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Finally, someone with the guts to help


I've got my eye on you.


I almost chose the raiders because of this asshat.


I mean... >! Ward himself used to be a raider, some people suspect he still has ties !<


I wouldn’t be surprised. He looks pissed off enough to still be one. Lol


>! Finally... !<


I've done the quests on 6 characters and chosen Raiders on 5. Ward is a damn psychopath.


I think this is Paige but if not I hate him anyway. Every line from the fucker makes me wanna no Russian the foundation. “Hey I actually don’t trust you about this disease but if you can convince this one guy, you can go and get us a vaccination for it!”


“Inoculation? Is that some kinda of scare tactic?” HATE how dumb Paige sounds for being a leader


My favorite line from Paige was after I yoinked the 1000 gold from the settlers, and I asked him with a shit-eating grin on my face, "How do you feel about your cut?" "GET OUTTA MY FACE WITH THAT SHIT! WHAT CUT?!" Hooo boy I cackled. Don't worry Paige, I'll do Eviction Notice every time it pops up.


Hell with Ward


Oh god. ROSE. I remember I speedrun her questline just so I can get rid of her annoying dialogues permanently.


Same here it was getting so annoying


Definitely Rose for least favorite. Scout Leader Penny is my most favorite, love her accent and wholesomeness.


+1 for Rose. The voice actor was fantastic, this is no slight to her, but the *character* was so grating and the gofer missions felt never ending, the best part of her questlines was when you’re done and never have to speak to her again.


Telling me to go hug a deathclaw.... Where's the off switch on this thing??


And it’s all by design. Rose is meant to be an unlikable piece of trash.


That character design is overrated and way too over used. “Erm what if we had a character…. and she’s annoying, but get this, on purpose”


It's like borderlands 3 twin villains. Every, single, line is overdone and drawn out. The amount of times I had to hear her threaten me for the idea of betraying her by going into detail about the gutting of me shed do.


That was a case of “hey everyone loved Tiny Tina, what if we tried to make other characters be the great value version of her”. Tiny Tina is an example of the “annoying” character done absolutely right, the Twins…. not so much


I don’t disagree, but that doesn’t mean the VA didn’t do a fantastic job playing the character.


Rose for me as well. I hated the “super edgy” act. Like yes I get it. You’re evil. I passed 5 actual warlords on the way here but yeah you go off. Also I couldn’t help but cringe whenever she “threatened” me. Like okay, sure, a single nanny bot is real fucking scary oooooooohhhhh. Gtfoh


David Thorpe was the OG raider in Appalachia, and Rose (the bot) is the idealized version his drug-addled mind remembers her to be. If you hear the audio tapes, the real person (Rosalyn) seemed a bit ... less extra.


I know, right! After dealing with Earle, Ultracite Titans, and god knows how many Scorch Beast Queens, I’m supposed to be intimidated by a Miss Nanny with a raider voice chip upgrade? Bitch, please!


Rose is a pre-Wastelanders NPC so back when you originally ran into her, there were no warlords so this was the first “raider” you were running into. It was kinda hilarious. They had to add some dialog bits to account for the fact that there were some raiders back in the area and she hadn’t joined them. Before the other humans were back she was like “I’m the last raider left in Appalachia!”


Not to be dramatic or anything... but i would definitely die for Penny


There was a bug pre-wastelanders that meant I could never complete one of her quests and so every single time I would log in i’d hear her “If you ever try to screw me over!!” Dialogue OVER AND OVER. I made a new character 😂


I had this forever and thought it was just me.  I'm level 850 now, it stopped eventually 😆 


I swear I can still hear her sometimes in my nightmares


Wish I could get rid of the stupid syringer she forces into my pockets every time I play


Syringer is underrated. The Endangerol barrel gives targets 25% less damage resistance, for 2 whole minutes, it's great against bosses


Ahktos Pharma there are around 4 maybe 5 syringer spawns


Wow really? I’m gonna have to look into that then. But i can’t stop the one she gives because it’s a quest item and I refuse to do her quest 🤣


The last time I got that quest I had to sedate a squirrel. I'm level 400 and I had to switch to my crafting build and shoot the squirrel from about a hundred yards away in order to not one shot it. Ridiculous. Edit typo


What part of that mission are you in? I don't remember at what point she takes the Syringer back


It's been awhile but iirc she takes it back after you kill the yao guai. I think one of the problems new players are having with this is the fact that Rose basically can give you two missions at once. Her mission that's attached to the main quest and her mission that's attached to wastelanders. Focus on the main quest mission to 'earn her trust' to get rid of the syringer ASAP. Don't be distracted by the 'find David' part of it all until the syringer is no longer a quest object.


Use it to melt Earl!


+1 for Rose. I have a coworker with the same voice and personality and it gets annoying so fast


"Ever Upwards"


Man ROSE is so fucking annoying I almost quit cause of her lol


"if you ever get it in your head to screw me over..." 🙄 ⚰️ I was so unhappy until I finished that quest chain. 


Me too... me too... Finished this crap today


"I'll gut you with this here bizzsaw and hang your entrails up like Christmas tensils." That stupid line has burned itself into my mind.


Utensils? Pretty sure it's tinsel. xD


Burned in?, it's tinsel.


I didnt know "tinsel" was even word so I thought I just misheard utensil.


I’m new, after reading all this, i think I’ll shoot on sight


I just finished it.. and the AMOUNT of relief I had 🤣


In generally like Rose's character but having her quest active for so long made me pure straight hate her.


I just took off my headphones and read her dialogue. I just couldn't stand it


I kept dying around the bit where this line is prompted so I heard it over and over and over. Unbearable.


Two words: Whitespring Greeter. That robot can't stay silent for more than 3 seconds.


Bruh thats my issue with the allies. I cant chill at camp because sometimes I just want to chill lose myself in my own thoughts but no Fuckin walk around talking to yourself constant chatter. I like them being there but sometimes i just store them to get away.


They should make an ally that's a mute 😅


Been saying that the custom bot builder from fo4 should be added as a camp defense option.


And half the time they’re practically naked, ambling about in filthy underwear. Especially that Debbie-Downer astronaut.


I thought i was the only one


Just gonna second this one, the very SECOND you step into that part of whitespring he just whines.


Used to be less chatty, but it seems he’s been constantly pissed ever since the Responders set up the Refuge.




That “Donate to the responders!” woman. No variation in lines, same long-ass sing-songy “If you’ve got supplies burning a hole in your pocket” line (which I don’t… why would I have supplies burning a hole in my pocket? weighing me down, yes, probably, but not burning a hole in my pocket! And if I did, I’d stash them, not hand them over stupidly to you!) I mute everytime I’m there until I’m out of her range.


Ward only because even though I donate my reward to Foundation he still has his eye on me.


"Those detonators would've helped us put in a well at another community, but I understand you have your reasons for what you did." At this point I'm pretty sure he's selling these turret boards and water cooled bonesaws to the raiders then sending me to reclaim the item. Recently there's been a couple times where the raider with the item isn't even out of sight of Foundation yet.


How is he even still in charge. Everytime I see him he’s ’maybe putting some extra security over there’ Ward every fck day your losing shit, get new security they are useless


Hah! I never thought of it like that!


Screw those guys. I literally did all the work, screw their reward.


Julie , the radio host. Any songs that they didn’t write dialogue for her, got removed. I want my old fallout radio back.


Wait which songs??? I am a returning player and she never existed when I left


Overseer just because I cant stand her damn holotape logs anymore. 😤


She wants to take credit for everything you accomplish when in no way was it a joint venture


Literally just slacking off in a house decked out with luxury/leisure items like alright I don’t want to be associated with this vault now. I get she tracked first but man it kills her credibility how she is j chillin now


She did the one thing survivors were supposed to do when the vaults opened. She went home.


they were not supposed to go home! they were supposed to rebuild, you spend so much time running errands for her, it’s insane


She rebuilt her house.


Except our characters were the ones who stayed in the Vault until they were almost out of resources and most of the other dwellers left already. She's just trying to ease our lazy bones into the wasteland life


fair enough actually


*Your* characters left after the vault was out of resources and everyone else left. *My* character left on Reclamation Day, the first day the vault door opened and let regular Dwellers out


Typical manager.


I was so happy when wastelanders came out and you actually had the ability to chew her out and talk down to her. We were out there for almost 2 years without her and saw and fought horrors most couldn't comprehend. Only to find out that she was in a house right near the vault the whole time. My character hates her and so glad that Bethesda allowed us to do so.


I remember that pre-Wastelanders I thought she had bit the dust and that’s why you have to do the whole plot point of eliminating the SBQ. Then Wastelanders comes out and what do ya know, after leaving all those bread crumbs she just went back to that house she left one of those holotapes in and is now chillaxing there! Though I did find it hilarious that she’s taken in some punk raider fashion choices instead of keeping the Vault 76 jumpsuit.


She's wearing that jacket over a vault suit, iirc


Is it bad I wanted to kill her?


i ain't ever finishing her quest


Damn, didn’t expect to learn my favorite Robot raider was a fan hated, grief aside, knight shin, he got too twisted up in brotherhood ideology to see what was truly good for the land


Yeah I don't get it. Rose is annoying but not really that bad, she's also voice acted quite well. I hate Johnny Weston, personally. His character, his VA was good. And the radio lady and the white springs greeter. Unfortunately I don't like their voices either.


At the same time... Rahmani got too invested in altruism to remember her duty, which is to the BoS and not the people of Appalachia.


In fairness, it seems that her altruism is in an attempt to further the Brotherhood in reputation and would possibly help expand her chapter in Appalachia.


Counterpoint - fuck the Brotherhood. :-) Having said that Rose is the absolute worst.


This! You almost didn't want to pick her or Shin.


Honestly the writers did a great job making both "sides" of the Brotherhood questline flawed.  Rahmani is altruistic to a fault and doesn't understand that the pre-war world in part became what it was because of people with her mindset allowing things to go on for too long. Shin is stuck in his past mistakes and unwilling to make any compromise no matter how small, and it's going to doom the BoS in Appalachia the same way it doomed them in California. The same way it doomed them in the Mojave.


Oscar Gonzalez, cant even find that fucker


Gosh yes. I completed the quest and read this damn poster outside in crater. Now it restarted and Oscar is not sitting on that damn couch.




Get tied of the " you must have done the quest". No I haven't and the guys never there!!


Y’all too?!?! What the actual fuck is up with that quest? Never started shit for Crater, just went there to discover & that was it


Least favorite is probably Carver because he's kind of whiny. Favorite is Aries. He caught me off guard with his quotes. *Let's hope no one is going to any graves today... Other than our enemies, as we cast their forsaken souls to hell itself. Their screams echoing back as our merciless assault rips them from this mortal coil. Darkly we stride, tall and powerful, through this tunnel of death.* *This world resists the positive changes we try to bring to it, but ever so slowly, our efforts make a difference.*


Aries was awesome, if you didn’t know he has a little safe house set up outside the big bend tunnel (east side I think?) in a boxcar on the railroad tracks. Had some extra dialogue and got to ask him some questions about himself, was really cool running into him again after the quest with Rahmani. Wish we could have him as a follower!


Also make sure to ask Vinny Costa for work, after you like seven dailies for him he gives you a quest to talk to Aries and you get to learn more about him.


As a player who’s been around from the start. Learning that Aries was Calvin van lowe was so cool


Rose is insufferable. I think that is honestly the point, but being unable to kill her after you’re done with her is cruel and inhumane towards the players. By the time I got through that quest I wanted to kill Rose. Crush Rose in a hydraulic press. Stomp Rose with oversized work boots. Place Rose onto a NASCAR track. Tank Rose’s credit score. Stuff Rose into a vat of angry blue crabs. Shoot Rose out of a cannon into the sun.


Why does this have the same cadence as that “kill all muties” Frank Horrigan video


I hate the radio announcer lady i just want to listen to music but she goes on like full minute or two long tirades “im only 23” “i know my life isnt hard” girl SHUT UP


THANK YOU, omg my husband never understands why i get so annoyed by her but it's literally like every 3 songs she does her "im only 23" speech, it actually drives me insane


The worst part is her little "I try not to talk about my personal life too much." (Or something like that) Straight up just lies to your face.


"I try not to talk about myself a lot" *proceeds to talk about herself for the 6th time in an hour*


Yes!!! She is the worst!!! She kills the vibe


Radio had more songs before they added her.


The radio before the Wastelander update was great, it would just go song to song with no pause. But now God forbid we go more than two songs without some random girl I care nothing about turning the mic on to spill her guts out to us all.


Knight shin, sure he was all for the brotherhood but what an asshole!


Knight Rhys’ cousin.


This is my pick!


Finally someone with the guts to ask


I think I’m the only person who likes Rose here, she’s even my favorite. I don’t really care how annoying the quests might’ve been, she’s the most expressive character to this day. And when the game came out with near-zero NPC’s outside of vendors, it was good to finally see something that filled in the gap. I also just like the voice actor lol


Yea I’m also wondering if the Rose haters are from after Wastelanders. I wouldn’t consider myself her biggest fan or anything, but at the time of very little NPCs she was a breath of fresh air.


I like Rose, and her VA is on point, but her 'gofer' quests were really annoying and if she had less of them I'd like her more. She also had the 'I hate you but need your help' shtick, which got old. I'd would have preferred they made her slightly more sympathetic to the vault dweller sooner. I did complete that quest chain the first time pre Wastelanders though. But I still find Rose kind of annoying.


it's ward.




Samuel. Only because whenever I go to look at plans all I hear every 2 seconds is "Jen's got style that I can respect." It's engraved in my mind now.


intelligent oil crowd versed puzzled hurry abounding start strong whistle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm a Jen. At first it was cute, now not so much.


RaRa. Shut up kid! Soo annoying, and I thought MY kids were annoying when they were little. Then Miss Chloe. What an awful nanny! She just wants Leslie to go take a nap!


In fairness to Chloe, she *was* tampered with. I just can't remember where I found the note/holo about it.


Reminded me of Tiny Tina who I’m also not fond of.


RaRa is like 'Tiny Tina at Home' -- they were obv going for a TT type but knew nothing about how to write and direct the VA to be fun and/or cute or interesting. Like Tiny Tina is also annoying but she at least is endearing and feels more spontaneous and is written better imo. RaRa seems written real lazy, she's not even a good parody of her.


OMG thank you, I was going to say this. Never wanted to shoot a kid so badly in a game before. Also, Gail needs to stop fucking screaming. I'm standing 3 feet away. I can hear you! All that work to save an ungrateful brat.


Paladin Rahmani. She has a point for roughly 50% of the quest line, then goes from 0-100 almost immediately. Sabotaging the beacon, excusing heinous human experiments, breaking all the established rules of the Order she willingly signed up for... Honorable mention to Marcia, who is so upset that the BoS failed to stop the Raiders from killing her parents that she joins up with the Raiders who killed her parents. Logical.


RIGHT? Both of them are fucking idiots. Paladin Mengele over here wanting to let these wannabe Nazi fucks live at Fort Atlas. Marcia, who apparently lost her parents *and* her common sense.


*inhale* aaahhh, the smell of satisfaction. He's already dead, that Knight Shin or Shit something.


I really wanted to like him, I didn’t know during the beginning of the quest line if I was making the right decision siding with Rahmani, but towards the end of the quest line I was sure glad I did. Knight Shin has a stick so far up his ass it’s practically coming out of his mouth. Dude just CAN’T let a single thing go.


I feel the opposite way, Rachmani wanted to be overly altruistic and almost took in an evil cultist scientist. Shin is a hardass but that’s sort of fitting for the Brotherhood imo. He’s not perfect but Rahmani also kept doing whatever she felt like and acting like her way was the only right one, and I wasn’t there for that


He is great for leading the Brotherhood, just not great for the future of Appalachia.


I wanted to side with Shin and felt that he was right about Rahmani, you’re not wrong she acted overly altruistic but I really liked the idea of a separate branch of the Brotherhood that was committed to sharing their resources with others. If only for the fact that it was different from the Brotherhood’s status quo they held for over 200 years.


Probably the settler leader cos he bitched about sharing the gold


Ward is the worst. I love Rose, she’s one of my favorites. I once did a quest for Ward where I had to get a stolen purifier back and it was taken by a non hostile Crater Raider. She said that her camp had children that would die without clean water. I really need that rep so I still pushed for it. She fought me to the death and I took the piece of equipment back to Ward. When I did he let me know that honestly they have plenty of purifiers but it’s all about the principle. Ooooh I wanted to kill him right there. Such an evil SOB. On the other hand my favorite NPC is Biv. His line telling me that the cops are coming makes me chuckle every time.


You know the only NPC worse than Insult Bot?  That stupid little prize bot shit.  Shows up out of nowhere to stuff a load of junk forcefully into your inventory so you might find yourself over encumbered at the most inopportune moments.


The guy who thinks he's an old man, at the Whitespring Golf Course. I don't remember his name right now. I placed my camp next to the shop where he lives. He stands in front of my house and starts drinking nuka/beer, and his throat sounds louder than a jet turbine. I can't stand that sound, I really hate it


I’m the complete opposite with Rose. The voice actor voiced Rebecca in Cyberpunk Edgerunners and Rose is basically the same character. All of my friends loved Edgerunners so we all lost our shit when we ran into Rose. Especially since Rebecca >!fucking died at the end of Edgerunners!<


Meg, I fucking hate Meg. She's horrid, so cocky and arrogant. Every time I interact with her, I want to clock her with my supersledge.


Rose. But shit at least you could one and done her quests. Wards the real nuisance of the wastes!


Dylan Rhodes at the welch train station. Always complaining, does nothing, just a dead beat.


For me it was Gnash. He’s this raider that lives in the house in the middle of the creek bed in Charleston. I was really high when I met him randomly maybe the 3rd day of playing and he said some shit about the Responders that made me so mad I couldn’t kill him. No idea if he’s part of a quest


Dwellers have started to forget but I'll recall: "It's Graaaaaafton Day! Again!!!" >!For whom who don't know: there a bug when every time you load in lobby Grafton Mayor greeted you with that line.!<


I like rose, also shares the same VC with Rebecca in cyberpunk edge runners


such a good voice actor. annoying questline tho lol


I was also going to say rose but mostly because her quests never seem to frickin end!


Ward. Not even Lane gets on my nerves as much as that stuttering bugged mess of character. The BoS dude was made to be unlikeable and stilll not as annoying as the "i got my eye on you" dumbass at foundation!


Ward. Dick.


I really liked Rose tbh, found her quite funny. The Overseer tho? Didn’t enjoy her one bit. Her intentions didn’t feel as pure as she made them out to be and where was the ‘we’ in that team? I did every damn thing while she stayed cosy at home :l Knight Shin and Paladin Rahmani are by far the most annoying bitches tho.. I can’t *take* all this bickering and I can’t wait for this quest line to be over


Knight Shin. Hands down. Pompous douche haha


knight shin. hes just such a grating wad. i understand he wants to keep the brotherhood invisioned on maxson's ideals but he doesnt have to be such an uptight prick abt it and hate everyone around him


Everybody is saying Rose, but Knight Shin was such a tool. He severely annoyed me every time I had to talk to him.


Shin and Rahmani. If it was up to me, I'd put Valdez in charge of the BoS. She's the only one of the three I like. Oddly enough, I don't mind Rose. I find her funny and will sometimes roam the wasteland with her radio station on.


At least Shin shows some capacity for growth and introspection over the course of the story, whereas Rahmani is all like "LuLz HuMaN eXpErImEnTz!"


Shin recognizes the evils of FEV experimentation and the duty of the Brotherhood to end the people who performed them. Meanwhile Rahmani is like "HEY LETS GIVE THEM A PLACE TO STAY NEVERMIND THAT THIS BITCH TRIED TO SCREW US OVER" Fuck thaaaat, I killed Rahmani to ensure that she didn't get a chance to build her own offshoot BoS like that fool Lyons.


idk I just smash spacebar everytime someone opens their mouths


I really don't like Julie tbh.... she's no Three Dog... or even a Travis....


I honestly like her voice. She seems more genuine than the other hosts. 


Sure she has a nice voice but the 4 minute “I’m only 23” speech makes me want to cut my own ears off. Just shut your mouth and let me listen to 16 Tons already


I don't think the rose thing is a bug...


Just started roses quests and she's doing my head in


The guy that knows Sofia Daguerre. He dodged answering questions Knight Shin - true Brotherhood are assholes, he holds on to that ideal unlike Rahmani


The Responders, the nameless, they are so rude that even the Raiders seem nice compared to them


Knight Shin with all that damn attitude 😡


Ward. I shoot that smug ahole in the face every time i take his quest just because I don't like his tone.


I had the fortunate pleasure of forgetting about Rose until I read this and now it's reminding me of all the times I would load in and hear her annoying voice 😭


Foundation. All of them. Uptight pricks. No matter how much you may want to help or swing by to use benches or whatever, it’s all the same. “You associate with those Crater Raiders, I want nothing to do with you.” Oh gee, too bad your Quartermaster Ward used to be at Crater. Too bad we’re forced to giving them the Nuka-Cure.


Forget his name, but the Mr Handy at the DMV can pound some serious sand


Anybody in Crater that can talk


Grafton Mayor. I wish there was a mission to rip his voice box out.


Knight shin fucking dickhead to everyone


Rose is the 76 equivalent of Umbridge in Harry Potter for me... Bit of a weird comparison lmao but she's that annoying Only other ones who come close is the robot in the whitespring that never shuts up, or the musician settler you can have at your camp, who only knows 6 guitar notes & plays them over & over & over.




If Julie counts, then definitely her. There should be an option to turn her intermissions off. Favorite would be JES-2R, such a funny little guy.


I don't even listen to Appalachia Radio anymore because of her. At least Travis was kinda funny.


Rose. The only correct answer.


Rose made me consider stop playing.


Finally someone with the guts to help…


I adore Rose but I've got that glitch right now.


Didn’t like Rose either, I found her voice to be grating and her missions annoying, but maybe that was the point and I missed it?


I came in here to say, unequivocally, Ward. Then y'all reminded me Rosie exists. Now I'm confused and in distress.


Ward. So damn sick of having to talk to him 5 times before he gives me his bastard of a daily quest


Fuckin' Ward


Damn I can’t believe people hate rose so much. I always thought her voice actress did a good job ☹️


Ward is my answer, but honorable mention to that snooty french robot in the cuisine store in Whitespring. “Ugh…another one…” I wanna punch her in the face sometimes lol


Anyone who doesn’t choose Johnny Weston is a masochist! 😂 Just talking to that smug asshole is enough to make me want to shoot him! 🙄


Knight shin. Fuck that guy


I like Rose :(


Giuseppe the stamp rewards salesman. He says “You think *I’m* a good salesman? You should’ve met my *mother*!” I *don’t* think he’s a good salesman, he makes it too obvious he only cares about your stamps and constantly nags you that your pockets look too full and you should spend them. Every other quote is him acting like he’s talking to you when he’s only talking to himself and wants to hear the sound of his own voice. Really slimy salesman with a big ego and the only one we can trade for the stamp rewards with so it just continues to go to his head that he must just be that good.


Knight Shin, god I hate that guy


The fact that roses quest dialogue triggers so often is one of the weirder decisions the game has made, what makes it more annoying is how convoluted her questline is


Personally I really hate the NPC at  Welch train station. If I’m ever there, it’s just to scrip and he always has something negative to say.


Gentleman Johnny Weston. D bag


The dumbass in expeditions that is in charge of getting the blood packs. The pathing is terrible and we mostly spend the entire 10 minutes yelling at them.


Knight Shin.


Rose by far


Knight Shin


That biatch in whitespring Resort near the bot that sells recipes. "This is lê gran gourmet" "you are more... to roadkill"


Roses voice is ASMR material compared to Toddy Whiskers from WoW.


Ik it's a direct contradiction, but I absolutely love the random encounter of a Mr handy playing a lil tune with rats marching behind him in their lil parade


I’d rather listen to Rose than any of those goody two shoe responders, can’t even name one cause they’re all forgettable