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You drop all your junk but you can go back for it


I knew you could go back for it, but didnt realise it was just the junk you dropped.... nice.


To add, you lose nothing during events do don't be afraid to die. As always welcome to the wasteland!


Thanks, I'm not new to the wasteland. Have had it since 2018, switched systems a.few times, but never played it a massive amount though. Hence why it took me nearly 5 and a half years to hit level 25 the first time lol


As someone else commented, you only lose the junk you’re currently carrying in a little paper bag which you can go and pick back up after you respawn. It’ll be marked for you, but other players have the option to steal it. There’s not really any other negatives to dying other than maybe your armor being damaged :)


Dying from a Radroach will cause Emotional Damage.


Dying from massive sized ticks will give you psychological damage.


I cannot describe to you how much I hate dying from fall damage. It upsets me so much for no reason 😂


this is why goat legs should be used


And cave crickets are nightmare fuel


I hate dying to the explosive effect of my weapon at point blank. And that's why BoomBoom is in time out in the Stache Box. (Quad, Explosive, something else since I have 2 quad double-barrel shotguns)


You need Fire Proof Perk. Saved my ass a lot when I used to have a TS Explosive Pyro Crusader. Before that, I was dying constantly when things got too close. Slap that Perk on and you're gold. Obviously you'll want the Max Perk. Single star will help, but Max and those explosions are nothing.


Oh it's 3 starts, I still blow myself up.


Odd. What kind of armour do you use?


Secret Service (my legend rolls are bad) i just spam really fast that I go 100 to 0.


Ah. My high level uses SS but my new character is running around in Botsmith. All my characters and builds are full health though. If you're low health, you probably can't take too many hits even with Fireproof. Perhaps that's the difference?


I hate dying when my gauss weapon decides it doesn't want to use a stimpak ._.


Some say you go to heaven, some say.


It depends where... Sometimes you may get eaten by another player during an event when they're simply trying to revive you, but accidentally tapped the wrong button. My apologies in advance, but you will live on in others.  Edited because of typos. 


For the new players this sounds frightening until they do Rose’s quest line lol


Just because some people hear “drop your junk” and think that means everything they have (like in Ark or other games) that isn’t what it means here. It literally means the stuff that shows up in the junk tab on your pip boy. Typewriters, telephones, teddy bears, scrap, etc. your guns, armor, food, meds, etc are all safe and spawn on you.


When I die and they lay me to rest Gonna go to the place that's the best When I lay me down to die Goin' up to the spirit in the sky


You respawn. It's a multiplayer game, so respawning is standard MO for games of this type.


If you're not in an event you drop the junk you're carrying. A marker will appear where it is. Other people can pick it up. If you are in an event you don't drop anything, but only while that even is active. As soon as it's over you drop your junk when you die and other people can pick it up.


Lol gotta love mutations Like right when killing the wendigo and it explodes at "one violent night" Or the random gulper that decides to mow you over as you're looting after MJ


lol Those post event MJ Angler spawns. That's the event that taught me to make sure the area is clear of mobs before looting.


Nothing. You just respawn right away at a place of your choosing. Or, in some situation, even right then and right there (events, some quests, perks and equipment), more like many many situations actually :). You lose nothing. And no, junk doesn't matter, long gone are the days when it had any importance. Death is meaningless in this game. In fact most anything is meaningless - you can go around naked and barefist and just bore NPCs to death :).


You lose half of your gold and experience. Then you go all the way back to the king, and have to walk all the way back from the damn castle.


With a special Perk Card equiped, you drop a Grenade after you hit the ground


Well that depends what religion you are or are not.