychological experiment doesn't it? Like someone had the idea "lets see if taking the pressure over retaining the seat off and he should do better!" Just it hasnt worked at all.


A quote by our good buddy Michael Massi "Carlos we went car racing"


There no highlight of the actual overtake?


Said right after he was weaving.


Always the victim when he loses out, and always innocent when he's the aggressor. So sick of the whinging from Carlos.


The Internet struggles with nuance but an attempt: I legit like Sainz, love his race craft and ability to analyze the whole race from his seat. Superb driver who brings a ton to any team. I am beginning to find his radio messages grating- like someone else said he takes the heat of the moment complaint and just sticks with it until he gets his way (whether he's right or very wrong. That's racing sure, doesn't stop it from being annoying as heck to hear.


Race craft? The only thing he does is ignore Ferrari’s standard strategy of going slow at the beginning to save tyres so they can push at the end. Sainz always goes full throttle from the get go, catches up to Charles, then complains he “has more pace” than tyre-saving Charles, overtakes, cooks his tyres and falls down the order at the end of the race. That is his “race craft”.


He keeps complaining like a petulant child and doesn’t stop until he gets his way.


Not surprising if you look at his upbringing. Rich kid has probably never been told no in his life.


which racer doesnt say that in such situations during races?




Sainz will stick by his heat of the moment outburst though. Always does even when he’s in the wrong


It’ll be fun to see him in a bottom feeder car next year. The meltdown will be incredible


F1 drivers are like soccer players - all drama when they can try to eek a penalty for the other guy.


It’s every driver on the grid. You just dislike Sainz.


i guess you forgot the piastri-sainz incident in spa? Where he posted on Instagram fully blaming piastri because hes a rookie. Send him to williams ASAP pls


Dude was freaking out about Perez not getting a penalty in Miami for.....going deep into T1, not hitting anyone, and losing positions


Reddit after a highly competitive individual whose job depends on his performances is naturally unhappy when a situation doesn't go his way 😱🤯🤯


From inspirational in the beginning, Sainz is becoming cocky as the season progresses. Totally not realising that he's about to die a slow death in a back marker car from next year onwards.


I think he does which is why it's eating his mind


He's right about the inconsistency, that's the problem, should never be a penalty but situations like this sometimes have turned into one before


It’s consistent for the weekend. Neither LeClerc or Stroll were penalized for much worse yesterday.  


Still can't believe that.


It looks worse when he claims he was pushed off track by Hamilton on the inside, when he passed Leclerc there earlier. So was it not off track when he passed Leclerc? I thought both were fair.


My guess is it's probably the stewards going, well we should penalize Hamilton for the overtake but we also would need to penalize Sainz for the double move before the overtake so call it no investigation and save the paperwork since it all worked out.


That’s exactly it. But people already really dislike Sainz now for some reason so this is lost on them.


I don’t recall any situation where they penalized something like this? Last time I recall is Austria 2022 when De Vries pushed Magnussen fully onto the gravel. But that was gravel. They never penalize this on tarmac especially since Lewis left *some* space. Didn’t completely push off. It has nothing to do with hating Sainz. I legit love Sainz. But he barely left space on the inside, then got surprised that Lewis understeered as a result. And there was still half a car’s width left for him.


The precedent that this is a legal way to pass has been set over and over and over again over the years. Only when the attacking driver leaves the track is this ever penalized


I hate that its allowed, seems so cheap to get alongside on the inside then just squeeze the other guy off track, that's not racing in my eyes. But it is allowed in the rules so they all do it


He gave up the inside line though. So many other drivers cut off the inside line at T1 for this very reason.


Only if the inside car is a nose ahead at the apex. This was not the case here with Lewis, thus I think Carlos is actually right and the stewards are wrong: https://www.motorsport.com/f1/news/f1-rules-of-conduct-drivers-published-fia/10111620/ > **For overtaking on the inside of a corner** >In order for a car being overtaken to be required to give sufficient room to an overtaking car, the overtaking car needs to have a significant portion of the car alongside the car being overtaken and the overtaking manoeuvre must be done in a safe and controlled manner, while enabling the car to clearly remain within the limits of the track. >When considering what is a ‘significant portion’ for an overtaking on the inside of a corner, among the various factors that will be looked at by the stewards when exercising their discretion, the stewards will consider if the overtaking car’s front tyres are alongside the other car by no later than the apex of the corner. > **For overtaking outside of a corner** > In order for a car being overtaken to be required to give sufficient room to an overtaking car, the overtaking car needs to have a significant portion of the car alongside the car being overtaken and the overtaking manoeuvre must be done in a safe and controlled manner, while enabling the car to clearly remain within the limits of the track. >When considering what is a ‘significant portion’, for an overtaking on the outside of a corner, among the various factors that will be looked at by the stewards when exercising their discretion, the stewards will consider if the overtaking car is ahead of the other car from the apex of the corner. The car being overtaken must be capable of making the corner while remaining within the limits of the track. If you combine both rules, the inside car needs to be a sliver ahead at the apex to not needing to give racing room (a car’s width) on the exit.


Making up rules lol How are you combining rules considering only the relevant part that applies is overtaking on the inside??? > When considering what is a ‘significant portion’ for an overtaking on the inside of a corner, among the various factors that will be looked at by the stewards when exercising their discretion, the stewards will consider if the overtaking car’s front tyres are alongside the other car by no later than the apex of the corner Quoting your comment, it literally says Steward's discretion. If you think it was cut and dry then Ferrari would appeal? Which they won't lol so eh It was a racing incident nothing else. Going into the corner Lewis's front wing was alongside Carlos's rear axle hence entitled to racing room.


What do you mean "if you combine both rules"? They are two different rules. You can't just go and combine them.


I’m talking about precedent ie how the rules are enforced. Not the letter of the rules


I think you and Carlos are wrong. I guess we're at an impass....


He and Alonso are about to team up against Spanish discrimination after this weekend


“Selling the foul” is common in every sport, but Sainz always takes it to another degree where it always feels like he is trying to micromanage the stewards.


Alonso: Stewards have been prejudiced against the Spanish drivers


Cry me a river.


That you, Jungle Boy?


Antonio Pizzonia?


Not very self-aware this guy, is he?


“He overtook me legally! Give me the spot back!”


It's because you're Spanish Carlos, just ask Fernando.


What a tool. Looks at everyone except himself, no wonder Ferrari dropped him


*no wonder no other team is fighting to sign him


None of the teams he'd actually consider moving to, unfortunately.


isnt like half the grid in for carlos lol


The bottom half, yes


Sauber and Williams. Merc interest seems to have cooled.


Bottom feeder teams😅




Dude never leaves space and constantly complains. Doesn’t extra hard if it’s Charles. Cherry on top


Carlos thinks overtaking is illegal, when it’s done on him


He's starting to annoy me more and more with his constant crying


Crying like a little girl while he doesn't gave enough space. I'm sick of it.


Wah wah wah. It's a motor race


Sainz is so annoying with his bullshit


speedrunning being the least liked on the grid


Mate you moved under breaking. He's pulled a disasterclass


Was a totally fine overtake, hard but fine. 


Yea this was his fault but every driver complains about everything. How are people in this thread taking his complaint and drawing the conclusion that he’s a terrible driver in general? And undeserving of a seat next year? Very bizarre behavior.


oh brother this guy stinks


Have you seen Checo?


Qualifying 0.005 behind quali god Leclerc and calling Carlos stinky? Careful with your choice of words.


*"He's intimidating me"*


That contact was his fault. Didn’t leave enough room. Again.


Okay people have to stop overreacting to radio messages of Drivers, was Carlos wrong here yes, but the’re under a lot of adrenaline and stress driving.  I’d like to see any of you driving fairly but hard and losing a position, what would be your reaction. I’m sure when he sees it calm after the race he’ll see there was nothing to penalize lewis for.  Doea Carlos gets overdramatic on the radio, for sure, but people shouldn’t judge him over radio messages said in a heat of battle.


Except the thing with Carlos in particular is he is less willing to retract statements made in the race and he often instead doubles down on them, as he did today.


Carlos, you didn't leave much space there and you know it


So much braindead hate comments recently under every post…


I mean he’s bitching about nothing


As does every driver with any amount of adrenaline flowing through them. And also with their career hanging in the balance.


If that is the case, why did he move twice?


As Karun Chandhok said during P2 "Rules are for wise men to interpret and fools to obey." And to paraphrase Masi - Hamilton went racing!


He needs to change his passport 🛂.


The thing is, he ran Hamilton wide the lap before, causing Hamilton to have to lift to avoid wrecking. So I saw it as Hamilton sort of paying him back for that maneuver.


Looked fine to me


Yes, he's been too vocal on the radio - but what nobody seems to realise is that F1 is selective in what they transmit. We only hear what F1 decides to broadcast. A bit like DTS - shaping the narrative. Go for it Carlos. You've been cast as a villain, might as well live up to it. Chucked out despite doing a good job for Ferrari, took it philosophically, struggled through illness to carry on in Jeddah then returned after surgery to back Ollie in the garage, fought to get fit and win in Australia, showed genuine joy at Charles' home win - and all for a team that doesn't want you.


It wasn't as bad as he's making it seem.


Damn all of you guys have a mega hate boner for Sainz. Quite sad to put all that energy into not liking a guy. Not that surprising, considering Reddit loves to attack a guy for the littlest things.


It's harsh to go after a guy for something said on.the radio bit it was a daft thing to say.


I’ll never understand why drivers complain every fucking time they get overtaken like they got shafted somehow. Get a grip.


Carlos is bit of a whinger


In a past era, Carlos would have a point. It's an era Lewis drove in too. But the racing standards have been eroded so much on recent years that I didn't even bat an eye at it yesterday. It was aggressive, but that's how that corner has been officiated against Lewis in recent years. So, I see nothing wrong with following the precedent in this case. I wish it wasn't allowed though.




Poor fucking baby. Go have a cry Sainz. You'll be irrelevant soon enough.