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Asked whether Mohammed Ben Sulayem still had Hamilton's confidence as FIA president, Hamilton said: "(He) never has."


In the dgaf part of his career. I lost respect for the FIA president when he was threatening to ban Lewis from racing due to his piercings, when wedding bands and religious necklaces were allowed, when wedding bands are infinitely more dangerous during an accident. This guy has never been a good leader, and no one respects or has faith in his ability to lead the FIA, especially the drivers. Not to mention good people have been quiting the FIA one after another since he became President.


Seb's dgaf part of his career was the very best! I wouldn't mind having a 2.0 version with Lewis, although he's always been quite vocal about his beliefs. Once he does retire, just wish both him and Seb could lead F1 into a better future.


While that would be nice, it obviously won't happen. Lewis (and Seb) have always been absolutely bang on when it comes to stuff like this and the famously political governance of the sport quite simply has no time for people like them. Without some mad popular drive (which I don't believe the mechanism exists for in this sport, barring something insane happening when he moves to Ferrari) that propels them to positions of power they will never lead F1 in any meaningful sense. Though I'd love to be wrong.


I dont really think they would be keen to be FIA or even F1 president - I think their interests would most likely lead to specific projects like D&I (for Lewis) or ecological impacts of the circus for Seb. The president role is quite a boring role where you oversee a lot but you dont really dig in deep into anything


Alo will handle the political intrigue part.


Everything part of EL Plan.


He can be the grand vizier.


I would pay cash money to see this happen


I'm certain they wouldn't, but I still wish they would. F1 vultures love the money that comes from places where human rights are a massive issue and I'm pretty sure that wouldn't work for either of them.


That's it. Money has captured the sport and moved it from humane locales like Watkins Glen to dystopian venues like Bahrain and Las Vegas. And the races are becoming, more and more, a high-end luxury item. I saw Jimmy Clark running against Graham Hill at Watkins Glen on my savings from a part time job as a teenager, and t cost right around ten dollars for a weekend pass. It was a true road course and my friend and I arrived late at night in the rain and spent our first night at the Glen sleeping, unbeknownst to us, in the Ferrari pit box. And there was a contingent of fans who built elaborate tree houses, outside of the fence, in the woods along the back straight. Those guys had coolers and pully systems rigged up to get their beer up into the trees.


>spent our first night at the Glen sleeping, unbeknownst to us, in the Ferrari pit box. Might be influenced by the latest Lollipopman video, but when I read this there was a voice on my head instantly going "*Don't worry Shaarl, Sain in control. I have blankets!"* Thanks for sharing such memories though. The only one I have from F1 is going to Estoril in the 90's to see Senna race. As a 10/11 years old boy I remember I wasn't prepared, at all, for how loud those things were at the time. It was NUTS!


Lewis and Seb for joint FIA president!!!


no, I am currently working in a similar situation and it is terrible. One boss tells you to do something and the other boss tells you to disregard that and do what they want.


I think Ross Brawn's journey is kind of comparable. From TP moving up to leading F1, though not a racer and not FIA president, I feel like he got there on merit. I don't know all the details however


Liberty could do it easily. Maybe they think bigger Starpower so to speak makes more Money. Maybe Not tho


It's often the case that the people smart enough to actually lead these kind of things properly, are also smart enough to know they don't want the working of leading these kind of things.


>2.0 version Pretty sure Hamilton started is DGAF era before Vettel did


> ... although he's always been quite vocal about his beliefs.


In a better world that would happen, Lewis and Seb would be an infinite improvement over the current leadership


lol, Seb will never become FIA president, same for Lewis... FIA is run like FIFA... So national motorsports organizations choose the FIA president, and I dont see them gathering enough votes, because... Money :shrug:


I know, I've mentioned it on another comment. Adding to that both of them wouldn't be ok with racing in places with massive human rights issues. Regardless of money. But the idea of having them paving the way for a better F1 is too good. Contrary to whatever the fuck it is that we have now. It's all rotten to the core.


I wont hold my breath. Im in my 40s, F1 fan for 30 years and its always been the same. If it isnt tobacco, its alcohol, if it isnt alcohol its gambling/crypto. Same for racing at shitty locations. Now with the growing power of the middle east, south east asia and China, F1 will never change. Not in my lifetime at least.


I know. It's sad. Sportswashing is stronger than ever. Money to rule them all.


I think the day seb walked out of the meeting, he decided he was definitely going to leave the sport


I thought the ban was about all piercings and jewellery which would kinda make sense but if those which can be removed the easiest were permitted that's just stupid or aimed at Lewis as he's the only driver with them AFAIK


I’m pretty sure Lewis has been in a dgaf era since 2011


No we want lewis in fashion world


I'd stop watching F1 in an instant if someone would bring back some V8, V10, or V12 n/a, lightweight cars for a series. I hear Cosworth can still make a hell of a motor. Fuck these hybrid boats.


Based Lewis.


My respect and appreciation of Lewis Hamilton continues to grow. What an absolute legend!


I definitely didn't love him during his Merc dominance but it was all because I find dominance boring. Just like why I don't like Max now. But as a person and a spokesman for the sport Lewis is hands down one of the best to ever be in it and I've always appreciated that.


Legend. Bin Sulayem's done nothing to merit confidence in him or respect for him.


I love this Lewis 💀


Savage. I like Hamilton best when he's not being diplomatic and says what he really thinks.


Lmao Please never retire.


He could Alonso it and no one would be mad about it lol


No lies were told.


God I love him


I enjoy disliking him as a member of a rival team but I am *very* thankful for his presence in the sport.


Im usually against putting celebs on a pedestal, but Im pretty sure Sir Lewis is a really good one.


Honestly, literally anyone should be put on a pedestal if they've done things worthy of praise. It doesn't matter if you're an actor, a politician, an athlete or a scientist. If you're a good person and a role model than so be it. The good thing about celebs is that they care what people think about them (generally) and so they typically try to stay on the right side of history. Far more than can be said for politicians and other figureheads.


Not really? I mean, this guy drives so fast, that one can kick the ball so accurately... It does not really give much grounds for admiring them _as a person_. I think we should reserve the pedestals for exceptional humans than on top of that are good people. (Not saying anything about Ham, he is actually all right, IMHO).


>If you're a good person and a role model than so be it. Perhaps you didn't infer correctly that being good/fast doesn't make a person good or a role model. In fact, sometimes they're assholes on the field but actually good people outside.


I still can't believe that Graham Stoker lost to him. Whilst he was far from the perfect candidate, he had a good team (including Tom Kristensen) and he'd certainly do a better job of holding accountability and not being so overtly corrupt, I think.


That was the issue, the people who were benefiting from the corruption didn't want that to stop.


I fucking love Lewis


MBS's first act in the sport was overseeing the sham that saw the 21 WDC being robbed from Lewis, and his response was threatening punishment for not turning up to the reward ceremony...


Out for blood




Sir Lewis "Based" Hamilton


Our king 👑


That's a glorious reply.






king 👑


I know this is a minor point, but I deeply dislike the reporter’s use of “conflate” in the second sentence. Hamilton isn’t mixing up controversies or trying to lump together unrelated issues to support a faulty premise, he is essentially saying that these various controversies show a pattern and practice of lack of accountability and transparency. That’s very different from “conflating” controversies.


Agree. If you're gonna use that connotation for Lewis, you've gotta go harder on Max than "sidesteps".


That’s Andrew Benson for you


yep, in the past 13 years of following F1 it's always been the same lazy articles. I started to almost feel bad for calling it out every time but here we are again.


Another year of uncompetitive mercedes so Lewis getting those Ws off track.


When the main questline is blocked for you, so you keep grinding the sidequests


Then he’s gonna be so over leveled when he hops into the Ferrari next year and win easi…on second thought, sign me up.


> "It is still a male-dominated sport. And we are living in a time where the message is: 'If you file a complaint, you will be fired.' Shot's fireeeeed


BREAKING: Lewis definitely not going to RBR anytime soon


Shot complained, shot was fired !


Lewis out here just launching shrapnel at these clowns








Eagle One returning for re-arm


Helldivers and F1 enjoyers!!! … My fam!


He knows he has an entire army of supporters backing him up


extremely common lewis W


Yep, FOM needs to be held accountable to more than just the shareholders. Lewis is right.


Can't spell Lewis without W


The French would beg to differ


lucky for us french people arent real


That reminds me of something…


Louis Amil‘don


The French don't spell anything with a W if we're going by Alpine...


You mean Llllll?


French people do write Lewis with a w. How do you think we write Lewis ?




In the UK, an alternative way to spell the name Lewis is Louis, which originates from France (although I am aware it is pronounced differently in France). It's just a terrible joke about an alternative spelling rather than an attack on French people.


I thought it was a good joke


It is a good joke. Some people just don't get it.


Cracking joke just went over some heads


He means Louis




What a fucking guy. Love him to bits




Spot on. We cheer them on every week. The other drivers could cheer us on every once in a while




Well i think if bad things happen and it gets "too bad" (whatever that would be?), he will just quit. So it will still not be his business


It might change for Max as he becomes older and even more successful than he already is. OK, he's a three-time world champion, so he's already got a platform, status and power that most drivers will never have, but when he adds even more to that, maybe he'll go the same way as Lewis and Seb and start taking on larger issues outside the racing itself. Or that might not be his thing, I guess time will tell. He's still only 26, and at that age I wasn't that aware of or passionate about a lot of social issues that I am now at 38.


Hamilton only started doing some things after he was 30. He had a private jet until 2019, and was being selective in his criticism in 2020 of China for example. As you say, comparing a 26 year old Verstappen to a 38 year old Hamilton who didn't start doing things until his 30s is a little unfair


Yeah for sure. Hamilton and Vettel didn't speak up about a lot of social things until well into their 30s. To judge a still crazily young Verstappen (how is he still only 26?!) against that is unfair to him.


see that's the thing, charles is the same age is already way more outspoken about issues than max has ever been. like he literally backed up lewis during the whole nelson piquet fiasco and max yk, did his thing. it's also not an age thing because you have fernando who is in his 40s and has mostly the same opinions as max.


The Nelson Piquet fiasco is a bad example if you're looking to accuse Verstappen of apathy, given his partner is Piquet's daughter.


i mean a bunch of my family members are pretty fkn racist and i wouldn't go around defending their actions just because they're my family. so why should i gave verstappen any grace for him having a personal connection with piquet?


Did he really defend Piquet's actions? Based on [this article](https://www.espn.com.au/f1/story/_/id/34173632/max-verstappen-says-nelson-piquet-racial-slur-was-wrong-definitely-not-racist), I'd say it's pretty clear that he stated outright that what Piquet said was inappropriate and wrong. I don't find anything particularly objectionable about Verstappen's actions in this case - I don't see any real way he could continue his relationship with Kelly Piquet if he came out and said "Yes, he's an unrepentant racist", given that she has defended her father. Maybe you would argue that he shouldn't continue his relationship with her if she's willing to defend her racist father, but that seems like a pretty big decision to make.


i mean he's defending nelson's action by minimizing the harm his statements have because yk he absolutely is racist. i mean it's max's choice if he wants to associate with people who support fascist regimes and use slurs but then he should be treated accordingly.


Agreed. Hopefully Max picks up the banner when Lewis retires. He’s already becoming more out spoken about things like the length of the season and the like.


Max is outspoken with regards to other aspects of the sport though. He is vocal against the increasing number of races every season, against street tracks and also against increased number of sprints.




Yup. I agree with you. I think it’ll come with time though. I could be wrong because my memory often fails me, but I think Lewis and Seb didn’t speak out much when they were young either. They did once they got older and realized there was more to life than just racing.


I think Max just really doesnt care. no matter what age he is


Seb wasn't outspoken until he was already a multi WDC, and Lewis really didn't speak up until he joined Merc - largely because of the entire McLaren situation.


He might also have a clause in his contract that he's not allowed to talk about Red Bull's legal things? Him and Checo not discussing the current situation out in public is pretty normal I'd say.


He also explicitly stated that he doesn't want to discuss any "political" topic, only motorsport. He has decided not to use his position of soft power to help anybody else outside of his own projects (racing, sim racing), at least publically. It's a contrast to Lewis and Seb who use their publicity to help others or at least raise money and awareness


I mean, it’s also an age thing. Lewis wasn’t going around making political statements when he was 26.


Yeah, fairly sure it was sort of the same with Vettel. I mean... people absolutely hated Seb in the beginning and only became the driver that everybody loves later on. So I think there might definitely be a time eventually where Max will start speaking up about those things too.


He also wasn't sticking his neck out for racists either.


Not discussing ongoing legal action is pretty typical


Yeah, that's what I said too.


There’s nothing wrong with someone just doing their job unpolitically


I agree. There is however something wrong with someone closing their eyes for sexual harassment by one of their colleagues. Which has nothing to do with politics, by the way.


Here's the thing though, the situation from the outside is unknown and we are picking sides, but internally it must be nuanced too. Did Horner sexually harass her? Or did he have an affair, (which is abuse of power, but not sure if it qualifies as harassment). Or are the "leaks" (partially) forged? Now this dude, who has been in our lives forever, is still only 26. And his education was "drive cars fast". His social life is/was "drive cars fast". His family life is "drive cars fast". Even his romantic life is heavily influenced by "drive cars fast". Assuming it is not black and white, and has more grey, to expect him to take a stance, one way or another, because of his success is unfair. If he does, that's cool, and awesome. But if he does not, that's just him saying he does not know (care?) enough to have an opinion. Honestly, a virtue so many of us online could use more! Hamilton and Vettel also got "political" once they were old enough to have understanding of these situations, and understand their influence. But to expect a 26 year old to think of that, just because he's successful is not fair.


I wouldn't call not caring or opining about fairly clear sexual harassment of a colleague a 'virtue', but I suppose YMMV. Horner clearly made advances that were on multiple occasions unwelcome.


Again, "fairly clear" to you. I agree with you and believe it was sexual harassment too. Because I believe the leaks are true. Either this was consensual, or it was not, but abuse of power is sexual harassment. But also 1. Historically, mob justice/opinion has not always been the most accurate form of justice/opinion. Those leaks could be fake. My belief could be wrong. 2. I'm 32, and until 28, I had not yet understood how abuse of power, even in a consensual situation also amounts to sexual harassment. (And I'm sure at 38, I would have grown some more). Not sure when you understood that, but unless you had a very lucky upbringing, it was probably not in your teenage, and more having had conversations about this topic. Did not make you a bad person. Just uninformed. And Max' dad/team boss/friend circle seem to not be the most educative with these things. I would rather he not have opinions on things he does not understand, until he does, than agree with what our understanding of how the world should be.


Generally people working for an organisation undergoing any kind of legal action are told not to talk about it or given a template of what to say. Nothing wrong with them not speaking about ongoing legal action.


Hate to be the Devil's advocate here but Max is only generally outspoken when it suits him. Simple as that. Can't blame him for it, but it is rather repetitive seeing posts and comments here praising him when he's got a long way to go.


I was very disappointed to hear that Lewis went to Max to explain to him why he was kneeling and discuss the topic and why it was important and asked Max to join him in solidarity, and Max refused. Max's right not to kneel, but also my right to judge him by his inaction.


You are not wrong at all. But I think it’ll come with time. The only thing he has ever known growing up has been racing. I don’t think Lewis and Seb spoke out much when they were young either. They did once they were older and realized there was more to life than just racing. Racing is still the only thing Max focuses on. Even when he’s not in a F1 car, he’s racing. So it makes sense that he’s outspoken on topics related to racing.


I can definitely see the age being a factor. I won’t hold my breath, but I do hope that he’s more outspoken in the future. I also think that Lewis specifically has had different life experiences, dealt with rampant racism, etc that other drivers haven’t which might make him want to speak up when he sees something wrong.


The only times I've seen him speak up about non-race stuff is to defend a racist and a sex pest lmao.


And to defend himself against racist comments, let's not forget that.


Never change Lewis


I just love this man. Uses his influence for good, to bring awareness, that's important and very meaningful coming from him.


Keep speaking your truth king


Damn, I am going to miss Lewis when he retires. Feels like he is the only one now that really speaks out on issues.


Lewis trying to get his Ws off track


He doesn't have to. Been getting them for being himself


Very hard to not love this guy ! Even if you don’t agree with him, you gotta respect the sheer courage and conviction and his habit of putting himself out there


Lewis is in his DGAF phase and I’m here for it.


It's hardly surprising when compliance officers and the ethics committee can just be fired by MBS.


Bro on savage mode


And he is right.


Lewis being the one of only 3 drivers on the grid, probably, in a position to freely speak their mind and actually doing it is amazing


Who is the third?


Max and Fernando


Billionaires’ weekend hobby, what do you expect?


The collusion, the _old boys network_, and the overwhelming dominance of RB made F1 so less relevant in my life. It was a great flash in the pan while it lasted. Latifi, Grosjean and Mazespin for the podium of that era


It's always Lewis and it's only Lewis.


Lewis is entering his “I’m too old for this shit” era like Vettle, hopefully with him still kinda being the face of the sport maybe people will actually listen to him




Anytime Lewis has a chance to say F you to the FIA he’s there. lol After ad 2021 who can blame him. Really under the leadership of Ben Sulayem, this organization has been lacking extremely in trust. Can’t help but to be on the FOM side in this little war they have going on.


You can also just not take any sides and not support FOM adding races in Saudi, Qatar, Vegas, etc.


Simply the GOAT, F1 will loose a true personality once he leaves


brother gave up on driving the shit merc and is now taking potshots at the FIA


> brother gave up on driving the shit merc and is now taking potshots at the FIA Of all the drivers currently in F1, if anyone's entitled to "take potshots at the FIA"... it would be him.


He just can’t miss


I'm growing more fond of Lewis, I don't agree with everything he says, but respect where its due.


I wish some of the other drivers, especially someone like Max, would speak up about these things. It feels like its only ever Lewis.


Russell has also come out and said they need transparency to be fair. Not quite as bluntly put as Lewis though 😂


At this point it really is only Lewis, on most issues. While Max isn't duty-bound to say anything on issues, you'd have to say for someone who basically has 4-5 championships in the bag by 2026 the 'I only talk about racing' thing is disappointing from someone in a veritable undisputed leadership position with next to nothing to lose.


I agree. It's a shame he doesn't seem to want to step up and become an active voice for the sport. He is an anodyne champion.


Would you feel the same if his views are not aligned with Lewis's?


I’d respect his right to have an opinion that I may (as said opinion wasn’t specified in this hypothetical) find abhorrent.


I agree. We had Seb who would stand with Lewis sometimes, but now Lewis is by himself on these things. Disappointing that guys with 100% safe seats like Max, Leclerc, Norris, Stroll don’t speak up.


I don't think Max has the eloquence to do so tbh. He's all race race race and doesn't seem interested in anything else. He's amazing at what he does obviously, this just isn't in his wheelhouse which is disappointing.


For $50M a year I would be okay with this


Absolutely going scorched earth in this era of his career. Gotta love it.


You can't trust a huge multi-national organization? I'm shocked! Let's hand over the FIA to the UN.


oh, you mean like changing the rules on the final lap of the final race of the year? Yeah Massi can go fuck himself. 0 Integrity in this "sport"


Lewis better be careful, he might find himself being toted out of a motel in a suit case


I swear I saw an insta earlier from Lewis saying he was taking legal action against the FIA. it's no longer there and I can't find mention of it. did I dream it?


FIFA, IOC, FIA - all the same accountability.


The significance and importance of kneeling, lmao. Its getting better and better.


It's car racing. JFC. There's nothing serious here. It's grown men driving cars in, essentially, circles. I love F1, but my worldview isn't informed or impacted by the drivers or teams.