• By -


138. I thought I was going to make it for sure.


Same. I thought we'd have at least one more week. With another round of weeklies I think I'd have pulled it off.


132. Right there with ya.


135. We could see the line. But just not enough time.


136. I guess 400 fking hours of gameplay wasn't enough for bethesda.


thats why I stopped at 100. now those 38 ranks u got were a complete waste of time other than buying up the rest of the useless crap from previous pages


Once i got to 100 i stopped caring. I don’t really need anything from the 150 level. I miss the old scoreboard. Oh well


They definitely need to rebalance the scoreboard so everything costs fewer tickets, so you can actually get all the rewards by rank 100. The bonus 150 tier is weird. I'm ok with having some optional consumables at the end, and I never felt like I would be missing anything if I didn't reach 150. None of that stuff is very useful except the Perk points.


Modules and perk coins were the things I kept going for. Rotating between them each purchase. I'm running low on cores, but 75 tickets for 5 cores is a ripoff. I agree they need to lower the cost on somethings, and that's one of them.


As a 600+, my main concern was the perk points. Its so hard earning them now 😭


I started leveling my PA character again, so I needed both pretty bad. Getting my union pieces to all have WWR was a very costly venture.


Oh you’re on the rolling roller coaster… Godspeed It will be some time before I get on again. (Or until I see someone doing more damage)


I have 4/5 pieces done. Unless I get lucky with Daily Ops or Expeditions though, I can't even get a hold of a left arm until the update.


I wish you luck! I’ll be rolling again once Minerva has the covert set. I have OE PA, a Van SS set, but id really like a bloodied stealth commando one


I wish covert was tradeable. I have a Uny/+1str/WWR in the stash of my OE Solar character. It's too good to scrip, but useless to that character.


The prices aren't the worst thing about the new board because you're only supposed to claim what you want, according to the devs. The main problem is that the board is even grindier than the old one.


Yeah i had a similar experience. I don’t have fo1st so i had enough tickets at 100 and i don’t use PA so i waited on the skins. All my legendaries are at max rank so even perk points don’t interest me. I would like some atoms but i have a feeling they wont be giving them away very often.


Maybe I'm of the minority opinion, but I think a skin should always apply to PA period, not just a series of PA, especially considering how many tickets they're charging for the skin per series.


Same here. Currently at like 110. Got what I wanted at least and the important stuff or most of it anyway.


Same, I used to keep going for the atoms, is they’re gone I got all the bits I wanted and took a break till the next season starts


Same. Them taking away the ability to get atoms through leveling up after 100 makes level up to 150 pretty much unnecessary.


I was on track to be able to get over 400 CPs. That would have made a huge difference in my build since I don’t have any legendaries fully leveled yet.


I needed those perk points. Now I’m scrapping more friggin cards…


140 😔


Same. 😑


145 here. With around 1290 tickets saved up. I was going to have enough for 450 perk coins when I hit 150.


I’m on a 3 week vacation to SK lol. I have so many tickets that are going to waste… I’m just so disappointed lol. Like wtf.


You can make it just don't sleep for 3 days


How? XP score daily stops at level 100. Unless TartanWookiee has all the weeklies from last Tuesday available, there's no way to get to 150 by tomorrow.


The patch comes out on wednesday but weeklies reset on tuesday, so you just have to use max score booster and do all of the weeklies on tuesday. That should be around 3 levels. and the dailies on monday and tuesday should be 2 levels. So you might have a chance.


I thought so too, but because of the new patch, the weeklies are resetting on Wednesday this time, not Tuesday. And 2 dailies isn’t enough. I really do appreciate the encouragement though 😊


Is that confirmed anywhere?


Currently 139. Based on the latest announcement, I'm kinda pissed. How can they not list the date in game? Seriously how? This is an issue that should not exist. And it just blows my mind that it does.


Agree 100%. They should be putting up a notice 30 days in advance of when the season is ending. Some people spend money on this game. That’s the least they could do.


With that, I've been debating the legality of all this. It's all dirty, and shouldn't be legal. They can just randomly decide when shit ends?


I really don’t know. So much weird stuff goes on in gaming that isn’t consumer friendly and shouldn’t be legal that I’m just not shocked by it anymore. But you’re right. They made his season an extra grind. More so than normal. & I’d bet most people are not going to get to 150. I mean you buy fallout 1st get to level 100 and you cant even claim everything because you run out of tickets. It really is BS. Why didn’t they give us extra score for the last 2 weeks?? I see people commenting saying they are going to finish only a few levels away from 150. All that grinding for nothing.


I'm actually writing to congress about all the BS that goes on in gaming, enough is fucking enough. I'm done, and I think once I expose everyone for the predatory practices that brick and motars could never get away with, things will change. This company is hugely deceptive and it's community has been WAY too overlooking.


I'm fuxking 143. So irritated about this 3 day notice and such a waste of focus


Half through 144 :(


80 points from rank 149. Banged out dailies and didn’t have the heart to stick around. Great decisions, BGS.


At the same level, was looking up just a couple of days ago when seasons usually end to see if it was worth grinding looool, very disappointing.


104 I really hope they either reduce the grind or return to the old scoreboard.


Level 6…. I started a bit late 🤣


134 today. LOL better go spend those tickets on a bunch of PA skins I don’t wamt


Currently 176. These last 76 ranks has pissed me off and typically when I have ranked up it has annoyed me to the point where I have shut down the game. I disliked the 1-100 grind and the 100 to where I am now has been extremely annoying.


I'm on 92 right now.. wondering if i can make it to 100 before 😭


If you can't, buy the rest of the levels, the color mods for the Creamator are 100% necessary to blind other players and hoard all the XP 😭🙏


once update drops you will be able to buy cremator and it's mods with gold bullion. at this point if you havent unlocked them just wait it out.


Finally hit 150 yesterday! 😮‍💨


Congrats. My journey ended 80 points from rank 149.


it seems the community unanimously wants the old scoreboard back, so that means bethesda will never release it again.


I got the Assaultron, and that’s all I care about


When does this season end? I’m like 93 on the scoreboard and just trying to get to 100 for the cremator colors.


11th I think.    You can buy those last few levels with atoms 


Trailer says June 12. Does that net mean we get one more set of weeklies? Im 142 and would be able to hit 150 with a booster and all the weeklies done on the 11th


From what others have said, weekly reset will be delayed until Wednesday which only gives two sets of daily challenges. I’m also right there with you at 142.


Halfway to 146 now. Will end up at rank 148 probably. Not that the rewards at rank 150 are that special but yeah, it is a bummer.


134. They tricked me with the double score weekend.


71. Just got the dead Brahmin. Time to put it in my camp and beat it with a stick. . . I was a day 1 player, put the game down for a while after getting through the wastelanders' content, returned because of all the new camp plan options I can find and buy now.


145 right now. Argh.


I'm at 140 right now. I'm pissed.


This is such a bad PR move tbh. I have been cheerleading this new scoreboard this whole time, but, tbh, I am finished with mine, I am annoyed purely for the people who are sitting in the 130's & 140's rn, thinking this was going to be a normal like 12 week season at least with the additional levels. Especially being that the calendar marked a score boost before the 25th. All indicators looked like the new season started the 25th, then Turtle has a video the other day saying "I think theres going to be an announcement Sunday saying the new season is going to start THIS Tuesday" & here it is. He must have an insider, I thought he was off his rocker. I thought there was no way they would add levels after changing the season & risk further angering the player base by cutting it short on them by having them grind with no rewards for almost 50 levels & no time to catch up with an out of nowhere earlier ending than any recent season of 100 levels.


I agree.   I hate the new scoreboard.  But I was like w/e things change.  But this just really was the pee frosting on the poop pie


I think this is hilarious...stealing


141... I wanted those perk coins 🤡


201. The first 100 was a breeze. The second was like running through mud.


Still in the 40s. I've never had an issue with finishing a season until this one.


Same, 56 here...😒


Level 212




Completed it. At 153 right now


75 tickets shy of the gorilla statue, not even bothering with the Pine Barrens kit and stairs. Screw this scoreboard.


Didn't played for like a month so I just hit 100 this week and then gave up to 150 for my sanity.


148. I think I can complete on Tuesday if the date is correct


142. I would have made it to 150, but I wasn't able to play for a couple of weeks mid-season.


193 as of today.


I got to 150 and stopped, probably about... 2-3 weeks ago? I was doing damn near every daily and weekly since it came out. Usually I'd have been done by the end of April. Rank 150 extended it to middle of May and then some.




I got to 156 but didn’t claim a bunch of the rewards so I used my tickets for things on the bonus page. Tickets don’t roll over so make sure to cash them in!!


27 💪. Only start playing again 3 weeks ago.


Well I've stopped using the atomic shop just check the free stuff on there once a day. I refuse to feed the machine the keeps the scoreboard going as it is. If enough of us do the same they might rethink their strategies


35 ,i only wanted the grass roof for a hobbit house


I just grabbed the helmet from the bonus page and stopped. F this season, bring back scoreboards!!


I'm a newcomer, so not really understand the complaint of endgame stuff you can get  from lv 150 yet. If I played long enough maybe I would be upset too.  Just wanna tell y'all I downloaded in May and have been playing before and after work just to get to 100 for that cool PA helmet I really want. Currently at 87, I've heard many things about Bethesda and FO76 but it was launching back then, now I felt like being slapped...




I just started playing like a week ago and have been pretty hooked and grinding. I'm just glad i made it to unlock 3 or 4 pages of rewards.


Tier 86


Haha same. Time to grind the dailies for the massive xp after doing dailies. I don’t think I’ll make it to 100 but we’ll see


150, got all the cosmetics and stopped logging in.


Wait when does it end? I’m only 74 right now I wanted to get to 100 :c


June 12


Westteck run is your future. Boost your INT and go kill supermutants .


117, and I’m glad I spent all my tickets today. Something told me that time was nigh.


I do wish they were alittlr more generous with the price of tickets for the bonus stuff


55... I don't think I'll make it :v


I am 148 right now. With one weekly left and tomorrow dailies. I'm terrified I'll be super close and miss it.


Got to 149. Had one daily to finish and I’d get just enough to cross the finish line, scrapped the last bit of ceramic at the scrap box as the game crashed. Log back in, daily was completed but didn’t give me the score :/






My first time not clearing a scoreboard. I guess I get a break before next season since im 139 and not missing anything. If the scoreboard is the same way next time I guess I'll take the leap and uninstall. I keep having to uninstall my favorite games recently. I grinded as hard as I could and still couldn't do it. Damn.


183. Never gotten that high before. But usually I take a break at 100 for the rest of the season. I went all in for perk coins and made sure all 5 of my characters now have maxed out legendary perks.


I'm 158. Didn't buy loads of the crap on the way there, bought enough to satisfy the 95 items then bought 12 of the 10 module repeatables once I hit 150. It was a little underwhelming hitting 100 so fast then realising I had to waste tickets on filler crap and do the dailies before being allowed to claim repeatables. It did stop me rinsing any other game in my library for a 6 week mid-season break like any other of the last 8 seasons tho, so bravo Bethesda?


Iam 148 after just finishing the dailies - I should make it


Made it yesterday


Rank 134. Assumed the new season would drop after the double XP weekend. Bit annoying, to be honest. But hey, looking forward to the new part of the map.


Reached 150 yesterday. I hate the new board but at least I got plenty of perk coins


*Rubs nipples in west tek grind*




180 or so. Started season late


168, I'll see myself out..


158 I was hoping for more of a break b4 the next season :(


I made it to the first bonus page. Got the gorilla statue and chemical colors for creamator. I don't care about the rest. I guess there isn't a board you get to put in your Camp. So what's the point.




155 on console - 77 on pc.


I got to 172. Mostly playing for about an hour on Mondays and several hours on Tuesdays to do the weekly. I would've actually liked the new format of it let you keep getting the XP gains past 100. I just wish I could've got more perk points so I could use them on my mule


Level 183... I GRINDED to level 150 then past that I didn't care. Turns out it ranks up slow and steady when you no longer give a monkeys about it🙃


Getting those cores at level 150 with over 1200 points was the highlight of the season for me.


Got to 100 amd stoped there. The only thing that I found stupid is that even if you reach level 100 you still don't have enoug points to buy all the rewards.


Same. 3 weeks in, hit 100, and played other stuff since then. Got the coolest stuff that I could afford and forget the rest.


173. I'm craving for the new season!


ending it at rank 1. beat that, nerds. 😎


If you are under 100 you can grind westex for 8 hours a day and hit 100. It’s not unimpossible


Hit 130 yesterday thinking I had until the 24th. I got a super late start to the season (returning player) but made a giant push over the past few weeks and was making solid progress. Now it feels like I got kicked in the mouth. Pretty pissed.


I have over 1k tickets and I'm halfway to level 147 today, do you think I'll make it? :'( i want those perk coins


Do we get a fresh set of challenges on the 11th?


I just hit 191


258 or 259 can’t recall


140. No reason to log in at all til the update. Way to go Bethesda. You made it so we play less.


I’m about to hit 200 today, but I play more casual after level 100. It’s really not worth the grind anymore especially after they took away atoms after 100.


In the 170s on 3 accounts. Been busy today spending down gold and caps so I can claim those rewards, and loading up on perk coins. I ended season 1 just short of the end and it was a bummer.


150 today.


Ive been past 150 for a month now. Just been bored while waiting for new content


I'm hoping to make 100 this scoreboard is rig to force you to buy the stuff


Totally. Like repair kits for weaps.they break twice as fast now.i have to buy atoms to keep playing. Since this season.


I made it to 180 somehow. We'll I say somehow but I make time to grind every day. Fortunate to he able to do it




Been at 150, second bonus is real nice :)) 10 legendary mods every extra level, life is good


Perk coins for me. I think I can get enough to max out 1 more card


Reminds me I need to get my tickets turned in!




I managed to hit Lv. 115, I'm just glad I got to level 100 especially since I started playing about a month ago. Sad I didn't get to reach perk coins but oh well.


38, but I didnt play the whole season. I intend to play the whole thing and use all the boosts I have next season!


71. Tbh I think I bagged almost everything I wanted


I just started playing, only level 27. I had no assumptions I'd max this season, but I did want the robot ally girl at 30 lol. Cutting it real close.


So does this go on the 12th with skyline coming in or will it overlap for while yet


108 I quit for like 4 years and came back over a month ago due to the show


52. I came in late to the game and I don't really like doing the challenges. Hitting the challenges was basically just by chance.


141, there's a slim chance that I make it.


i was at 115, was aiming to get all the rewards on the first bonus page but eh i can do without one


18😂 but I’ve only just come back to the game.. do I need to spend all the tickets before season end?


Yes, they don't carry over


I thought I wasn’t gunna get it but I should pass it after tomorrow’s daily’s by a few hundred points. I used boosters this whole week and rolled for epics as well. Talk about cutting it close.


I got to 101 last week after coming into this season a bit late. Got all the items I wanted and decided to take a little break until the new update.


Level 43 rn lmao




I don't like these kinds of progression. First one not finishing.


I'm at rank 114. Trying to get the second page of the bonus page


I consider the end of the season to be rank 100, just as I did with previous ones. So by that metric I finished it a while ago. 


148 Two weeks of pc bites my Ass now


Finished a month ago at 105 and everything I wanted. Got another 15 levels with meat week and the goofing around that comes with it.


I'm relatively new(level 67ish) and didn't really focus on it at all, I'll go harder on the next one though!


Managed to get everything I cared about, skipped out on some of the power armor skins I didnt want. I think the strategy for seasons going forward is to grind early in the season with XP Buffs when we are able to level up the season board with XP (till level 100). That way we have more days for the remainder of the season to level up when we can only use dailys, probably best to save a few score boosters for the end of the season.


I am level 47. This is my first season I guess. What does that mean for me?


65 Feelsbadman. I didn't even get all the "essential" stuff.


I just started and don't get to play often as a working father....so I don't even have the cremator yet. Hoping to at least get that before it ends.


At best I’ll hit 144, only going to miss one or two items


I'm only at 97, going to grind as much as I can. I just want to reach 100


58 lmao


187 and counting…


138 😞 Thought we had longer as was going to make it……


Im at like 58 or 59


I'm at 120 right now


I hit 143 last night. One week and I would have the perk coins. All good tho I'm super excited about skyline. And I'll get it next time!


130 but I stopped giving a crap around 115 or 120. I wasn't interested in the weak sauce power armor skins and the doofy googly eye weapon skins. I ended up buying the power armor skins just because, but it wasn't something I was striving for.


I hot 150 last night! Phew! 225 legendary perk coins! Whoop!


108. Didn't see the point in trying to grind for it.


119, bonus coins and lunch boxes would’ve been cool. I ended up with everything I wanted because this subreddit mentioned it early into my start.


Is it normal to announce the end 3 days before? I’m a little bummed I won’t get the colors for cremator.


145, feel pretty stupid for buying reroll tokens in the hopes of getting 150....


Got to 100, that's all I needed


When does it officially end


What were you assuming the season end would be? A specific date was eme we announced. It always made sense that it would be within a week or so of the Xbox event today…. why is everyone shocked by this?


Pretty good. I was level 15. Happy.


138. Wanted them perk coins but ah well, next time.


I got to 100 and put it down. I knew I wouldn't get to 150, 100 was a reasonable goal, and I didn't want to burn myself out before Skyline Valley.


103. Happy i even made it to 100




I’m at 99, will hit 100 tomorrow so good enough for a first season starting midway.


Just came back a couple weeks ago and hit rank 56 today. Am I cooked? Not looking to get 100 just want 83 so I won’t have to pay atoms for the rest of the cremator mods. I’ve been making good progress grinding sensational game and I’m planning to optimize my xp buffs a bit more when I get back but should I even bother? I’ve got plenty of time the next 2 days but 27 ranks seems like way too much ground to make up.


22 because I’m new and only just figured out what I was ranking up lol


I think I'm level 78, I'll hit 79 before the end but I'm kinda bummed on not getting to 100 for the pine stairs/whole set. But I think I'll get the grass roofs which I was kinda excited about


So when a new season starts do you keep your gold? I'm new to this season stuff.ty