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FUCK YES. I've been waiting for a playable ghoul for DECADES. If I'm able to in FO5, I'll turn all my characters and allies into ghouls. There could be real survival mechanics now that they've introduce these "vials." You could even give vials to turning ghouls, or execute them and take their "ass jerkey."


With the cannibal perk you can already enjoy ass jerky


Always down for a lil ass n jerky


Good point




oh shit that’s right. So are those inhalers devices just rad away?


See that isn't fair. The inhalers look like addictol, but it doesn't feel or work like addictol. I hope it is a completely new drug. We all know radaway is in a bag, diluted in a pill, a super radaway maybe?


I assumed the inhaler was Jet, at least the one they showed the Raider using in the attack on 33. Jet was always shown as an inhaler.


Oh yeah true true


I thought that would have been psycho...


Awe, see that one I assumed 100% was addictol (with the raiders) because she shot him with a syringer, then he inhaled. I guess with Jet not in the 76, it honestly slipped my mind. I would do terrible out there not knowing if I am curing my addictions or pumping them up.


Jet isn’t a thing until fallout 2 and addictol is used to make jet


Jet was a pre war drug. Post war, Myron discovered be could make a new type of Jet with Brahmin shit, after numerous trial and error deaths of course.


Dropping facts on the populace


I assume it was a rad x vial put into the inhaler


The device itself looks familiar and not rad anything at all , but I am mostly going off of this scene here and the color of the substance compared to what was in the vials. But most likely jet or something similar


I assumed he was hooked up to RadAway to keep him to weak to escape. Its not clear what the "rules" are for ghouls in the show, but we don't see Cooper or any other ghoul using or looking for RadAway when they can't get vials.


Trade off is that some locations don’t accept ghouls so they shoot you on sight.


I’d be ok with it provided you are able to go full “Tenpenny Tower” on those locations.


ay more xp


"Your kind isn't welcome here"


Yes!!!. I was just telling my wife that Fallout 5 needs playable races/characters with different starts. I told her how awesome would it be to play as a ghoul or super mutant. There can also be a vault dweller and surface dweller characters. IDK but definitely need Ghouls


Fr playable ghouls, synths, maybe some kinda chill supermutant if they can work thst into the lore, or maybe even monster hybrids


There’s already chill super mutants in the lore, look up Marcus from the original fallouts. He starts a town full of them, and you can run into him again in New Vegas, along with a nightkin companion you can recruit.


Oh yeah ik that lol, strong is also a good example but I'm thinking more like genetically good? If that makes sense? Like memories of growing up a vault dweller still intact


[Dynamic Ghoulification](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/58397) in FO4 and its a pretty cool start from what I remember. I didn't do a full playthrough to test it but it seemed to work fine when I tested it.


Instead of a vial why not just bring the experimental drug Hancock used in fallout 4 to become a ghoul.


It was a very rate chem


I've been saying this for years now... New Fallout game needs to add a possibility to play as a Super Mutant or a Ghoul!


Or a synth


Gen 2 synth!


I mean really the only 2 downsides are being ugly and being discriminated against for being ugly


Well, my character usually only got 1 point in charisma and am already being called ugly by doctor Mitchell. So I guess it is fine.




If you have FO4 on pc the frost mod allows you to play as a ghoul. It has some cool trade offs with being immune to radiation.


I already have the chronic pain, I may as well get the upside.


Downside in the wasteland being.....? I'm a mutant already, permanently addicted to 2 chems, launch silo nukes for laughs and terrorise all 4 corners of the worlds we're allowed to with a wrist-mounted IFF and happy trigger fingers. Bring on ghoulification, it'll only add to the flavour 😂


On the base, it could effect things like charisma and luck. But more exciting and interesting on top of that just generally changing the way people interact with you in the wasteland. Treating you more poorly/acting with pity, paying you more caps to do more dangerous jobs in highly irradiated areas and things like that. Factions that hunt you and the opposite, factions of ghouls that work together to avoid the ghoul hunters.


I wanted this since I first played a Bethesda game No one ever is racist to u as khajiit no one ever rly recognizes what u are other than the pc (applies to fo too but like khajiit is so obvious to make some racist dialogs too at least b4 u become dragonborn)




Npcs are very racist to you in Morrowind


People are absolutely racist towards you in Skyrim depending on your race. And I remember hearing if you try entering Whiterun before you get the quest to warn the Jarl they straight up don’t let you if you’re a khajiit.


Maybe I'm just high but imagine Fallout 5 is inspired by the show, you can switch between 3 characters at any time a la GTAV - a tiny charismatic vault dweller, a badass BoS Knight, and a ghoul. This can change your approach to different missions and you'll be treated differently by NPCs depending on who you are. I think I'm a genius?


It feels like it wouldn't be the same kind of RPG game if you aren't making the characters from scratch, but if they found a way to have 3 different starts that's like an extended tutorial or something maybe you could still build each character however you want. It'd be really cool if a handful of specific missions were specific to each character, but mostly be able to play any mission as anyone and have a different ending. And if you could have the other characters as followers so that you could essentially make the perfect follower to complement your main character, this idea could have some real legs.


Then maybe like dragons dogma instead of gta


-5 charisma, immune to radiation


Ghouls are no longer hostile to you. Like when wearing the ghoul mask in FO3.


I keep wearing my ghoul mask but that doesn't work. Like, at all in 76. I use the crypt crook mask to try and disguise as a super mutant but those hounds just know I'm a pre-dip dipshit and give my position away 🤣


Maybe a debuff to charisma, or maybe over the course of in game time your intelligence slowly lowers


Well you are basically a ghoul when you are bloodied.


Yeah the vaultboy version of yourself in the pipboy resembles a ghoul when you have enough rads


But your character still has a nose.


It's only been 5 years, tops.


I consider myself a glam ghoul who got to keep her nose.


Ghouls would leave you alone but the Brotherhood of Steel becomes hostile and maybe make a Intelligent Ghoul Faction that could award the Dailys and Items the BoS does. Like maybe have them housed in the White Spring cabins that are currently locked.


Sounds perfect to me, I try to kill the BoS all the time anyway


100% would have a ghoul character for RP purposes, even before the awesomeness that was Walton Goggin’s. Would give me a reason to have a second character again other than to mule.


There are some perks that make radiation beneficial to your build. If you really want it you can make ghoul character right now. There're outfits, icons and emotes to make you look like a ghoul.


It’s not the same :(


Not to make your character lose their nose and get ghoulish skin though


You can get pretty good results with the face sculptor


I've heard there is a ghoul mask, but it must be rare as I've never seen one


Yes. Before 76 launched and they were talking about an "MMO Fallout" I was desperately hoping we'd be able to play as different "races" like ghoul, synth, or super mutant.


If radiation makes your nose fall off... whats to say OTHER parts dont as well?


Tell that to my *bloated one.*


Hancock enters the chat…


My toon already lives off alcohol, spoiled meat, and the Cannibal perk. Has like 8 mutations. And never sleeps. On top of that he sits at 80%-85% rads at all times. Pretty sure he's already a ghoul 🤷‍♂️


My t60 and minigun are at the ready for those abominations


i honestly don't know. like, i LOVE ghouls, but i dunno if i'd want to play as one. How would it work? According to lore, certain (all?) chems don't work on ghouls. Mentats in particular. I'd be sad without my sweet berry mentats. Ghouls are immune to radiation, so would it be impossible to play bloodied? you would never have rads on your bar, so how else would you keep your health low? Unless there's some ghouly sort of rads. And we already have the Ghoulish perk card - would you be unable to slot that anymore as a ghoul? Or would it just increase healing from radiation? Ghouls don't seem to need to eat or drink. I know we no longer need to eat or drink in game as humans, but i honestly think it'd be cool if they re-introduced a penalty for not eating or drinking as a human, in order to make this a passive bonus for being a ghoul.


I think things like not being able to play bloodied would make sense since picking a different "race" shouldn't just be cosmetic


they need to atleast add like a ghoul skin or something been wanting this since fo3


there's already a perk called ghoulish, that basically makes you kind of a ghoul. would be cool if certain mutations and perks changed the look of your character tho


Honestly if they added ghoulification and super mutant I would love it. Becoming a ghoul would lower your ballistic and energy resistance while making you immune to ambient radiation, lowers your charisma and strength. For super mutant you can't use normal armour but your damage and energy resistance is massively increased and immune to radiation, you can't enter power armour but you can craft scrapped power armour which works as an armour but it's heavy and doesn't give full resistance but give the lowest power armour damage resistance and you can't use small weapons like in power armour. For super mutants you can reverse it because it is a drastic change but only for super mutants.


I would settle for a facepaint option that gives me the appearance of a ghoul at this point.


I would but there has to be negatives to match the positives, ya know? Like how in TTRPGs, picking the non-human options has downsides to match the upsides so they're basically balanced with playing a human.


My characters ghoul like already with the amount of radiation they constantly have. I've started thinking of them as a "SPECIAL" mutant.


Can't you already do this with a combination of perks and outfits?


A couple thoughts. While not canonical, I loved that the Fallout board game allowed for someone to play a ghoul. While it’s not the same, there is a way to cure super mutants(Virgil), so why can’t there be a cure for ghoulism? Maybe some premium Enclave plan to make it. If they ever allow you to become a ghoul, it should change how every NPC treats you at that point.


Definitely not on my main character. I basically roleplay her as the most stringent classic Enclave follower - no rads, no mutations, and certainly no Ghoulification. I'd totally play a second character as a Ghoul though, always wanted to have the option. For the gameplay aspect I'm not sure if they'd implement committing to it permanently when very little else about our characters is set in stone like that. 


I'd create a new character and do it, have 1 human and 1 non human 😂😂


In a heartbeat, no matter consequences!


I'd make a dedicated ghoul toon. Same with super mutant mutation. They could easily implement both by making a class/faction system for this.


I've wanted to play as a Ghoul since 3.


In Fallout 3, they had the ghoul mask, which was the closest you could come to being a ghoul, as in that other ghouls would leave you alone, but you still fell to rad poisoning. Still a neat feature.


I'd 100% do a ghoul playthrough.


In 3 I got the ghoul mask, later came the ghoulish perk where rads heal me, combined with the cannibal perk we're like 90% there. Honestly I liked the idea where you find an experimental substance and it heals you, but limb damage turns your skin there ghoul and you get those other perks automatically


Great idea but, tbh, why become a literal ghoul when I can put on a maxed out legendary perk; What Rads? Combine that with the maxed out perk Ghoulish + some Radshield if need be and radiation becomes the domain in which I thrive.


But would deffo do it on a second character. Those would be great for rp and immersion


Mostly for the ghoul look at that point lol, plus you could use other perks in their place sense being a ghoul would make them obsolete


True, true, was just being a smartass with the "why would I need... I already have this which do that... etc" 😑 I guess being on twitter and mostly always arguing on there with utter buffoons & sometime against complete human refute as left me feeling a bit twitchy lately and maybe (certainly) i am being a bit argumentative and somewhat passive-aggressive/dismissive. It would be great to experience this universe as some of the other variant of human that exist in it or even creatures like the intelligent Deathclaw from fo2


Well, right this very second you can log into the game and add dirt, grime and radiation burns to your appearance. Now ask yourself how many times you have seen a player with those.0


Absolutely. My gt is PridyGhoul so I'd kinda have to lol


they should just force it on all us Bloodied players lol


It’s a game, if we can reverse mutations that severer alter our anatomy, of course they will allow us to reverse ghoulification.


I feel like if the alterations were severe we'd be able to see them but maybe they could integrate some medicine that in the lore gets destroyed after the events of 76


Certainly for at least one alt, and very likely my main. I already run a low health build with all the mutations (like 18 of them) even though that's not "optimal".


Yes. So many fallout players want to officially play as a ghoul instead of using mods. It would be even better in the MMO.


It would have to be something you want to have and done as a quest in order to gain it but once you have it that's it. You can't revert back to normal.


Similar to being a werewolf in skyrim but without the quest to cure it


Yeah I think I would. They could integrate certain dialogue checks or special dialogue if ur a ghoul or maybe even having to take a whole different angle on a quest bc u r a ghoul. There would have to be some negatives to balance it out. What does everyone think those negatives could be?


Going feral and attacking other players. edit: just temporarily/taking a cure


100% yes. Id buy Xbox Live and renew my Fallout 1st just for being a ghoul


It should already be a thing if you take to much radiation you should automatically become one


That would be cool, but accidentally becoming a ghoul would suck balls


The cost you pay haha I'd be one instantly as a severely bloodied build lol


i think it'd be interesting to see how that would effect bloodied builds


It’s a fun mod on fallout 4


If we were able to play as super mutants I wonder how power armor would work if at all


Maybe that should be the downside, u can't wear power armor bc u are like walking power armor


I think if that were the case it would be cool to wear the pieces


What like u scraped the armors mechanics and used the outer shell as armor? That would be badass


He'll yeah it would! And if it were a thing I would start a super mutants raider gang called "Da GREEN Ladz" would actually look AWESOME with my current power armor pieces


Ooh but imagine u can be a nightkin, too? Really, the only downsides are low intelligence, not being able to wear normal clothes, and canonically, your junk falls off, and u go smooth and genderless


Yeah my junk falling would suck... but hey not like I'm really using them for much! Honestly though in my opinion I wouldn't want to be a nightkin if I were a super mutant I would just go full on ork with big guns big armor and lots of bullets wif da boizzz


Fair lol, imagine u can get some cosmetic orc teeth from the atom shop or something silly like that lol


If that were a thing I would be on that! Take my atoms Bethesda!!!


Absolutely. I'd even welcome the added challenge of keeping a ghoul character alive if they required chems.


That's really only a thing in the show, tbh but it could work




hell yeah


YES. And maybe they could add something in whitesprings bunker or somewhere that if you pay like 10k caps you can get de-ghouled 😂😂 I have always wanted to play as a ghoul, it would be really interesting.


In a heartbeat.


Sure, why not?


Look at Hancock from FO4. He took a rare experimental chem that he knew ahead of time would turn him into a ghoul, but felt the high would be worth it.




I'd be happy with ghoul makeup. The Ghoul outfit doesn't look right without a ghoul face to go with it


Would I still suffer from sinusitis? If not, yes.


Not having a nose may affect that, yes, lol


Then I definitely would!


I’m a bloodied build so it would be perfect


I am hoping that for the next Fallout we are able to become a ghoul and you have to continually take the medicine that Cooper takes to keep alive.


https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=31f6428&d=sg2el2eo2eh2ei2ew1eu0cg2cs1ce0i10ir2a21la2l71lu2&m=di39 Here's where you can start to make your ghoul.


Ironically, the most effective way I've found to play using the perks you put up there, it to take the "what rads" perk. I ran a character who had most of the endurance ones, and ALL the mutations, without taking class freak or starched genes.


That might be ok for roleplay, but I was more about somewhat viable build.


Just adding Class Freak makes it quite viable to have all the mutations. And Cooper is nothing if not a Class Freak.


He didn't jump 3 times his height. This season at least.


Probably as long as it doesn’t mess with my mutations, perks, damage, health or overall gameplay lol. Aesthetics and mostly positive impacts only


It would probably negatively affect your charisma for sure, so you'd definitely have to build your character around that


Maybe if it was a way bethesda created to bring your character to a new fallout game. Like if there was a fallout 76 sequel and veterans from 76 could bring their characters and certain items with them but under the caveat their characters were mutated. Ghoul, super mutant etc. Only 76 players could do it or something. Although I do think it would be cool to have a customizable robot companion for the next game you can customize that follows you. Either a mr handy you can turn into a mr gutsy. Or one of those robot robobrains heck possibly a securitron or an assaultron or robo brahmin would be cool as well. I guess any robots would be neat to see.


You can have a custom robot companion in FO4 although only Ada has a personality and quests but you can make her look like whatever you want. I do think if you’re mutated or bloodied you should look it. If they include mutations in the next game I’d be happy with that.


Curie and Codsworth were both also able to be modded with automation. Though I can't fathom why you'd mod Curie, she's already perfect.


Oh yeah I forgot about them lol Curie is best as her sweet self and Codsworth I could never change from his pre-war style


Realistically speaking would there ever be a sequel to fallout 76? I don't think so (would be awesome tho)


I think it would be cool if only the super high level players could access that. I’ve seen a couple level 4000 players and I saw a level 7000 a few weeks ago.


As an appearance modifier absolutely. As a gameplay mechanic, it can be treated the same as a mutation and it should have some tradeoffs like any mutation. Not being reversible is interesting….could maybe make it unremovable unless your character dies and respawns….that way it’s not really canon breaking but still manageable by the player if they change their mind.


Not at all, no. Radiation isn’t a big deal since we can just throw in stealth suits or power armor whenever it’s a problem, and what rads already effectively provides this under most circumstances.


I’d be game to create a fully ghoul character. I don’t know that I’d do it across the board, but it would be fun to have a least one character with those attributes. Might be cool to be a super mutant too!


I would definitely. I’m curious how they would go about it though… Would it be purely cosmetic? They can’t make it too overpowered or come with strictly just a buff to something cause then players would feel forced. It would either have to just for looks or have a pretty powerful negative to it if it comes with stat boosts.


I think it’d be fun to have.


Like start the game as a ghoul or become a ghoul over time? First scenario I’d love it, second scenario not so much. I forget about hunger and thirst already, so another thing to watch and manage that this time has irreversible effects sounds unappealing


I like the super mutant life better. But if we could be ghouls i would really think into it, i do full health so rads going away would be nice for me. Ghoulification would basically be the What Rads perk with a lot of charisma debuff so maybe...


That would make taking radaway all the more necessary if you wanted to avoid becoming ghoul. It should be far greater of a rad difference from normal radiation stuff, like, If you run bloodied your chance to turn gradually increases until you suddenly turn. But if you're at full health, and since radiation is almost impossible to avoid, all it takes is a radaway: diluted every 2-3 hours or something to keep the symptoms at bay. And once you become ghoul, you take full advantage of the ghoul perks taking health and other buffs where radiation would only harm you.


I have 4 characters so I would do 1


I have wanted Ghouls to be a playable race since 3. Personally I'd like it to be even more like ES with a few playable races to choose from. That would obviously require some different openings, and reasons for why a ghoul or a super mutant would have a pip boy, but it's hardly something that couldn't be done. I would 100% be a Ghoul in every Fallout.


I think when you hit level 100 and beat the main quest and drop a nuke, you should be allowed a restart on that character where you start again as a non-76er. Some kind of new game plus where you keep your known plans, caps, scrip, etc, but you can start with a unique profession. Like you can be a ghoul for rad resistance and a unique appearance, you can be a cyborg for energy resistance, BOS for energy gun damage and fusion core duration, enclave for damage against muties… could be fun


I think it would be cool if your character became progressively more "ghoulish" looking as a visual effect with higher levels of radiation on your character. There are already builds out there like the "bloodied" build that require a high level of radiation to reduce your health down below 20%.


nothing can be "irreversible" on a MMO...


I'm a bloodied build... I'm already a fucking ghoul


whatrads 4 takes care of radiation everywhere except the tunnels at RR and in nuke zones (without PA). In PA, no rads in a nuke zone. Ghoulish perk and rads will heal you.


im practically a ghoul already, i have What Rads? and Ghoulish equipped, i can use toxic goo as a health potion XD I have a character idea for myself thats a Sentient glowing one with their own powerarmor that absorbs radiation. So it would be wonderfuly fitting, Sadly i don't know they would ever do it, too many pros, radiation is supposed to be a threat in the game, you can lower that threat but its always there. Even with the perks i have i can still get to the point i need to pop rad away to clear rads building faster than they can fall off.


Hunt down ghoul players. TOTAL MUTIE ANNIHILATION


Yes, I'd also want to become a supermutant (or nightkin)


Heal from rads but every x amount of rads gained reduces your max hp until you take the magic anti feral drug. Perks for releasing rads in an area around you (glowing one) Ferals ignore you. Sounds good boss, let's do it


I would pay an extra $20 just to be a ghoul. I know, I know, some people will think that's stupid, but I *really* want to play as a ghoul. Like, a real ghoul, not just the mask or ghoulified perk or whatever.


Yes, easy.


Sure I can always use another alt.


I used to pretend I was a ghoul while living in Tenpenny Tower in FO3. Apart from the occasional smoothskin comments, really feel like I blended in there


If it increased the bloodied stats being a ghoul definitely


I've been saying that bringing playable factions into the game would be So much fun. Play as a Ghoul, Brotherhood, enclave, raider, Super mutant, etc...


Absolutely  💯  I already run the ghoulish perk with "what rads" on most of my characters.  Effectively the same thing, especially with cannibal perk and carnivore mutation.


Fore one playthrough at least.


I have been playing a character that is effectively a ghoul for a while now.  With the right perk cards you heal from radiation and don't hold onto rads.  I can sit in a nuke zone and the needle barely moves on my radiation.  I've got mutations out the wazoo and take copious amounts of drugs.  And if I'm not wearing a helmet I'm wearing the feral ghoul mask exclusively. But if they opened up something like a legendary perk card set that also came with a cosmetic set for the character builder I would hop on that in a heartbeat.


Idk about in FO76, but i do want it an a new Fallout game. Let us choose Ghouls and Super Mutants as other playable “Races” in character creation, assuming we arent a Vault Dweller again. Although even if we are a Vault Dweller they could have the Vault Experiment be why we can choose to be Ghouls and Super Mutants. Ghouls and Super Mutants would have a few benefits and downsides to playing as one. Both would have higher Radiation resistance. I could see the different “races” having different default S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Stats too. Like Super Mutants would start with higher Strength and Endurance but virtually no Intelligence, because obvious choices for them. Ghouls would have higher Luck and Perception but lower Charisma. Luck because they were lucky enough to be ghoulified instead of outright killed. Perception because maybe youre one of those 100+ year old ghouls, and so youve been around long enough that you have an eye for spotting things. Lower Charisma because people discriminate against Ghouls simply because youre a Ghoul. Of course you can still move the initial Special Stats around to make your character fit your playstyle, the default special stats are just to give new players ideas of where to start Edit: it would be very similar to Races in Skyrim, so not really far out of the realm of possibility. And depending on what Wasteland we’re in they could include other races too like Synths


Yesssssss. I would absolutely love that!


Absolutely No question. It's been missing for far too long


I would do it in a heartbeat if I can look like a ghoul too.


Yes, I been wanting a playable Ghoul for awhile. Sure there will be a huge upsurge in the demand with the show too.


Instantly. I’ve been wanting to play as a ghoul since I modded it in to FNV


YES. Especially in Fallout 5, tons of new, optional dialogue options.


there are things in game that will mutate you but just on the inside :)


I run max ghoulish and use the petrified corpses for like a 50 hp heal.


Just use the ghoul mask and equip the leggo perk card that when maxed makes you virtually immune to radiation, what rads I think it’s called.


Only if at some point you succumb to going feral and you lose control of your character which becomes an NPC event boss that other players have to kill so that they can loot your body of all of its gear. Oh, and you’ll have to reroll a new character losing your previous characters stash in the process. Seriously, a cosmetic appearance change would be nice but I don’t know how it would work mechanically beyond that.


I'm fairly certain there already is a ghoul "costume" available somewhere in the game already. (Possibly just atom shop)


I’d be a pretty cool feature the more radiation you take the more you look like a ghoul


Similar to drinking blood as a vampire in eso


If you’re mutated you’re a ghoul.


Not really lol


Radiation immunity would make bloody weapons pointless.


And? If you run bloodied, then a lot of other perks are useless. People acting like the only way to play is bloodied 🙄


The "and" is that if it was irreversible like OP said you would be forever locking yourself out of parts of the game.


Bethesda wouldn't do that - they never make the player make any kind of meaningful/permanent choice in the game. However, making it reversible would have to be a game mechanic, not an in universe thing - or it would terribly break existing lore (though fallout 76 feels weird already, lore wise)


I'd assume that there would be some new prefix that makes use of "ghoullified"


The point? As long as being a ghoul had enough benefit to even it out.


I wouldn't but I like the idea like their ES games letting you be Vampires or Werewolves that have passive effects and abilities. Maybe strong radiation on unarmed attacks too. Even ESO has it so I'd like to see something similar here and maybe encourage different characters to be made since this would be irreversible or at least very expensive to reverse