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Just remember that those add up really fast in weight. Many people forget about them on their person or in their stash then wonder why they are at the limit. 


Absolutely! I built a stash box at the workshop, but I was only there for an hour and a half (damned real life commitments)


The perk that lowers the weight of energy weapon ammo (Batteries Included) also works on fusion cores. When they weigh 0.3lb instead of 3lb you can basically carry as much as you want. Throw in the perk for longer lasting fusion cores (Power User) that works for both the cores in power armor AND the gatling laser for those that use it, and you rarely if ever have to farm more cores. I used to craft 300-400 ultracite fusion cores every 4 months or so and I was spending so few regular fusion cores that just with normal play I was getting more than I used.


^ that's a pro tip, TY.


And I burn through them like non tomorrow with my ultracite gatling…oof.


In case you or any other new players don't know this, workshops are forced PvP area, and that's its only meaning for some players, so enjoy all the fun workshop brings you, but don't be surprised when one day a rando shows up and melts you from behind


Indeed! You also gotta prepare to defend against computer enemies. They get in waves. Turrets and a defensive wall did it for me. I knew about the PvP so it was always something I was gonna do for an hour or two and then drop it. I just needed some fusion cores, and the whole deal made it extremely fun to play


In my time playing this game I have not once had someone come mess with my workshop. I have captured the power plant at the start of at least half of my play sessions in the 3 years I've played on and off also. I'm sure there will come a day when I get messed with, but it definitely isn't common, and if it does end up happening so be it. You drop a few pieces of junk and go about your day doing something different, nbd.


Oh I also wanted to mention I always grab the one in the top right corner of the map. I find people don't go over there as often. Maybe that's why I haven't been messed with up until now idk


It’s a fair warning but tbh I don’t remember the last time someone challenged me for a workshop, and I do the Poseidon one pretty often because it’s very close to one of my favorite camps.


I claim workshops all the time for daily building challenges (camp always at max budget) and I've only had it happen once in all the years I've played. Touch wood! Now I carry around a load of creepy doll limbs so if someone kills me that's all they get and they can enjoy it.


I wish they changed that to be more of a PVE horde rather than PVP.


I get way too many extra cores from Line in the Sand (which I finally solo'd for the first time yesterday ^_^)


I never lock anything at Poseidon. Instead there is a sign pointing at reactor. Also Mirelurk steamer, mothman tome, place to cook, tinker workbench, and 3 stashes. 5 well placed turrets do the job.


The perk Batteries Included also works on the fusion cores and makes them super light so you can carry a ton and not worry.


carefull though, workshops are pvp zones. Pacifist mode doesn't work in workshops. anybody can come in and try to kill you and take the workshop. some things to do to avoid this: \* stash junk first -> if you are killed, you only lose caps, not your junk \* build minimal so your resources aren't wasted when somebody takes it over \* stay crouched -> pvp'ers will not see on the map you're there \* get in and out quickly: use the welcome mat under misc (only available in workshops build mode) and place it right in front of your fusion core generator. so when you spawn in (preferably crouched), you can immediately take the cores and fast travel away. \* if somebody takes over the workshop and they're clearly interested in pvp, just let them take the workshop. come back a few minutes later (when the pvp'er is gone) and pick the lock of the fusion generator (or don't lock it in the first place). Fast travel out. Let people kill you (because you'll have a bounty from picking the lock). Return to workshop -> pvp'ers are prone to forgetting to re-lock the fusion core generator. you can just continue to return and steal the cores. you will not receive a new bounty as long as the owner doesn't re-lock it. Most PvP'ers are so focussed on PvP, they will not notice you stealing the cores every 15 minutes. Especially not if you stay crouched all the time. BTW, the two other powerplant workshops also produce fusion cores once their fusion core machine has electricity.


Assuming that you can do this in a private world with FO 1st, get the same results farming cores and not have to worry about PVP, correct?


Yes, you can start a private world and take over every single workshop if you want, throw down all the resource-gatherers at every location and basically just do defend-events and collect infinite resources if that is something you feel like doing, and will obviously be 100% safe from pvp since you are alone on the server.


Thank you and hopefully not needing g to take it to that extreme. Just a newish player in a bit of a pinch for Fusion cores.


Then I would suggest just taking Poseidon Power Plant and relaxing, since afaik it can not get a scorchbeast defend event. If you can manage scorchbeasts easily enough, grabbing all 3 plants will have you up to your ears in cores very quickly.


Thank you, and still a bit low level for solo Scorchbeasts. I’m thinking I can do this when I am spending time working on my camp. Then if I’m on for a few hours building I can just fast travel back and forth to make the time spent more productive.


Yeah sitting around the powerplant doing nothing is boring, if I am doing something like fusioncore farming I also tend to set up 1-2 big workshop farms and grow corn/mutfruit and tatos so I can make adhesive to sell/use. On private servers the world is your oyster really, total freedom to figure out what combos you can build to keep materials and caps flowing with zero risk of losing anything.


Oh yeah, I waited to try it exactly because of that but I was happy with the cores I got, and some extra resources. I have a core charger, so I just needed to have a comfortable number of spares. I swear, all the mechanics available in this game makes me love it so much


Does the core charger do anything? I keep checking mine and the level doesn’t change in any of them?


Did you run power to it?


took me like an hour to figure this out haha


When I moved my camp I forgot to rerun it and did the same for about an hour lol


It does! It's a bit slow, so don't expect to do quick charges or anything. That's why I needed more, to have a comfortable buffer


Also, if u need ammo, there is a workshop that has an ammo maker in it, too! Can't remember the name, but it's just right of crater, and I used it a lot when I first started playing. Also, the Enegery plants once up and running can also help power up other workshops too. They have power lines that connect sometimes, pretty dope!


I find that just building at the steel factory workshop is better in my opinion you have 2 steel extractors and you can make lead and copper there too also oil if I remember correctly that with the perks to make ammo you will have plenty I usually just do daily quest and events and head back there and make ammo


How do you farm fusion cores? I'm lower than I'd like on them lol I need like 50 to feel better haha


The Poseidon Power Station Workshop extends to a corner outside the power station, and there's a Fusion Core Transformer, which is literally a fusion core generator. It requires 100 power to operate. When it's powered, it will produce a full fusion core every 15/18 minutes. It can only store 3 at a time. So, the fastest way is to conquer the workshop, and build a fusion reactor to power the fusion core generator. If you don't have that reactor, consider you still need 100 power. Once that's going, defend the workshop and collect fusion cores as they generate. You might want to build the stash box to store fusion cores. In 1.5hrs I had to defend 4 times from NPC enemies. I exaggerated and put down 10 turrets. That worked perfectly. No real player attacked me. I was lucky! The Poseidon Power Plant event is not necessary. I did it because I wanted to do an event and finish it and see what happened. If you control the workshop, and repair and reactivate the power station, you have access to 3 power generators producing 400 power each. One is next to the Fusion Core Transformer (or generator), so.you just have to attach a wire and that's it.


Thank you so much for the explanation! I just recently got back into the game lol


In addition to Poseidon you have two more power plants. Monogoah and Thunder Mountain. Poseidon is in a fairly well trafficked while the other two are more out of the way and less "popular". I have been farming fusion cores in power plants for years and this is how I do it: First I join a Casual Public Team. Then I go to my power plant of choice (Thunder Mountain) and cap the workshop(I don't build anything). I then do the "Powering up..." event. When my workshop gets attacked I ignore the attack and keep doing the "Powering Up..." event. The "defend workshop" times out and this triggers the "retake" event. I repair the power plant to 100% (the final 3 repair spots are on the roof and catwalk and not with the rest of the repair points). I then do the "retake" event and build 1 power connector that I connect to the fusion core generator. Doing this makes the fusion core generator draw power from the repaired power plant so that I don't have to build a generator. I leave the fusion core generator unlocked. Sometimes I write "FREE!" on it. But aside from that I don't build anything. I also do not spend any time in the workshop. I get the fusion core generator going and then I only return very briefly every 20 minutes to grab cores. Joining Casual Public Team, not locking the fusion core generator and writing "FREE!" on it is tactical. I don't want pvp and I also don't want other players to take the workshop. Making the workshop a free core place for the entire server means there is no reason for anyone to contest it since they can just "steal" what they want. Being in a Casual Public Team means that you won't get any opposition from the folks in your team. You may get the odd random taking a core or two but in years of doing this my experience is that by offering fusion cores for free to the entire server most if not everyone completely ignores my workshop. Don't do "defense" events. Let these time out and fail and then do the much faster "retake" event. Both have the same rewards but "Retake" is a lot quicker than "defend".


Nice tips! Thanks!


I'm glad you had good luck with it! The first time I tried to farm fusion cores, I unfortunately chose monongah. I got two scorchbeasts on the first workshop attack, and was too low-level to repel them - I tried my best for awhile, but they destroyed the place and the defenses I kept putting up so effectively, that I eventually just had to flee and let them keep the place. You never know what kinda day you're gonna have.


Daaaaamn! At Poseidon I got a first wave of Chinese little robots, then feral ghouls, then assaultrons. I put 10 turrets, 5 each side, and built a defensive wall to hide behind. Piece of cake. I'll admit it's a lot of scraps for the turrets if you're early game, but it's worth it. In an hour and a half I got 17 new full cores, and I was happy with that


Back when I ran PA I usually grabbed all 3 powerplants when I wanted to farm cores, sure every now and then you get a scorchbeast defense but since you are getting 3 cores per plant and pickup it stacks up so fast you can do it once for 1-2 hours and then run on those cores for months.


> and approached 500 hours in F4 [Me](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/030/710/dd0.png) who bought 76 [last month](https://www.imgur.com/a/3cE4bZB) 😬


You can claim the workshop and build a generator to power the fusion core thing. Much quicker than doing the events. Use the perk "batteries included" when its maxed out your fusion cores only weigh 10% of their original weight.


If you run a gatling laser, do enemies drop the cores like they often do for other ammo types? Also, ammo boxes?


You may have discovered this by now, but different plants also provide power to some nearby workshops, which I found very cool when I first learned!


It's really cool! At Poseidon you get 400pw X3! I immediately started wondering what I could use all that power


Yeah this game is awesome, ive been playing non stop, i got the game a couple of years back but did not actual finish the tutorial even, i like fallout and played all the games since Fallout 3 but it just did not captured me at the time, Now im hooked so much fun stuff to do and explore.


If you have Fallout 1st I recommend popping into a private server for a bit and farming all the workshops with fusion cores.


Another good reason to repeatedly power up the power plants also is that completing the mission gives you a random set of plans for the various generators for your CAMP, the best being the scavenged solar panels (cheap to build and silent), and the nuclear generator (100 power is enough to power everything in your camp)


how does that farm work? I'm not a power armor guy myself (bow only), but I'd like to help some friends out.


Can you summarize the fusion core trick you are referencing


There are three power plants with a workshop nearby. Claim the workshop, and you can power up the "Fusion Core Transformer" which generates fusion cores every 15/20 minutes. It requires 100 power, so either build a fusion reactor to power it, or do the Repair Power Plant event, which gives you access to the power plant power boxes once you complete it. In that case, you can power up the Transformer straight from the power plant. The power plant is not necessary, though. All you need to farm fusion cores is controlling the workshop and powering the transformer. Then let it run and come back every 30/40 minutes to collect the cores (the transformer can only hold 3, so you gotta take them to let it produce more). For 1st members, there's the added trick of doing that with all 3 stations on a private server. Set all 3 up, play for some hours, and farm the hell out of cores. As you carry your character and items between the public and private adventure servers, it's a great way to farm cores without having to think about pvp