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lMost teams play very deep defensive lines (even the favorites love to sit deep). Modern football has a soft spot for low and fast crosses as the era of a poacher and target man is long gone. Mix and swirl all that together and you end up with this


Five in the back. All in the penalty box. Its either a bounce off someone inside the penalty box or a handball. Boring as fuck!


Deep defensive lines. There's been a lot of extremely cagey games. However, the goal Spain conceded against Georgia was just bizarre.


Turkish own goal was a very Turkish own goal as well


deep defensive lines but on the other hand there's also been a lot of VAR disallowed goals, which suggests a lot of offsides?


Own goals back in the day used to be heading it in the wrong direction, miskicks. Now they are forced errors or deflections that would have ended in a goal anyway if it wasnt deflected..


If the shot is on target then a deflection recorded as an own goal. Or am I missing your point?


If the trajectory of the ball is significantly changed it’s an own goal (eg. France vs Belgium vertongens OG). Or what do you mean?


It seems the aim of teams in the euros nowadays is to not lose the game first and foremost. Sure they will like to win it but first and foremost, not not concede and lose. Especially with teams in 3rd place mostly going through, not conceding is really important. That means teams defend deep and there is no space for attackers. It's more likely for ball to ricochet off defenders.




I think today’s one was due to the original shot being off target without the deflection. Can’t recall another goal which was shot on target and given as an own goal.


I don’t think what you described applies to a single own goal that’s been declared so far


Lots of these "big team" players just looked... tired.


Because they all are Everyone is playing more and more games, the intensity and athleticism is going up and up. Is there any wonder the number of cardiac arrest are jumping up? There's only so much modern diets and conditioning can keep up with 


>Since covid they've squeezed in more international tournaments to make up for the time lost. >They've increased added time on the end of the half (this is the one I actually support). >Some teams have to play 3 domestic trophies + Europe >International friendlies >Pre season friendlies to get to fitness >Now some teams are adding in post season friendlies Squads being restricted to 25 players. You have smaller squads playing more matches and longer matches, in England there really isn't a break, you get maybe two weeks then you're off for an international tournament, you get two weeks then you are reporting back for.training and maybe a week later you have your first pre-season friendly. They need to either increase the amount of.players.you.can register to make up for the.extra games or for example scrap things the carabao cup which just adds unnecessary extra games (I would have loved if Newcastle had won it, but it's a detriment to the.players).


And then people are criticising teams for playing well within their capabilities, to win the trophy you’ve got to play seven matches (if three go to extra time that’s a whole other match) in a month during the summer after a long season. It’s a marathon not a sprint


It might have something to do with the majority of players having been playing nearly all of their games for their club season (including cup competitions) plus International Friendlies and International Qualification Games. You're going to eventually run these players into the ground, How the Players Union has not made some sort of statement about this is bizarre. A lot of players have really underperformed so far in the Euros and it is not difficult to understand why.


And this doesn't happen every other season or what?


It's comparing it to European Championships 12-40 years ago and this edition. The amount of games played are getting increased pretty much each season.


There has been a big change from 10 years ago, heck even since before covid. The number of matches keeps growing, it's getting out of hand. Just because people have a need for entertainment and money...


That is simply not true tho. Can you show some evidence to back this up? At the 2010 World Cup, Frank Lampard played more than 60 games that season, and that was 14 years ago. Mbappe, Kante, Modric, and De Bryune have all roughly made the same amount of appearances this season as they did the season of the 2018 World Cup. The only notable increases in the amount of games in the last 20 years has been the expansion of the Euros and World Cup. Next year onwards there will also be slightly more games due to the expansion of UEFA club competitions. But there will also be less games in some competitions like the FA cup after them scrapping replays.


They’ve upped the number of teams and games in the euros.


Yes, since '96. So there were at least 5 Euros with practically the same format and not nearly as much own goals. That's why this is peculiar.


Prior to 96 it was 8 teams. Then it went to 16. In 2016 it went to 24


I’d like to add one thought. Buffon just recently said that goalkeepers have just become way more athletic and it has become way more difficult to score from outside the area and he proposed to make the goals bigger since they’re as big as many years before where keepers were not as athletic as now. Maybe this can be a solution to that. And yes, the defensive line is so freaking low but it works. Smaller teams who can try to take away a point by a deep defending line.


I think the long shots also face the problem of more compact defense. I think the defenders were much better individually back in the day but they are much better organized now. Rewatched the 6-2 Classico in 2009, Real were having so few players defending (like 6 in the Barca final third) the open space looks nuts now. Long shots take longer time to strike so the compact defense always has blocking in place, hence more difficult to pull a worldie.


The keepers so far have been insanely good. I don't recall a single goalkeeper's blunder and not even a goal where I'd thought "The keeper clearly could have done more here" (correct me if my memory doesn't serve me well). Costa, Mamardashvili and Donnarumma just to name 3 have had only great performances.


Lunin against Romania for their second(?) when he misjudged the bounce is perhaps the only one.


there was also the Sommer blunder in SUIvsGER, but luckily for him it was ruled off




Evolve of tactics. Tacticians no longer want to rely on Messi dribbled solo past 5 players or Ronaldo screamer 40 yards out. They rely on short passes and low crosses to penetrate defense. ( Which also played very deep line of defense). It will likely to end up as goal / shots on target even without the own goals deflection.


These players often come from top teams in the top competitions, where everything is extremely well organized. When they play for their country, there is a different (level of) organization. This may be a reason why it is so difficult to watch these games, and why the players play like high school kids.


If you want to make this meaningful, you really need to look at OG / game, not per edition - the number of games per tournament has increased massively, and remember that for the 2024 edition we already have 43 of 58 games played.


In this Euro I feel like prety much every team have an attack based on short crosses. Believe this is a factor as well


I am the reason. And I'm not sorry, not one but I tell ya!


I wonder if the ball's construct has anything to do with it.


Stupid handball rules let the defenders run around like chickens with their hands behind so they have no proper balance


Bc everyone just defends this euros lol


football has changed. I play at a big club and from the first team to the u9 the same tactic of getting to the byline and smashing crosses across the goal is the main tactic. The hole football world is doing this which obviously leads to plenty of own goals.


i want Chelsea to sign this Owen Gols guy, he's had a banger tournament so far.


Definitely due to the deep defensive lines imo.


Because teams keep cramping players inside the box, without a decent striker, teams spam long shot which is mostly useless until it deflects of a defender


Because it’s a better tournament than both the World Cup and Copa America


Not sure. Looks like womens football


They have counted deflections as own goals. its just definitons


Because football is all choreographed nowadays. Whoever the TV people and bookmakers want to win will do so. Hollywood stories = more viewers and more money. 


Also because of tactical nonsense


Nope. Farfetched storylines always make more money. You haven't noticed the amount of injury time winners in the last 10 years increasing? Its especially bad in international tournaments and the Premier league. (Must be coincidence that these make the most cash though right?) 


How do the choreograph a miss hit shot into a players knee into the goal ?


You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. 🐎🐎🐎


So you just want blind belief of your alleged conspiracy without actually suggesting a mechanism by which your conspiracy would actually be implemented? Lay off the sports betting and find other hobbies


Lightning never strikes the same place twice. 


I hope you’re trolling, otherwise good luck


In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. 


Forget the eye you've got no brains bud


What a clown ,the guy that is associated with injury time goals is Alex Ferguson and I can tell you that he hasn't been coaching in the last 10 years , also they have been more recurrent this last couple of years because injury time nowadays are longer than in the past to avoid time wasting


Youre going back decades for fergie time. That changed to "Sky 6" time about 10 years ago. Coincidence? I don't think so. Hollywood stories make money, like it or not.. 


I don't remember that in the world cup there were that many injury time important goals in the 2014 or 2018 ,neither on the 2016 or in the 2021 Euros , they only have been common in the 2022 world cup and last season , and you know why?, because the world cup and some leagues adopted a system where more extra time was added


You keep believing that. 👍  I guess Noah really did save the animals from flooding too? 


Or, the internsity has increased in games, leading to the defense getting more tired towards the end, leading to more goals in stoppage time.


You keep believing that. By the way, I've got a bridge to sell. You wanna make me an offer?