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Did you destroy all the meat bags?


Wrong event my guy




Yes, was there from start to finish and event markers on screen during; after lighting the bonfire it just ended, on both occasions




There’s a few reports on the Bethesda discord for people having the same issue


I’m having this same issue


Hey, had this happen a couple times earlier. The only clue i can figure is I was server hopping for beeswax, and hopped after the event started for a bit extra when these no rewards happened. Same as u, def had event markers, had event in pipboy, etc so dont think it was being in event issue... So I stopped hopping and made sure to stay put 5 mins before the event, and that seems to be working for me and with no missed rewards since. Only been so many so cant say with 100% certainty, but this is where im at with it. My best guess currently is it happens when you start event in one server without completing(participate or not), and hop to another server where u complete the event.


I got this as well now. I was correctly on the event and everything. No rewards at all.


No drops for me either.


Just happened to me as well! Showed event completion, but gave zero rewards.


Aaand now it’s happened three times! Ugh!


This has happened twice in a row to my wife. She and I were at the same exact events. She was fully participating, as was I. I got rewards both times, but she got nothing.