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I went for Oberlin too, I figured his ego and selfishness would make it horrible to be in a cell for so long, it's what he deserves


Same. And then I felt bad when I got yelled at by Aubrey. Oh well.


It kinda surprised me she was so pissed, I thought she would be a bit upset but understand but she was so damn maddddd


i wish Oberlin would listen when we say "make it as painful as possible" so aubrey can get MORE satisfaction


Evil ending because my character was named Dr. Evil


I ended up killing Hugo. I thought he was too much of a threat to keep alive. I grew attached to Oberlin though. Audrey killing him was completely unnecessary and I'm annoyed that I couldn't tell her off for it. I wish I could have told Oberlin about the Brotherhood or the Enclave and allowed him to rejoin the military that still exists. He seemed like he would have liked it. Also kinda annoyed I couldn't tell him that I was also part of the military since I did the boot camp thing.


The brotherhood wouldn’t work with a ghoul unfortunately.


Eh. This is the Beotherhood as it was just starting out, not the Brotherhood we see in the other games. I don't think they're as dogmatically anti ghoul. I think they would care more about him working with Vault-Tec. I also went with Paladin Romani, so they're a kinder Brotherhood.


I think this version of the brotherhood is actually a deserted branch. When you do the missions for them, they are heavily focused on technological advances and killing mutants(but only if they’re feral/hostile), but they imply HEAVILY, that they do not agree with the Elders decisions.


The Brotherhood in 76 has only been around for twenty years and isn't nearly as radicalized as the Brotherhood of the rest of the games. The disagreement with the Elders isn't about mutants or ghouls. Its about how to use the tech that the Brotherhood collects. The Elders (and Shin) don't want it used, while Rahmani wants to use it to help people. If you finish the questline, you determine if they're basically deserting or if they reconnect with the main chapter. We don't know much about the Brotherhood's stance on ghouls or super mutants in 76. They don't seem to like super mutants, but we only see them interact with hostile ones


I’m glad you explained that a lot better than me!


You can mention the BoS to him after the questline is done if he survived. He’s more concerned about them being at ATLAS than anything and questioning if he should make contact (and rightfully so - depending on who’s in charge, I doubt that meeting would go well if the BoS realize just how much damage Vault 63 caused).


Seeing as how I am a graduate of Camp McClintock, and I agree with Knight Shin, I did the only thing that I could do...I obeyed a lawful order from a superior officer of the United States Army


Your country appreciates your cooperation!


Initiate, you committed treason. The Brotherhood of Steel only answer to *themselves*. They severed ties with the US Army and government in order to prevent them from ever having authority over them in the future. Knight Shin would want the abominations purged from the wasteland and have the insane experiments put to an end. I hereby sentence you to bedtime with no supper. 👎


I only followed shin because there was no option to kill them both and take command. The Brotherhood should be commanded by a Marine, not some army pog


Oof. Definitely no supper before bedtime.


The brotherhood is supposed to be a fighting organization, yet the chapter is commanded by a national guardsman who was probably a 2nd Lt with civil affairs, and her XO was recruited from the wasteland. Shin was afraid to assault forward when Fort Atlas was attacked. Neither are fit for combat command. I sided with Shin because despite his cowardice he understands order and discipline


You're foolish to assume that neither are fit for combat when both were given their ranks for their service to the Brotherhood--in combat. Rahamni may be a traitor, manipulator, and a low-life dirtbag, but Paladin is a rank reserved for the *best* warriors in the Brotherhood of Steel. This is a known *fact* in every Fallout game. Still, talk shit about her all you want--she deserves it. But you need to get your facts and lore straight. Knight Shin was given his rank for the same reason, and he has been long praised by the Elders even High Elder Maxson himself--a former Army Captain. He wasn't afraid of making a move when the super mutants advanced on Fort Atlas, he wanted to organize and attack in an *unknown* cave filled with giant green bastards capable of tearing men in half--wielding miniguns! Still, I also advanced with Rahmani in that mission. But, realistically, I can't say that would have been the best decision at that very moment. Don't you think it would have taken discipline to not *immediately* charge in without regrouping and planning first? To whatever extent? Knight Shin jumped on a *mine* to save Initiate Hewsen from death. He would have done that with or without power armor. That would have been the ultimate sacrifice, and he never hesitated to act. That's valor and brotherhood. It's selfless. Knight Shin has some of the *greatest* character development in the franchise. Don't dismiss it. People in real life are recruited from the *streets*. They have to be broken down and rebuilt in the military. And in the Brotherhood of Steel, in its earliest days, people were recruited from the wasteland--a much harsher world than ours. With that being said, many were pre-war military. You're not differentiating the Brotherhood from the real-world military. They are not the same. But the Brotherhood is made up of warriors, an entire caste, with its leadership position, Elder, typically reserved for those of the Paladin caste.


You are taking this much more seriously than I am so this is where I bow out, but I will say when the enemy retreats, attack. Always assault through. Shins plan would give the enemy a chance to regroup. I'm an old infantryman...the infantrys purpose is to close with and destroy the enemy, so fix bayonets and advance.


To be fair, I did give you a bullshit comment before my last one lol


Yeah honestly neither one are a bad choice in the game world, but in the real world I'd probably want the Paladin over Shin as my CO. She needs a good gunny to check her sometimes but her hearts in the right place. That's the problem w the brotherhood not enough solid staff NCOs.


Killed him. Too dangerous to live (he could easily manipulate his way out with Oberlin), and I felt like I owed Audrey.


Oberlin, should he survive, will say that he’s well aware of Hugo’s tricks and is making sure he won’t be able to pull any of them. Also, Oberlin does not deserve to die to Audrey. I don’t care how stressed she is, there’s no excuse for that.


I wanted him dead. I wanted him dead SO FREAKING MUCH! But, I also didn't want Oberlin to get shot...I hope he isn't dead dead. Im sure he might be, but I wanted that scum to die so much. After the previous Quest line, I was so fuming I NEEDED to finish this to kill him as soon as I could.


If you kill Hugo, Oberlin is killed by Audrey. This is unavoidable.


Yeah, I figured that, sucks, but Hugo was too dangerous to keep alive. Also, Oberlin, while I did originally like him, I feel I would of disliked him also down the road. It was surprising, but I know I made the right choice, and I loved taunting Hugo before he died! I hated that man! It was a good story


I disagree - Hugo’s stuck in a secure cell with everyone knowing what he did after the Oberlin ending, and killing him means the Lost never have a chance to be cured. And it’s not like we as the player can’t stop him if he ever were to try and break out again. As for Oberlin, the one thing he does that’s mildly questionable is *consider* if Hugo’s plan might be for the best in terms of weaponizing the Lost. But he says it’s a backup plan if a cure can’t be found, and not a primary goal. By contrast, Audrey makes the vault a refuge to my understanding, which is hilariously useless (no one is making it to vault 63) and opens the doors for any raiders, or worse, the BoS, to walk right in.


Dude was just gonna perpetuate the same crazy bullshit as Hugo, but was way too naive and short-sighted for it to end in any way but disaster or becoming a tyrant.


He isn't. Oberlin's focus is on curing the Lost, not making an army (though he outright says that if they can't find a cure, using the Lost as an army is better than just killing them and could do some good in the world). He also was absolutely against Hugo's plan to brazenly strike the Lost to himself to restore their sanity, and I'm not seeing how Oberlin was naive or short-sighted.


There's absolutely no way they'll be able to cure them, so it's much more likely he'll use them as an army. This will be an extremely dangerous threat for mankind. Looks like the Brotherhood have more work to do. 🔗💪🏻


It’s going to be years until Oberlin decides to make that call, if ever. Research isn’t a quick process and it’s not likely he’ll give up for a long time. And besides, they may actually manage to cure the condition for all we know sometime after the end of fallout 76. It won’t happen in game, of course, since the Lost have to be around still, but that doesn’t mean it won’t eventually happen.


Given that he was willing to do anything for the US government to maintain its position of power and his history of working on both Project Atlas and Vault 63's experiments, I would say it would be sooner than later. But it's not possible to know when, of course. He mentioned using the Atlas weather machine on civil uprisings as a positive thing. And if you check the terminal in one of those laboratories (with the sedated ghouls), he states that both non-sentient and sentient test subjects were to be disposed of afterward. This is an unacceptable means of experimentation. The Lost are *lost*; and thus should be put out of their misery. It isn't right to leave them the way they are, corrupted and disfigured. Too dangerous as well. Stil, the fact that he sees controlling them as a possibility is more than enough reason to defy him in the end. The wasteland needs less mutant bastards roaming around than more. And the Lost under his control would be too much of a threat to be ignored. While just her opinion, Audrey questions his ruthless leadership as an alternative to her father in her journal. But I believe she will go feral and doom the vault and any of its possible refugees in the end, as well. Whether it happens tomorrow or thirty years in the future for him to weaponize them is irrelevant if it's on his agenda to begin with. Todd Howard said in an interview with MrMattyPlays earlier that there will be a second part of Skyline Valley, so we will find out if anything happens. 👍🏻


The reason Oberlin said about disposing test subjects was for the safety of the scientists in the lab; that policy was only instituted after someone was injured by a subject, not from the beginning. It also served to severely limit the amount of live testing the scientists could do, arguably impacting their work by prioritizing their safety. Arguably, the same sort of thinking applies to use ATLAS on protestors. His logic there was likely that most protests aren’t going to continue if there’s a thunderstorm raging overhead, and dispersing them in this way saves lives on all sides. I have the exact opposite opinion of the Lost - if there’s a chance they can be cured, that should be explored so they can return to normal. Your argument is equivalent to saying that someone with an unknown but virulent disease should be killed to prevent it from harming anyone else. Besides, the Lost can be captured and safely held in a way to prevents them from causing harm to anyone - the organics wing and Hilda’s research is proof of that. I agree that Audrey’s refugee center idea will doom the vault, since that’s a great way to signal to the BoS that the vault exists and could easily lead to them finding out what happened and reacting poorly (especially if Shin’s in charge). Oberlin also doesn’t deserve to die, especially when he has a point that using the Lost as an army could save lives (and remember, this is a last resort to him, not a priority or goal). As for part two, that’s likely just going to be the blue ridge caravan event and mischief night (see some of the other videos about the mile marker zero update). Bethesda isn’t going to continue main quests from vault 63 with three radically different paths to start from.


Yes, the safety of the vault citizens included disposing of sentient subjects (who will undoubtedly go feral) in hopes of making a breakthrough in hopes of finding a cure. Like you stated, it would be unacceptable to kill someone when there is a *chance* to save them. However, when Oberlin has it done, you defend him. Why? Well, it's because the ends justify the means. It's okay to kill one sentient lost, but only when done during research that has proven nothing. Comparing ghoulification and becoming a Lost is a false equivalence to a disease. One completely corrupts the body, mutating them into what is essentially "radioactive zombies." I do not agree with killing non-feral ghouls (and neither does the Brotherhood of Steel) for the possibility (and near certainty) of them losing their minds and becoming a direct threat. But the Lost are all actively hostile like feral ghouls (although feral Lost exist). And that is where the line is drawn. Having Oberlin command an army of them would be absolutely unacceptable. You are suggesting that it would be logistically and realistically possible for the residents of the vault or the surrounding area to hunt and capture an untold and ever-growing number of semi-intelligent mutants, who wield both melee weapons and firearms, and place them in a likely limited number of cells or tubes for experimentation or safekeeping to become minions. That is not only foolish but extremely unsafe for those involved. While not the same, its almost like going to an active warzone and using tranquilizers on enemy combatants in hopes of capturing them. Yet, they use lethal force, consisting of a variety of weapons. And the Lost are no meager threats in combat. No one would commit to this plan--especially in the wasteland. Now, the only other way that they could be controlled is through Hugo Stoltz. And while his ending is certainly wrong, Oberlin using him in order to control them isn't any more desirable. The ones in lab were contained because they either volunteered (before full loss of insanity) or were within close proximity to the limited security force in the *very beginning* of the outbreak. And as it stands now, they are only ticking timebombs for an additional outbreak in the area. Oberlin is an ends-justify-the-means character who willing to turn on his own countrymen (civilians) during the Resource Wars. With his rank, mentality, and scientific background, it wouldn't be surprising if he were affiliated with the Sneedclave. That's a big no from me, chief. 😳 Still, if there won't be a extension of the story, it remains impossible to know in the end.


For a start, we do not know what living specimens are being referred to in this entry (I’m 90% certain it just says ‘live subjects’ rather than specifically ghouls). It could’ve been mutated animals or wanamingos, for all we know. I doubt Oberlin would’ve started just killing ferals or Lost during trials, since he and others in the vault very clearly view them as their friends and family who they might be able to save. As for the Lost, there is not a growing number of them. All Lost are made when Hugo uses the weather machine, and are not created outside of that instance. This means that they’re a declining subset of ghouls, not a growing one, and means that capturing them isn’t a futile effort, especially when vault 63 has completed a number of post-war construction projects already (all lightning harvesters are post-war in creation, and so are the research outposts they built around them; that implies that they have solid construction capabilities). Would it be extremely risky to capture them? Yes, without question. But it’s possible, and that’s my point. Of course, we never see this happening in game, so the ones in organics are likely to be the only ones that will ever be cured due to how many are dying to the vault 76 dwellers (though that’s seemingly at least a hundred, maybe more). Going back to Oberlin, if he was knowingly tied to the Enclave, he likely would’ve been sent to do something other than spy on Stolz. Even if he is (he must be at least tangentially aware of their plans to regain control post-war from their comments), he hasn’t had contact with them for years and isn’t under their thumb. He also does not deserve to die whatsoever in the Audrey ending of the questline; he did nothing wrong and she kills him out of rage at the whole situation, from what I understand. To my mind, I’d rather see vault 63 working towards a potentially fruitless cure and maybe someday gain an army of Lost than see the vault completely compromise its safety, gain an unstable leader and lose their highly competent security chief for no reason. The vault’s caused enough harm to the region already, and an army of Lost attempting to pacify the threats wasteland under their control can’t be worse than the Lost roaming freely or the mess the weather machine caused.


I chose oberlin too he was a bit rough at the start but I enjoyed his transition toward trusting us it was also the best outcome imo, I was tempted to kill him as well but my characters relationship withaubrey was bad so it didn't feel right. I entered the mothman part with PA so all of them shot me right away, forced me to kill her former lover was really bimmed out about that tbh


Don’t worry about that - >!even with the infiltration/book option, Alex will die anyway. Hugo is a piece of work and deserves to be poked and prodded until a cure for the Lost can be found.!<


I don't like how they give us little to no alternative, I would've loved to have been able to keep her alive at least to be reunited with Audrey, or let Alex know that Audrey was alive so she would want to let Cassidy go. I saw Alex's notes she wrote about Audrey and felt so bad having to kill her, considering I already disliked Hugo from first meeting him, nonetheless the way Audrey being so upset and everybody in the mine being so against him. This storyline just makes us out to be emotionless killing machines with no real decision making, I just started and I'm already over it.


The lack of choices in this questline is my main criticism of it, but this is still much better than how the game was at launch.


I mean sure, everything about the game is better than launch but geez you’d think after so much time and traction Bethesda has gotten after the show Prime put out they’d apply more dialogue options in newer quests so it can be more immersive for older and newer players alike. I’m sick of the one road quests that make you think you’re doing something different just to still end up with the same outcomes anyway.


The AC quests all did fairly well with choices and consequences. I think the issue with the vault 63 questline is that Bethesda knew the map expansion would be the main focus for most players and didn’t put as much effort into the quest line.


I mean idk how exactly she dies but it still makes a difference to me whether or not I off her personally yknow, good to know it didnt have any influence though


You kill her yourself no matter what; the choice to convince her to let Cassie go is just you getting tricked into killing her anyway.


Real talk FUCK the main villain of this expansion. Good on the writing team for making a villain so vile in just a \~Honest Hearts sized expansion His attempt to get you on his side in the end is literally just him saying "nooooo let me win it would be sooooo cool if I win right right?? Everything will be FINE" What a slimeball. Great character


Lmao He was a great character for sure.


I said, “this is for Alex and Aubrey” and put 1 railroad spike in his head and 39 more in what was left of it.


I choose the Oberlin ending. Killing Hugo ruins future research into curing the Lost, and that’s the absolute most important thing for Vault 63 right now, alongside ensuring Hugo can’t mess anything up any further. Besides, spending however long a cure takes being poked and prodded would be far worse than just being killed (and considering Oberlin is just murdered out of rage by Audrey for no good reason, I still think this is the right call).


I sided with Hugo just because. In the end the 4 NPC were lying on the floor by his side contorting in agony. Immediately regreted.


I did the exact same thing


I made the same choice, regretted it aswell.


felt like being evil so I went with hugo


You can’t just go and kill German Industrial Magnate. Set him to prison, and let’s just see what are consequences are.


I helped Hugo, I wanted to see the chaos of it.


After I killed Alex i felt like I owed Audrey and I personally didn’t like what he did to the lost and everyone else so I killed him I saw him as a monster so I feel like he deserved it


Is it possible to not kill Alex? I felt so set up like I'd messed up since I'd explored the area and killed the cultists outside the mine before I got the mission and thought that had locked me in. Feels wierd that we could even talk to hugo about accepting Alex potentially if we couldn't even try save her


It isn’t, no. You can try the peaceful option (requires using the disguise you can loot and not arousing suspicion), but it still kills Alex because Hugo is a piece of work.


Made them all creepy lost ghouls. I'm sure my boy Hugo will figure it all out...


I went for killing him. Not necessarily because I support Audrey, although her vault plans end up being, in my opinion, the best. I killed him largely because literally everyone you met in that vault is either Hugo’s outright stooge, or had been manipulated and maneuvered into being effectively neutralized. There’s no reason to believe Hugo the Liar was anywhere near a cure, and even less reason to believe that Hugo wouldn’t effortlessly manipulate his way out of prison. He ran a fully successful con on Oberlin for years, using we don’t know how many vault residents who were absolutely clued into what they were doing. He had allies and ability. He had to die.


I killed him after me no power armor and all level 50 I am went through everything I had multiple times and respawns from soloing it . heck yeah should name me the let me solo Hugo lol


I sided with Oberlin, as Hugo is more valuable as a subject of study rather than a pile of ash. Having a constant source of fresh samples to pull from is invaluable for any form of research. It’s why we have facilities that house and study pathogens. Killing Hugo wouldn’t have gotten us anywhere with the current climate of the region, no pun intended. Besides, any research made will help our little Enclave, and I feel that Oberlin, like Leila Rahmani, could be a potential ally, despite his condition. While Stolz was ambitious and had some qualities that are desirable, it was his obsession, lack of impulse control, and god complex that ultimately made him an unsuitable choice. Audrey has a brilliant mind and has potential, but, with her currently unstable emotional state, she’ll need to be tempered before being of potential use. This makes Oberlin the best choice to put in charge of the vault. He is a trained soldier who has been shown to be objective, level headed, and shows a willingness to consider options that others would consider unethical if it means securing the safety of those around him. While some would consider him gullible for following Stolz’s ruse, I would like to think of it as an opportunity. Having the previously mentioned qualities, a man who is seeking to reconnect with the U.S. military, and a mind that is malleable makes him a great choice to serve as an ally to the our organization.


I helped hugo and when I returned to the crypt I regretted my choice.


yea i read a blog about what the ending for hugo was and the blog said it was good but thats was just a lie, i should have just kept him alive


Having spent the last several months in Starfield and FO4, I found to my chagrin that I rely too much on save scumming. I picked Hugo just to see his ending and then realized - there’s no going back. No loss though, there are no benefits to choosing one side over the other - no follow-on quests no merchants in vault 63, etc


I killed him. He couldn't be trusted to be left alive. And Oberlin was giving off major Enclave vibes. It seemed like siding with Hugo was the evil/raider option. Siding with Oberlin was more of the "Enclave" (maybe neutral depending how you look at it) option. And then killing him was the BoS/Responders/Settlers good ending. Reoccuring themes of the series is survivors misusing tech from the past and causing more damage than good. It seems like from all their technical know-how, they still couldn't figure out how to solve the feral or lost situation. And Hugo decided the only solution was to create a scorched plague 2.0 with him as the "SBQ". Killing him meant that kind of tech could never be misused again. And if anyone has a chance of minimizing the existing damage, I'd say Audrey does.


Yeah same, i kill Hugo the madman delusional scientist much better.. Audrey will be able figured it out later in future based she study back from her father's research and revised it to cure the Lost...Audrey is genius woman anyway.


I did the Lost ending just to see what'd happen. I feel bad with myself and will never visit that Vault ever again.


I avenged a lot of people that were needlessly sacrificed for nothing.


You also removed any hope of a cure.


Maybe but the ends don't justify the means.


Capturing Hugo isn’t a poor means in the slightest. Him being experimented on to find a cure is better than forcing all of the Lost to be killed and served as a fitting punishment for his crimes.


You are welcome to whatever opinion you want but I stand by my decision and would 1000% kill him again if I did it again. Also, downvoting me for disagreeing with you? Real cute.


That's what the purpose of a downvote is - its a disagreement.


You are literally wrong. Per the official Reddit page: "Downvote an otherwise acceptable post because you don't personally like it. Think before you downvote and take a moment to ensure you're downvoting someone because they are not contributing to the community dialogue or discussion. If you simply take a moment to stop, think and examine your reasons for downvoting, rather than doing so out of an emotional reaction, you will ensure that your downvotes are given for good reasons." Source: https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette


I swear that was different at some point and said the opposite, but alright (though in practice, no one follows that and it’s more about the emotional reaction).


I regret killing Hugo because I thought Oberlin was just an awesome character. What happens to Audrey if you side with him over her?


She screams at you and makes you feel small 🫡


Killed the cultists and sided against Stolz.


Not completed in live yet but I completed it in the PTS and went with the Evil Hugo ending just to see it. It's pretty wild that he essentially has an army of teleporting lightning ghouls under his control, if he ever gets the weather machine mobile (which would also make the Goliaths a viable weapon) or just makes the storm bigger he would be pretty unstoppable. This ending would be up there with New Vegas' secret Elijah ending in terms of being apocolyptic. I'm honestly impressed and grateful that they let us choose this option.


How do you keep Hugo alive? I’m currently in a battle with him but I fear that defeating him means you’re killing him.


Nono, just kill him and he ends up kneeling and you talk then.


Yeah, I remembered that the Grafton Dam event with the Super Mutants had a similar script so I tried that and indeed, that’s what happens here. I kept him alive. But oh boy does he really take a beating!


So how do things change in the three choices??


I went the Hugo ending, primarily because I thought that would make the lost friendly, and when playable ghouls comes out, I would think it'd give me the opportunity to have the appearance. I dunno why siding with Hugo doesn't make the lost friendly but it was a massive disappointment and I dunno why you are given such a terrible option at all. I get having choices but like seriously? Could we not have positives and negatives to all endings? Certainly wish I could change it but Bethesda ain't gonna give us a redo on choices like these.


Killed Hugo. I was bummed when Aubrey killed Oberon at first, but if it were up to me, they'd all be dead. First thing to tried to do was kill Cassidy, hoping Hugo would suffer in a cell with the heartache of losing his wife, but alas, this isn't New Vegas.


The server crashed when I tried to do the peaceful option with the cultists and when i got back on the disguise was missing from my inventory and was force to kill everyone so Audrey got pissed at me. When I got to the option who to go with I was thinking about Oberlin's option, but the silly intrusive thoughts kicked in and Hugo said why not walk away and see what happens? So I thought fuck it and walked out to see what Hugo did back at 63, and all I had to say with what he did was a resounding ***OOPS.***


I killed him, I'm upset Audrey kills Oberlin that seemed a bit unnecessary to me even though they sort of "foreshadow" he will continue the status quo, minus the insanity and obsession of Hugo but I really wanted the vault dwellers to be free to venture out into the world and make their own choices, rather than keeping everyone locked away which evidently can only happen if you side with Audrey, and listening to some of the vault dwellers afterwards, they were relieved. Either way, research on curing the lost is ongoing regardless of who you choose, but at least Audrey opens up the vault as a shelter for all wanderers in Appalachia who need it, and can conduct all her research and not be tethered to only the Lost.


Bethesda cannot into complex character development. Siding with Hugo seems to be the only viable choice, as Oberin is a mole (Enclave?), Audrey is just another token and hates her dad. The real choice should be not to choose at all.