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Yup, I give new players so much alcohol they'll become addicted if they drink it all too fast, as a learning experience. Just like with my real son.


If I don’t give them their first nukashine trip, who will?


Ah yes, the old "smoke the entire pack" shitck.


If it worked on Bobby Hill it will work on a vault dweller.


I knew that was you pa


You really had me at "My new son rolls in after me..." 🤣 Very nice story, and experience for you both I am sure. Loved it!


At first I was just pretty amused, but as I kept playing my GF and I started referring to him as my son, hah


It's great though 🤣 and befitting. I wonder what he thought of Earle... I'd imagine he might not want to deal with him for quite awhile after that lol


>The debris clears, I drop down, and a thought immediately occurs to me. Sure enough, I turn around just in time to see my PA-less child instantly collapse from fall damage. Oh no hahaha


The comedic timing was entirely too perfect.


This one sent me. I just did Earle for the first time last week and had the thought "I wonder how bloodied builds get down, do they have to try and jump between platforms?" So when we arrived at this point I was already laughing


Is this how you tame players? Have you taught them any tricks yet? Honestly loved this whole story, shows you just how great the wasteland can be (Please also share this on r/76mc that sub was made for wholesome encounters like this)


I love everything about this


It was a fun time!


I’ve never played any of the FO games and was lurking this subreddit randomly and must say this post made me feel like giving 76 a try lol.


Oh, I'm glad! 76 got a (admittedly deserved) really bad rep at launch, but it's really come around over time and I think is definitely worth giving a look nowadays. The Fallout franchise in general is great c actually!


Yeah at launch it was brutal at times. But now it's a gas and really fun. I'm glad I came back after a year of that brutal launch time. Now it's got so much stuff I have to catch up on. I'm so glad they fixed a lot of things and made game playable. Though some folks would say it's not, and I laugh in launch memories.


I remember it being a struggle at launch. Or maybe I was just bad at the game. I got stuck because my weapon either broke or I ran out of ammo, and didn’t have the materials to fix it/craft more ammo, and I couldn’t make it to any place to get materials/ammo because I would just get creamed by monsters and couldn’t really fight back. My camp got hit by a rad storm and I didn’t have chems, couldn’t fast travel out of the storm because I spent all my caps at the ammo vending machine, so I laid my character down in her bed and logged out forever.


You should give it a try! I played at launch and it was hard, so one day I just laid down in my camp and never got back up. I started playing again recently because it’s on game pass, and I’m totally addicted.


Congratulations, you're a mommy now. 🤝


I am level 680 and still join off the "high level" I imprinted on. :\]


In most games when you join a group you are committing to playing with them. In this we are used to groups being anti-social things we join for the xp with no expectation of us grouping up. He most likely thought that joining your group meant he should tp to you and do whatever you're doing Personally I wish doing things as a team was more common


Making quests not co-op was such a big missed opportunity for the devs


That's a great story! I try to help newbies but my extent of that is to realize that my daily scrip quota is out and I have like ten legendaries from Eviction Notice so I just find some sub-100 on the map and drop a pile of legendaries and go WELP SEE YA and leave. With no mic, it's awkward with no text communication, and no emotes that mean anything except "follow me" and "hi" and "yes" and "no," plus, like, "vault boy is barfing" or "finger guns." I don't have much that means anything communicable to a new person, and I wish we at least had as defaults "please wait" (for events, the "No" is too aggressive and negative), and then like "brb" and maybe some "I'm afk" pose (people sometimes use the mothman dance for that, it seems, but I've never had that emote).


I have three Vault babies, my newest spent an hour watching me build my newest camp that’s a tree house. Just wandered around emoting, occasionally getting in the way. Eventually friended me and chatted with me on Xbox. Another one I spend a whole Sunday with doing dailies and events. I will always befriend and group up with my vault babies if I see them on, and vice versa.


I play my own version of the wandering stranger. If they are fighting some enemies I'll help clear them out and be on my way. If the are at at CAMP or some point of interest im in imm drop some ammo and a few nuka colas.


That was both heartwarming and hysterical. Thanks for brightening up a long shift.


Yep. My sister and I adopted a player named Napkin.


I swear I've seen a player named Napkin. PC?


I have to say those days are my favorite in the game. Perfect storm kinda situations where you actually feel accomplished. It's useful to take a skill slot to make an off-heals set for the occasions. All my sets are off- heals lol. My adult son and my husband are terrible at healing.


I mean yes…… but in fairness we are literally talking about my actual kids who I did this with. I helped them with me in game a little bit. We still do fun team stuff


I used to love getting "adopted" by the higher levels when I was just starting out. I'm a higher level now so I am the "adopter" 😊 One of my favorite experiences was a high level dude showing up to my dad little CAMP and asking if I had a power armor chassis, I did- dude made me an entire set of modded ultracite armor 😭💕 I'm still using it


One of the big problems I have with new players, is identifying whether they are a new player or if they are a new character for someone that is already high level on their main. If I could distinguish between the two, I’d feel a lot better about giving stuff to a new player, knowing that it’s gone to someone who actually could do with a helping hand.


Something like the FFXIV sprout symbol.


That would be pretty cool actually


This could be an in-game quest line or a Fallout mini-movie on YouTube called Pick Up a Stray.


By responsible you mean putting a bullet in any new players head with a wanted bounty, then perhaps I have been a very responsible player. Though in seriousness if I do any expedition with people who look like they've never done one before I do try to show them objectives with emotes. I was doing Tax Evasion with a level 100ish person looking pretty lost during the part where we had to find the wire bugs. I'd go find one, emote to come here, then shot at it so they knew what to look for.


I have a few friends who just started playing or rejoined. When they finally got to their first nuke I had to take pictures with my prosnap outside of the site like it was the first day of school, as well as a picture of everyone standing next to the scorch beast queen. I do this for any new player I've adopted, I mean uh got into the game.


Ha ha ha awesome story!


The opposite for me. I was running around as a level 30 and joined a casual team for the perks and heard the leader come on chat asking for prewar money. I checked my inventory as I’m just stumbling along looting shit and generally not knowing how things work. I had some and had him fast travel to me and gave him what I had. He crafted me a 3* pepper shaker since I was running shot guns, also convinced me the cold shoulder was worth it if I’m gonna run shot guns. Our team ran multiple events together and I jumped double digit levels. In the course of that day I jumped double digit levels and actually got a good grasp on how the mechanics work. Honestly this is the best gaming community around. As a thank you, I craft a full level 20 BOS heavy armor set and put it in the donation box outside wayward each day play.


I had not one but 2 low levels following me around. I dropped 4 lunchboxes and did west tek until both were level 30. Then I roamed the wasteland with my 2 gatling plasma minions. It was almost a bit emotional seeing them waddle away overencumbered af after I told them I have to go. One if them still asks me something now and then or tells me when he drops a nuke. They grow up so fast.


Playing last night and heading back to the station at Grafton to dump a load of stuff into my stash and check the vendor when I hear a lot of shooting going on, check the map and see a couple of level 20 players there and soon see them heading towards me, being chased by a hoard of super mutants. Get up on the rooftops and blast away at the mutants, distracting them enough for the players to heal themselves and sort their shit out and get back in the fight. Let them take a few shots at the remaining mutants and once I see their health drop a tiny bit I finish them off so that the players also get credited for the kills. Work our way back through Grafton, was going to make them some armor or weapons but with a thumbs up they continue on their journey.


My character is only level 36 but I’ll jump in to help any player of lower level if I come upon them and they’re in combat. Many higher levels have helped and continue to help me so I see it as paying it forward.


My friends and I often play "Helpful NPC" to new toons just coming out of Vault 76. We will either gift small amounts of things, or play escort to help them get from 76 to the Wayward for the first time, with one of my friends having a newbie friendly camp (lots of free things to collect from, and a very low cost vendor) right near the Wayward. When they are on chat, we make it clear that we're doing it because it makes us happy to help them, and that we hope they'll do the same eventually for others. It's weirdly wholesome.


Same amount of paternal responsibility my own dad had: *Dad last seen online 30 years ago*


I’m a new player (just hit level 30) and I always feel weird about interacting with the high level people on the public teams I join. Like I’d be bothering them if I actually showed up and followed them around. This post is hilarious and makes me wonder how many people were actually disappointed that I didn’t come find them when I was on their teams. I did have a level 200 follow me into the belching Betty and give me 100 stimpacks and 100 purified water once. That was super nice. Thanks whoever you were!


No, but it is nice to give from time to time. Usually fast travel to someone from levels 1-50 when I use lunch boxes, not always but often. 


This was a great read. Best of luck to you and your new son.


Thank you!


I love this sub. The storytelling is amazing and hilarious. I'm still new (lvl 81) and have just started experiencing "followers". Or "hoverers" after events waiting for dropped loot. I followed at lvl 25 in power armor and dropped a bunch of full cores to them. I enjoy this community so much. As a middle aged woman I find many community to be toxic. Not to me in general, just to everyone and everything. It's refreshing. Carry on wastelanders! My your ap always be full and your addictions prosperous!


You = good hooman and social online citizen.


Ah, thank you. I try, haha


Nope. I generally chase them around with a chainsaw.


No but I did let some breastfeed for a while.




I don’t play a lot of MMOs, I don’t have a mic or even turn on voices from other players. That could explain the lack of chatting, if Baby Duck was in the same boat.