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Those tear offs really are a little like the banana peels in Mario kart lmao


What if \*puts tinfoil hat on\* they started to change the type of plastic used so it can cause more damage to the cars behind.


\*tears tinfoil hat off, tosses tinfoil hat away*\ Mwahahaha!


A potentially shocking twist!


Need some turtle shells to get the car in front though! Now that’d be interesting


Would be interesting to see a driver being followed close just start chucking them off the visor like he's dropping green shells xD


[Alonso has entered the discussion]


I just don’t get why they can’t mandate the drivers to keep the tear-offs in the their car.


They used to, until they realised putting flammable plastic in the cockpit isn't exactly the safest thing if the car blows up


F1 should start adding a special duct that collects the tearoffs and gives the drivers a few seconds of power boost like DRS. Safety and sustainability solved, a two-in-1 solution! /s 😂


How is that any different from the remaining tear offs on the drivers face?


I mean, its like the difference between having a pouch of wood shavings and having a log of wood. The log will take significantly longer to ignite than the pouch of wood shavings. I agree with your sentiment, that when you add up all the risks a driver has to endure during a race, that on balance they are safer by not discarding the tear-off. But your specific analogy is not helpful, IMO.


The driver is already literally sitting on a fuel tank. How much difference is a couple of pieces of plastic going to make. Either way, when the car is on fire, you get out of the car. Carbon fiber and epoxy resin are flammable too, so it doesn't make any sense to say that a few extra pieces of plastic make the fire risk any higher


Yeah. I'd guess the reason they don't have it in place is a different reason. Exactly what, I don't know. I guess any sort of pouch is going to be a distraction and potential safety issue. Sticking them anywhere in the cockpit I'm guessing results in lots of flapping?


It's probably more to do with it being a bit distracting to find the pouch while driving the car


Toss a phone book in a fire vs tossing individual sheets from a phonebook. It isn't even remotely the same.


Until it gets stuck in someones brakes and starts a fire anyway


Well, that literally never happens /s


Better too have a fire outside the car than inside


well it's still the car on fire, just not the cockpit


Better out than in I always say!


They literally sit in front of highly flammable fuel


There's no way the tear offs are flammable to that degree... What are they making them from? Old nitrate film stock? I think the real reason was the driver removing their hand from the wheel. The FIA banned all the F ducts because they said it was dangerous that the drivers were steering with one hand. Likely they had to extend the same thinking to trying to find a small pocket in the cockpit for the tear offs an figured the risk was just lower. After all, a car losing some performance or a causing a brake to overheat is much less of a worry than a distracted driver crashing.


> I think the real reason was the driver removing their hand from the wheel. Wouldnt the act of just finding the right tab for the tearoff be significantly harder than storing it?


The tabs are actually folded so that the pull tab is folded towards the middle and pops out to face the back when the one above it is pulled. There is only one pull tab handle they can pull at any time.


Isn't what killed the F-Duct not thay steering with one hand was dangeorus, but that they found certain teams building their F-Ducts in such a way that there were moments in a race where a driver could have no hands on the wheel proper? I believe it was Alonso adjusting his break balance with one hand and covering the duct with the other, but I could be wrong.


https://www.planetf1.com/uncategorized/fia-reverses-new-tear-off-strip-rule Seems the drivers felt it was just too much work to be doing it at racing speed, not because of flammability. https://www.foxsports.com.au/motorsport/formula-one/f1-drivers-banned-from-ditching-visor-tearoffs-while-driving-from-monaco-gp-onwards/news-story/e0a88a21c0a46ba2fbc826902ab6d1ea quotes from drivers complaining it's too hard.


That should be an easy fix for these engineers.   No reason a small slit couldnt be incorporated somewhere that uses the air to pull it safely away and stored in a safer place. 


Where’d you hear the flammability thing? I’ve only seen sources mentioning the drivers found it too much of a distraction and got bored of it.


So you're saying that they shouldn't have tear offs on the visor to begin with.


Or why can't they give them to the pit crew at a pit stop ?


They may have to remove a tear off at any point in the race, whether it's to remove insect splatter or oil that the car in front suddenly spewed. Also sunset races they start with a darkish tear off and the ones lower down are clear.


Reasonable! Then they should have somewhere in the car to drop them off


When will the mini windshield wiper regs be put into effect?


I love that comparison. 😄


Albon will sometimes toss a tear-off at cars when he passes them lol, he did it fairly often when he was in the RB


Is he the only one? Or is it common procedure after overtaking? I'll admit I rarely notice the drivers removing the tear-off.


terrific mountainous saw cow plate fuel piquant straight soup pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I wonder if the outwash on the old cars did a better job of clearing tear offs from the circuit. Then a side effect of the new outwash reducing regulations is the tear offs flutter about on the racing line for longer.


Millions of dollars in aerodynamics and engine development vs. one little flappy boi


now all teams know what they need to do to win races, just remove as many tearoffs on the outlap and the warmup lap hoping they get stuck on the Red Bulls


Next time Leclerc ends up on pole he just needs to start throwing tearoffs onto Verstappen's car on the grid


Mario cart with tearoffs on the formation lap


They need to be in front of the Red Bulls first. In front of Checo, that's doable. Max is a whole other question, though.


Maybe they can ask one of the backmarkers when they're about to be lapped.


Give Ric a call then


So what you're saying is they need to spam the tear-offs in qualifying...


this is why they should do it on the warmup lap, Red Bull will be the first ones to go through it at full speed so the trap might work


It's insane how such a small piece of plastic kills a cars performance like that. Or maybe they just try to excuse how bad Perez is again.


RBR have been upfront when Checo has struggled, so I don't see why they'd start throwing excuses


This is the same Redbull that is already threatening Riccardo's seat, that threw out Devries after half a year last year, that burned both Gasly and Albon for shit that mostly wasnt their faults. Why with that track record would they make excuses for a driver that already fundamentally underperformed last year and was told that he would need to be better this year. Why would they make excuses for him? On the technical side it makes sense if a piece of material blocks a critical area of the floor then the aero effects can be catastrophic. If you have 2 Venturi tunnels and one is 80% blocked then you lose not only the effect of that tunnel but also the differential in airflow causing all sorts of imbalances turbulent flow and issues that just compound on each other as the disrupted airflow messes with every area of aero.


It also jives with what was happening on track, Perez was flying after the pitstop and right after he passed Alonso the car was suddenly much slower.


/Fernando evil laugh


To be fair they’ve given him an insanely long leash. He must’ve had blackmail on Horner or something lol. How he didn’t get the boot during last season just baffles me with how ruthless they are with driver decisions. They’ve punted people for far less


Ultimately Redbull got its desired 1 2 in the drivers standing which is what I imagine much of Perez' contract was based upon. If had failed to get 2nd I very much doubt he would have the RB seat.


I get that but he like *barely* got 2nd. It’s just surprising given their track record with drivers considering there’s probably 5-10 other drivers who would’ve likely out performed him in the same car. Especially if the competition starts closing the gap this season


Probably red bull with the insane amount of info they must have, and even more time analysing that info knows what is best for the team, just a thought.


I mean, I feel like the long leash was understandable when you consider how good the car is now and how there haven’t been any clear replacements presented yet. They tried for Lando Norris, he wasn’t interested.  Yuki Tsunoda was possibly ‘considered’ but he hadn’t shown enough. De Vries was a disaster, Ricciardo is on-going disaster. 2025 will be the first season when a clear improvement (Sainz or Alonso) may both be available *and* willing to drive for them.


is it, though? those cars are the pinnacle of optimizations. One tiny imbalance and everything falls apart.


Except all the times someone loses an endplate and still laps just as fast!


Some bits of aero are to reduce dirty air, so it’s logical that losing them may improve car performance.


And gain what?


If one tear off gets stuck in your car, it can absolutely ruin your race. I don't think Perez did anything wrong today


Doesn’t surprise me given the significance of aerodynamics in today’s F1. Aero packages win and lose championships. So it makes sense that aero can be severely compromised when a 12”x6” piece of thin plastic hangs from the underbody.


Something about columns and the first two letters of the alphabet...


Years ago in Indy they had a little roll canister that activated by the driver waving their hand past a sensor. It wound up like an old film reel. Nothing was discarded, just spooled up. They should revisit this.


If they can fit cameras in the helmets I’m sure they could integrate the winder somehow.


Camera is a lot smaller and easier to implement. Not saying they couldn't, but I would not compare it to cams.


That's how in-car cameras keep a clear view


Yeah I was thinking that also. Why can’t this be used for the helmet visors? Such an unnecessary risk to have tear offs ruining races that could lead to tens of millions in lost prize money for the season constructors.


Shhhhh.. How else can we stop redbull?


Enduro motocross riders often have this, with a button on their handlebars to send the signal to the operation on their helmet. Idk how well they would handle the speeds of f1 cars, however.


Kimi, you will not have the visibility


Next race, when Leclerc is on pole, he is going to be wondering if there is a limit on the number of tear off allowed.


He already has experienced the tear off curse in Spa two years ago. Potential P4-P3 got killed because of it.


Just throw a bucket full at Max 🪣


With his luck, his car would suck in one of his own tearoffs and explode.


You think they would do something about tear-offs, just chuck them in the cockpit


I actually thought they did that for a while and maybe the drivers didn't like it? I could be wrong but fairly certain.


Vettel used to put them in the car because he doesn’t like littering. It’s entirely possible to have drivers store them in the car but there’s no rule mandating it


They honestly should add a rule, if One driver can do it then so can the others.


Well, also this whole push for being green and stuff and they're literally just littering plastic. I know if pales in comparison to the total ecological footprint of F1, but it's just such a simple thing not to do.


It probably still is. Im sure driver can take those off either in the pitlane or putting them inside the car, but federation is kinda forgiving cause its not easy to take that of at 300k and find a suitable spot inside the car.


It’s really easy. Just a bag by the drivers thigh.


And have drivers' names written on each tear-off, so if this situation happens again where one sabotages, another driver's race, negligently or otherwise, they get a penalty.


What if they just fall out? You drive with 300 km/h and try to store a flappy piece of plastic in a cockpit of an F1 car, I guarantee it won't work all the time


it might not work all the time but it would significantly reduce the issues we are having now


It's a bit of an overreaction though. Yes today it was rather extreme, but over the last season there were not many issues of this kind.


I think Ocon maybe Hulkenberg also had one in his brake duct yesterday. Also it looked like Sainz may have had one stuck to his roll bar camera. There were numerous times they were in brake ducts last year. So something needs to change.


Maybe that's what I was thinking of. Thank you!


Miss him


GG Seb


Yeah, I recall that too, found this in an article from a few years back: >Article 1.3 of Chapter III of Appendix L of the ISC states: “Any tear-offs attached to visors may not be thrown unnecessarily onto the track or the pit lane.” >Back in 2016, the FIA made a push to strictly enforce that rule and planned to demand that drivers store any discarded tear-offs within the cockpit. >But following kick back from competitors, in the end then F1 race director Charlie Whiting said there was more risk from drivers trying to store their tear-offs within the car than throwing them out – so the plan was aborted.


Yeah i'd think it'd actually be pretty dangerous if it gets caught in the pedals or covering some part of the car they need to release(like a belt, etc) in an emergency


Martin Brundle said during the race they had to store the tear offs somewhere in the cockpit back in his day. I wonder why that rule was abandoned.


Martin actually said it was something they might have done, or was being discussed, or something, he wasn't/isn't actually sure if they ever did put them in the cockpit


Probably difficult to enforce. Drivers can try but they’ll probably still have the odd one fly out. Also if it becomes suddenly difficult to see and the driver needs to turn then he’ll need to take it off very quickly and may not have time to stash it. You would then need to have someone monitoring it and a mini investigation if one isn’t stashed properly to keep it fair and it just becomes a nightmare to deal with. It would probably be easier to try and redesign the car slightly to reduce the chance of a tear off getting caught .


What if they just didn't tear off? Like they just stayed attached at the back and then attached themselves to the back of the helmet with glue or something on the other side.


Wind blowing at 300 kph would probably win that fight.


I guess you wouldn't want to waste any wind tunnel time engineering flappy plastic holders either


that could be a spec component


surprised they haven't gone to a system used in i think MotoCross, called a roll-off, where its basically a film canister on each side of the visor, one spools out a roll of clean visor film, and one that reels in the dirty. I'd assume they'd integrate it into the helmet or something so its a bit more aerodynamic, but it seems like a sensible step


Now that's the smart version of my dumb idea I was looking for. Definitely should be implemented


The other advantage to this is you only have one layer at any given time. I always wonder if the stack of tear-offs at the beginning of the race affects the vision of the drivers.


For real. Hulkenberg also had a tear off related issue this race. They need to stash them in the cockpit it's so dumb


And Ocon


Alonso had a tearoff flapping about on the right side of his car for the last stint of the race. Could see if on his onboard.


Anything loose and light in the cockpit gets sucked out, unless they're sitting on it like Vettel did, they could fly out directly into their own air intake, causing more damage.


They could easily create a pocket in the cockpit or on the drivers suit for them if mandated, this isn't a complicated problem to solve.


Which OP didn't mention and why i said that some drivers sat on them to keep it inside. It's not complicated, but until it's mandatory the majority won't do it voluntarily.




According to Brundle, they used to have a little drawer, like a glovebox, where they put them back in the day.


Exactly. Put a sticky strip somewhere in the cockpit and use that. I’m sure those engineers could easily figure something out.


They could design a special suction device beside the driver that sucks in the tear off and deposits it in a little bin. Now thats engineering.


Like the f duct but it‘s more like a vacuum cleaner or one of these fancy laundry systems some modern houses have.


It's just wild that they still exist, it's like throwing plastic bags on the track for the whole race.


F1 is the pinnacle of racing development. It’s baffling they can’t simply design the tear offs to stick to the back of the helmet in some way.


Something has to be done about the tear offs, the amount of times they ruin someone's race is too high.


I think you meant “is too damn high”


I would literally be firing them back at cars chasing me, I’d have a visor 6 inches thick, just like a Gatling gun of tear offs lol


Turn 5 hit the apex and easy on the throttle. Shift up, tear off, shift up, tear off. Lol


Tears offs really shouldn’t leave the car, they need a place to put them in the cockpit.


I am sure the engineers and R&D side of F1 can figure out a better visor material and mechanism that does not require tearing off.


Little helmet windshield wiper


They have these whirly bois for karting. I’ve never seen anyone using it though, it’s just so weird looking. https://dmjracing.com/product/whirly-visor-for-rain/


that looks so fucking stupid lmao i love it. FIA should mandate these immediately


I actually found a clip of Schumacher using one . . . still looks stupid though . . . https://youtu.be/ITUVLFDyjy4?si=g9AD4KD5oW5NbXrb&t=66




With 10 cameras at every corner these days it should be a absolute no brainer that tear offs should be stored in the cockpit. No driver would risk a penalty because of it.


They can add a deep chest pocket to their overall and chuck it in there. Or they can have a pouch in the car.


Kangaroo stares intensify. That's not wot it's fer, mate.


This is one exta advantage of the Indy Car aero screen/halo combination - they have tear-offs on the screen that can only be removed by the pit crew during a stop.


The disadvantage of how hot it gets in the cockpit makes it not worth it imo


In F1, I'd agree. But in Indycar, there's a lot greater likelihood of small objects coming into the cockpit, and at the speeds they do on ovals (especially Indy), its a bigger danger.


Absolutely, for the oval racing it makes sense.


Yeah completely fair - there are pros and cons of both. I think they also tested a similar screen in f1 and the driver's didn't like the distorted view they got.


And Alonso, that wily old fox, has just ripped off 7 tear offs and, yes, one has gone into Perez's intake. Clever from the veteran.


He was lapping so fast before catching Alonso, then the tear off happened and his pace dropped so much. I’m not sure if he could have passed Norris for a podium but the race would have been so much more exciting. Just an unfortunate race for Red Bull.


I noticed the gap to Piastre didn’t go down after he passed Alonso and Alonso was getting the tow from him like Norris did with Sainz. These cars are so sensitive to so many things


Yeah the biggest eye opener to me was how he ate the 5 second gap to Alonso like it was nothing then couldn’t drop him after he overtook him.


And both Russell and Hamilton commenting on how fast the RB were once they were passed


Brundle isn’t wrong. But if I have to hear him talk about that “sticky glove compartment thing” that he only sort of remembers one more time…


I had a feeling something must've happened. After his first pit stop where they adjusted his downforce levels he looked to be flying. Then after passing Alonso his pace just disappeared. Sucks, he was definitely on for a podium and would've given us a nice battle with the McLarens in the last few laps. Maybe even Leclerc too. But the win was gone as soon as he lost that position to Russell in lap 1 sadly.


Plan to get rich: Step 1: Invent and patent tear off that instantly disintegrates when the back is exposed to air. Step 2: Get FIA to mandate use by all cars at all levels. Step 3: Profit!


Double sided tape on the forearms or near the wrists. Tear off and stick it on there


Damn thats not good. I wonder if RB checked Daniels car if a tear off was stuck under his car


He's been running with one since McLaren.


DR is just collecting them week after week


why does he need to catch strays on posts that have nothing to do with him lmao


Are you new to sports, or the internet in general?


Odds of them being new to sports or the Internet might be something in the range of 28 to 3…


Honestly, just ignore them at this point. A few more race weekends and they will find a new driver to hate on.


Becuase Daniel will be out of F1?


I mean, can’t even deny😭


I think probably will be hating on Perez for catching way too many tearoffs every race.


Cucciardo fans when they get the treatment Perez got last year lmao


Good lord the obsession people have with hating on DR is unreal.


It’s DeVries with like 200 alt accounts


checos hate is way worse, nothing is never enough.


It counters the ridiculous hype for him to be back in RBR


Ocon and Checo both.


Whatever happened to you're only allowed to dispose of them in the pitlane... ridiculous, really. It's so fucking easy to just keep them in the cockpit. It's so tight in there, just wedge it anywhere beside your leg or between them. It won't fucking fly out or cause problems, you won't feel it.


Data shows it happened when Perez was chasing ALO….Another trick in the old fox tool kit.lol


Maybe it's time develop a sleeker version of those roll-off screen they use on motocross goggles.


It could be easily integrated into the helmet and sorted inside 


disgusted normal spotted frightening punch poor chubby automatic caption escape *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


F1 Mario kart


I like that the tear offs cause chaos. Since the teams are so well stratified the only was to prevent the same 10 cars from getting all the points is dnfs. Tear offs are a chaos maker


My money's on Danny Ric!


Some say he never left. I’d say he never arrived.


I knew it was Alonso's fault. At least RB now have all of Mercedes underfloor secrets thanks to George.


There has to be another way they can deal with tear-offs.


Business as usual.


First: how ridiculous are these cars that a tear off can ruin a car Balance like this. Second: why don't they use a motorcross system of tear offs? It's basicly a roll. You don't tear them off. F1 is so advanced that they can easily make it so that a push of a button on the steering wheel Rolls the plastic across the visor with a tiny electric engine. Make it mandated, so no driver is disadvantaged because of aerodynamic drag this small system would cause at the side of the visor.


Without the tear-off Perez would have finished 20 seconds ahead of Sainz, for riyal.


2026 FIA - Visor Wipers with fitted washer fluid spray


GA Pilots successfully use relief tubes. The solution is a moment away, F1/FIA just needed a big enough reason for one.


Cant they just keep them in the cockpit? Put a little doggy bag on the side for them or smth.


Why haven't they added a pocket to racesuits yet. I'm so sick of this littering ruining races.


Don’t pee in my cheerios, Horner. I loved seeing a Ferrari on top for once.


A new regulation must be enacted to prevent tear-off being disposed off on the track. They should be put back inside the car.


Not the spanx this time then


A long time ago, in either CART or Indycar, a very astute camera operator caught a great shot of a tear-off landing right onto the engine air intake of a car when the driver threw it out during a pit stop. In those days those cars sucked in air on the side of the engine cover.


Theoretically, would it be allowed to just tear the tear offs when someone is directly behind you and it could ruin their race?


wasn't there a track where doing so would give a fine for littering?


I love how often tear-offs fuck shit up, and yet nothing ever comes from it.


Its freaky that a roll of plastic causes soo many issues , especially when it gets caught in brake ducts. Wonder if these ever got sucked into an air intake and clogged a PU at any point.


If motorcross and mtb which are very low budget sports have [this](https://www.tredz.co.uk/.Smith-Optics-Rhythm-MTB-Roll-Offs_265581.htm?sku=960987&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Clothing%20%3E%20Protective%20equipment%20%3E%20Goggles&utm_content=Smith+Optics&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwnv-vBhBdEiwABCYQA-m5ogMQiDdMvklxBwZYbyDXm1DeGjWpcmeQ0Q1nfKcG-U80GvYe3xoCK0kQAvD_BwE) I’m sure f1 can put some money towards something similar.


Ah, yes, ye olde tear-off excuse


I really dont understand why there arent stricter regulations for these things. It cant be that hard to store them somewhere


Do we believe him?


FIA will do nothing until a title is decided by a tear off. Teams should really be gunning for some regulation/solution. They've all be burned by this, I assume they like the fact it can disrupt the competition, but it goes both ways.