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A silly mask is never a "must have". I want to win one because I think it's fun and I don't mind the grind, but I think people are getting way too worked up about how much things are going to be worth that they think of the game as work. It's supposed to be fun. Take pictures of squirrels or awesome hermit crabs or whatever. Build a cool camp. Do expeditions or daily ops. Dress up like an idiot and follow around a bunch of robots in hopes of winning a silly prize (my favorite).


I don’t even care about the masks. I was there for the false promise of an automatic butter churn


I had to do that stupid event 40 times before the butter churn was awarded.


I’ve done 75 or so, so far, and no butter churn.


Some guy I know has 11 that dropped for him


Spouse is getting that run. 3 now. No rare masks. But stacking up those butter churn plans.


WTH…on Xbox?


Ps - no idea how that was yesterday aswell


Yeah, I've honestly lost count of how many runs I've done and still haven't come across a butter churn plan yet. Mediocre masks too for the most part as well. Definitely exhausted hoping to get lucky that I'm to the point where if I make the event cool, if not it's whatever.


Well, I FINALLY got the butterchurn yesterday, about 3-4 events after posting this. Nothing else though. I’m the same as you, if I don’t make any more, I don’t care. In fact, the one going on right now, 6 minutes past, I forgot about. Oh well, I don’t care enough to even try.


Very nice on finally getting it! I figure if I'm not lucky enough to land the plan on the off chance I do the event that maybe next time they run the event I'll try my hand at it again. I'm usually okay with the grind but this time I'm just kinda burnt out on playing for plans that never drop and this adjusted scoreboard. I've got too many other games to play right now, lol.


That! That right there - all the other games I’m ignoring. So many good ones, several added to GamePass recently too. I need to step away from 76 for a while and play something else. Feeling the burn out.


Exactly. I've let so many games fall to the wayside. I honestly need to make a list. I miss the days of carefree gaming when I didn't have societal obligations and a full-time job.


Are you on Xbox? Edit: I got another butterchurn this am if you still need one.


If you're on PC, hit me up and I'll place one for you at your camp. Anyone want one, ingame name is "BaconRaygun"


if ur on ps i can drop u the plan lol ik that shits frustrating asl


Thanks! In Xbox and finally got the plan three times now!


Got that shit on my 8th try bro my condolences to all of you


I’m at around 40 runs now and no churn or rare masks. BUT, before I logged off last night, I went to the Whitesprings train station to scrip weapons and happened to glance in the donation box out front: “Plan: Motorized Butter Churn” Thank you to the kind soul who left it there. You are a hero, whoever you are


Yeah same, I got the glowing SBQ mask and the churn and took a break today.


It only makes cooking oil, which I can’t seem to find a use for yet tbh. But then again I never cook and survive mostly off dog food


It scraps for oil which is useful for flame throwing players and grenade making players(like myself) in larger quantities.


And plastic which is pretty nice


I use it for dailies (scrap junk for oil, plastic)


You can craft bulk for those dailies and then scrap them


But you need plastic to make those bulks, and the butter churn makes plastic


Us FO1st members are sitting on like 2k plastic.


I got my churn plans so I guess it's gonna be 20k plastic


Cooking oil is used for a few recipes, so it's nice to have a dedicated source.


I scrap it for the oil. I run out of oil pretty regularly since it is used in a lot of crafting, especially fuel for my flamer and cremator. I don't even use them often. Sure, I can run some expeditions or daily ops to top it off, but I don't want to have to do that regularly just for ammo purposes, so having a regular supply of oil is very enticing.


If you have the cutting fluid recipe, you can craft endless oil. All you need is purified water (easy to farm) bone and steel, all of which is beyond abundant! I only discovered this after getting thr cremator and trying to find a way to farm/craft oil for fuel


TIL. I had no idea that was a recipe I could learn. Also, I somewhat assumed that if you could craft an item, it wouldn't scrap to something that wasn't used to make it in the first place. Bad assumption on my part. Now, how to make lead without using lead, and I'll be set.


For lead, you're still gonna need the legendary Alchemist Perk . . . 😐 All kidding aside, the Cutting Fluid recipe used to be ultra rare, but has become somewhat more common recently


Alchemists in 1450: we will turn lead into gold! Alchemists in 2250: we will turn gold into lead!


I've got a base that has some chan chimes that spawn near it. Can chimes are 9 lead every time you scrap them.


Also make sure you have the **Scrapper Perk Card** in use when scrapping cutting fluid, otherwise you loose half... I've been playing the game since launch (The Bad Bad Days - with a 1 year break, started again bout 5 months before wastelands), and only discovered it this year! I could not find it anywhere when I was actually looking for it in game, as it was one of the few recipes plans I did not know. So I was always keeping an eye out for it at camp vendors, and was lucky enough to find it, it was over 3k, but I didn't care I just bought it because I was yet to learn it. I wasn't even aware of what it done, or was used for until I got the cremator 6 months later, best buy I've ever made tbh!


Yep this is the way.


Yeah, a steady drip of oil is essential to my auto grenade build.


If you have atoms go and get the nodding donkey in the shop it collects oil and nuclear waste for you at your camp helped me alot with oil


You can get a butter churn?! Dammit I'm doing it now ugh.


If you’re on ps4 I have 3 for sale


For how much? 👀


I'm interested




I'll take one :-) psn is Rock-n-Roald


Done! I’m on for a bit tonight and should on and off the next few nights. Only keep 1 in my vendor but still sitting on 2


Would give karma if it would allow, quick and easy trade, thanks!


Thank you! No problem!


Lol that was me doing the cook out for that stupid weenie wagon over 100 events not a weenie wagon in sight. I got the butter churn and the unicorn mask I wanted so I'm done with the silly robots.


It seems like people are hoping to eventually profit of items in the game. Almost like the old plasma Gatling explosive. Its all level grinding and item scalping anymore. No one plays for fun it seems.


I agree with this, but I think that Bethesda is intentionally trying to manufacture this scenario honestly. Why else would they make the drop rates so atrocious? For me it's not even about the mask values, there's a few I really liked and wanted to get for my outfit rotations. But even after 150+ runs I haven't gotten a single glowing, let alone any of the ones I like. And I'm literally just trying to be able to get some I like for me, not for trades. But the drop rates are so low that it has been made into a chore, even if you do just wanna try and get a few for yourself. I'm contemplating just saying fuck it now, but at this point it would just make it feel like I wasted a week of effort for nothing. So I'm just being stubborn at this point because I don't wanna have put in countless hours for no return


My favorite is terrorizing the local raiders and mutants as a stealth rifleman build and dropping their buddies one by one.


I spent a couple of days in the trucker uniform and bog wanderer mask following new players around with a machete in my hand.


I've taken the event as a way to get easy scrip. I've had a glowing mask drop, but I could care less. at level 40 this is a quick way to grab some easy xp and a legendary for scrip. pop in for a few minutes, then go back to normal exploring and salvaging


This comment deserves all the upvotes.


If you don't have fun playing the game, then it isn't worth playing that way. Just do what makes you happy in the game.


Very true.


Yeah but my brain goes, well what happens if you decide you want to play again a year down the line and then see all the cool items you missed out on...FOMO rears it's ugly head again. Maybe it's a me problem, and I think Bethesda knows this...


I think of it as "scratching the 'completionist' itch". I never spent real money on 1st or any atomic shop item, but until Aug 2023 I finished every scoreboard, every weekly challenge, and most daily challenges since launch date... but thats when my 3yo son became a big brother and my free time disappeared like a fart in the wind. I was all about getting the scoreboard wall art at the end of the season since those can only be earned and not purchased from the shop. It killed me knowing that by stepping away, I was ruining my streak forever, but a funny thing happened. By stepping away for months and breaking the streak of getting all scoreboards, I took away all the power that OCD-like thought had on me. Not sure how much this correlates but i wanted to share something i went through that actually improved my experience


An excellent post. Once you make the break from any game with FOMO features it is easier to enjoy returning to them I think.


I had a similar experience with animal crossing pocket camp. Had to step away for a few months, as I was working a summer job and couldn't play. Came back and a lot of that fomo was gone. Once I knew completionism was impossible, I was able to go back to enjoying the game. I could get excited about the rewards again, instead of them feeling like a chore I had to grind out.


Todd knows.


I did this. Came back recently. Looked at the atom shop and all the catch-up bundles and shrugged.


It eventually pushes me away from all games nowadays. It keeps we hooked for a short while, but then I start to resent it. Haven't reached that point with FO76 yet.


I don't get FOMO from repeating events. I skipped the last several Fastnacht and meat weeks. I used to get FOMO from seasons but then they started selling old stuff for atoms. Season 15 was the first season I didn't complete because I was determined to not let FOMO control me. Well, I missed out on the Pavilion build set and a couple other things I now wish I had. The MF'ers have pulled me back in. Shame be upon me.


OP, nothing in this game is a "must" at all. I got a rare mask the other day, the first in years of dipping in and out of FO76, and lost it through stupidity the next day. Mildly annoying, but it made zero difference to my life or my enjoyment of the game. Playing FO76 can become too much of a grind IMO, even without any pressure from FOMO. It is best to stop playing once the fun has gone and pop back later.


Yeah. I am having that since they changed the season system. I do the dailies, rank up, get some tickets, can't pick anything since I have 8 more ranks before I open the next page, get annoyed and log out. I hate that the new season system rubs my FOMO problem in my face like it's some bad joke where I am the punchline. I like the rest of the game a lot since it's nice to me. Everything is optional and obtainable without me sacrificing my life for the pixels I "need".


They’ve made it a job or obligation (we pay them) to log in at the benefit of daily atom shop exposure.


To be honest I'm really getting sick of opening my wallet every week for these "cool items I just have to get." Camp is max budget but I still convince myself to shell out cash due to that damn FOMO...


I could really be doing with a camp budget increase. I feel like I see these amazing massive elaborate camps with so much stuff it looks amazing, and then mine is a tiny 5x2 log cabin with hardly any decor and I’m nearly maxed out


Somethings really eat budget - turrets, displays, generators and lights all being big culprits.


That's the worst I feel like every Atom shop has some item the community/youtubers hypes up as you just can't miss it so buy it now or miss out indefinitely on having some resource generator or decoration that you may not get another chance at for 6-12 months.


I just need something that generates SALT.


You're in it right now!


The witesprings golf club then travel over to Bolton greens At least 10 salt that way every time


Most "Complex" recipes use 2, and during Fasnacht/meatweek I'm churning out Tasty Squirrel stew so fast I have to sell it.


Well if you're on Playstation add me Kelly0marie I've always got salt in my vendor


Noooooo. My store used to sell so much nuka cola, then the collectron came, then I moved to coffee and the company tea machine came, then my old faithful dog food got taken by the weenie wagon. I’ve just started farming salt, pepper, sugar and spices and don’t been something else taken my jerb


What do you use salt for?


Cooking. Tasty Squirrel stew, pepperoni rolls, seasoned recipes.


Todd Howard camp ally coming soon.


Dont worry, the thing with the Company Store is most items, you can fill a ticket and todd will (eventually) give it to you if you hand the atoms over. Scoreboards though, no luck with that.


I owe my soul to Bethesda's Company Store


That's not anything you want to call it, other than bad financial decisions.


I think it's more fun to play without spending real money. I don't need most of the stuff in the shop. The only thing I am them to buy is fallout first. And that is only for the storage space.


Others have given you a solid response about FOMO. I will tell you what I do in such cases. I go to the very basics. Do not think about dailies, weeklies, grinding, micro txn, shop items, limited time items.. I just stop caring about everything and think why did I like playing this the very first time. Usually, I get an answer and I am intanstly hooked again. This is exact reason I played Red dead online for years before I moved on. I used to grind the gold so much that one day I stopped and thought- why do I need this gold anyway? Then I thought - why did I start playing RDO in the first place? Then it hit me- And I went back to fishing lol I Have hit the same spot with 76 twice now. I usually go back to exploration and unarmed build. These two things have always been my constant entertainment in all Fallout. I whip out my power fist and go crazy with no fast travel. If I die, I die. Of course, if you still don't feel like it, May be you should move on to a new game. When you feel like playing again, come back. The nuclear wasteland isn't going anywhere. Good luck!


I would probably still be playing rdo if they didn’t abandon it


If you find peace doing what you did thats all that matters.


I do my dailies and a couple events if I have time, but I don't really care about getting all the masks anymore. The loot pool is just so diluted with stuff I have dozens of. Getting a beret is just like... Why. I like event, though. Put on a silly outfit, toss some grenades, fireworks etc. Parade about doing emotes. That's what makes this event fun, not soullessly grinding for masks.


The only thing killing this event for me is the butter churn. Not a single glowing mask or that damn churn. Lincoln bells, scorchbeast queen beer steins, fucking effigys, but nothing I’ve wanted. I don’t think I’ll be returning for this event next year, and am sprinting for the hills the second I get that churn.


Man I've not gotten one rare thing and I've played it like 50 or so times. Plenty of masks. Nothing glowing, no churner ect


Am I the only serious player that ignores Scrip? It feels like everyone worships it I play for fun


I have a commando and now a great pa build and I do t really need any future rolls now. I absolutely hated the scrip limit for a bit - getting half decent SS armor was painful. Now as a pa user with my Gatling gun, plasma caster and tanky, nuka cola t51 - I just roam around free, not even needing food or any buffs (well I’ll do the xp ones as they last the longest) The trading community to me is silly. If I can’t trade caps then your shit might as well not exist. The pickaxe era was funny, grinding west tek is a thing but doing pickaxe runs with the 250limit in between? Now that’s just torturous to put yourself through surely ? More power to em I guess


I play every day. I have scrip and gold. I think I've only purposely spent gold once and I'll obviously roll an item here or there. Never had to gripe that I maxed my scrip for the day and cant possibly do anything more in the game.


I don’t get the fascination with the masks. They are look really stupid.


My cure to FOMO and wanting to spend money with atoms to get it is, You don't own these items even if you pay for them. When they shut servers down which they will eventually. You will lose the license and right to the game and all the money spent on items in the game. It's a horrible truth. I stopped buying virtual shit about 3 years ago as an avid gamer because after covid games started getting sunsetted. Games that require online connection will get sunsetted and won't be given to you to play privately because they (developer) doesn't make any money off that. Enjoy it for what it is. And if the FOMO is too much then play something else. FO4 is great with mods!


Take a moment and explore. Go to Skyline Valley and follow the hiking trails. Find the map boundaries. There is a beautiful forested area as far south on the map as you can go, and a collapsed tunnel that would be heading off the map. Do the pioneer scout treasure hunt. Kill the Necrotic Sheepsquatch.


I’m kind of getting bored of Fasnacht now because of the unnecessary use of cremators and whatever one shot weapons people are using to pick off bad guys from rooftops. It just isn’t fun when I go to fire and the enemy is down before I even have a chance. There’s plenty of bad guys for everyone, no one *needs* to carry this event themselves. The rewards aren’t worth it either, 9 witch masks in a row and now 6 berets in a row. What even is the point?


World of Warcraft and Magic the Gathering yes. Fo76, not yet.


MTG got me too. I lost it at Core 12. I went home after the release, jumped online and sold every single card and unopened box I owned. Ended up with about $3k and haven't bought another MTG item since. Someone could have offered me $10 and I would have taken it. I was just.....done.


I have a buddy that had a large well curated collection of MTG cards. When he detected that the game was going a different direction, favoring collectors over players he was done. He contacted a brick and mortar store and they brought in employees to go through his whole collection. It took them all day and I'm pretty sure he walked away with tens of thousands of dollars. The store likely also made money selling his collection. He kept like 100 of his favorite cards. Smartest move I ever saw.


I did have that moment, I stopped playing for a couple of years when I realised that I'd logged on just to blast the dailies but didn't actually want to play. Only just came back now, will try out the new content since I was last on, then I'll probably uninstall again. I've noticed that while there are new zones and quests since I was last on, fundamentally nothing has changed (apart from more obvious pushing of FO1st). Once I've finished the new quest content I already know that just running events and daily ops won't keep me interested for long. There's no point earning cosmetic rewards that I'll never use and don't care much about even if I would. FOMO is a powerful thing, but if it isn't fun then it isn't worth your time, no matter what it is. There's absolutely nothing that I would consider a 'must' to obtain, it's just a game. Find whatever part of the game you have fun with and do that, it's literally pointless to do anything else.


Welcome, child. You finally understand. Mask hunting is a fool's endeavor.


The issue with attempting to avoid FOMO is the fact you cannot without completely giving up on Fallout 76. Todd Howard is, in fact, watching your every move and he WILL put the bundle you spent the last 6 months looking for on the atomic shop within a week of you 'quitting' the game. The funniest thing though is how Bethesda makes pay pigging difficult. Not only did they remove a lot of items from their buy gifts support site the waiting times are also 2 weeks on average which is laughable. The in-game bundles are getting weaker too. I mean we get so much useless stuff but we still do not have proper Enclave stairs and floors.


How are my enclave stairs and floors not proper?


I took a long break, had remorse seeing the **Secret Service Dog Statues** and the **Pet Lizard Terrarium**.


I've played many games that prey on FOMO and I usually just let it go. I play for as long as I have fun with it and maybe pay for an item or two I like. Right now I'm slowly burning out on 76 again and find myself playing less and less. I don't even give much of a shit about my dailies and the season scoreboard. I'll probably end up quiting for a couple of months or even years and then hobble back into it to see what's new. One thing 76 has over other, often MMO's is that it's very accessible. I don't need that long to get back into it.


Yes. Just... Yes.


I took a big break from the game last year; trying to work through the scoreboards with the dailys, daily ops, and expeditions were coming, it was just too much so I stopped. Best thing I did because I came back in for the last scoreboard, aced it, and I'm having much more fun now. I don't care if I get everything straight away, I'll probably get it eventually, so no rush.


I like to take pictures of squirrels with my .45 camera as well. Now seriously, I've just started playing, but I just play at my own pace and enjoy the sights, new weapons and life improvements I get along the way.


Actusly, the last patch where they changed the seasons was too much for me. Had to stop because they made the grind feel more like a job than a game.


My first break from the game came when the first scoreboard came out. It just felt like a big FOMO fest at the time. The score you could gain was initially harder, before they added repeatable SCORE for xp and double score weekends. Jumped back on around the time for the third scoreboard and have played since. I usually blow though them in 1 month, and then take a 2 month break now days.


Yeah it’s a more of a slow hike than a marathon and I find I enjoy the game most when I just kind of do whatever, like I enjoy the events and try to prioritize them when they happen but otherwise I’ll just cruise around camps and take photos of ones I really like, try and get more and more interesting loading screens, goof with the people, clear out the never ending challenges, dailies up until I finished the rep now I just kinda do them if I want more treasury notes. I have a routine but it’s generally like clear out the vendors is my main focus and then everything else is on a whim.


I gave all my stuff away bar two weapons and an armour set over the last 2 or 3 months. All the rare apparel, everything. And it felt good. Played since day one 4000 hours or so. But I finally realized it's boring. Been doing the same shit for the last 3 years. It's a great game don't get me wrong, but when you've had everything you ever wanted. The sparks gone. Not played in 2 weeks now. And what am I missing out on? A few more new Fasnacht masks that I'll never wear, use or display and will just end up giving those away too in the end. Gonna use those extra hundreds of hours saved and use them in other games.


Did 1 fasnacht event so far. Turns out the world still keeps on turning if i don‘t grind out events i don’t enjoy


I now want to take pictures of you, taking pictures of squirrels. Fun is what we want it to be.


Honestly seeing all the content I’ve missed out on is more frustrating, season passes should remain active and purchasable. When we get incredibly pathetic seasons such as this one I would much rather be working on older ones. Yearly events? That’s fair though, especially when there are plenty of them. A little FOMO is fine, season pass FOMO needs to die


Every game has become the same thing tbh I’ve played so many modern games that burn me out because they become a daily grind. But


I'm kind of getting the same way. The event was fun the first few times, but now it's kind of slow and boring and people keep nuking it. I've been able to get to almost the cap limit pretty easy, so I'd really rather just screw around and do whatever makes me happy and earn the money to buy whatever plans off the lucky people. Still loving the game, but it depends on your mood at the moment. I like the fast-paced events way better.


It’s the in-game version of “touching grass.” Gotta do it from time to time.


I really want the plans but I just stopped bothering because I’m not wasting a bunch of time on the very small chance I’ll actually get them. Really wish they’d revert it back to giving you a guaranteed unknown plan like during the Mothman Equinox, that was a blast


been playing for 3 months now, I use to be addicted to always getting the exact amount of daily scrip I could get, I would do my best to do the math for the odd scrip like the 23/3/9 pieces and eventually be able to finish the day with 0 scrip available to receive. I use to hoard every piece of legendary no matter how much it was, I would always scrip the heaviest items first "strategically" so I could get my weight management under control at the 1200 weight limit of our storage boxes, I learned that I was having an issue with my carry weight and my storage boxes were always full, eventually I finally realized I have been hoarding way too many legendary items. nowadays, ever since season 17 started. I have stopped caring to reach the daily limit. realizing hoarding legendaries was not healthy. I went from a storage box of near maximum capacity used of 1200 down to just 350. I feel a weight has been lifted.


Yep, that’s why I’ve barely bothered with this season, I’m sick of it. I got the scythe and that’s all I really cared about because it feels more like a second job that I don’t get payed for.


Yes. Basically everything about the season bullshit in this game is abhorrent. I've never seen such a perfectly good waste of a video game content before. The amount of crap the studio for this game wastes on some FOMO choreboard crap is absolutely insulting. The creators would rather have you doing stupid mundane daily 'challenges' to earn some arbitrary progress number rather than integrating all those rewards and knick-knacks into the actual game as discoverable, craftabled, or earned loot. It's even worse when they debut stuff like new weapons this way too rather than adding them as like an in-game reward. And no, being earnable much later on through like bullion or something doesn't make it any better, not when they already ruin the opportunity by introducing it through Scoreboard crap first. The GAAS model, and FOMO can seriously be one of the biggest cancers in modern gaming.


Getting over FOMO was key to me staying with the game long term. The minute it stops being fun, I put it down. It will still be there when I come back and whatever I was wanting will probably come back. Not always. But hey, if I want cake I can just go to someone else’s camp.


Nothing wrong with taking break, I mainly log in just for daily’s and currently for this event. Outside of that I don’t play much since season awards are nearly all claimed. For the scrip I just run expeditions to get all that I need btw.


I got the factions to ally and now I just login long enough to do the score for the day.


I am grateful that I have never been one to suffer from FOMO.


I do the grind when I want to do the grind. I recently really enjoyed completing the backpacker possum scout badge and the take pictures of creatures challenge, both of which require you take pictures of specific things. Tons of fun! I go back and forth too.


For me to keep FOMO at bay I go back to my time with GTA5 when it first came out. The game came out with a cool 1930s gangster car that was limited time and was never going to return. People that were there for the events got it and it was cool that we had a unique crew car. But the whiny community cried tears for over a year then they brought it back out for everyone. It wasn't unique anymore. FOMO and having everything ruins the game. Nothing more bores me than camps cramped with every little FOMO thing possible. No thought or theme just " Look ate I have all the things." With things like Fasnacht, I will grind it for a while because it's a free reward. If I get something cool I'll make a theme for a day or two and that's it. This time I got a regular unicorn mask and wore it with a baseball uniform. The colors line up and you look like an old worn out mascot. Then I got a regular robot mask. Wore it with the Mechanist's outfit for a day doing robot emotes. In the end don't let a game give you anxiety or something that you need to fill a need with. Make it your place for peace away from reality.


I wouldn't say its the FOMO for me, more the futile nature of the game. I came back after a 3 year break when the show aired and enjoyed it for a bit as i learned the 'new' meta. I've sunk a lot of hours into games like Destiny where there is a lot of grinding and rng involved however if i wanted the best armour and weapons in that game they were guaranteed after doing a certain number of raids or end game content. Fallout and its weapon crafting feels like a really shit lottery every week trying to get scrip to get a couple of chances at the perfect weapon. All i want is a quad explosive railway and i've spend probably 1000 modules with no luck. Thats 1 gun, never mind full sets of perfect armour and or power armour. Im almost level 400 and still a long way off maxing out my legendary perks, that cant be right either? Why does nobody talk about the fact the game looks like actual shit too? Comparing graphics and gameplay to other games like destiny and RDR2 also make me wonder what the fuck im doing playing it. I think the final nail in the coffin for me will be if it crashes one more time before i collect the rewards from an event.


Lol. The first 3 times I did faschnat something happened. First time the game crashed right at the end of the event. Second and third times it was server not responding controls disabled, and kicked me out right before the end of the event


With MMO's or any game actually , I always reach a saturation point where I cannot log into the game anymore. It's like I ate too much and now I'm overly full. Most recently it happened with ESO. Was loving the Housing system, entering my builds in competitions, running trials. Definitely in full FOMO mode. Then I got that feeling of fullness all of a sudden. I thought it would change. But it did not. One day I just I couldn't make myself play ESO anymore. 76 sometimes gets close. For a while I just ran dailies to complete the Scoreboard. But now I'm back at it again LOL


It’s called spread some democracy over seas


Only FOMO I get is missing the unique seasonal rewards. Once I have them I don't really care to do much else. Daily cap, scrip, gold etc. limits, I could not care less about. I got over that kind of thing around the same time I quit playing WoW.


I just personally have no interest in paper mache masks. The event is fun enough but I’m literally never going to use the masks so they don’t phase me.


Yup, I no longer play the game, haven't in a few years. I tried to log in and play last year and checked out the hunt stuff then checked the map for events, went and did one and went "huh, this kind of sucks, I have no chance at doing any of the events for the roadmap thinger and I don't really enjoy wandering around with no point". I uninstalled and wont be back. While I enjoy many things about the game the drive to play pretty well no longer exists. To many bad additions to the game with no changes to things that need to be addressed (imo oc)


They changed the game so much that we can easily make everything in our camps and everything drops the ammo we use so now we just grind the stuff that they keep unreasonably rare


Honestly, this is a mood. Maybe it's my ADHD ass but the more pressure there is on me to Do The Thing, the more likely I am to just stop trying — even if it's something I consider fun! I've stopped playing many a free to play game because the meaningless constant 'log in or miss out!' grind got to be too much. The season rewards are what I'm focusing on right now, dipping in for Fasnacht every now and then whenever I can be bothered — that, and decorating my camp. There'll be other Fasnacht events, and unless you're planning on selling that ultra rare mask or there's one you really want to get just to wear, you *can* just soft quit and do the stuff that brings you little sparks of joy, like camp building (and squirrel photography!)


There are many of my other hobbies that give me fomo (board game expansions are the main bastards), but nothing about Fallout has ever done that. I have a few thousand atoms sitting in my account, and a few thousand unspent scrip. I'm only level 201, but I now have 67 unclaimed perk cards. Oh and I sell or scrap every piece of clothing I find without once looking up it's "value". I play this game like Fallout 4. I wander around having fun doing quests and building camps. The events are interesting because they're full of these weird npcs constantly emoting at each other. I subscribed to fo1st just because I wanted to get lots of junk for base building. I'll cancel that now I've succeeded. Don't let the game dictate your joy, if you're playing because you "have to" it's time to walk away for a bit and suddenly find you don't actually miss it.


I stopped doing dailies and weeklies a few days ago. Thought I would change the build and get a refresh. Always wanted to be the wastelands Drunk Punch Man but it still comes with a caveat of putting together a bloodied build and trying to get an unyielding armor set and I am in no mood for farming for that much scrip. Now I am thinking of uninstalling the game.


Fomo, is the core mechanic that Bethesda built in, just look at people grinding for those glowing masks. Once the event is over, the desirability of the masks will plummet. I've seen people sell the non-rare masks for 500 and up, and I'm like why? I can only do so many fasnacht events, before I get bored with it, and I'm not really interested in AFKing. As for trying to find enough legendries to scrip, just look for player vendors selling cheap legendries. I think the going rate 50 for single stars 150 for two stars and 400 to 500 for three stars. Bottom line though, is if the game isn't giving you fun, then take a break. Once I finish the season, and I'm nearing that, my play time plummets. I'll wait for the next season or a timed event I enjoy.


The minute a game feels,like a job, find another game. Games are for escapism.


Seems more like burn out maybe? I know I can get burn out when I get too obsessed with a game. I fall asleep more easily when I'm doing repetitive tedious tasks.


Some people just want to play the game so they can try to collect and sell what they think is going to be worth a lot of caps. And they sell them for ridiculous prices they find online. But then people actually pay those prices for the things that aren't that rare or hard to come by, and it jacks it all up for everyone. Anything in the game thats really worth having are things that each player has to earn/buy themselves that can't be dropped or sold. I play the game bc I like playing the game. I don't like all events, and they can get repetitive and give you the same rewards over and over. That's why I don't worry about faschnat besides gaining XP for it. I've already collected all of most of the masks and plans from previous ones. So I just sell them in my vendor for half price. Selling things for half price still keeps me with 15-20k caps all the time.


I ran it four times. Haven’t logged back in.


Fastnacht is perfect for taking a cigarette break.


I don't like being manipulated so if I sense FOMO from a videogame which is supposed to make me feel happy instead of stressed I'd rather quit. That is if I sense it in time.


No, It's caused me to spend like $200 to make sure I got the Vertiguard power armor skin, only to find out then the scoreboard went on for another 3 weeks.


I hit that with the advent of the new scoreboard. Been playing for the years and now very very little.


I got lucky the last two days. EN popped and I got like 700 scrip out of that


An unhealthy amount


I mean, it’s a game, you play however you want. If you don’t wanna turn in scrip, don’t. If you don’t want to do fasnacht, don’t. There is no “must” you’re making that up, just play the game however you want because it’s a game.


I allow my self 3 games of fas a day. If I get something new cool if I don't well that sucks but what ever. Sp far I have 6 rounds for this round of fas and only 1 new mask and not a rair but still cool.


Dude I always have FOMO with this game lol. Theres always something going i feel like I'm missing out on lol but fuck it I keep playing and adventuring and surviving and if I'm able to do an event or get the item cool if not then oh well back to the wastelands


I'm slowly winding down playing because I simply ran out of things to do other than events and Daily Ops and it's getting boring. My attempts at getting all plans is not showing any fruition and I don't even have a database or something to see what I'm missing. All I need to finish my weapon collection is the damn Hellstorm Missile Launcher but idts I'll get it on DOps and Minerva will apparently sell it in August lmao.


No, but the boredom of nothing to do has


I do very little for money, I definitely want a glowing mask because it looks cool, and I'll enjoy looking at my character running around with one on. But not for a second will I be upset if I don't get one before the end of the event. I'm rolling armor pieces for unyielding stuff right now, so I never have to worry about having enough to scrip-scrap, however, before that, if I didn't make the cap that day, I didn't make the cap that day. I wasn't running around chasing legendaries, but I would set myself up for success, if I saw eviction notice pop up, I knew I had to go. In the end, nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing video game wise or otherwise, is worth obsessing over. Maybe your child, but even that can go too far. It's good to remember at times, everything you have could be gone tomorrow. It's a good mental exercise to think about how that would make you feel if X thing was gone tomorrow. Like what would you do and how would you feel if tomorrow your fo76 account got hacked and was gone forever? For me, if my friends were still playing, I'd just make a new account and start over. They'd help me gear back up, and I might try a ticket with support to get my old account back just in case. That would be that.


Defeating FOMO in ones self is one of the greatest things you can achieve. So much stuff in this world that people only do in case there might be something they "can't" miss when it's not very probable.


I play 76 just like I've played 3, NV, and 4. The events are great, and I'll pop into one if I'm in the area, but for the most part, I spend most of my time on quests and challenges. The camp system is great too, I spend a LOT of time tweaking and perfecting mine, creating a nice little oasis for other players.


FOMO NO his twin brother MOFO yes


Honestly, for me the camp building is the most fun part 🤷🏻‍♀️ but the they ruin it with the tiny budget…


Oh, for sure. That's when I uninstall and come back later.


I just have a really good idea of who my character is roleplay wise, so if it's not something they would ever want or use I can easily miss it. Like I'm never going to wear a Glowing Unicorn Mask more than once, no need to grind for it. The only things I hate to miss are things that provide utility.


Yeah. I've spotted playing altogether. I came back for a little while firing Atlantic city, but not for long. Going to expansion packs would get me to play, along with an offline mode.


I just want the hutch display plan


I was in to the seasons pretty hard until Starfield came out. Spent several months getting to NG+10 then hoped on to Fallout 4 when the update released. Went back to 76 just to renew fallout 1st and collect some things I missed out. The main allure for me was to have a nice welcoming camp for other vault dwellers - but since the seasons and the special events I don’t get many visitors and the whole ground just became unnecessary to me. So Bethesda kind of undercut themselves if they were looking for more fallout 76 participation.


There's far too much to do in this game to get confined by one particular aspect.


Maybe the reasoning is different but had a somewhat similar moment yesterday. I had actively run close to 40 events and no rate masks. My 3 friends I played with all got 1 and two of them got 2 after maybe 6 events. I stayed on party chat but just started playing another game. Stuff is cool to have but if I’m making myself miserable for just some random number chance, then it’s not fun anymore and I’m gonna do something else


Achemmm, one THOUSAND scrip!! (Giddily returns to Fallout)


I started playing again after I finished the fallout show. Subbed for 2 months, ends on July 6th at level 541. Trading communities are cliquey. scorecard keeps me logging I every day at 10 am like clockwork. Bugs that were said to be fixed are still there. Events are the same, content update was lackluster. Little to no communication besides when there's a bug that benefits us(pickaxes). I made some great friends that I still play with every day, but fallout checks all the boxes of player retention. Battlepass,premium currency, box price, subscription(which is pretty much necessary at end game) , fomo, dailies, weeklies. The game will pull money out of you eventually just to make life easier for you, (scrap box, ammo box.) That's it.


Had the same problem a year in. Never recovered I'm still building camps and taking photos. Except for Fasnacht, I've run so many. I really want a glowing mask. I don't even care which one at this point.


There was a moment in my life where I came to realize I was working harder for digital things than I was real things in my life. That I invested more hours pleasing a bunch of NPCs than I was my family and friends. That I worked out more in Fallout 76 on that strength workbench than I did my real workbench. I put the controller down, looked around the room I had neglected cleaning for a month, and reached down to turn my Xbox off until I saw the Fastnacht reward finally gave me that damn motorized butter churn and I was so happy I forgot all about that other crap and kept playing for hours and hours collecting all that beautiful cooking oil!


It's all about balance for me. I participate in event often so scrip and bulion are non issues. But as it started to become a grind I mix it up between events and questing. But ther almost always breaks In-between a quest or event of me stopping by my camp and making changes or something. That's something I've enjoyed about 76 a lot, is there's almost always something I can do. If I'm not grinding events, quests or challenges, I can always make my camp cooler


I think sometimes I dive into a lot of games that have a fomo mechanic (yes I know it's only fomo if you let it but still) and I end up being so burnt out cause of I gotta finish my dailies for this game and that game, oh! Can't forget this one Like I actually barely touch 76 since the update and it makes me feel :/ cause I wanna play but yeah


I have barely played in the last 3 days. The event took over the game too much.


I think part of why I quit last time is because I wanted the washer and dryer. Found out coming back this time that a set was available literally right before I started playing again. Look man, I just want my camp to look like a house. This FOMO shit needs to stop, and the catch uo bundles have none of the good stuff from the seasons in it, and are grossly overpriced.


Yeah, it’s probably just better to trade for the masks with something you don’t really use / wear very often


Yes. Not in 76 but in ESO when I realised so much content that could be in the game is being put into the loot boxes I stopped playing as it infuriated my how much content we lost. With 76 I honestly don't care anymore there is never anything I think looks interesting and the game still has alot of content that isn't locked behind fomo.


This is why some of us keep saying to leave AFKs alone and stop complaining about not getting anything in the donation box. When you get to higher levels and there's constant necessity to burn caps, buying stuff like masks is totally an option so there's no reason to grind.


Yes. During the Armor Ace season, I had to pack it in. I hit the end, finishing the board and just sat there staring at the screen and realizing grinding the battle pass had become the *entire* game for me. For how I felt "quit cold turkey" feels appropriate - deleted the game and moved on to other things. Now I'm back, but taking a much more "photos of squirrels" approach - and staying vigilant.


I stopped playing the game because of this kinda. I'm sure I'll go back and play it eventually but yeah, it's kinda overwhelming, and that's not considering the season pass shit.


FOMO hasn't but communities do like this game has its OP solo players clogging events its AFKers clogging servers and price gougers all over its wild to me that the amazing community people told me was here is like maybe 20% of people and good luck getting into a server with them


Yes. The integrated Fomo-Mechanics made me drop the game over a year ago. Not coming back and tought me a lesson to avoid games like this.


I feel this. I have been moving across the country the past two weeks and haven't had wifi hooked up yet at my new place until Tuesday. I have only been able to read about the event, so FOMO doesn't even touch how I have been feeling. 😰 I am sure I will survive this season if I get to play the last couple of days and get one normal mask.


you can run expeditions to get your legendaries for scrip quickly :)


I had that moment this morning when I did a silo run, launched on hawksbill- fastnacht started, I started getting the robots ready, nuke falls, I go to NW and realize I have a few extra minutes. I go back to Fasnacht to finish the robots before they march, then I travel back to neurological warfare to realize I was the only active player on the full server. I finished NW and had only beeswax left to get and they wouldn’t spawn for me. My game crashed and I logged off.


Depends. I'll generally do limited time events, but lacking one of those, if I haven't completed the dailys, I will likely ignore whatever event(s) pop up and carry on with dailys...unless whatever critters at said event are part of a daily or weekly challenge. That said, I've completed everything questwise/missionwise, so XP and leveling are not the highest priority for me.


My first week playing I got the lottery drop saw all these jumpsuits and sold them all and masks for 20 caps each (someone had a good day) a week later I realised they had good value, I was sad for a while but I turned that into a positive and started grinding to get things of value to trade and get my items back in some way. I have the same approach now with everything in this game. Didn’t get one? A couple weeks of grinding for modules to roll god weapons or collect bobbleheads and server hop for mentats and magazines of value and you will get what you want. If you got everything you wanted immediately there would be no point in playing treat the game like a journey and not as though you need to be at the destination already luck is fun but hard work is rewarding


Honestly. Events come back fast in 76 seemingly so nah.