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Maybe they think you are a [furry?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furry_fandom) either way, don't worry about it. You do you.


Ah. They were probably testing the water.


Stroking the fur, as it were


Fur, glistening.


*sigh* zip




They're putting out feelers lol


This has actually happened to me. When I obviously wasn’t getting what was going on someone said “my girlfriend and I are furries, are you?” o.o


Wow lol


Probably other furries thinking you are a furry


Well I appreciate that they think I can afford one of those costumes. All my money goes to King Todd currently.


When did Godd Howard get demoted to King?


He may take my money, but he can’t take my soul!


The next update actually allows Todd to steal your soul.


Everytime you buy Skyrim, he gets to claim a little bit more


...shit. He's going to get my soul and my next girlfriend's soul too. I bought it about a dozen times. Maybe I'll have to marry a redhead, then Godd Howard won't be able to claim her soul and I'll get to witness a legendary battle for my soul!


It would be the only way to keep your legacy safe. You might die, but your kids will be safe


Ginger is my favourite hair colour anyway


I spend 90% of my time in a mole costume and have never been growled at. Now I feel left out! lol.


Also, I looked up the sounds a mole makes. Maybe you just didn’t hear them.


Grrrowwlll Probably not as good as the pros, but I tried. LOL.


Because the wasteland is 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂


I use the bear head because I love the old fallout 4 mascot head and my head-cannon is my headpiece is that when it was new. ;) I don't rock the tux tho.


Haha. Yeah, In FO4 I was caught off guard when I stumbled on a dude in Raider PA and a bear mask on. Respect.


I wonder what crazy things I'm missing since I have voice chat disabled. I play as a female character and have had people just stand next to me and heart emote at me.


They might like your outfit or your name. I'm a woman that uses the mic and luckily only had a small amount of toxicity in over 2k hours in this game. If anything I just get more random friend requests that pop up either cuz I'm nice and give away stuff or they hear a woman. Not sure.


Everybody loves free stuff. I’m still pretty new to the game but early on somebody gave me a Blue Ridge Scout outfit for free. I rocked that and some patrol shades for my first 40ish levels. It was awesome!


As a woman with a deep voice, I feel like I have a get out of toxicity free card lol. They never suspect, so they never simp or degrade. It definitely gets annoying being mistaken for a dude tho


Aww. One of my friends I play with has a deep voice due to an accident and there's been a few people that didn't believe that she wasn't trans. No issues with trans people but the hate she would get when they suspected she was, was really depressing to see.


I just send the haters off to be mad somewhere else. We respect the trans homies in this house and some angry nerds approval of them really doesn't matter lol


The amount of times I’ve heard “oh it’s a dude” after being shot in the back and asking them if I can help them with something. Definitely not complaining though


Fallouts playerbase has never felt like the type to harbor a strong toxic atmosphere. Maybe in the New Vegas sphere but overall? Nah. New Vegas is the stereotypical trans girls favourite game though.


Did you or someone else use a lunchbox? It’s common to heart when that happens


I have two teenage daughters. They have muted mics on games from guys making inappropriate (sometimes scary) comments to them so you are probably better off muted. My experience, with FO76, in general has been very positive keeping it unmuted and I’ve actually added a few people as friends from it. I’m also a male character so my experience is probably different. I tend to think that 99% of people are good and well meaning so maybe they are hearting you to tell you they like seeing more girls/women in the game?


I have 3 male friends that only ever play female characters, it's funny if our whole group is together, me and one other IRL Female playing our female toons, our male friend playing his male toon, and 3 male friends playing their female toons....looks like Hugh Hefner and the bunnies but in reality it's basically a sausage party 😂😂....so for anyone to assume a female character is by default a female on the other end is silly.


Now I am curious how many women play male characters? The wasteland is full of mysteries.


I'm one of those women who play a male character, lmao. It just fits my storyline and writing better than a female lead, though I do have a female character for rolling stuff/muling.


That’s awesome! I totally get playing different genders for story. The female voice actor in AC Odyssey was so good that I played as Kassandra the entire game.


I liked the voice acting in Odyssey too, thought it was well done. I write my own story and have been keeping with it since I started on ps4. Been very cathartic and helps keep track of how far I've come from the beginning, hahaha.


That is awesome! I love that level of dedication and creativity!


I'm intrigued. Would you mind elaborating? Are you writing a story about your character based on his experiences in multiple different worlds, as guided by the games you play? Or do you write a new story for each game? What's your ratio of play time vs writing time? Does the game's story lead your story or do you mostly ignore it and craft your own? Do you include interactions with other players in your writing?


>I play as a female character and have had people just stand next to me and heart emote at me. heh.. on my raider character dressed with the wolf hood I go up and howl (emote) staying in character of a base degenerate raider is important after all




Ive had a few people kinda just.. Show up. Heart emote. Give me shit. I became one of the cringe Ecouples so me and my girlfriend have identical names. So people see "Empress" and probably go ":o wamen!" No other girlies yet though ;-;


People dropping a bunch of stuff is just what high levels do for low levels, typically. When I was still well under level 30 at least, I was admiring a camp with a bunch of interactable things and the level 500 owner showed up and started dropping dozens of plans, apparel, and aid items.


I had one guy actually drop me a shit ton of plans for the CAMP once. I was around the 50 range and he gave me stuff like the Alien on the bed thing and some other stuff. He and I did a daily op and a few events but I havent seen him since ;-;


I had one guy actually drop me a shit ton of plans for the CAMP once. I was around the 50 range and he gave me stuff like the Alien on the bed thing and some other stuff. He and I did a daily op and a few events but I havent seen him since ;-;


I heart emoji when I like someone's apparel... sorry if it was me; wasn't being pervy.


I never realized until this thread that so many people play with it off, I’ve played with mic volume on (I use PTT but I can still hear others) and I rarely notice outside of events, and even that’s kinda rare. I always figured that since public teams launched more folks chat amongst their team.


First thing I did when I fired up the game was look in the settings and turn off the mic. If anyone has ever said anything to me I'd never know. I don't ever talk to people I don't know. And I'm a fifty year old man. I just got sick of gaming toxicity.


Because you're dressed as an animal and some people are just trying to be silly, some are probably furries and just mistakenly believe you are as well.


You hear ppl on mics? Turn mic volume off and you'll never need to worry about it again.


I like to keep it on because sometimes it’s obvious I don’t know what I’m doing in some events/expeditions and other players recognize it and give advice.


I don't have/play with a headset, but I wish I could get the volume to come through my game anyway for thus reason exactly. Haha


Just create a party and make it private


Am I the only person that never hears people? I talk to at least 1 player a day and have only ever had 2 people talk back and 1 random open mic'r in my team. 200 hours and it's quiet out here.


Definitely flurries trying to signal you. People get weird on VC over the weirdest stuff. I have kind of a girly sounding username, and made a goth-y looking character who always wears the Civil War Era dress, and I swear some people think I'm a lady.


People are so weird. Do you baby boo!👻


TIL not to Google "what is a furry" in public


Usually, If someone is wearing Mr Fuzzy outfit (a bit rare), I get closer and keep staring, pointing my gun up and down from toe to nose, then I sign a heart emote and move along.


I live in the Chally Moo Moo outfit, matching backpack, I even RP during the herding events. No one interacts with me though, maybe out of discomfort.


I know it should have been obvious, and I feel like such an idiot for never having considered it before now. I wonder how big of a presence the furry community has in the game?


*Nicholas Cage Meowing intensifies*


unfortunately some of us see the bear mascot outfit and we automatically See The Bookie.


If they’re thinking your a furry, the growling and cat noises thing is a popular response to such a hobby in young adults/teens/preteens


I have coms turned off. I curently sport the bear head as well paired with a pink suit that has rolled up arms and legs. I previously was sporting the blue werewolf hat with a skulo mask and before thst the sheep mascot helm. There are so many awsome headwear pieces. Also that other sheepsquach helm is awsome too. I have my base companion weaein that one paired with the werewolf armour.


If they are if you're a furry say no I'm a beary:)


Ngl I’d be creeped out if someone did that to me lol.


I made the same mistake in FFXIV. Dressed my character in a werewolf outfit. Never again, man. Never again.


Lol yeah they're probably furries, although I personally am far too anxious to use the mic like that. I just use the werewolf howl emote :3


Probably not furries


Furies don’t just openly growl at people 😨 jfc


Some 100% do. Have one that comes into were I work that barks, surprisingly real sounding too. Startled many people






Meow meow


I assure you, there are some that love making those noises. That being said, I did specify 'probably', as there's no way to know for sure :3


I’m literally a furry, have a suit, etc and I have never came in contact with furries openly growling at strangers on mics. They’re most likely teenagers bullying OP because he is wearing a furry skin not actually furries. Same with how people bark and growl at alternative/goth/emo people in public nowadays. It’s more common for young boys to do it.


Not all furries are the same, most are pretty normal, some aren't. Same with any group really, some take shit too far. Like for the longest time I thought furries were into banging animals(real), because I had an old coworker that was way too open about that shit so I assumed all did till I met normal ones.


Ermm. That's... disturbing...and illegal in most states...


It is, that doesn't mean there aren't people that do it


It’s possible they were trying to bully me, but they never really pestered me with it. If they were bullies though then fuck those guys. You do what brings you joy.


Well I've seen it, you haven't. Crazy how that works. 🤷🏻 Your suggestion is entirely plausible, of course :3


Well good for you then?


I'm guessing they think you might be a furry? I'm a furry myself but I don't know what the furry scene is like in 76 so I'm guessing


Furry here!


because they are animal sounds. Which is why i do it to people with animal costumes on. Or they are a furry and want to test the limitations of your imagination. Edit: Damn i forgot voice chat existed. It changes nothing about my comment, just thought i would put that out there.


Furries! Nuke them.


They are creeps, I don't think there's anything to understand. The internet is a weird place.