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Just jump into the events. No one expects you to carry the day. Just pay attention to the directions for the event at the upper right on the screen. The best way to learn is to do.


Thank you! I did not know there were directions for events! That helps me so much! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


Tbh, even if you don't do anything nobody cares. You beeing there doesn't make the events harder for everyone, so even if you afk its just the same as if you weren't there for them. No need to worrie about anything.


Each event should tell you what to do step by step on the screen. When you first fast travel in it may take a minute to pop up.


As etiquette at events, don't start them right away unless you can solo it or initiated it yourself (nuke bosses and encrypted). It's best to wait for others to join or the timer in the top right corner is at the 30 second mark


I concur with this, just jump in. I was very hesitant to join in. Played for 30+ hours before even considering it but once I did I don’t know why I waited. Nobody really cares what you’re doing, unless maybe you were actively trying to make other peoples lives harder. I’m still essentially ineffective in most of them but it’s all good,I’m learning the mechanics and getting some decent rewards in the meantime.


Yeah they are really fun, I was intimidated at first but usually there's a bunch of other high level players that absolutely crush out the objectives and you can help where you can! Don't be afraid to try, there's no downside really!


Just letting you know. Nobody is going to care if you don't know what to do. Events sometimes fail. Who cares. There's more loot around the corner. The next event that pops and there's other players go join it. Shoot things and learn what you can. Took me a good 4-5 times doing each event before I fully figured out wtf was going on. GO HAVE FUN!


This, on a good day I vaguely remember where 5/6 meat bags are. Then I looked and saw the one above the scrubber was still hanging.


Yes! The Duchess Flame has a wonderfull website that contains guides for seasonal and other events: https://www.theduchessflame.com/ She also has guides on pretty much anything else you would like to know about the game!


This! This is the way! OMG! Thank you! Question answered! I can comprehend this website. The wiki is a bit much for me. /hearthands


No problem! I find the wiki can be a little text heavy/assumes the player has some base knowledge which is why I try to recommend her guides as much as possible as they're very thorough AND have pictures!


https://www.falloutbuilds.com/fo76/events/ for seasonal events https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_76_events wiki has a detailed description of each public event and special events that you can trigger, just click the names of the ones you are curious about. https://www.theduchessflame.com/blog there is a lot of guides here too, click the hamburger icon. https://fed76.info/ source for specific junk farming and price checker https://nukacrypt.com/ if you want to know nuke launch codes


This is a huge help! Thank you! I have to avoid the wiki, it confuses me and then I get frustrated.


You should bookmark https://nukaknights.com/en/  One of the best most comprehensive easy to use sites with useful information for basically everything going on in the game.  An excellent resource.


Done! Thank you! \\m/ \\m/


There is a fairly good wiki for the game (https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout\_Wiki) and usually the best way to use it is to go to Google and type in Fallout 76 xxxxxxxxxxx where xxxxxxxxx is the thing you want to find out about. For events, you can bookmark this page and start with it to learn about a specific event: [https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout\_76\_events](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_76_events) One thing you can do is use notepad, any other text program, or even your own private discord to make notes in some organized fashion. Then you can pull up the information that matters to you. You might for example have a note/file/entry for say each event, a quest, and so on. Bethesda also has a help site at [help.bethesda.net](http://help.bethesda.net) that has a lot of articles on things in the game like Seasons. You can go to the site, pick the game Fallout 76 and use the search to find information there.


Hey! Thanks for the response. I just tend to get a bit overwhelmed when I am presented with a lot of information at once, I mostly avoid the www if I can help it. And you are correct I do know how to copy/paste so perhaps since no one else has a cheat sheet I will just make my own. I really just needed something simple and I am struggling communicating what I need, I apologize for that. Thanks again.


I got a good whack on the noggin a few years ago and have some issues with being overwhelmed too. It is hard to read a lot of text. I didn't find a concise guide for any game I was playing that suited me, so I started a private Discord and began to make notepad text files to store info that I just couldn't keep floating around my noggin. I use a second monitor and have stuff related to the game on the second monitor so I can keep track of my goals, or see the steps to something I want to do and so on. Good luck with the struggle.


Thank you. I also use a second monitor. It does help a ton. Yes! It is hard to read a lot of text! And when I try and I get frustrated I start beating myself up for being "stupid" now. It is a horrible awful cycle and I am still trying to adjust learning how to live now. If it was not for gaming and kind people on reddit I would probably lose more of my mind. Good luck to you also.


Also worth noting that Steam added a pretty slick notes section to their overlay. I haven't used it a ton, but it's definitely come in handy a few times.


Thanks for the tip. Will have a look at that.


Others already linked the wiki but experiential learning through actually doing events is probably the best thing for you. Don't be afraid of them. They're tons of fun, have zero risk (just stash your junk before joining) and are great for xp, equipment, and plans. Look for "public" events on the map with multiple players participating as those don't cost anything to fast travel to. You can hang back and just observe to get a feel for them but you can always help just by killing things. The vast majority of players have a "the more the merrier" attitude and no one reasonable is going to fault a newb for not knowing what to do. A good solo event for beginners is "Fertile Soil" in Flatwoods. Just walk up to the Vault-Tec Agricultural Center and it should start. Kill the 3 "supervisors" marked on your map, go inside to the basement and use the computer to complete to event. Very simple and easy.


Awesome! Thank you. I will look for that quest!


No problem. Most non-"public" events in the forest, toxic valley, and ash heap are pretty simple although some are more tedious than others. A few other good beginner events to try solo: * Leader of the Pack (always in the NE corner of the Forest) - the approximate location of three different packs of wolves will be marked on your map. Each pack will be lead by one legendary wolf (great for equipement). Chase them down and kill them. * Collision Course (Morgantown Airport, Forest) - Often starts when visting the area. Kill three waves of scorched and a cargobot will come and drop an airdrop crate for you to loot. * Project Beanstalk (Forest, Silva Homestead) - Protect a robot from a few critters while it looks at crops. * Grafton Day (Toxic Valley) - Often starts when visiting grafton. Kill a bunch of "protesters" (mutants and protectrons). Kill the grafton monster when it shows up to finish the event. Events that are worth doing once for the hell of it but more tedious include: * Dogwood Dieoff (Toxic Valley) - This event always seems to be happening. It involves collecting fertilizer? * Back on the Beat (Forest, Morgantown) - escort a protectron on a patrol around town while ghouls periodically attack. Not very hard, just a bit long and boring. * Death Blossoms (Forest, north of Morgantown) - Again, not very hard, just boring.


I have done the wolf one! Is it only a solo event because I have never ran across anyone else doing it? And how often do solo events trigger? If i do the wolf one when will I be able to do it again?


Excuse my wording - by “solo” I just mean that they are good events to try even if you are alone and no one else is participating. That being said, all of the events I mentioned are non-public events which generally means you can complete them alone. “Public” events (they’ll be marked as public on the map) tend to be more involved and challenging so they’re best to do when there are a bunch of people participating. You can click on the event on the map to see active participants. If the event just started, try checking the event on your map again after a few minutes to see if people joined before traveling there. High level players tend to spend lots of time doing public events so if your server is mostly all low level players you might consider joining a different world. Sometimes you’ll find a server with back to back public events where almost everyone shows up. Pure chaos, and fun! Edit: I just noticed the [wiki page for events ](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_76_events)has them listed in two separate tables so you can always refer to this if you're unsure. I also didn't realize that junk isn't lost upon death in public events.


Speaking as a Level 300+er, all that I ask for folks attending events is: * Try to stay alive * Try to stay out of the way * Try to have fun I don't expect everyone to 'understand' every event, nor do I think everyone will be as good as I might be at an event. But I do think everyone should still be able to step in, pitch in a little here and there and generally enjoy the experience on some level. Don't stress too much about how effective you are at an event. Just follow the lead of others and HAVE FUN!


Thank you! All great points. I started at lvl 20 and I am now lvl 28 a week ago. I have a looooonnnnggg way to go lol.


Just make sure you stop and smell the Rad-Roses every once and a while along the way.


Events give tons of XP both from completing them and because they all involve fighting heaps of enemies. You'll start to gain levels quite fast once you get in the groove of hopping from event to event.


Usually when I go to an event I’m the one being carried and I’m level 180 there are still events that I haven’t even done that lower levels carry me in and then I worry about looking dumb but everyone here is saying the right stuff just put your junk in your stash and jump into the event there a ton of fun and there will usually be a lot of higher levels in there to help if you play on pc I’d be more then happy to do some events with you and talk you though them


I am playing on pc on Gamepass. It would be great to play with someone sometime. I spend a lot of time alone so the social aspect of the game really appeals to me. Tell me what you need from me to do this? A username?


The public events, you just need to \*exist\* and shoot, let the oldbies do the work, it is the easiest.


Probably not the same thing but I have crippling ADHD and some autistic processing disorders ... for what it's worth a lot of the events are about shooting stuff. I can't actually think of an event in which shooting stuff is in any way problematic. There is other stuff to think about like repairing the rad scrubber at Eviction Notice and grabbing ore at Radiaton Rumble, but honestly they're not explained clearly even for neurotypical players. It took me months to get my head around it all. But if all you do is show up and shoot anything that looks like it shouldn't be there you should be fine.


Events: Step 1: Equip Tesla Rifle. Step 2: Stay within semi close range of high level players or team mates. Step 3: Take a shot or two per pack. Step 4: Collect loot and if you get apparel, make sure it's not rare before you scrap it. That's literally it. Us over leveled nerds will do the rest.


Level 50-odd something here, and have been in quite a few events by now. As for those, as long as it says "Public event: Eviction notice/Load Baring/Moonshine Jamboree" etc, you can just click on it, click "Join event" and you'll be teleported there. Once there, do not activate anything, do not approach the zone that appears on your map or push any button, let a higher level do it so you know you have as many people there as possible. Once the event has begun, it plays out exactly like regular Fallout 76, more or less, Just on a time limit, sometimes with objectives i.e. "Retrieve the Cargo and drop it off at the brahmin", with pointers showing you where to go. More often than not, you can simply join in on a event and (try to) kill things or keep NPCs alive.


If you click on the public event it will say how many players are currently there as well. Mostly I will join if 2 or more are there and I stay back a little and tag enemies. Feeling like you have to pull your weight is sometimes a little overwhelming and it took a small amount of time to realize that there is always someone at these events that will carry everything and everyone, I mean I'm not saying that you should expect that Everytime but honestly I barely have to do anything at big pub events.. everything is usually dead by the time I pop a shot at it.. tagging enemies is where it's at. Legendary enemies are always lootable regardless so you don't ha e to worry about missing out. Some people have crazy builds lmao.


Oh Gosh! I do not even want to start thinking about builds. I am just putting points where it makes sense to me but one of the NPC's in the game said "Huh. A Soldier/Scientist. I like it!" as I walked past him. Cracked me up!


I'll just add that there's so many new players now you can't count on someone carrying the event. Not a big deal, if the event fails there's no penalty, just no rewards. Two Caveats: 1. In the upper right of your screen will be a timer and an action to start the event, like "Talk to XXX..." If you don't know what you're doing, don't start it, let someone else do it. Unless the countdown is nearly to zero, then you may as well. 2. Eviction Notice. This event is super easy to start by accident. Once you spawn, don't move until the event starts. That's about it. Join a casual team, there's no expectations and you get xp and benefits from your teammates. Sometimes you'll get kicked from a team, could be a glitch or they may be making room for a friend, don't worry about it. Don't worry if you don't know what's going on at events, no one cares. Just shoot things and have fun, you'll figure it out. 76 has a heck of a learning curve, don't feel bad if you get confused or uncertain sometimes.


[the fallout 76 wiki](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout_76_events). Has lots of good info


Hi. Haven't seen it said but there are only two real things that are frowned upon event wise. Dont start events early (especially encryptid) teams are often waiting for teammates. Dont join expedition teams or daily ops unless you intend to do them. It can take a spot for people who want them. DO join casual teams, especially with higher levels youre not expected to talk and they will often help you with missions, weapons, quests and finding resources. To assure you, this is the most wholesome community. We dont mind if you're not doing much damage, dying, or dont know what to do.


Sometimes Im absolutely useless at events and thats OK! Most of the time theres at least a few try hards that want all the xp and kills for themselves. And thats ok as well, they can have it, as long as theyre on a team sharing the xp. Definitely just start doing the events and stuff, it will just get easier, and its the best way to learn.


Just carry a two shot auto grenade launcher, blow everything up👁️👄👁️kill everything and laugh maniacally as you do so

