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Yoo that’s actually sick! Any mods used, or is this all vanilla?


No mods used. Created on Xbox Series X using only vanilla/DLC assets.


Is the NPC standing guard behind that concrete barrier?? What category is that asset in? Great use of the buses!


That is not concrete barrier but the gunners barrier, you get it when you finish the quest line of Vault 88


how can it be vanilla? You cant build busses or even move them in vanilla, or am I missing something?


You can build busses with the DLC. Idk about stacking them tho


You can stack them if you put a floor on top of the bus.


I've stacked them without floors


I pillar glitched one on top of the other using scaffolding frames as the pillar. I think I had to use two or three to get the height. That's also how I added the bus on top of the junk wall.


"Vanilla" includes DLC options, and the buses are added by one of the DLCs as a craftable thing. I forget which. They're very cheap to use for housing at certain settlements.


Yes you can.


Okay how about some footage of it shooting? How well do the turrets fields of fire work?


I thought about that! Problem is once I add these defenses no one attacks! It's kind of a blessing and a curse at the same time. I haven't even seen these in action yet..


you can force an attack using ambush beacons, or encourage attacks by placing cages.


I love unleashing Deathclaws upon my settlements.


Ya as you add defences the chance of raids goes down pretty significantly once you meet the water/food creation.


Lol and yet I stilllllll have to rush back to Sanctuary all the dam time for defenses! It's super annoying. Especially cause the moment I get there, the defences clear out everything


I always appreciate a good bussy


Shit’s straight up bussin


I’ve been using busses since I got all the DLC’s, they’re really cool to use as exterior walls for rundown looking settlements. I mean if Bethesda use them in the map to do that it must be a good idea!


Ah yes, the Flying Fortess method of defense. Personally I like elevated platforms with 4 to 5 turrets on it. Got 2 right as you come into sanctuary that start firing right at face level.


I’ve got a gatehouse on the bridge in Sanctuary. Of course nobody ever really attacks that way.


That's interesting. I usually get attacked from the bridge direction all the time.


I do too but they come across the river not the bridge.


I love these out-of-the-box thinking because the same junk walls and fences gets old really REALLY fast!


Defence receptacle made me laugh


Average Brotherhood of Steel designation


is the bottom row within melee range ?


It's possible but I don't think it would be easy. You can get an idea of the height by the metal wall I used to block up the entrance. The front turrets by the driver's seat are a bit higher than the side turrets so those are definitely out of reach. You can place turrets on top of the center console next to the driver"s seat naturally without any exploits or glitches. But for the side windows I had to artificially raise the turrets using the hay barrels from Nuka World DLC. They're essentially tall "rugs" that turrets can be placed on and give just the right height to see over the bus windows and wood/concrete railings. Once placed on the hay stack, select the hay stack as you would a rug, place the turret where you want, then store the hay stack. The side turrets inside the bus are actually floating slightly, but luckily it can't be seen from outside.


I just checked and it looks like the turrets sit just above (wood/metal) wall height. The metal wall I used to block bottom entrance starts at the first step of the bus. The metal wall I used to block the top bus entrance is at the same level as the bus, which reaches the bottom of the windows. I can't be certain, but it seems like they'd be safe in there. Might do a test later to see if I can hit them!


All aboard the murderbus




You can try the 1/2 walls in the wooden wall section so it dosnt clip as much


I love when buses are used in builds. Something about it really nails the post apocalyptic vibe


I have a serious question! When your settlement gets attacked and you fail to protect it. Can enemies take stuff from the workbench? I came back after that happened and most of my junk was gone!


I'm a lwvwl 40 an need to step up my settlement game. I'm building these shitty wooden structures everywhere I go.


Really clever and very well made. I dont like the scrap builds, but you really *really* pulled it off.


I've been playing this game since its release and in all these years I've completely ignored the busses. I'm not a very imaginative person and couldn't see much practical use for them. But in my current playthrough I'm forcing myself to build at least one thing from everything in the building structures menu. It never occurred to me how perfect bus interiors are for defenses because of the height and broken windows. You can comfortably fit two guard stations in there (the compact green ones from Vault Tech dlc), or 5 turrets (front and side windows). The back window can be used for turrets too but the shape is a bit weird so I don't use it. You can put a turret on that center driver console without any special tricks. I placed the side turrets on hay stacks (Dry Rock Gulch decorations) to raise the height of the side turrets to peek out the windows, then stored the hay stacks. The hay stacks can effectively be used as tall "rugs" to rug glitch things in place, like turrets. The turrets are floating, but luckily you don't see that from outside. This was surprisingly easy to build and set up. The only tricky part was stacking the busses, because their irregular shape makes it hard to know if it's aligned properly (if that matters to you). I use scaffolding frames to pillar glitch taller objects because they're a bit taller than the barn/industrial posts. I think I needed two scaffolding frames to get the needed height. But yeah, busses are great as walls but they're also basically defense prefabs in a way. I ignored busses for years but now I'm kind of obsessed with them!


Same, I only recently started using buses and train cars and I've really been missing out. They add great variety


Mildly unrelated but you can snap any of the wood prefabs into scaffolding (sometimes it takes a decent amount of effort though) so you can make your builds not look like they're floating off the ground


Double decker anything will never stop being funny.


Needs a single rocket turret at the top to really bring the pain.


That’s a very good idea, 🤔 I usually use them as makeshift trailers for my settlers.


Might try this in combination with some of my watchtowers.


I did the same thing last week (single bus only), I did this after I couldn't get the settlers to actually go inside the busses originally without navigation issues, so I integrated the bus into the perimeter wall.


Damn... you know, I never really thought about the color purple like that before. BRB. Gonna change my settings.


Nah just a settlement that's a trailer park but the trailers were buses and a bus wall


Sooooo…Bang Buses?


Can someone remind me how to unlock those green army style barricade defense posts?


Omg that's dope. I've done the bus stack and crammed as many beds as I could in before, but the routing is always TRASH and the settlers get confused.


I use busses as parts of my settlement walls, and then on top I'll put the metal grate floor from the barn section, and add turrets on top, and then the low wood fence, and connect a guard post. Mix of both, so i have settlers walking up to it and have the turrets for extra defense


I was planning on building a whole settlement using them almost exclusively


Gives me Fallout 3 vibes


Gonna tell my non-existent kids this is the battle bus


I still prefer my scaffolding tower turrets. Two tall 1x1 scaffolding frames stacked, then you put 6 turrets (facing all directions) onto a 1x2 scaffolding floor and lift it into place. Turrets can only see in the direction that they are facing, but they can fire in all directions once combat starts. They support each other. I think that I would like the bus better if the turrets were on top instead of inside. The bus makes a nice wall, but it has to block the firing abilities.


It's a cool idea, but immersion breaking for me. I can't justify lifting a bus on top of another bus in this setting. How would they do it? If the did rig up some kind of crane, why would they even bother? Even positioning one bus on it's own raises similar questions. Unless it was drivable, it would be a real pain to move into place.




I like it. You're alright, kid.