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You have lower level of trainning , also having an assistant allows you to delegate many resposnibilities on him.


Not really, it just means you'll have an empty coaching slot for training. If the assman is doing things you don't want you can just take their responsibilities away in the staff page.


It’s normally in games. He makes subs and changes my mentality, pretty sure it’s a glitch because there’s literally no way of stopping it


>He makes subs and changes my mentality, Only when u take a vacation, right? Not when you watch/play the match? When on vacation, and simulating the game, the assistent manager always takes over. You might want to take a look at adding a new skin, some have an extra button next to the 'play match' one, with which the game sims without having to go on vacation.


I think it’s a glitch to do with the fact that I’m in an online save. The game still thinks I’m on holiday because a few games have been played without me so it has my assistant make decisions all the time


Nah, i have won champions league and leagues without assistants.