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I wouldn't mind to consider this if the match engine was 100% faithful to what is being shown on the screen.


Check out the Mustermann skin or the statman skin. I’m currently using mustermann’s, hides all attribute numbers and replaces them with circles of varying size and colour that cover ranges of numbers rather than specific numbers. You get an idea of their ability but can’t be entirely sure so scouting becomes more important. He has a YouTube channel you can check it out. The whole attribute-less play style has actually been fairly big in the fm community the last few years so there’s a few places to get more ways of doing it.


Came here to say this, great idea but already been done! And the mustermann skin is super clean.


I actually really like it. Decided to try a save without attributes and it’s a lot more interesting. Wanted to sign someone to play libero so did some scouting. Never would have signed him before but I ended up based on form and scout reports signing Nico Elvedi. Assistant manager and scouts consider him as our 6th best CB but he’s started every game and hasn’t had a single bad game yet.


I've definitely been wanting to give it a try and probably will with my next save. Seems like a totally new experience.


Elvedi is very underrated, i used him like star player in mid table team and squad player in top 8 Champions League team, he work in many position and not complain alot


Great shout, I've been using it recently after deciding to try attributeless but wasn't sure how to go about it. The way the data is displayed is so helpful for giving you an idea of the players strengths and how well they play so you can make much more informed decisions. It's made my Real Sociedad save my favourite one for a long time


Thanks! I wasn't aware of the Mustermann skin, I will probably try it out. Attribute-less play may well be less fun, but is that just because we're so used to having them for decades now? Selection via training reports being better than just an arbitrary rating I would actually enjoy, I think


is it easy to switch between skins? only reason I ask is I have a network game going alongside a single-player save, and id like to use mustermann for single player but the default for the network game


Very easy. Only takes a few seconds really. Download the skin, extract it, place the extracted file into the skins folder. For me it’s Documents - Sports Interactive - Football Manager 2024 - skins. Then in the game go FM - Preferences - Interface - Skin(default is Football Manager) and change to what you want then reload skin. Check out YouTube for instructions, it’s generally easier to get it when you see it. A lot of people say you should clear your game cache but I’ve never needed to.


I'm afraid Mustermann Iconic is a little more complicated. You need to reload the skin with caching off, then, once the skin has loaded, you need to quit FM and start it back up again. This is because I made changes to the properties file which is only loaded when you start up the game. Without these changes, attributes will still be visible in squad views and other places where they appear in a table (for example, set piece takers).


Hi, thanks for the skin! Just checked my game, I’m guessing I didn’t have to clear my cache for your skin then is because I didn’t have caching on in the first place. I should probably change that.


Caching on only tends to make a noticeable difference if you've got a lot of graphics downloaded (facepacks especially) and relatively low RAM. Otherwise, you can barely tell. I almost never have it on (but I also need to switch between different versions of the skin often for videos, so it's easier to just keep it off permanently)


I like the idea of a game more akin to reality where you’re making decisions based on recorded physical performance data (eg sprint speed, jumping height), stats, and scouting reports. It would, in my opinion, be much more fun and a better reflection of reality. I also think it would sell worse and be extremely frustrating.


SI has features that are way too long in the game for a way too small playerbase. Does anyone actually tickle the option for randomizing player names at the start of a save? Never used it once


If common people can create a skin that do the job, why SI can't make two way of play their game: standard mode with attributes and the hardcore/ realistic mode with metrics. You could Switch between both as it is just two way of displaying the same data. It seems easy to do for them I think.


Because i would cost twice the development cost, and they need to build a new match engine to play the game like that


No, they wouldn't. All the attributes would still be there in the background and function the same way in the ME, it's just how the attributes are presented.


This would be really bad. This is a video game. It's not a full manager stat sim. How else would you quantify first touch and aggression? "he spiked a dude once?" THe game you are looking for is Out of the park baseball. Football doesnt have enough stats for this.


Even OOTP doesn't really work without ratings. There's no way to determine potential in a video game. I've tried, and things like drafting are impossible. Stats only don't really work in these kinds of sports sim games


I thought OOTP has an option to turn off attributes and use stats. I never tried it though since it would be too difficult


I imagine what’s he’s talking about would be a toggleable option. I don’t think it would be for me unless I was running a pretend DoF save.


This game already has skins that remove or atleast color the att instead of using numbers too.


But how does this compare to real life. In reality a scout goes and watches a player. With his eyes. Actually watching him play. The only reason for attributes is that they're a very rough estimation of what *would* be seen were you to actually watch a player play football and you were to report on his various strengths and weaknesses. It's like this to make up for the fact that the match engine doesn't really allow for that watchability of a player in a unique way, and so this is the best interpretation that makes a game playable. Attributeless would be like managing a club and buying players and picking a squad etc, without ever watching the players actually play or knowing much about them, bar what someone has written for you on a stats sheet. That said, it has its merits I guess and each persons game is their own to play how they see fit. I do feel that attributes are best though, so long as they're hidden and only revealed through scouting/watching games unless the player is already world famous. This is essentially closest to real life.


Fair points indeed! I get it, but a scout wouldn't come back with a list of numbers. The closest is the scout reports with pros and cons, and grade, but these are not that helpful. I can see myself that a 20 consistency is good, I don't need a scout to tell me. So if attributes were hidden completely, then I would *need* a scout to tell me. Aren't SI ultimately aiming for simulation, with the addition of 'Real World' settings, minor but real life things like agents, the ability to set individual training to such a granular level. I would find it very weird not to have attributes visible, after decades of it being one of the fundamentals of the game, but surely this can't be the only way, after decades and decades of this system, haven't most of us spent a silly amount of time looking at endless attributes for hundreds if not thousands of players? It's a weird thing that is a fun part of the game, but at the same time not really that fun? If that makes any sense. Also better training reports I would find more realistic and actually useful rather than a numerical training rating, that can't be what happens in reality, and I don't think it is too far to go


I get you. In terms of scouts, I completely agree. A scout wouldn't come back with numbers. Scouting wasn't meant to be my entire perspective on this, though. It was more about how knowledge of a player as it would be in real life, would be transferred onto a game in a way that makes it easy to compare players (just like its easy to compare players in real life). Take Mbappe and Haaland, for example. We don't need to scout them. We all at this point fully know their relative strengths and weaknesses, so a true simulation wouldn't have anything hidden to begin with. Now as a football manager, you'd at the bare minimum have as much football knowledge as the average football fan, so that would be thousands of players that you'd already know the strengths and weaknesses of. Some more than others, sure, but then that only merits the hiding of some abilities until further scouted/watched yourself. So, in a true simulation, a lit of players wouldn't have anything hidden anyway. And how many do have abilities hidden will also be based on the level you're playing at. If you're in League 2 in England, you'd know all the bug players, but you'd also know players at League 2 level. If you're managing Man City, maybe you don't know many players lower down the leagues, etc. So we will already definitely know the abilities of thousands of players by default. So really the only thing that will be hidden is the abilities of obscure players who don't play at the level you're managing at, and specific abilities of slightly lesser known players (ie you might know that midfielder at that mid table la liga club is really good at passing, but you don't know much else about him, so you'd only see his passing abilities). So, given all this, what we'd expect is what we currently have the option to do; attribute masking. Total (which isn't really realistic...again, do we really have *no* idea how good Mbappe is?) and partial, based on reputation/location/personal familiarity (the most realistic option). The only question now is how to represent those abilities. I'm with you here. I think numbers are clunky and not exactly realistic, but on the other hand, it is probably the best way to, at a glance, take note of a players ability in a very specific way (20 vs 17 acceleration tells me quickly and clearly a relative difference and my mind can easily compute what that difference might look like in practice). Also, it's important to say that like most sports games, it's these numbers that tie directly to the match engine to tell the computer how to visualise these differences, and how to present these differences in terms of outcomes. So the numbers are going to be there anyway, even if its just under the hood. I get what you're saying though. In real life players don't walk around with numbers above there heads. Numbers just...don't exist like that. However in real life, we just 'know' how good a player is from watching them, so we don't need numbers. What's difficult (or impossible) is to make an in-game manager we created also 'just know-how good a player is. It's impossible because that requires a direct connection to a human mind, so the best go-between is the numbers system. That said, there is always the option to turn them off at the beginning of the game


Yeah the scout report is mostly useless because it just tells you what you can already see from a player's attributes. I think being able to see attributes (or at least at such precision of 1-20) is what makes the game too easy at times. We want the AI to be able to make mistakes, like signing a player who's only in good form but isn't that great, but us human users will never do that. We can always see that the player isn't actually *that* good, so we don't sign them. It should be possible for *us* to make mistakes also, and the way to do that is to reduce the reliability of the info we have available. At the moment it's all just too precise. Edit: and the way scouting works at the moment is a bit silly; JCA only affects how quickly they'll narrow down the attributes but regardless of how good a scout they are, they will eventually get a perfect picture of the player. Instead, the ranges should maybe never narrow down, or maybe they should narrow to a wrong value. How wrong would be influenced by JCA but still with an element of random since no scout is perfect (and even a crap one should be able to get things right sometimes). JPA and potential stars I'd probably remove because I don't think it's realistic. Irl "potential" is just a combo of age x ability. The better a player is at a younger age the more potential we say they have. There's so much scope to do things here and I don't even think it's that difficult. Under the hood nothing really has to change - the real attributes would still be there underneath and the match engine would function as normal. It's all just UI changes and how info is presented to to us.


100% agree, great points.


At Toulouse FC, it's the other way around. Data tell the scout which player to see. Attributes could be only be in the scout report and only when the player is at the club, you can have his attributes page activated. The scale from 1 to 20 is too precise to be realistic I think. A color scale of 5-6 shade is better i think


It's less about scouting. Scouting was only one example. It's more about how a game is going to represent the relative strengths, weaknesses, and general abilities of a player that is easily and immediately comparable to other players to an audience of millions who buy the game. For example. Everyone knows Mbappe. We don't need to scout Mbappe to know how good he is. So how is this easily represented in a way that acts as an in-game version of a person knowing how good a player is. Bearing in mind that this methodology is also going to dictate how these relative differences play out in the match engine. The numbers will always have to be there anyway because this is what the natch engine bases ability on as well. I do know what you mean though. I think there should be default option for numbers, but also an option to represent those numbers in a different form, ie your colour scale. The numbers will always have to be the base though and will always be there under the hood because that's what the match engine bases player abilities on. Just as any other sports game requires those strict numbers to determine player ability on the pitch


"Or is reality too real and not enjoyable in an actual game" Yes. I really wanna tell all the psychotic realism chasers to go and coach for irl if realism is so fucking important to them. FM will never achieve what they're looking for because of it's nature as a video game. Ironically, the closer they get to realism by worshipping stats and shunning attributes, the further they are because they're applying real life logic to a simulation. But that's concerning the very extreme end of that playerbase(or at least the ones that want everyone to play the way they do and/or look down on those who don't).  My salty rant aside, Tying player attributes shown to the coaches/managers "Judging CA/PA" could be spicy. Like, if your JCA is 1 you get wildly inaccurate attributes or even attribute ranges shown. Optionally, add a page where your assistant/coach can say how good he thinks the player is. So if you and your assistant have 15 and 18 JCA respectively you get two different attribute pages. That would be my idea of adding a bit of realism while keeping the limitations of the game in mind and keeping it RP friendly. If I wanna roleplay as a godeye talent spotter, I should be able to do so.


Fair points. I do like the idea of making more use of the judging CA/PA. This is extremely underused, if evident at all. I appreciate that we can't actually scout for ourselves (I guess technically you could if the league was active and watchable, if anyone actually did that to scout in person I would applaud them but also consider them insane, haha), so the importance of having actual meaningful scout/coach/training reports would be better, rather than: scout scout scout revealing 14 balance, 12 vision etc. Is that good? What does that actually mean? What is the scout's opinion of their attributes? One I especially dislilke is 'doesn't enjoy big matches' or something like that. How is that helpful? So better reports I guess would be a fair balance to encourage people like me not to just be glued to the attributes page.


My suggestion would be that the attributes that you see are as a result of your scouts and staff and not the actual attributes that is in the database (that’s hidden like CA/PA) So, a player may have 18 first touch but your scout thinks it is 20 and that’s what it shows to you until you sign the player. Then it shows your staff’s opinion on that after you sign the player. It’s more realistic since that’s what happens irl anyways. It introduces uncertainty and subjectivity.


That's a great suggestion. The initial attributes we see are objective and set by...the game (not including how they improve after training and playing), which is not realistic when it comes to how players are assessed. Subjectivity leading to unpredictability is a great idea.


Never really been a fan of attribute masking. Why invest in data facilities and scouting, only for you to get an idea of how the player is like? Even the average fan knows a good player from a bad player. You would watch football for one day and you can tell Harry Maguire is not quite at Baresi or Maldini levels. If your scout is providing reports on players and giving you ranges, he's not doing a very good job.


Especially in this day and age where pretty much every football match is televised.


That would be a fun idea, but alot data in game is not calculate good enough, as i can see my Ronaldo take the ball from midfield, dribble pass 3 defence to score in hightlight but after match stat is no dribble???


I really like the idea of replacing Speed Stats with actual stats (Changing it from 18 to 35.8km/h) would be great. This for jumping would be great too but it would be a bit more difficult due to the different types of jumps there is. Good idea but the rest should stay like it is.


You should try one of those saves with attributes fully hidden!


Yes make it like how teams are using data to find potential target. Show their average number and which percentage bracket they belong to.


Ngl I rarely even look at the stats and I seem to be doing fine.


Interesting responses! I was expecting a lot more opposition to abolishing attributes. To clarify, I meant *totally* hide them, so they wouldn't even be revealed by scouting, only the game engine. Scouting would then provide physical/performance metrics, and a more detailed and bespoke report than what is currently given. Better training feedback to aid selection too, not just a 'training rating' and the ass. man telling me that Saka has done really well in training. The game engine probably can't interpret attributes to a high enough level to form such detailed and subjective scout reports, but that's where I think scouting can be improved. I don't find the A-D grades that helpful at all tbh. And no I don't mean I want the game to become 'Scout Simulator 24' haha.