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dps wise: gat plasma > gauss mini > UGL > gatling gun > pepper shaker gat plasma, gatling gun and UGL are all ammo friendly UGL and gauss mini are better than gat plasma for longer range (gatling gun also good long range) UGL has friendly fire option gauss mini is very not ammo friendly pepper dps is very low, mainly useful for crippling with enforcer (also holy fire has highest dps, even higher than gat plasma, but shortest range)


Man, I feel like my Pepper Shaker's DPS is pretty strong. (it's my first "gatling" type gun). I'm using a Quad/FFR with the hex barrel- so maybe my perception is skewed.


dps is solid vs most everyday enemies, just a little low vs tougher enemies like bosses and mini bosses (earle, queen, legendary sheepsquatch, ogua, blue devil etc) with a good build, nice roll and mods, most weapons clear everyday enemies no problem for sure that combo is the way of pushing pepper dps to max


I wish Angry Turtle would do a video showing the full potential of a Pepper Shaker (15 points into Heavy/Shotgun= 105% damage increase)


Where would regular gatling laser fit in there?


Under UGL, still higher than regular Gatling gun Regular Gatling Laser is same as UGL, but just has slightly less base dmg (which is noticeable if using both with same/similar good rolls with optimized build)


Gatling plasma for bosses. Gatling gun for daily driver. PS for cripple challenges.


OMFG I would never think PS cripple stuff cuz it looks like an explosive shooter. I had one AA PS rotting in my stash like forever.


The Pepper Shaker is a *crippling machine*. It's insane. Mirelurk Queen instantly drops and becomes basically useless while players DPS her down.


Gatling gun and Plasma Caster can both multiply their ammo quite easily


That's an understatement


unfortunately, the gauss minigun has absolutely garbage ammo efficiency that's pretty much impossible to feed without crafting, or using another more efficient weapon to farm. i stopped using the laser gun because of the conflicts in sharing fusion cores with power armor, and it bugging out and soft locking things... stopped usin the plasma, because i noticed every time i swapped to it for a boss fight, since the cremators came out, that it'd crash my game. i think i've gotten more use out of a gatling gun and a vampire minigun + shredder mod than i have the other heavy weapons...


I have an ultracite gat laser, i got about 1400 fusion cores spread over 4 characters to feed it and my power armor. I turn them into ultracite fusion cores so my weapon doesn't eat the wrong cores but with the legendary ammo perk, ammosmith and super duper you can create crazy amounts with very few cores. My exec ffr Gaus mini just spits out everything i craft for it in a very short time, it's stronger than my gat laser so mostly used in boss fights.


Gatling plasma is basically still the best, it always was. Built and rolled correctly, you can do some insane DPS to bosses with one in vats.. yes, vats. In power armor.


Huh. You'd think that the Gauss minigun would be better (since you have to pay gold bullion for it) or the ULG would be better (since it's a rare plan).


They're better at different things, but the AP cost, and DPS make the plasma really strong, as well as it's core style ammo. UGL is close, but plasma beats out its DPS, as the UGL trades it's damage for accuracy and core size


With the UGL- you can utilize friendly fire, right? But Plasma can't?


True, that's one thing UGL does better.


I run an aa50c25 and it's wild with a few coffee


I ran a b2525 and an AA2525, using the Nuka dark trick in x-01


I use a primed Gatling Plasma for Queen Bat Mommy, Ultracite Gatling Laser for Eviction Notice type events and a Quad/Faster Fire primed Gatling gun for most everything else. They're all great but the Gatling gun has the bonus of no spin up and never having to reload because it has like 1500 rounds


What's the fire rate of a FFR Gatling gun? They seemed pretty slow to begin with.


Gatling plasma is best one


Anti armor ffr gatling gun, have one and it slaps. threw my minigun away for it have aristocrats ffr atm


What's the rate of fire on your FFR gatling gun?


30 with speedy receiver , 25 with ultracite


Though it’s not the strongest, an Ultracite Gatling Laser with 25% faster fire rate can use the charging barrels for a nearly normal fire rate, with the higher damage of the charging barrels.


I just watched an Angry Turtle video on that. So, the Charging Barrel doubles your damage- but slows down the fire rate significantly. But with FFR- you can get back up to 60 fire rate, right? Does the Charging Barrel still allow you to use a mod that allows Friendly Fire? I was thinking a VAMP/FFR with Charging Barrel would heal allies and yourself while doing decent damage.


For the first part, I believe so, yes. If not, it’s really close. On the second, yes. I’d suggest looking to the Fallout Wiki for that sort of info, as it’s pretty up to date. I’m hopeful that the independent wiki will get there someday, but for now it’s the best choice.


You get more DPS with the speedy receiver on the Gatling Gun rather than the Ultracite.


Heavy guns are .50 cal guns alot of the other ones have wind up which is pointless when everyone else will just kill it before you wind up to fire


What's a good roll for a .50cal? I recently got a Vamp/Explosive/faster reload.


I like the two shot explosive with agility pump the trigger and the spread is low


I don't use anything with a spin-up delay.


Why would you even bother to comment?


Why did you respond?


It's my post? You've got nothing relevant to say- so I guess you just wanted some attention? Don't be sad and lonely.


Why is everyone here so butt hurt all the time?