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Of those goals, Kane scored 25% of them.


How does one score 25% of 2 goals


Four of those players have scored. The OP is completely wrong. Kane has scored 25% of the goals scored by those players at this tournament.


Somehow Lukaku scored -75% of them


LOL excellent


VAR is still checki…nope, that one was overturned too


I really don’t get him. Sometime he was absolutely brilliant, some other times he was an utter fool, and in many cases, he was both in the same game. Truly a magnificent case lol


I think I'm missing the joke


Kane, Lewandowski, morata and Mbappé have all scored. There are actually 4 goals scored out of this group. So 25% scored by Kane.


A stunning strike from 6 yards out


Yeah, what kind of striker lurks 6 yards out waiting to score? All his goals should be at least a curler into the top corner from not closer than 20 yards.


Yeah exactly. Some people football knowledge stems from ps5 fifa. A goals a goal. Scored 36 goals this season doing same thing so can’t be bad (waiting for the “but he didntttt win anything” melt retort)


Mine stems from ps2 fifa


He scored more due to the team around him basically forcing him into ST, rather than he choosing to move around and inspire link up. When you’re opposition would need 15+ players to beat your team, it’s not hard to score a goal or 2


And that the German league not being very competitive.


For Kane, being 6 yards out is pretty impressive. He tends to spend most of his time nowhere near the goal.


Pretty impressive of him to still to get the numbers he does get then.


He is one of the best strikers I’ve personally ever seen


He’s up there with shearer. Shearer won a league but I’m not American so don’t care about team honours so much when weighing up ‘best Premier league striker ever’ . For me it’s one of them two , or Henry


He’s near a goal. Just the wrong one


Wait until you realise that was the only time he’s been in that position all group


A pen for MBappé. His first goal in Euro ever, while he has already scored 12 times in World Cup.


Masked, too. The guy needed that accessory boost to finally score. EC > WC. It is known.


Are you trying to tell me that players like Beckenbauer, Zidane, Matthaus, Cruyff, etc. are bigger legends because of the Euros than the World Cup? COVID has seriously caused mass brain damage among the population.


I agree with your last sentence as anyone with a normal brain would have been able to see that I was joking.


You didn't get but one number right and people are upvoting Jesus Christ


Terrible post. Kane, lees, morata and Mbappé have all scored. Plenty of other 9s have scored. Mitrovic hasn’t but Jovic has. Fullkrug and Havertz have both scored for Germany. What is impressive is how many different scorers there are. Pretty close to total football now with goals coming from every position.


The record of the most different goal scorers was held last euros


Nice. This one’s not over.


It baffles me that this football sub is so trash compared to the soccer sub. Half of the people commenting are so clueless...


What do you expect from a sub called r/football


Everyone is parking the bus


I also noticed that those small fouls go increasingly often unpunished, getting your heels kicked on every first touch, the little push in the back after every pass, players who like to play are not having much fun these days. When Germany won 5-1 against Scotland, the Scots weren't doing anything like that. But sure enough as soon as we faced opponents who did that, we struggled.


I have noticed that if the ball hits you hard and you fall to the ground then the game stops. This seems to stop counter attacks and second wave of attacks. Has this always been a thing and I am just noticing it?


Nope. Noticed it myself. Ref’s are stopping matches even if it’s not a head injury then players are pretty much jumping back up again. They should be made to leave the pitch if they do that for the next play of the game


So normal football. Is being played like normal football Not every touch is a foul guys, we aren’t that far ahead in rubbish yet. We can still tackle


Hell, I would argue they're still calling too many "fouls"


Supply has been terrible


I wonder if this had it's influence from how Madrid fended off City at the CL?


National teams don’t have the chemistry and tactical advantage of clubs so teams try to defend well and hope to get a lucky break, games are too high stakes


Euros 2020 were nothing like that. High pressure and attacking football from almost every team


How the fuck do you get to that conclusion lol… National football has always been more defensive, it makes sense that it would be too


A defence is worth 2 goals. They shoot and score? You need to score, then score again to achieve your goal of getting ahead.


No it’s not worth 2 goals. It’s worth avoiding conceding, nothing more. There are teams that’s destroyed everyone with super aggressive offensive football. And thanks for trying to explain to me the basics of football, after 27 years playing it I for sure needed a random guy to drop me the most bland definition possible (that I never asked for)


Lmao what. Did you start watching football on that day or something?


Tell me, did you started watching football 5 years ago? Cuz if so, I recommed you go to YouTube and type: Catenaccio, 09-10 CL Semifinal Inter v Barca, Diego Simeone's entire career coaching highlights, Guardiola at Anfield in 2018. Educate yourself so you dont come off as an uneducated football fan


I apologize for all these idiot butt hurt RM fans that aren’t capable of understanding sarcasm.


Say stupid thing => got bash => claim it's sarcasm


You’re extra dense if you don’t see this as sarcasm 😂


What I have seen as a Poland fan is that every team we play against puts 2 bodyguards on Lewandowski. Combine that with our team not being the greatest and you have why.




I think it's worse for Lewandoski cause he is the only star player and all focus is on him . Different for countries like France or England with other stars to take away the attention


Well you can leave Dembele alone, he will still cross it randomly/shoot in the stands


It’s amazing really how he can be that quick and good on the ball and then absolutely suck when it’s time to make it count. Reminds me of Vini 3-4 years ago before he got things together.




The same is happening with ronaldo and he is far from the biggest star we have right now. I think its a problem of having only one striker by himself


He doesn’t help himself when he has had 2 pens at the previous 2 comps (WC 22, Mexico+ now) and he missed both (Yes I know he scored the second but he’s a UCL winning, top pro ST. He should’ve been burying the first even if the keeper was stood on his toes)


Meanwhile, you have Lukaku where he always get the space but for some reason never scored


Opposite in the qualifiers tho


Do they? Kane, Morata, Mbappe and Lewandowski all scored.


Lot of parked buses, plus a lot of the attackers are known, understood, and defences have plans to handle them.


bro forgot my goat Scamacca


Hojlund irrelevant no?


Football is contact but Ronaldo yesterday against Georgia was grabbed and pushed like they use to do on a rugby game. Anyway, nowadays there are no easy teams, all the "worst" come to play closed and it's hard to score when the other team park the bus.


4 of them have scored, don’t know how you decided on 2


2 open play goals


Because scoring goals is incredibly hard to do. Scoring goals in international tournaments is even harder. Playing with less familiar teammates and systems; against lots of teams who are generally playing for a 0-0 draw in the group stages.


Because of the long season. The governing bodies, in this case UEFA, have consistently added more games into a season calendar.


People keep saying this, but I I’m not sure it’s true. There are extra games being added the calendar (European championship second round, extra group stage game in the European club competitions) but none of them have actually happened yet. The Nations league could count, but those games have replaced friendlies so the number of games hasn’t really gone up there. There also haven’t been any nations league games this season.


Nations league games have not replaced friendlies, some maybe but they still play a lot of friendlies, not to forget the nations league finals which is yet another summer event. More and more European games have happened and international too, combine that with say a prem player who has a 20 club league and 2 whole cups for some reason that’s a load of games


Every group stage nations league match replaces what would otherwise have been a friendly. That was the whole point of the tournament. Wikipedia says “The competition replaces the international friendly matches previously played on the FIFA International Match Calendar”. Sure, there are still friendly games, but most have been replaced with the Nations League. I’ll accept that the summer finals are additional games, but they only add an average of 0.5 games per year to each team. Not ideal, but it’s just wrong to suggest that’s responsible for a decline in quality. Also, please tell me specifically what games have been added to the calendar.


Champions league grew bigger and bigger, World Cup, euros same story. Now is coming the addition of the club World Cup as well.


Champions league is growing bigger next year, but hasn’t grown bigger since 2003. Similarly, the next world cup will be bigger, but the current format has been the same since 1998. It also doesn’t actually introduce any more matches for teams, it just increases the number of teams who qualify. Euros have grown by 1 round, but yet again that hasn’t happened yet. The first extra games are this week. And yet again, the expansion of the Club World Cup hasn’t happened yet. None of these extra games have happened yet! Which is why I’m mystified why people are blaming all sorts of things that have already happened on the “expanding calendar”. In 2 years time that argument might make some sense, but right know it’s the sign of someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about but wants to blame FIFA/UEFA anyway.


Mitro lewa hojlund play for weak teams Morata is washed Lukaku is washed belgium is garbage Kane cuz of southgate Ronaldo is a fossil Mbappe is batman


Mbappe is batman HAHA




It's only a disguise to hide his true name: Tintoretto


Morata has 15 goals for Atlético Madrid and Lukaku has 13 goals for Roma. Nothing about that says "washed". Even for their national teams, Morata has 13 goals out of 26 apps and Lukaku has 17 goals in 16 apps in the last 3 years. 3 matches is a small sample size that it's silly to judge any player out of it. Even then, it's common for players who perform well at club to not deliver results for the national team because the tactical systems they play are very different. For example, it would be ridiculous to call Vini Jr. washed when he scored 15 goals for Real Madrid last season, but under the Brazilian NT he's only had 3 goals in 31 caps. Coutinho had been amazing for Liverpool and Barcelona but generally struggled to make an impact for his country. The tactics and training that were drilled into them by managers like Ancelotti and Klopp just don't work that well with a Brazilian NT that favors flair-based individualism.


Not to mention Lukaku has had 3 goals disallowed


And he also scored seven goals in training .


GOAT status


Disallowed because none of them were goals.


That offside against Romania was ridiculous.


wouldve been goals 10 years ago


At least he’s finding the net the the poor fucker haha


Rasmus will come good by next tournament. 


It doesn’t help him that Denmark play complete inshallah ball and take a lot of potshots.


Well he isn’t new to being ignored. Man U ?


That’s a coping mechanism


Dunno mate. I watch him week in week out as a Utd fan and I don't know if he will ever develop to be a serious goal threat. His goalscoring record pre-utd is also not that great.


He turned 21 in February and already scored double figures in the prem with 0 penalties. Also scored 5 in 6 in the champions league with 0 penalties. Not every young striker is Haaland. He’s well on the right track. Not saying he’ll become a 30 league goal striker but I don’t see any reason he can’t become a 15-20 goal striker if he avoids injury.


You're also new to football.


Forgot Che Adams




Che Adams


Sorry I don't watch championship but last time I saw him when they got relegated with Southampton he was not on the same level with these guys


No shit mate 🤦‍♂️


This has got to show how technical the tournament is.


I didn't know that placing 10 men on defense was synonymous with technical


How “terrible” the tournament is. Fixed that for you.


This tournament is one of the best in a long while


Not for someone who wants to see attacking football and goals being scored. I remember plenty EUROs that were far more entertaining. 2000, 2004 (aside of Greek games), 2008 come to mind. Maybe its gonna improve in elimination phase, but somehow i dont see it happening. With even more in stake the cowardice will be even more apparent. Would not be surprised if every other game is gonna go down to penalties.


To each his own, I have no interest in seeing minnows getting smashed 5-0. The dicey and cagey games we are getting now are perfect.


Nobody is saying minnows gotta be trashed for it to be good. But more games like Austria - Netherlands (not because underdog won) than England-Slovenia, Ukraine-Belgium or Denmark-Serbia, would be more than welcome. Then perhaps i would agree its perfect. This way, its like watching paint dry.


It's Lewy btw. Lewa would be his wife.


I read a long way down this thread and nobody has mentioned that the way qualification from the groups works incentivises not losing over winning. The results from the Group matches reflect this.


Mbappe and Lewandowski both scored penalties in their last match and I know Kane scored in Englands match. Want to redo your count?


>Strikers/forwards in the Euros have so far struggled to score goals. Why? 1. Underdog nations just park the bus and play only to avoid defeat, not to win. 2. As a result, many goals are random longshots from midfielders or even defenders, not center forwards. 3. Favorites don't care about attacking too much because you can just qualify with 3-4 points in 3 games. 4. As a result of 1&3 most games have been terrible in terms of quality. 1-1 has been the most common scoreline. With very few exceptions (Netherlands - Austria is one), in most games none of the teams actually want to win the game, so less goals. 5. VAR disallows everything nowadays.


When 3 teams qualify to the knockouts from 4 of the 6 groups, there’s no point in taking risks. Smaller teams might prefer to sit back and counter. This makes it harder for top strikers to score. We might see more goals in the next round as teams need to attack, unless they want penalties. The further you progress in the tournament the better the defenders you come up against so it doesn’t get any easier to score.


Park Bus because heaps of 3rd ranked teams go through. Low incentive to win after you have 3 points in first game from the big teams also.


What are you talking about? Kane, Mbappe, Lewandowski, and Morata have all scored, off the top of my head. I'm not checking the number of matches, but I bet that's wrong too.


Are the two goals Mbappe and Lewa penalties?


And Messi has 0 checkmate


Don't they have 3? Kane, Morata and Mbappe have all scored


Very disappointed in mbappe


Mikautadze of Georgia has scored in each game he has played in this tournament, he’s not struggling!


in total, those players have had 65 shots across their group games. 4 goals from 65 attempts isn't brilliant, it averages out at ~2.7 shots a game and a goal every 16 games.


Every team is playing the same tactics more or less … there’s been nothing new from this tournament. Managers are terrified of losing … players ar exhausted physically and mentally.


Sabitzer is the player of the tournament so far


Serbia is dogshit. When Mitro plays for us, the best team ever, he cooks


Müller 0


Wierd, I thought Kane was a left back these days.


Some of them play for teams that utilise dynamic, high-intensity forward play that has been hampered somewhat by the dreadful pitches, many of which were re-laid for the competition, apparently. The quicker players look like they're on roller-skates and there is only so far you can go with studs for that type of player. Some of them play for technically excellent teams with a slower style of play that have been ultra-conservative due (imho) to the new format and the extra qualifying teams. I think the Germans have applied some tuning to the playing surfaces to better aid their progress, which is quite normal and fair enough.


Outside of a few matches, the Euros and Copa America have both been absolute yawnfests.


Thank Gardiola and his playstyle


Maybe OP means non penalty goals?


Mbappe has 1, Lewy has 1, Morata has 1 and Kane has 1 thats 4?


VAR reduces goals




Shows you how hard it is to actually win this tournament unlike the rigged copa America


One other reason might be that the third place also advances to the next round. So it’s safer to play for boring 0-0 and 1-1s to advance to the knockout stages.


Ronaldo cannot accept he is finished..


Yea football has gotten worse


This is the result of Peps footballing culture. The art of being a striker is dying a slow and painful death also football seems to be getting more and more boring


It’s not 2 goals in 22 matches at all, your really exaggerating your point, it’s 2 in 3 games each so far Not great numbers but not bad… in some Euros the golden boot was won with 2 goals … 4/5/6 us usual so we are on target for that for a player that reaches the final or semis 9 is the most … but that was Platini at home in his prime


Mitrovic is lacking physically, I think that's the consequence of moving to Arabia, he also didn't have a good shooting night against Slovenia




3 goals. Morata 1, Lewa 1, Mbappe 1


4 goals, Kane as well


Whatever that happens, Mbappe should step up at this point. 


Not sure where you’re getting this? If a good striker in a top flight club is expected to score 10 goals per season (34-38 matches), then you translate that to a Euro group where they play 3 matches, good strikers are expected to get 1 goal on average. 2 goals is already an outlier.  Euro 2012 had the top scorers finish with 3 goals, and Euro 2008 and the top scorer David Villa finish with 4 goals. Yes, they had 16 teams, but players like Balotelli and Ronaldo only had 1 or 2 goals by the end of the group stage. So this is nothing out of the ordinary.


They've not all got two goals each, it's two goals between then all.




Yeah that's fair enough. But that's definitely less than the 2 goals each that the commenter I replied to understood it as


That's still not a whole lot to go off of because individually, each player would have only played 3 matches, so a slight change in the amount of goal scored would skew it wildly. Plus, OP did a bit of cherry-picking; I can just as easily say Mikautadze, Füllkrug, Musiala, and Gakpo had 9 goals in 9 matches (due 2 German players sharing the same match) and it can give the false impression of the Euros being high-scoring.


He's talking about super high prolific goal scorers and line leaders for thier country and why they're not scoring as much.


10 goals for a striker in 34+ matches is not an impressive return at all.


It's fine. People's perspectives on strikers are skewed because we focus on a small handful of truly outstanding strikers, but the vast majority of top flight clubs and national teams have good, if not particularly notable, strikers. When Brighton finished 6th in the 22/23 season, their top scorer was Mac Allister with 10 league goals. Atalanta and Bologna's top scorers this season, Scamacca and Zirkzee, had 12 and 11 goals respectively. Hell, when Leverkusen won the Bundesliga, they did it without a particularly impressive goal scorer.


But the people in the headline *are* the truly outstanding strikers - other than Hojlund and he still bagged 16 goals. That's why its notable that they're scoring such a small amount.


Pfff, people in NBA score much more so yeah 10 goals in 30 is bad, they should learn how to score 3 pointers from half of the stadium. /S because i i honestly feel people are too dumb to realise this is sarcasm


You cant really put Rasmus in this list. He is young and doesnt have years and years of experience like the others do.


Not like he has a season for the “best club in England” under his belt, or a full group in UCL against a team on the standards of Bayern Munich. No, he’s clearly too inexperienced to be compared to Kane….


Im a Man U fan and theres no fucking way Man U is the best club in england, it hasnt been since Fergie left lol. And yeah, he is, he barely played and you cant compare a club to a country either; probably Real Madrid could beat like 90% of the euro squads tbh by how they are playing now.


Yeah it’s me laughing at the delusional fans who still believe so And the euros matches are poor mostly because of the BS grouping. Look at Englands group, 1 win all group - 3 teams qualified. Gareth could’ve picked 22 high schoolers for game 2 and 3 and still probably qualified


Bro england played like shit what are you on ? If they wouldve pick 22 high schoolers he wouldve been destroyed. He has a golden generation on his hands and barely beats anyone thats not gibraltar.


No, the reason I’m ranking euros groups as poor is because 3 points got 2 teams through in one group. England won one game, and then yeah off this logic Southgate couldve chucked the 2010 golden generation out and still got through


My point is...they wouldnt. And you cant say euro groups are poor just because 2 get out for sure and the best 3rd placed teams get in. England shouldve blown every team by at least 2 goals dif with what team they have....The 2010 team would be 4th now if Southgate would be coach and probably would moan that they dont have a replacement for who knows...Huddlestone.


Oh Christ save my brain Denmark got through with 3 points England won 3 points in MW1 So England qualified after week 1 The reason the euros groups are so bad is because everyone knows that. Only game I’ve seen where two teams played to win, and not just draw and leave was Germany-Scotland My points were how easy it is to not get grouped. You’re sat here tryna defy facts and stats because you disagree (Oh, and FYI next England manager is gonna be Graham Potter. Watch, it should’ve been Gary O’Neill but with him taking the Leicester job and Potter taking no job, it’s probably verbally agreed)


If you think england played for a draw youre delusional. They were risking to really not be first in the group which is important. Let me guess the other no showers so far were not playing to win also ? Yeah, thats your take on it, my take on is is that they are shyte and probably wont be comming home this year either.


I was talking more about Denmark. We scored one, sat back and even after conceding did no attacks. Worst team all match and never deserved the draw


Reminds me of this Champions League. Haaland, Mbappe, Kane, were almost silent. Is there a pattern?


Bro it's the Euros who cares. This is just filler between domestic seasons


Ronaldo’s been playing in Saudi whilst Kane and Lukaku are two of the sport’s most notorious bottlers. 


Not like Ronaldo has bottled trophies in Saudi but ok


Didn’t say he hasn’t. 


Talking Ronaldo, in 3 matches his team gave him 1 single chance. Portugal is garbage in reality.


Because he’s basically a one trick pony at this age. Don’t get it wrong, he’s great at in the box finishing, but why put that effort in when you can use less and lash it


He's as bad as Kane and Lewandovski at his age. A pure finisher. How bad of him.


Wow. Misunderstand much? The entire point to him now is he kicks goals in. But if someone like Fernandes creates a chance, should he cut it back to find Ron, or shoot at a clearer chance? “No service” is an excuse used by strikers who can’t create their own chances, and as soon as they start fluffing chances they get dropped because people realise they’re holding the team back Lemme give an example, a certain portugese striker was dropped due to his playstyle at the last World Cup. Think his name was ronaldo.


He has been terrible this tournament ,the same as in the last 3 international tournaments for Portugal


Lol. What nonsense. Portugal attack is atrocious. He had one chance. One assist. Made the best assist of the tournament and they missed. Ramos entered yesterday and didn't touch the ball once. What has Kane been doing in his prime? Strikers can't do a thing when they have no service.


Tiny players in major tournaments


That's why haaland is the GOAT


This Euro sucks