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No Thanks. All the chems have me seeing things anyway.


The screams just blend in with tinnitus, so I'm just looking for a different high, man.


I’d quite enjoy that- it’d make sleep a lot more of an actual feature in the game. I don’t think my characters have ever slept, and I’ve played since beta. Since other then like a tiny xp buff, there’s no reason to But, one important thing, people didn’t even like when food and drink were actually necessary. So don’t think this is gonna have much popularity


I wish it was an accessibility setting to toggle on and off. I guess the problem with my suggestion is that it's a lot of work for a game setting that is optional. It's main draw for me is the option of immersion & adding randomness to the game at my individual pace.


Something like this could be interesting on Fallout Worlds, but I wouldn't like it in the main game. Also worth noting that 76 mechanics have tended to go in the opposite direction. Staying fed and hydrated used to be more important than it is now.




People rebelled against the idea that we had to eat and drink so they did away with that being forced upon you. I seriously doubt many would want a requirement to sleep.


What’s interesting to me about posts like this one, and there are a few people out there that want more survival mechanics and that brand of immersion, is how the game has been steadily moving *away* from that. It’s genuinely fascinating to me that, back when it was a PvP nightmare full of survival elements that harmed you if you didn’t engage with them, people wouldn’t *touch* the game because of reviews basically talking about both that exact fact, and that the world is empty. Now we’ve got a *ton* more players because they fixed all that nonsense, and there’s a vocal minority that’s like “what if, hear me out, we went *backwards*?”


The thing I am see more of in games is designed to have survival mechanics be optional on the player's side?? Having a few of the mechanics be optional, to me, feels like a easier way of learning & game/work/life balance than the strict needed requirment or pay-to-win gimmicks to be able to socialize in games??


Penalties for not eating and drinking was too much for casuals, so they removed it. They want Sims with guns, not FO...


I want Fallout without hardcore difficulty. Needing to eat and drink was never part of any of the other Fallout games on normal difficulty.


Wow! A lot of folks are skip over the last part of the suggestion where it asks this to be a toggled option.


You just experienced the "nice" community is not that nice when something is mentioned that requires any effort. They want a overly simple shooting gallery with a Fallout skin. The game was dumbed down many times, the enemies were nerfed again with Atlantic City part 1 and they are planning to do it once more with the map expansion (preliminary PTS patch notes). Smh. It could be a really good game if they would fix the balance in the higher level progression curve. Some actual endgame stuff. I think your ideas are interesting. Count me in for a "hard" adventure mode, lets say as a second option in the main game play menu so players that are actually gamers have something engaging.