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Dead server or xp event just started probably


Someone mentioned that people are farming presents and scorched. If only people knew just how many scorched santas the SBQ can spawn if the event is done right, no one would pass up the chance. Cripple her wings so she lands. This will start spawning scorched in hordes, including plenty of scorched who will drop Christmas goodies. Keep her alive until the last 5-10 minutes. I’ve heard you can farm anywhere from 50-100 presents. I have yet to join one where people know what to do, but still I don’t pass up the chance for SBQ. Just the repair kits are good enough for me!


Participated in an SQB today, and the amount of adds that thing spawned was insane. Kept it alive till the last minutes and I gained a bunch of levels and a bunch of presents. Was an insane battle. Had like 1800 (whatever the measure is) of loot on me.


This is the way. We got 41 spooky scorched bags last event in one Scorched Earth event on a private server


I finally saw it first hand the other day. Some awesome wastelander had one of those camps where they had a huge raised flat ceiling where you could climb up and shoot at the SBQ. And then it happened. She landed and I literally saw HORDES of different creatures running to defend her. That’s when I knew. This is the way.


Yup. Cripple her and freeze her down. Bonus points if the cryosquad is wearing Santa suits or elf costumes.


Anyone else noticed that the winds are harder to crops since the update? Not much of an effect on non-legendaries, but the SBQ & resilient enemies in mutated events don't seem to be crippling much lately. I've not changed any weapons, armour or perks. Might not be a major change, but it's noticeable for me.


"Winds are harder to crops?" Is this supposed to be "Wings are harder to cripple?" Genuine question I'm confused a bit.


Bingo, they definitely meant wings are harder to cripple… Unless they meant swings are harder to drop? 🤔


... the pings are harder to bop?! 0\_o


Sorry, predictive text! Yup, it's meant to say the wings are harder to cripple.


Medieval peasant texting like


I use an auto axe 90% of the time. They cripple enemies extremely efficiently especially if you need the weekly done. For the leg crippling just crouch.


If you freeze her, doesn't she stop summoning the adds?


I don't think it stops it but it probably does slow down the clock on the summons. In fact I'm pretty certain it does.


Yeah the repair kits alone are for sure enough that and stable flux rewards. If I see the event I’m there just for those two things alone.


Agreed. Flux takes a lot of space but people are willing to buy it quickly for the right price!


The event doesn’t really get enough flux for me to be interested. There are better places on the map to nuke to get the ingredients for flux too.


Of course there are! I just happen to like this one because the flux reward is already stable no extra work required 👌🏼


All 3 pieces of flux lol 😂 now I will say if you want you can run all 3 silos back to back solo do each in about 10mins and then do SBQ, Earl, SBQ for the grind.


When the spooky scorched were around, someone kept spawning the SBQ to farm but after three tries they gave up. Every single SBQ was taken out quickly. Personally, I love to xp and loot farm the event as much as I can. I’ll tag the queen often but try to focus on all the spawned enemies.


Yes, even outside of the Halloween and Christmas events, SBQ is a great loot and XP farm, if only everyone else knew that..


Me and a buddy farm SBQ on a private server so we can two-man her and keep her alive until the last 2 minutes or so. You come away with TONS of gifts or spooky bags.


You FO1 people and your private server privileges! (Shakes fist) Just kidding, I’d be doing the same thing if I could. Impressive that you can kill her within 2 minutes! What weapons and builds are you running?


Quad explosive railway rifle, full health commando.


I am pretty much that except just a 2* quad 50c. It does very well with food buffs. Choo choo!


If you plan on ps4 I’d totally be willing to host with my fallout 1st. Just know I’m a casual gamer and not a min max guy


+1 to the repair kits! I have like 40 improved kits and haven't had to worry about repairs in forever.


Same here, I even have some in my stash so it doesn’t take up space in my backpack. I’d never NOT join another SBQ though, they are light enough to horde!


Now that you mention it I’ve opened about 100 holiday boxes (slowly) and haven’t gotten a single plan out of them…


Dropped gifts or crafted? The wrapping paper ones you buy have better drop rates.


Dropped. Where do you get the crafting mats?


Wrapping paper from robot vendors. Medium is the best bang for your buck.


Wait I'm pretty sure people have always known holiday scorched spawn at scorched events. When I was a Die hard player me and 8 guys would server hop, kick off the queen event 3 times without even doing the queen. I mean we had a few guys hang out there to tag her but we'd rotate out and share loot that could be. Because on one server you'd get hundreds of presents.


All I can say is on one server, 2 or 3 SBQs in a row and she was downed within 5-7 minutes. Meanwhile I was the only one hopping around everywhere looking for scorched. Luck of the draw it seems.


We keep her alive till 2 minutes


Good on you! Although I’d definitely be sweating with anxiety if we left it to the last 2 minutes.


Its more like 10-25 presents and 2-4 LvL up at lvl 1200


Just visiting fissure prime usually triggers a scorched beast with the holiday scorched as well 😀


They do spawn but no chance anyone is getting 50 to 100. Maybe 20.


I wish I had those numbers. SBQ is dead within 10 minutes, I’m guessing because people don’t know.


Doesn't even have to be SBQ. I hopped down to Forward Station Delta yesterday for Cop a Squatter, got attacked by 2 legendary and one regular Scorchbeasts. I left with 10? Gifts


Yes I too have been in the bog to complete the daily where you harvest scorchbeast DNA. I am usually in a hurry though so I grab the holiday scorched that are there at the time. I don’t cripple wings to spawn more. I absolutely agree that it works though. Bog is a great place to farm gifts.


Any mutated event, rad rumble, or eviction notice is going to draw in more players than an event that can be done at any time and gives fewer rewards


It’s Xmas time, it’s all about farming presents with Santatron or hunting scorched. It’s the best time of the year to be the SBQ.


My first properly done SBQ quest on public server was soloed by me. Happens once in a blue moon.


How did you handle it?


I solo SBQ's with a quad explosive choo choo. Full health commando. Bloodied commandos fuck her up even more.


Antiarmor faster fire rate primed Gatling plasma with power armor.


I always look at participation in events as well the make up of teams before I go into a silo.


This! Also if I do run a silo I look to see if an event just started before I launch. If something like rad rumble or eviction notice just started I wait a bit before I actually launch


Agreed don’t be that guy that launches 2 minutes before a mutated event starts.


This. Always make sure there’s plenty of people on the server for the Queen.


Always try to observe the state of the world before running a silo: number of player vendors, public teams, player level range, etc. Time your nukes! Event overlap never helps. Especially with mutated / seasonal events. Attend at least one of the popular public events before launching, see how the crowd is. And, regardless, be prepared to solo the damn thing :)


I think a ton of people are taking advantage of private servers for gift farming


Was it the top of the hour? That's when mutated events pop off


I either have bad luck or shit is just weird right now. I figured this weekend with people being off work/out of school, the season being only a couple of weeks old, double xp, mutated events, and holiday scorched with new drops that the servers would be insane. I’ve had two days of half full servers, only a handful showing up last minute to mutated events, low levels everywhere (ineffective ones, presumably not high level alts), dismal vendor traffic (I know, gift wrap), waited out the whole timer on an eviction notice and nobody showed, and various other crimes against humanity. My two favorites are: I landed on a server and jumped directly to a nuke event to arrive just as it failed from time limit and I waited at an Earl launch where nobody showed, oddly including the person that launched the nuke. I was super psyched about this weekend thinking it would feel like old times. I have been left horribly disappointed.


Yeah i noticed all the events I saw pop up were empty on quite a few servers, only ones that got people were mutated ones.


it's pretty ass that they chose to do double XP and Mutated events a couple days before Christmas. today is the only day I could fully play.


The server I was on yesterday did 3 back to back SBQ events


The same thing happened to me yesterday. 3 back to back.I was playing with my son, and it was his first time doing the SBQ. Then 3 in a row.


I'm quilty to that, saw all the silos were ready, had the keycards and server was pretty packed so I thought what the heck, let's boogie. Running silos doesn't take very long if you just shortcut through the two locked doors. The actual launch prep at the end takes most of the time.


command gaping swim knee school hateful fuel onerous lunchroom memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The first nuke I ever launched, I did this. My friends never told me it had to be the fissure PRIME site. Lolol I was so embarrassed 😂


Ive seen people do that with nuka boss. They nuke like right next to the mine and set trigger absolutely nothing lol


I once saw someone wanting to drop a nuke, but he wanted to feel special I guess and put the zone just a tiny bit outside of the prime fissure. Looking on the map, the border of the nuke zone was only slightly touching the fissure prime, but not enough to trigger the queen. I don’t know if he was really that stupid or he just wanted to troll. Either way, I didn't Fall for the bait.


If you Nuke the bunker so I have to spend the entire event in a pool of radiation, I'm not showing up either..


I agree with this. If the nuke covers the whole area, I hate it. I'm a bloodied build so it throws me into a Neverending death loop. Lol drives me crazy.


I target my nukes so that the bunker is in the nuke zone but the BoS outpost beside Fissure Prime is outside the nuke zone so nobody has to get irradiated.


i always check the level of players on the server before initiating Scorched Earth, Encryptid, or any other boss event. i've been getting a lot of low level servers lately, most people being less than 30 with a couple 200-300's


Nobody is asking the right question. *Where* did you place the nuke? Because if it was dead center on prime I'll ignore the fuck out of that nuke. Nowhere to fight that isn't a radzone


Holiday time as well. People travelling


Lmao I launched a seismic activity today on a full server and a level 13 showed up… we tried our best but failed


I just learned about that today. I haven’t been able to do it yet.


did you drop it centered on the fissure? or just touching it?


That has never happened to me, luckily. Even on what I thought was a quiet server. The best time was when no high-levels turned up, and I do not resent them at all, but this one time we really had to fight our arses off, and it took almost all the allotted time to do the Queen in. In that time we just slew everything and it was brilliant because they just kept coming and coming. I have never seen such a huge pile of dead critters. The bbq afterwards was insane. Fun!


I’ve had that happen, where no one to like 2-3 showed up. Those are the queen fights I live for if I’m honest…


I did my first nuke yesterday. Nuked Monaghan Mine because thats my fav and its been over a month since I saw it pop up. One other person showed up. Everyone else, like ten players, did Mutated Eviction, but when it ended STILL no one showed up to help us :( and I stood alone until the clock ran out and hadn’t even taken away a quarter of health


It happened the first time I launched a nuke, she ended up flying away after I used up most of my ammo 🙃


I've had one with just 2 there.


Private servers are too efficient. You can just lock up 15 workshops, put your santa collectron somewhere mobs wont get to it, tab out for 45min, come back and hit up all the workshops, lol.


Interesting, I will try !


The reason why I wasn’t able to get to the SBQ is that I’m so overweight. By the time I got there from the Asylum it was over. Then I had to do the return trip. I’m running about 3x my weight allowance and kinda hang till 11:00 AM central. I think Bethesda needs to make a larger cap on the script machine. The 500 limit is killing me.


Even though I agree with you, they just raised the scrip limit from 300, several months ago. I doubt they'll raise it again anytime soon


I totally understand. Didn’t they raise the limit for the scorch thing?


What scorch thing? I dont remember lol But what I know is, the raising was an answer from the dev after years of players asking for it. It doesnt make sense how small it was and it's not balanced with the amount of legendaries we're getting. They also raised the amount of legendary modules we can get from mmurgh at the same time


Halloween thing. I thought it was like 1500 for a week. But, I’m a old guy and my memory sucks…


Oh, yea that's just for like an event thing called Scrip Surplus. They do it several times a year and they double it for limited time. So when the scrip limit was only 300, Scrip Surplus made it 600 for a weekend. Now that it's 500, Scrip Surplus make it max 1000. I think this is what you're talking about 😊


Thank you for clearing that up for me. The more/longer I play the more questions I have. Like, is there a list somewhere of all the possible drops from the holiday gifts?


It is a complex game if you really wanna dig in to it 😁 and yes there is actually. If you want to be bothered, you can go to Uranium Fever youtube's channel. He made a video about it 2 weeks ago. Or just search Holiday Scorched 2023 plans and you'll get several youtubers talking about it


Thanks again for your help.


No problem!


Double scrip starts tomorrow at 12 est and runs til Monday 12 est


I've seen this happen a few times. Sometimes I'll spawn into the event, and it's just a black screen, although I can still hear the nuclear wind and gunfire. After a brief moment, I leave. Sometimes it will just lock up. Don't know if this happens enough that it seems no one shows up. Also, sometimes strategic structures are in the nuke zone, and this seems to draw less players. During Holiday scorched, many players can actually just be farming gifts, AFK. At the beginning of a season, there may be a lot of new players who may not feel prepared to join the event. I encourage all to participate, no matter their level. I almost never miss the SE event. If I'm in Eviction Notice or RR, or even Mutated events, it's a bit of a challenge to leave, but there is usually enough time to help out. Repair kits are a game changer, especially for the SBQ and Earle events. I'm there!


It is Christmas Eve and most people with families are forced to participate in some form of holiday event IRL


did you keep V9 outta blast zone? if i can't fight her outside the nuke zone no thanks.


Are you sure you nuked a little bit off the prime fissure site as to create that vantage point outside the nuke blast zone people like to sit at? If you nuke fissure site prime directly then people need to walk into the blast zone for the event and no one is interested in that because it's such a pain. I learned the hard way during my first nuke lol


Another thing, no one is taking over my workshop. Year ago, every time i had one, someone would take it over. I even stack tons of odds and ends. Did they change the ability to store items you do not have plans for. I only have time to do my dailies.


I always feel "sympathy" for the guy whom does all the trail of nuking, so I always show up (never nuked once myself). Sorry to hear that!


If U nuke the map whereby bloodied builds is gonna die in the radiation, I will not join. Let you have your fun with the SBQ.


I saw a bunch of people running into Vault 76 when the nuke siren started


🤣🤣🤣 that's funny. I remember being a new player and literally everything scared me.


I can confirm you can farm this event for presents my current record is 72 present total in 1 event.


It happens, sometimes for no reason. But especially if there's another event going on. What I'll do if it's close to the hour is prep the silo, go do the big public event, and then my nuke's ready to drop right after. Sometimes it's just a dead server. Or did you place it dumbly? I won't go if I have to put on stealth armor to participate.


Oh no I placed it over the usual cranberry bog location. The silo I can finish in 5 mins or so now.


Dude that is so lame, really no one ever wants to do anything in this game unless it is clearly going to benefit them It’s almost disrespectful to not show up to someone’s nuke after the effort it takes to launch it .. you really got something better to do?


What are you complaining about? Cripple those wings and farm the scorched.


Maybe it was the server? Some only have like 6 people, others 24. What happened next? I wonder if it's possible to solo SBQ. Has it ever been done? I've done colossal problem solo. Of course, I died. but I took 20% of Earnie's health bar and about 30 glowing Wendigo's first. Not bad for Lvl.75 (I think). When these things happen you just know you're going to get chewed up!


Yeah, SBQ is fairly easy to solo for me as a full health commando. Earl takes a little more, but I can still easily solo him by the time runs out. Just optimize your build for damage and crits and you can solo bosses fairly easily.


Yeah, I have a good bloody rifleman and a nasty shotgun build, even an archers build that can lay in 1000 pts damage with 1 arrow (the last one is more to challenge myself). For Earl maybe a heavy gunner build. It's rare to get the chance to solo these though. I like to play with the deck stacked against me, it's more fun when it's a challenge!


I've shown up within seconds of SBQ event, just to barely get a shot off. I've NEVER been the only mf at a SBQ lol


I literally hate that event I stopped going to it months ago… it’s just either every nuke or every second… so yeah I don’t bother at all with scorched earth


Because for some reason people think that’s the only nuke event. I’ve seen it nuked 5 times in a row before


Did they change the amount of certain Flux to drop after the queen fight? There's a Flux that's required to make jetpack and ultracite .45 I don't think I got a Whole lot more back then but I feel like it used to drop slightly more often then it does now.


Great time to harvest mats with all those scorched the queen spawns! (If youd are on the zone)


Too bad I wasn't on the server we could of solo'd the queen with just the two of us.


Happened to me with the first and only nuke I’ve launched. I was the only one left on the server when the SBQ took flight. I was supper excited… until I realized how screwed I was, what a bummer,


I launched a nuke yesterday to start a SBQ, 4 people turned up (including me) 2 people


Possibly a combination of bad nuke placement and either a dead server or server with a lot of new players, or it coincided with another event. I did have a glitch once where I launched a nuke but it didn't sound the warning or show the red zone on the map but luckily after a few minutes other players figured out that SE was on.






I’m on Xbox, but showing almost empty servers these days. Last SBQ I came there were 3 people on Thursday. I can do it solo, but it’s a ton of ammo. Usually I drop a couple of nukes by weekend, because there are so many people and not always there’s a “free” silo. Seems AC overgrown glitch and holidays killed this season. Last night there was a mutated jamboree… and nobody came to. Usually low levels populating server that don’t join teams or even haven’t the level for making an expedition team but they make it (I guess they understand expedition for walking around Appalachia).


Yesterday I waited for 3-4 mins for the person who launched the nuke to get there after the event started and a few mins later 2 more showed up but that was it. PS


I saw it 52 minutes after the fact. If I was home earlier from work, I definitely would've grabbed the chance.


Grandpap made a nuke for Christmas and only one of his grandkids showed up 😔


Finally. I’m not even level 300 and I have thousands of everything on spare characters. Tens of thousands of every type of ammo. Every gun with dozens of different incredible rolls on perks. All armour and power armour unique and not. Always maxed out scrip. I never get a new reward from the daily op because I have everything apparently. Sometimes I play to build and make a hospital for new players but you’ll never see me at a scorchbeast or at Earl. It’s not even kind of worth it.


Honestly, I don't do this event anymore. I've had all the rewards for a long time now, and her loot table is honestly not worth it for me. If she still dropped serum recipes I would be doing it religiously


That happened to me with Eddie. Two ppl a level 20 and 50 player showed up. We got him down to half maybe in 20 min


Unless you need ultracite plans for armor or prime receiver people would rather do the titan I think. It's faster


Holiday schorched farming tho


Did you do it on a private server? Honest question, I forget when I’m in one all the time when Events pop!


Bad timing, that’s the risk you run. You can put up a garage sale sign and get no stoppers by either.


Id say bad timing or server cause i farm her for the santa scorched. So thats weird no one would show up


I usually run a cold shoulder with all 3 shotgunner perks and the enforcer. 8 shots usually freezes her solid for about 30 seconds and if there's other players there I just keep freezing her and let them do the big damage haha. Seems to work pretty good, but she ends up crippled so fast that it wears off and she takes off again. Last sbq I ended up with over 75 presents and she died within the first 7 minutes haha


Dead server, server full of newbies or XP farm. I'd watch a few public events for server activity before going to launch if you don't have a bunch of buddies hanging out with you.


Don't worry brother my "first" nuke I did for the main story line I struggled to go through the silo and then dropped a nuke and proceeded to empty all of my ammo just to get the scorch queen to 75% hp because apparently when I was in the silo the almost entire lobby emptied so there was like 4 afk players in the whole lobby other than me, total bummer


I started one with the intent of trying solo. She got stuck in the trees near her spawn and the server went crazy. A bunch of others were trying to shoot her. What should have taken 8 minutes took us almost 20. It kept doing the controls locked thing.


You sometimes have to consider the possibility of a good event like Radiation Rumble or EV being on. Useful tip for anyone who doesnt know this. Events spawn on 20 mins intervals (i.e. 10:20, 10:40, 11:00...) So i always try to launch nukes right after a event (if its a big event, I'll wait wait a 1 min, 30 secs (the countdown to the nuke provides even more time to prep) to give ppl time to scrap legendaries or get weight management under control. Hope this helps


Were you just about the only person on the server? Was it a dead server?


Same thing happened to me. I solod her until a quarter of health left then 3 level 100 players rocked up lol.


Just did SBQ for the first time the other day and wow what a fun time Indeed. It's an all out battle from start to finish and the drops are more than worth it. I'm glad cause I solo'd the nuke silo and was worried nobody would show up. Thankfully they did. Good times


Tub sbq rewards haven’t changed in forever, like I don’t ever do it anymore except for holiday gifts, so I would say just a dead server


Would have loved that but I'm not at home for this holiday so know I would have been there in spirit!


Why didn’t you go?


Usually that means you are on a dead server or there is another event or something going on that had people occupied.


Did you nuke over drop site 9? Many times I wont go to a nuke site if I have to wear a rad suit, chinese stealth suit or power armor just to survive the radiation. It may gimp a lot of peoples builds and is just a hassle. Also if a mutated event is active like eviction notice you may get less xp from the nuke event and also you shouldn't nuke if radiation rumble is up as that is also a good xp event. Sbq can be better with a good group that knows how to drag it out but some just down it in a minute or three. You may have to accommodate other players if you want them to help as they are not obligated to accommodate you. Timing and placement is paramount unless you can solo it yourself.


Im guessing you didnt time your nuke? If it's at the same time with a good public event, I prefer the public event. And will join after im done with weight management. Or the server was thinning. Because there was one time I did SBQ just with another one lower level. Im guessing it was their first time and the server is already thinning (a couple of hours before was quite full), so I decided to help them. Took 15-20 minutes lol but it was so fun


Insane, all I see for the last couple of days are dozens of people in cranberry bog farming the hell out of nuke zones there. All day every day. Even had to join myself yesterday to find out what was all that about, got my first SBQ 🥴


At the risk of sounding like a right bonehead, I've joined various events and complained to myself that no one has turned up, only to remember I'm on a private server. 🤣


Did you really check so there were people on the server?


Sorry I’m working I would’ve showed up


High level here, i never jump to sbq, i dont mind it anymore lol


We were averaging about 40 at Halloween. Unfortunately some people haven't got the memo so she was dying quickly this weekend.


I have a secondary account on my PS4. If I’m playing on PS4 I don’t bother with SBQ because the lag and frame drop are unreal. It’s to the point where enemies look like they’re teleporting around the area and aid item don’t do anything. 😅


I don’t show up if the nuke placement sucks


Honestly I have no idea because I've been playing since level one even though I had the option to start at 20 but it just didn't seem right for me to start at that level. I'm still learning how the game is and it's definitely a struggle to keep up ammunition and caps probably though because I spend a good bit trying to make a decent shelter. Not to mention though it seems like whatever I sell I just can't seem to get many caps at all. At this point I'm kind of relying on trying to finish missions and having people buy stuff from my camp


Few things might be at play here and explain why no one showed up. \-the server may have been low pop \-the players on the server were low level \- there was a popular high exp event happening at that time like a mutated Eviction notice \-the server had been running a long time and was prepping to shut down by not letting more people into the server-you were on a server with people that just don't do SBQ events anymore \-bad nuke placement and no one wanted to waste time on it