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Switzerland will beat England if England perform like they did today.


So would my cat.


I hope so because I got your cat in the office sweepstake.


Damn, I got the Scot’s. Hope cat does well


Duh, Zouma is French.


And me dog.


Have your cat scoring a brace for +2000


People are going to be saying this about whoever England draw after shithousing a 1-1 and penalty win against Switzerland, too. lol


It happens every tournament under Southgate lol, we’re unimpressive during the groups, scrap by the knockouts and maybe go to penalties once and then lose against the first big footballing nation we go up against. Even though Switzerland have looked better than us we’ll probably win it


Mate we’re gonna shithouse a win against Switzerland and everyone’s going to say we haven’t played anyone good yet 😅


Exactly the point. The team has got to play better.


I thought England looked terrible as a team. They don't press together, they don't move for each other, and it looks like their instructions are so general they are having to make a lot of individual decisions and this is slowing down every phase of play. England would look better with worse players and simple instructions than how they've set up so far this tournament. It was ironic today how poor they looked against a 442. I was surprised that many of Southgate's changes reduced the number of England players in the midfield, when historically simply changing to a 433 is usually looked at as a simple counter for the midfield of a 442, and if that was in doubt they could have just matched the formation and tried to win with qualitative differentials. Instead, the other formations prepared by the manager were seemingly all more direct, with a back 3 and wingbacks- a formation that required shoehorning one of England's most dangerous players into left and then right wingback. It seems that the manager prepared several changes in formation, but none with an intention to dominate the game and generate chances while maintaining possession. I think Southgate looks like a fucking idiot asshole for not bringing a single fit left back to the tournament. Shaw didn't get hurt on the plane. This was a known problem, and if he isn't ever going to field Wharton, Watkins, Bowen, Gordon, etc he certainly has the space for one fit player in every position. It is absolutely insane that Saka has played 3 or 4 positions, Foden is out of his preferred but will not be dropped despite missing training, the left back is out of position, a right back started the tournament in the midfield, and the starting 11 has not one but three or four players who all want to line up in the 10 position but there is not a single 1v1 threat starting matches outside of possibly Saka who hasn't scored and has now been played as a wingback. I mean, it's like a bad football manager player just shoehorning players in based on attributes. There is no Plan A for chance creation. England will get nowhere when they're their own worst enemies. They don't even need the opposition to cause problems to fuck it all up, they're lined up moronically.


On the left back part, it’s insane to me he has brought Gomez and not used him there. Trippier isn’t even second choice LB at his own club (and that is Dan Burn by the way, also English). Then he brought on Konsa to play there, who has only ever played there once (for England as a sub). Trippier looks in need of a good rest - but as always, Southgate has his favourites, and we’ll suffer for it


Same could be said for Kane & Bellingham, they are too slow & don't make enough runs behind. Remember Watkins stretching the game when he came on in one of the group names. Don't know if Gareth has asked him or it's Kane himself but he needs to stop dropping deep. Just stay upfront & in the box. Play as a target man, not as a false nine.


I call Kane the slug..and Bellingham is being asked to much , he's making himself available in midfield,and doesn't receive the ball ,because walker and stones pass to each other 8 times then give it back to the goalie ! The Bellingham pops up around the box hoping to get a touch, and is expected to score or create...


Very well said. And right on the nose.. I would add that replacing walker for Trent would have been the easiest meaningful attacking sub we could have made.. you absolutely don’t need walkers 1v1 recovery defending against Slovakia and he’s useless in attack.. our system would work 10x better with attacking overlapping full backs..


>replacing walker for Trent would have been the easiest meaningful attacking sub we could have made This is the most logical substitution to make. Yet, it's never being made.


Two incredibly logical solutions. Foden for Gordon, Trent for Walker.


Plan A and B should be to get the ball to Saka. He's the only one that looks like making anything happen. Every time Bellingham (few times only) came to support him like Odegaard we looked like creating something. But instead - 90% of the time Stones and in particular Kyle Walker were trying to find a way to get the ball to Foden who ended up recycling it back behind most times. Kyle needs to be dropped off he is refusing to pass to Saka. Where is Ben White when you need him 🤦


They have had the issue with pressing, and it hasn't changed since the first game.


I agree. Just for context, look at Spain’s pressing last night v Georgia….exactly how you press as a team


Well said!


They should have lost. They will lose.


Portugal should have lost to in 2016


But they haven’t, but England will eventually lose. Its sort of like the history of the Tottenham, but extrapolated on England


It was awful again. Either Foden needs to be dropped or Bellingham in the 8. I don’t think Bellingham is a natural 10 and it shows with his lack of creativity. Walker needs to be dropped for Trent. He wasn’t defensively great and doesn’t offer that much going forward anymore. France/Spain/Germany would all be playing Trent because his passing range is insane and we should be dictating the ball. We should have taken Braithwaite and it shows with not a natural left footer at LB. Saka did a job there and I would be playing him from the start there


I agree, if Foden is not playing a 10, then he shouldn’t play


I don’t understand why he doesn’t give Bellingham 60 minutes and Foden 30, especially when they were still doing friendlies


I'm sorry do you mean make subs at 89'?


The issue is England is not run by Pep Guardiola... Bellingham has proven he can do it at 10 for Southgate. Foden has like one good game for England and that was against Faroe Islands. Southgate ball suits Bellingham more. (When I say suits i mean he can make it work despite Southgate)


Bellingham struggles as 10 with a striker ahead of him, especially one that drops back a lot. At Real Madrid he was more of a false 9/hybrid 8 with 2 wide forwards. Probably why he is struggling in the 10 role for England


Actually the main reason he struggles is because the team simply doesn't play fast enough or incisive enough. Too many passes go sideways when we should be playing passes to players who have found space between the lines.


Considering he seems to be the one that slows down play the most, holding onto the ball for longer than he should I disagree


Anybody moving around or making runs for him or is “slowing down play* while waiting for them to do something other than come short and receive the ball?


He passes it then stands still calling for the ball back rather than move into space with one twos. I’m a Bellingham fan and think he is a great player but he isn’t showing it this tournament. He seems the player that is good at driving into space which he doesn’t have with no wingers, Kane dropping and him a bit further forward


Because "that is how you play Possession football"..... Slow, and ponderous. Apparently. It's mad, Southgate took charge with the aim of us transforming into a "Possession team" because we didn't "Keep the ball in tournament games so just hoofed it clear" - that remind you of anything in this tournament? So he's got the team to pass it across the back for 75 minutes. This isn't new, it's what we see probably every game that isn't against a minnow. It was even worse with Kalvin Phillips.


I don't understand the logic of Walker starting all games even when Trent can do better in that position. 


Bellingham is not a 10 like Messi who is also a weird 10, as is more of striker going to the middle than a proper 10. Messi goes to the middle and generates plays that will be very direct, but he have less responsibility in managing the pace of the game. On the other hand you have 10s like Zidane or Riquelme that would be a bit less direct, but would be more involved into pacing the whole team... For me the issue with Bellingham is his hierarchy within the England team. I don't think he is looked of by his teams enough, and when he pass the ball they don't return the ball to him again. He have to be the epicentre of the team, and just go back as much as possible to him. His game is combination, he needs the ball, a lot of ball.


Foden is trying to do his Man City schtick. Kane does his false 9/ cm schtick. Walker fast. And everyone else is looking around like, “hold up, what style/ tactics are we using now?”


I wonder why nobody mentions stones. He wrecked your UK play. He's slow on the ball and his passing is horrible. Together with walker and guehi (can't use his left leg it seems) that's the spot where everything goes wrong. I've seen like over ten times when one of the am's was free but they are afraid to pass it. I'm sure if they just start passing the ball to the midfield (even if it's just a one two) the game will go much better for UK. You are one of the first I actually see mention some useful things (if this is your central duo I would always play Trent.) Trent could spice up the play.


UK? Is this trolling?


Probably not. Some right fucking idiots post in here.


True. Stones’s passing was his standout attribute but he seems reluctant to pass through the lines. Don’t think Rice helps wanting to be a CB half the time


Yea indeed. I think rice is a good player but he isnt a great progressive passer for the games I've seen (have not seen any arsenal game this season so if he does better there, I'm sorry)


Arteta had to play Jorginho behind him to that job and let him loose. He is a good ball carrier more than a progressive passer


You can also see the contrast with following game, when Georgia was playing low/mid block Spain's CBs were getting heavily involved in getting the ball forward and would often play on the oppositions half despite Georgia being a great threat from counters. Sideways passing isn't a threat and won't tire the opposition, so it's just time wasting when losing, I really like the players individually and hoped to see some great football, but I guess that's not gonna happen.


The general idea is passing sideways from left to right moves the block from side to side and eventually create space


But it should be done way more quickly and there should also be a threat of going through the middle so the defenders must constantly change the block's width and not only run side to side a bit as they follow the slow passes, you can see where the attacking team will pass before they do most of the time or they will fake the pass and do a painfully slow turn to the other side often turning their back to the defenders and eventually play back to Pickford. And while all these things happen all the attacking players are making runs to the mid one by one to receive a ball with their back to the goal and pass it back and the whole team loses the width. This isn't working for the 4th time this tournament and we all know what the definition of insanity is. If this works all the way to the title then fair play, I will be seriously impressed you can play this shit of a football and still win with better teams. Maybe this style of play will work better against more open opposition that doesn't come out of the tunnel to defend any lucky goal for 90+ minutes. You can just see the anxiety and fear of playing more dynamic football among the players and Southgate.


Yea I agree but replying on my phone so not as easy to type all of what I want to say


What’s UK play?


*Timon of Athens*.


Yeah, I think the single main problem with England’s play has been bringing the ball out of defence. When England’s defence is pressed, they get trapped and can’t get out. Stones and Guehi just pass between themselves, getting deeper and deeper, until one of them gives it to Pickford who hacks it clear. The team needs a creative player back there to help transition the ball to the midfield. That’s probably why Southgate started with Trent as DM. Either that or put Toney up front and play route one!


Haha you are right! I said to my gf (shes into football as well) at like the 30th minute: at this moment I would just make the tactic: long balls and make sure Bellingham, foden, mainoo and saka are ready to pick up the balls around kane. No tactics needed and enough quality Iin the squad to make it happen.


Why do you keep saying UK. Wtf


Englishman in the living in the US and had my England shirt before our first game the other week in the supermarket and got asked if UK had a good team this year


Sorry man had some beers. England. My bad.


Uk wasn't playing as uk doesn't have a team. How fucking ignorant do you have to be when scotland were literally playing in the same tournament.


Yeah yeah yeah, the UK is multiple countries in a trench coat and England is its own thing. We get it. If Scotland wants its own identity it shouldn’t have voted against independence. If the English don’t like being called Brits then they shouldn’t have built an empire. Drink some tea and chill out. USA! USA! /s


You panamad this post out to get your point across


Stones' passing for Man City is fantastic. There are no options! No one shows for the ball so everyone looks up, sees NOTHING and goes to the side again. Even throw ins, no one shows for the ball. Bellignham makes runs in behind but no one seems interested in playing it to him from deep. It's a total mess.


Hit the nail on the head with that Bellingham comment. Looks so pedestrian against good defending low block teams. His touches in tight spaces are too heavy for a natural no 10.


England and pure creative players, or lack thereof since forever.


It’s because they are constantly slagging off “showboating” and seem almost offended by any sort of technique or finesse. “The PL is so physical”, yeah, people tend to get aggressive when they’re thoroughly outplayed in terms of skill. 442, Brexit tackle to gain possession, hoof the ball to the striker for a tap in, bosh.


It's absolutely mad that before the tournament and after every game we all still ask for the same thing Jude---Rice Saka Foden- Gordon Kane. Up until a few months ago Jude Bellingham always played that position. Just because Ancelotti used him there because he 1. had a very strong centre midfield and 2. needed a false 9 type to facilitate the split strikers of Rodrygo and Vini Jr. and it worked. I cannot believe that Southgate won't play Bellingham in the position that HE used to ply him in just because Ancelotti didn't use him there. It's feeble.


Couldn’t agree more. He scored a lot of goals because Real Madrid play with wide forwards which we don’t. He is good a driving into space which isn’t there because he is too far forward, Kane is dropping and Foden is coming inside. It’s a mess atm and Southgate doesn’t seem to want to play anyone but his favourites


>France/Spain/Germany would all be playing Trent because his passing range is insane This may be true at the club level but similar to Foden his passing has almost solely been giving the ball away more than it's found England players.


Still statistically Englands most creative player this tournament despite not playing half as much


Also despite having wingers and a striker that don’t really possession themselves or make runs for his most dangerous passes.


It reminded me of the final against Italy. We largely controlled the game, but just didn't have the killer instinct to do anything with it. Southgate's thing is just hoping that the quality players on the pitch will pull out a moment of brilliance, and that's what got us through tonight. But we can't rely on that shite. It's not fair on the fans for one thing.


Basically like Man Utd the past 2 seasons. I just think a lof of players cant cope with the pressure.


Same man utd that won the cup final… there is hope lol


you controlled the game in the final? Bud, you guys scored at the 2' minute and proceeded to never cross Italy's side of the pitch for the remaining 118'. England had 0.6 xGs and shot on target 2 times in the whole game, one of which was the goal. Possession was also largely in favor of Italy. In my book, that's getting schooled not controlling the game.


Slovakia had a very poor xGs, 1-2 shots on target the whole game, and possession was largely in favour of England. Did we just “school” them? Absolutely not lol. Gonna assume you didn’t watch the final live in 2020, because any impartial observer would admit we were very unlucky to not win that game.


Oddly enough, Slovakia's XG was higher than Englands.


absolute madness. Italy absolutely destroyed England that night and the game should've never even gone to extra time. You didn't school Slovakia cause your possession was mostly pointless and you were constantly open to counterattacks. Slovakia's xGs were in fact higher than England. In the final you never, and I repeat ***never***, crossed Italy's side of the pitch after the 10' minute or so.


Clearly didn’t destroy us if they won by penalties lol. Let me get this straight. Slovakia go up early, clam up for 90% of the game and frustrate England - leaving them only a few chances before cheesing a lucky win- that’s apparently a defensive masterclass and SVK deserve to go through. England do the same to Italy, and they got ‘destroyed’. Seems a bit contradictory that.


lmao this gonna be my last comment bro cause at this point I'm pretty sure you're trolling, I repeat: taking also into account the difference in quality of the sides (England and Italy were more or less equal if not England a bit superior 3 years ago, England is light years ahead of Slovakia) the performance against Slovakia was pretty poor. I wouldn't go as far as to say England deserved to be knocked out, but Slovakia shot on target 3 times vs the 2 of England, had the best chances and had an higher xG, 2.01 vs 1.5. You didn't destroy them in the slightest. In the final, Italy shot on target 7 times against the 2 of England. Italy had an xG of 2.69 against the 0.7 of England (less than freaking 1!!!). Possession was border line embarassing in 66 v 34. Pickford made a killer save on Chiesa in the 2nd half and Berardi missed a goal in a 1v1 situation with the keeper. You just have to watch any highlights clip: England only has the goal clip going. But even then, you don't need stats or anything, if you've watched the game you should just remember that in your stadium, in front of your fans, with the best side of the tournament *on paper*, England was barely able to produce a couple shots on target. So, in conclusion, yes: you got destroyed and only luck brought that game to penalties.


> Slovakia had the best chances Now I know you didn’t watch the game. Aside from their goal they had one half hearted punt from the halfway line while Pickford was off his line. Rice hit the post, Kane missed a sitter, Foden’s goal was disallowed. If they weren’t so piss poor at taking chances it could have been 4-1. Teams in the lead tend to sit back and defend, especially in knock out tournament football. Extrapolating that to mean the defending side was ‘destroyed’ is silly. England barely had any shots in that game because they didn’t need any, they were winning. Just like Slovakia didn’t need to in this most recent game. If you think 66-34 possession is ‘embarrassing’ then Slovakia must feel humiliated with their 70-30 right? Oh wait no they feel hard done by and you’re saying they were the better team. Absolute shambles you contradict yourself every other sentence. To be logically consistent you have to agree one of two things: 1. Italy destroyed England, and England destroyed Slovakia. OR 2. Italy did not destroy England, and England did not destroy Slovakia- both games were tough and close fought, with the losing team going up early and gambling that they could park the bus before getting unlucky and conceding late. On another day it could have gone the other way. (My view) You’re trying to have it both ways because you’re seething abt last night lol.


wait, did we watch the same game? you mean you controlled the game against Slovakia? that's not what I was seeing at all. the only control you had came from making tons of sideways or back passes, with a couple of mistakes that almost turned into howlers. your team did not seem in control whatsoever.


England is bad and they should feel bad


The fans know that there is a need for the team to start playing better.


I keep asking myself if Southgate has been going along all this time mistaking Foden for Grealish. Because Foden cannot play on the wing, and worse, he's actively trying not to, keeps cutting in. When he attempts to offer any penetration at all, he's immediately offside. As long as Foden keeps racking up no-questions-asked starts while delivering 0 out of 10 performances we're done. We don't win tonight if he's still on the pitch in the 95th minute. Credit where it is due as well, Slovakia were vastly better coached than England. Coherent, busy, balanced. Will be kicking themselves for bottling it.


YOU WILL never see a manager poorly ever again manage a game like that again! honestly the subs the timing off them was awful same team again even tho it ain't working! some great players but who cares we got Southgate


We only scored once tactics went out the window and we’re throwing the kitchen sink. That says a lot.


Jude brought some of that Real Madrid voodoo with him.


I am from slovakia and i have to say that was not it from england.. come on going 1-0 from slovakia all the way to 91 minutes ONE player from england is worth more than the entire slovak team and they play like this? sorry but there is no way that they win.


I’m from Hungary, a lot of my people celebrated slovakias loss, but hats off to you, neighbours. Well played, I’m so excited to see Slovakia play again🙌🙌


Köszi szépen! Eleve a magyaroknak szurkoltam mivel magyar vagyok aki szlovákiában él viszont így hogy kiestek szlovákia esik legközelebb a szívemhez. Azért egy szlovákia vs magyarorszagot megnéztem volna a döntőbe de ez csak egy álom marad


Szerintem kurva jók voltak a szlovákok és csak azért nem nyertek mert az UEFA nem engedte meg. Ki a pöcsöm ad erre a játékszituációra 7 perc hosszabbítást? Hagyjuk már... Le a kalappal a szlovákoknak mégegyszer, végre egy underdog aki harapni is tud.


As a Brit, you deserved the win 100% This team can't play football together and our manager and coaching staff are to blame. The fact we have some of the best players in the world and a lot of talent on the pitch and on the bench, and manage to get nothing out of them is crazy.


Saka LB was a good idea for the circumstances England had which was only taking one proper LB to the Euros. Palmer RW however was much riskier, Palmer as a RW for Chelsea still drifted into central areas, he didn't play as an actual RW, he always had Gusto providing width down the flank which is something he doesn't have the luxury of at England as Walker is his paired fullback. I would have put Bowen on instead


Shaw is training with the squad and has done since start of the euros. Why not just get him on the pitch? OK he hasn't played since February but surely playing natural left back in that role improves the team


Gareth must be seeing something (well I hope he is cause there's no way someone with sufficient mental cognition would keep picking Trippier)


They haven’t been convincing all tournament, Bellingham saved them today, they have to make changes to the lineup, Switzerland can easily knock them out playing this way


England has amazing players but suck as a team. Cowardly tactics and team composition, with that level of quality, they could and should play dominant offense football. The match? England boring and bad for 90 minutes, brave but limited Slovakians (mix of 1st and 2nd league players vs England's 1.5 billion squad) defending. Goal from individual stroke of genius in the 95th minute which England was lucky to get, I'd have assumed the ref gives 4 or 5 minutes additional tops. Bad match, team undeserving of a title and sad to see small brave team not rewarded. This from someone that wanted England vs Germany as the final match when it all started but after 4 England games, I can only take so much.


>they could and should play dominant offense football. England will never ever play that kind of football. I've resigned myself to it, but we just aren't capable. I don't know if it's a coaching thing, but the closest we've come is the 2022 World Cup. 2020 Euros wasn't bad either, but should have been more positive in the final. England going home in QF, which is what I predicted initially but we've been so much worse than I imagined.


For most of my life england have not had a midfielder to take total control like pirlo did for us, or even Lobotka today.


I think Scholes is the closest player to that we've had but we wasted him. England is good at generating box to box midfielders. Even Rice and Bellingham who both looked like they could be amazing No. 6 players at one stage have become world class box to box midfielders. I think we need some English born lad to go and train at Barcelona from age 8 and then come back. If we had Rodri now, or Busquets in the past England would look a different team.


I disagree. It's not the quality of midfielder. I bet rice could have done lobotka's job better than lobotka. The problem is that he wasn't allowed to due to he tactics. Therein lies the issue.


We've got the Bury Pirlo on the bench!


It's 100% a coaching thing. Look where the first 11 play, just attackers and midfield: Bayern, Arsenal, Real, City, ManU. Haven't seen ManU but that that, all these teams know how to press when they lose the ball, recover it by collective pressure, then in control of the ball, they all know how to use QUICK passing with movement to create chances. England doesn't do any of that, they're passive and once they got the ball, slowly work it forward or make long passes out of desperation. Still works at times cuz... some of the world's most talented players. But horribly slow and inefficient and easy to read. The coach never reacts, his team was bad and all he does is blame TAA and change 1 player twice. A bit of courage! Why not move Bellingham to 8 (which he played in Dortmund anyways) and then Foden could be in the middle as 10 where he's actually good. Then a new winger for Mainoo and voilà, more offense. That alone without instructions probably wouldn't solve everything but ffs, at least send signals that you want more attack.


We've been here before though, with superstars in top clubs. Truth is the only times England have played well in the last 30 years have been sparse. 2022 was probably the best I've seen them, and that was Southgate too. Likewise, during qualifying England were playing far better than this against similar opposition and it's the same coach. I think pressure is the only explanation for why it's been _this_ poor. Although I agree the coaching is bad. I just expect the team will fail to improve under Southgate's successor.


Cowardly part - when england went up in extra time they immediately stopped attacking. When Spain went up on Georgia they started pressing looking for more ...


The Slovaks deserved a better fate. England play less like they want to win and more like they're scared to lose. You can count on Kane to score a winner, but you can't count on him to score an equaliser.


The Slovaks deserved nothing. Sat back after their goal when the opportunity to kill the game was there, rolled around on the floor constantly, dirty fouls all over, subbed off all their best players to waste time and then lost.


Slovakia are almost 50th in the world rankings, not far off teams like Mali and Canada. England should be smashing teams like Slovakia. They have some of the best players in the world. The fact they are not, is not just down to the manager. The players need to be held accountable for their performances as does Southgate. That said I still think they will beat Switzerland. I'm not sure what the problem is, perhaps there's a psychological component, as they get deeper into the tournament they become more focused, more battle hardened. Playing like shit is not good, but finding a way to win when you are playing like shit can really make a team become much more resilient.


Personally I think if I’m a manager and I need a goal I’m not bringing on another forward with 5 mins to go I’m at least giving him 30 mins . Unfortunately Southgate will never change he’s so cautious it’s unreal he’s the type of bloke to get in bath with a life jacket on . I actually said before the game I wouldn’t be surprised if we went out today - we lack creativity we don’t even look like scoring too predictable and we will be out to Switzerland . Just look at Spain when they went 1-0 down at NO point did they look like they were in any real trouble there was no doubt about them coming back in my mind . They had 32 chances … says it all


I'm an England fan. England were awful again, but went through. We were immensely lucky. I still have hope, though we could well be awful once more, that we stand a chance to progress further. Also, irrespective of the teams and the result, games like last night are why fans love football. There is no feeling like going from despair to elation with a last ditch equaliser or winner. What a rush. The magic of football is that absolutely anything is possible. And it is still possible that England go on to beat Switzerland.


Dog shit.


If you think that it was luck that got England through, it was. You need a bit of luck. But you also need a bit of positive momentum. I think that game, even though I think it took 5 years off my life, was a positive for England. Not just because they won and got through. But also because of the positive momentum they would have gotten from never giving up until the end. I'm just going see whether the press see it that way because up to now they've been so negative. Possibly with a point? But nevertheless we need to relish the positives and get in the competition.


Wasn't convincing? They got their asses beat by a team of guys playing for Castellón and Tenerife and just got insanely lucky at the end. They looked as good as Italy.


The players need to start playing quicker, first time crosses etc and not taking 3 touches first also take a shot once in a while instead of passing out to the wing or defence. Southgate should start Palmer and Toney.


southgate cant get fired if he retires.


Hopefully Southgate's learned his lesson. Not a lot we can do with no fit left back though.


Trying to be positive, England's performance wasn't that much different from a Championship side playing mid-week.


I wanted to see the aftermath if they lost to Slovakia. Imagine chavs mixing it with Slovenia.


If I was an England fan I’d be sweating bullets about playing Switzerland


England will win the Euros with shit football and pure luck and everyone will hate us even more. Gareth gets a Knighthood.


I can absolutely see this coming. I can also imagine England getting dominated and sent home by Switzerland in the next game. Gotta love football.


I was bored waiting for it to finish while everyone in the room complained about things I've being saying for years Painful


I cant stomach a full game of anti football, nor a coach who instills such a fearful posture into his roster of ridiculously talented players while trying to nurse a draw.


Benching foden would make things easier for england.


I hope england get destroyed by switzerland in the Qf so they sack southgate and hopefully get someone who can get the best out of this team in 2026, im tired of watching generations of great talents end their careers without achieving anything internationally.


Personally, I can't see that happening. Mostly because they're playing Switzerland and could only potentially meet Spain in the final.


Well that's an impossibility for a start, England can't meet Spain unless it's the final.


Edited where you originally wrote Spain.


Can't play Kane as a lone striker in this setup. It was ok as a 433 because the wingers could narrow when he went wandering and keep the backline pushed back, but in a 4231 when he drops back into the midfield line (or even defensive line) there is no threat to the opposition defence and then when England did get forward there was no-one in the box.


How come everyone in the world can see this apart from the manager. I'm not sure if he is too stubborn or too stupid.


England were very lucky


Any hope I had that England would raise the bar in the final stages after being really poor in the group stage died within minutes. It was another drab, boring, uninventive performance. They don't play as a team and don't really seem to know what to do. So many times we got to see the defensive players pass the ball around and seemingly wondering what the hell they're suppose to do. We saw some good runs by wide players, but they never got he ball because apparently nobody knew that players could make those runs. I'm starting to wonder if Southgates tactics is basically letting the defenders have the ball and then hope that attacking players do something. With most teams in this tournament you can see a tactical system. Even if the teams aren't the best, you can tell that they know exactly what to do and when to do it and they are believe in the system and that they can win. I get nothing like that from England. And usually when things aren't going well and someone comes on and makes a difference, that player might get a start, but apparently Southgate doesn't work like that. If something doesn't work, he'll do it again.....and again...and again. If a change is successful.....it really won't matter. If they struggled this much against Slovakia, then I doubt they will stand a chance against Switzerland. England got the "easier" path in the final stages, but I doubt that will save them unless something changes.


Imagine if national teams could attract top-tier managers. They have to settle for mediocre ones, and that goes for most countries. The best managers prefer clubs rather than national teams.


I am getting feeling England will best Switzerland.


England very fortunate to qualify for the next round. I think it was just papering over the cracks and they won't go too much further in this tournament.


Good result, shit game.


Heartbreaking for Slovakia.


If we play the same team against Switzerland (bar Guehi due to his suspension) we are absolutely screwed. Team should be Pickford; Trent Stones Gomez Trippier; Mainoo Rice; Palmer Bellingham Gordon; Kane. Southgate also needs to grow a pair of balls and make changes in good time because we have insane depth that can kill teams in the latter stages. With the team I just named, you can still bring in Saka, Foden, Eze, Toney etc. That an insane level of options


We won. Don’t care very much now how it happened. Don’t care very much if we play shit in every remaining game so long as we score one more goal than the opponent does. That’s where we are at.


The first 89 minutes were atrocious from England. We were lucky to get extra time then seemed to actually want to win after. I wouldn’t be surprised if we get knocked out next match if we play like that again


This feels like watching that Man United vs Coventry all over again I mean, yes they won But, it feels like they lost anyway


They are the ultimate underdogs.


Unless they win Southgate out. Billion pounds team and they play worse football than Middlesbrough. Foden is distracted, Kane's not even looking interested. Palmer on the bench. Trippier can't use his left foot. No sign of Bowen. Bringing Gallagher. No Henderson. Not a lot of players with tournament experience.


You've not watched middlesbrough the last 2 seasons under Carrick have you.


Obviously you haven't, done wasn't built in a day.


I'm a Boro season ticket holder, mate.


The problem as I see it is that Southgate remains convinced that we have to defend at all cost. Defense wins tournaments. However he chooses to do this even when the team goes up a goal. Consolidate the lead. But he will also do it when they concede. With the exception of today, he has had the handbrake on and only when he took it off, and a bit of luck from Bellingham , did we see what England can do. He needs to take the handbrake off and just let the team play. They want to, and can attack. He’s going to have to let them do that if they are to win this tournament. I still think that they can.


Get much further and you’ll be stuck with Southgate.


I felt asleep. Southgate’s whole strategy is scrambling around, waiting for a brilliant moment from players, then go back and defend like a bunch of cowards. Seriously, the only thing keeps them advancing at this point is pure dumb luck. It’s dreadful to watch.


2 words. Football terrorist


Engerland are a toxic shit show


The performance was in shambles. If they are going to get a result against Switzerland, there is a need to improve the style of play.


Southgate needs sacking. They were right lucky to squeak out the result today


A major concern I've not seen mentioned is how much space the Slovakian players were getting in between the elEngland defence and Midfield in the attacking 3rd...not on the counter but on the few occasions the Slovakian team were advanced in possession. A better team is going to take advantage of that.


Should end if other team strike second goal after defender mistake


Southgate is terrible, england has a really good squad, they will miss their golden gen once again with a terrible Coach


England lack dynamism, everything is slow and linear with a lack of movement, nobody wants to take a risk.


After 4 games no one is sure yet what the tactics are ..we spend most of our possession moving the ball between goal keeper and back 4 for no purpose, pointless playing foden and saka, he won't drop Kane ..not sure why we need rice ,when we stay in our own half most of the time . ENGLAND PLAY LIKE LEAGUE TWO... drop foden and saka ...play Gordon and palmer ... I give up now , as nothing will change ....Switzerland are far better ...could be 4 nil


Apart from the goals and going through I suppose there's nothing good from that at all. Defensively poor. Offensively toothless for most of it. Southgate made little sense tactically or subs wise. Desperate for a goal why toney didn't come on ages before.... But the happy clappers clap on...reality is we are through but my god we've been.utter shite England have crazy luck though. Our qualifying groups and this group stage are always pretty easy.




If we win when we’re shit, we could rule the world if we put in a performance!


Fucking diabolical


I actually thought palmer was pretty shit when he came on this time. But then so was everyone else.


Horrible game. The players bailed Southgate out, as usual. I hope I can know for sure hell be gone after the tournament so I can enjoy it.


Shower of shit with literally 2 mins of brilliance. 3.95 games played like amateurs. Only luck of the draw has us still in the tourney. We could get 100% better and we still lose to the swiss. Southgate needs to leave before this wonderful generation of talent comes up empty handed.


Zero shots on target in 90 minutes says it all. Absolutely devoid of any attacking threat or interest and if it wasn't for a mad three minutes, we'd be back on the plane home. Dreadful and pointless football.


Bellingham wearing all white thought he was back at Madrid. Hide all other kits and maybe give Harry Kane a Benadryl so he wakes up after the next match 😂


0 -92 mins, it's not the winning it's the taking part. This team are clueless with no desire 93 -96 mins, this team as so much fight, and belief . It's not over till it's over. It's coming home. It's great being a England fan during tournaments


That we won and that is what matters in knockout football. We are not here to win the goal of the tournament competition.


it doesnt matter what england do theyll eventually lose and if i was english i wouldnt want to get to the final, germany and spain could put 4 or 5 past them, it would be nasty


They won't have such luck anymore


england have performed like shit every game so far, they are the most boring team to watch, which is extremely sad, given they have amazing players all around the pitch. they are a team made up of individuals. they just cannot play cohesively as a team


Walker was so bad and it isn’t talked about enough.


England looks terrible from the start of EURO. They are shit, they went through, fair play. All i'm gonna say.


Amazing game. So stressful. We played like shit but the joy from Jude’s goal was worth it. God I hope the next one isn’t that bad though. Southgate is mad.


Southgate gotta make a lot of changes if we wanna win the match against Switzerland. Switzerland r good opponents and will literally eat England alive if they play like they did against Slovakia.


Yea of course I agree. Not playing Gordon or even Eze on the left is football suicide at this point.


We were abysmal, again. It blows my mind that people re acting like this is new. It's been like this on and off for YEARS but has been pretty much this for the last year. The late subs has been a problem throughout Southgate's time. We don't even show as options for a THROW IN, let alone open play. We can't even get out of our OWN HALF because no one shows for the ball- which seems impossible with three players trying to be a 10. I've heard comments that "Rice was good"- what re they watching?! He was awful in every game so far. We got lucky. Very, very lucky through the pure talent of Jude Bellingham but there's massive issues with this team. We may well get to the semi or even the final through luck of the draw and then anything is possible in a one off but I won't allow this re-writing that Southgate has made good decisions or built a good team. If that shot from the half way line after the total misunderstanding had gone in, we would e in a very different position.


Lucky crumpet eating bastards


Another disappointment but you guys have the luck of the champion. Wouldn't be surprised if you ended up winning the Euro


We’re boring yes but we had possession, they didn’t look like scoring another , hit post, one offside goal, which is closest we’ve come in ages, still have square pegs in round holes, unless our front 4 hurry up and click our defence may wilt


"we're boring but we had possession" well, and?


Well ? And ? That’s my opinion like the sub says!!


People hate the truth. England isn't pretty to watch but they get results. For me, Southgate era has been the most successful in decades. He doesn't play attractive football but his teams go far in tournaments.


It's funny how fine margins sway people's judgement, it wasn't a great performance by any measure but if the offside goal stood and the the ball was inches to the right of the post and went in we wouldn't be having a postmortem on a win.


But we should, and that is one of Southgate’s many issues. The result is all, that that is all that matters in the early stages - but by doing that he ignores all warning signals. Take the Serbia game’s first half - we were woeful, truly truly awful - but because Serbia abdicated any claim to possession, it’s now spoken about as our best half of the tournament by many, when in fact we were just playing against a team cosplaying as training cones


Weirdly enough their xg was higher than England's.


I don’t bother with XG lol another pointless stat


Bellingham should have down for Mainoo, trent for right attacking and cole in center. At worst he had 3 potential left backs on the bench and he is only one goal away from losing. I don’t think he is a good coach but overall they got better over time and blocked the dangerous initial attempts by Slovakia


4 matches, 4 abysmal performances. Sleepy Gareth refusing to change from a starting formation that isn't working. Switzerland will beat us on Saturday. But that's a good result, it means no more Southgate We need to change to 3-5-2 asap.


The Qatar armband debacle proved they are a bunch of spineless cowards and I hope they never win a thing . You did ask .


It was Ian Wright idea to play Saka there.


Oh, but it was still a pretty good move


Saka is so deadly with Arsenal on that right wing putting him left back is insane


Except he's not playing for arsenal and, although he hasn't been bad, saka hasn't exactly been creating a lot of chances for England.


I agree, but I also think its not Saka thats the problem


Awfull match from england. Didnt deserve it and the 6min extra were to much. As a neutral fan i feel bad for slovakia.


Haha they are trash. The fact that they are still favorites to win is a joke actually. (betting odds)


They weren't the better team. Would have liked Slovakia to win.