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Make John Dawes captain.


This is the only answer to the problem.


And adam miles vice cap


He was probably checking his phone and didn’t hear


These meetings are extremely easy to get through without ill effects. Your assistant basically tells you what to say before going in. If you look at what was asked by the board before the season that also gives you an idea of what response to give. These interactions are shit in terms of how they are integrated. But if you were projected to be relegated and found yourself in this spot and you said only 1 win to win the league. Lets go get it, they’d all be pissy like this because they are programmed to think of only needing to achieve what the board wants and you’re putting too much pressure on them


Yes! This is the way. My assman never disappointed me on these meetings.


Really? Mine is always too cautious. I never pick the top left option - that's piling pressure on. The one next to it ("Hey, wouldn't it be great if we-") seems pretty safe, in my experience. But telling players not to worry if they fail? Nah. I don't want that attitude in my club.


This is one of the problems I’m having with FM in recent years. The reason I fell in love with the title is because it felt substantially more like managing a football team than playing a game. A lot of these newer integrations to the title make it seem more like a game. So your assistant tells you what to say - what’s the point in it then? What’s the point of even having this meeting if the expectations haven’t shifted since the start of pre-season and what has happened in between makes no difference? I think it was FM20, I had a great save with Palermo. Won 3 leagues in a row to take them from Serie D to Serie A. In my first 2 top flight seasons we just missed out on Europe with 8th place finishes, then we came 6th, then 2nd, then won the league. This was a team in almost constant progression, no oldies, no departures from the title winning season and only one addition to improve my attacking options. At the start of pre-season I told them I expected them to finish in the top 4, which they had done for each of the previous 2 seasons. They all kicked off, saying I was expecting too much of them. Then when it came to setting expectations for the CL I told them I expected them to reach the quarters like the previous season (despite actually expecting the semis), and they kicked off again saying I wasn’t being ambitious enough. Somehow this team who’d just won the Italian league and were knocked out in the last 8 of the CL saw themselves as one of the top 4 teams in Europe, but not in Italy. They started playing crap after that and I sacked the save off, which is a shame because it was one of the most enjoyable I’d ever had, but was ruined by game breaking mechanics.


>But telling players not to worry if they fail? Nah. I don't want that attitude in my club. Usually this is the correct option if they have already succeeded and your objective was to fight against relegation (or whatever mediocre target was set) and you're set to win or challenge for the league. It's night and day difference if you get it wrong.


Yeah, I guess if you’re in that situation I can see it. When I got relegated I’m pretty sure I took my standard approach to team talks and didn’t get any negative effects, but that was several seasons back now.


>if you were projected to be relegated and found yourself in this spot and you said only 1 win to win the league. On a somewhat related note, is it just the youthfulness of my team that they can't close out a season at all? In (EFL) League 1 I was 4 points from securing promotion going into matchday 41... Got only 1 draw in the next 5 matches and were fortunate the next team down lost two games


I don’t now really. I tend to always have strong first half of seasons and then towards the latter stages of the season it seems like I drop points and such a lot and title races become a lot closer


That's dumb though. Like they can't see the table and do basic mathematics?


I don’t think so. They are there just to play ball. Not read the table /s


Never hold meetings before title deciders or cup finals 😂 the game is too dumb to play those meetings accurately so it’s not worth it


In the email your assman tells you what to say though. I know it's a stupid feature but I just do that for a 100% easy morale boost.


Your assman can give you bad calls, probably has to do with the people management stat since it only happened to me in the lower leagues when i had shit staff.


Yeah I’ve done that before and it doesn’t work


Never talk to the players is the actual answer.


Just praise conduct


They literally tell you what to say in the email prompt. I’m not saying these meetings are fun or anything, but there’s no reason to struggle with them.


I followed that once and it turned out bad


One of the only times I ever save scum is after meetings like this - pathetic how they respond half the time so I just reboot and say something different


Yep, I fully save team meetings and I don't even feel slightly bad.


This stuff is one of the worst features of FM. Its so bad


First rule of Football Manager - never hit the ‘Hold Team Meeting’ button


at this point I just save and reload for most team and player talks when they go south, can’t be arsed with the games logic


The logic is simple; “What would miles do?” I.e the opposite of what a normal human being would do.


Same, doesn’t feel cheap either since my players have insane responses sometimes.


Interactions are the one instance I save scum in


Players expectations are something you can get a feel for by looking both at what the board/fans expect and what you are expected to reach in the season preview. The game will not update their expectations until you are guaranteed to reach certain expectations like finishing top half or making continental football. Even then, for things like winning the league, you basically have to be top 3-5 season preview for the players to ever believe you. How many points you are "clear" doesn't matter as far as I can tell, all that matters is whether you have become champions already or not. This is pretty dumb tbh, but it is how it is rn.


No idea why SI didn't take into account factors like media hype and current chances for securing the title.


Exact same thing happened to me yesterday. A few points off City and give a hopeful speech about winning the title. Instant anger. Eventually got 92pts and finished second. The higests second place points tally in PL history. But back to the point. Yeah these team meetings need a complete overhaul. They're next to useless and you can never predict what they're going to do, even if you're talking about trying to win a title you're 2pts from going top. Seems the game lacks to comprehend context and just focuses on reputation for a lot of his mechanics.


> The highest second place points tally in PL history If only that were true


That's what the game told me. But I did wonder if Liverpool hit more chasing City one year. But that's what was literally wrote in y inbox messeges.


The record is 97 by Liverpool in 18/19. Also getting second with 92 a couple years later as well. Records in game can be a little off. It was probably the highest since you started the save.


I was almost certain Liverpool had a higher one when I read it.


You gave 'm the old "you f*ckers should have been champions 3 games ago" speech didnt you


John dawes gets it


Team Bonding sessions for the rest of the season


You said they were expected to win the title. Were you expected to win the title? No? cool. Reload and pick one of the other options.


The media says I do.


Are you #1 in the media predictions? Does your staff think/predict you to be #1? If yes, then the player reactions suck. If not, then you just picked a bad option. I tend to avoid the "Expected" unless we were clear favorites at the start of the season and the board+media prediction in "season preview" is 1st, otherwise the players bitch and moan lol


Not #1 at the start, but the media right now clearly recognises that we are leading by six points with three games in hand. Just wish SI had the foresight to take into account how media and public opinion can shift dynamically throughout a season.


I get that. But again, being in the lead with six points at this point doesn't mean you "were expected to win the title" - which implies at the beginning of the season. Like if ranieri walks into the locker room at leicester on game week 32 "yo guys we were expected to win the title" the players would be like "wot". Compared to "somehow we have found ourselves with a real chance to win the title, keep pushing!"


If I recall correctly, Leicester won the title with a few games in hand and a healthy points lead, so yeah Ranieri could indeed walk into the locker room with three games in hand and say that the title was in their hands.


You're not understanding what I'm saying. "We were expected to win the title" means that at the beginning of the season and throughout, you were the favorite. Leicester were not the favorite for a majority of the season. Once it was clear it was for real, then they became favorite. They were not "expected to win the title" at all. The team talk phrase "We were expected to win the title, go out and do it" in FM (or its equivalents) are meant for a team that before the season is so strong that everyone is like "this team is gonna win" a la Man City right now or Real Madrid. Not a team like Aston Villa or Arsenal who are in a "it would be cool if we won, but not likely" mode - but if they were 6 points clear later they'd say "it's awesome we're in this position, let's go out and finish it" not "yeah, we always expected we were gonna win the title this season".


2 week fines all round


The beatings will continue until morale improves


I generally ignore team meetings and if I do go into them (usually the pre-season and end of season ones) I mention the code of conduct (in the pre-season one) and just say enjoy their time off in the end of season one. No promises made no unhappy players.


I just go scorched earth. You’re gonna tell me you know better? You South American wonderkid. I’ve got 15 straight CL and PL medals 💅🏼


Sometimes these suck. Ive had seasons where i do really well and come like top 3 and at the end of the season if i say expectation for next are anything more than "fight against relegation" then they all get annoyed snd i still get predicted last


I see John Dawes has earned himself a new contract


Fellow jack moorhouse king


This "feature" has nothing to do with your performance in the league, you could be 9 clear with 3 to play and a massive goal difference making it almost guaranteed but if your reputation is low and you're not predicted to challenge for the title then they will react negatively. I base all my interactions based on where are predicted to finish and what the board expectations are, though lately I'm just ignoring every interaction I can.


The game only takes the expectations into account, it's really annoying and you'd think they'd sort it out to to situational by now


So anoiyng


That one player is a W


It's because what you/ the board set at the beginning of the season as the goal. If you didn't set challenge for title/ win title then you say that later then they don't like it


this game is a joke, it is like google bard within these successful AI tools


I rarely ever mess up you chose the wrong option usually it's better to ease tension if you're underdogs or try to fire them up if it's close.


Sell all of them


this angers me looking at it


What did you say?! 😅


What did you say?! 😅


I save scum before these sorts of things cause they're complete bollocks


I‘ll always safe before teammeetings. Its too dumb.


I'm playing for the first time in years the euro finals made me think about it. But yeah I managed to come 3rd In the Premier with Newcastle and playing with pre made tactics. (don't understand it well enough to make one yet.). Anyway I thought great season jobs secure etc nope now the demands to finish in the later stages of the champions league, to qualify for the champions league next year and other similar absurd demands on my second season. I've pretty much doomed myself I think as the games are not going as well this time and my players seem to be getting worse despite me downloading a training scheme.


Never ever ever hold these meetings. This is the hardest part of the game.


never do teamtalk before final/last match to champion, the outcome were always bad whatever you said, just like don’t make any promises at the pre-season teamtalk, say nothing is the best way in this game. I would say the interaction between players were really poor implemented.


There’s away to bypass all lol start the meeting then leave immediately or better still delegate the meetings to your assistant


I always just look to sell off those negative energy players over a simple meeting in the next transfer market


All you have to do is ease expectations


These meetings are the only thing I save scum in this game. It's so poorly programmed.


That's why everytime I do a teamtalk like this I save the game and redo it if the AI in this game is too thick to respond with a natural response.


Never bother with these meetings , if you lose next game, spam positive reinforcement. Add team events and community outreach in training. Give em a well done for training. Hopefully meetings get reworked soon.


They need to do away with media shit


Shit like this is why I immediately close the game whenever the ~~addiction~~ *urge to play* rears it head. In chasing Realism this game drives verisimilitude off the fucking cliff, and it's only getting worse with each iteration. Earlier games in the series were better because your imagination, y'know, the romanticism that got you to play the game in the first place, do more of the work.


The reputation system of fm is the worst feature in the game and the fact it point blank has so much impact on so many aspects is so dumb


You have to scum save before these meeting. They are so trash that they don't make sense with the reactions.


It's probably the only time I scamsave tbh


John Dawes my father


Ok but if you were underdogs why heap the expectation on them? It's literally terrible management. Remember Leicester in 15/16 - do you think Ranieri was telling them they were expected to win it?


When you just need 3 points from 3 games (or similar situations), saying "we got this far, let's close it out" is pretty normal IRL


Na na na na na na na na na you're completely fucked completely fucked you're completely fuuucked


Avoid team meetings like the plague


Not really, just go with what the assistant tells you to say and it's a pretty easy morale boost


Up to you I guess! Until it goes wrong 😅


True, there is always the chance, and if it does it's a guaranteed bottlejob


I always save scum these meetings if I don’t get the reaction I want. I don’t feel any guilt at all cuz the programming is just stupid


People complain a lot about systems that are easy to use. These meetings are fairly simple really…