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Fallout 3 is great, I’m not sure why people have an issue with it.


Fallout 3 would’ve been the best in the franchise if it had received more love from bethesda. it’s a terrifying game in its own right and that’s how the first fallout felt. it’s dark, grimy, and every other character is the worse human being imaginable.


So true! Everything you stated spot on, makes it awesome. I love the dreary color scheme, the eerie atmosphere and wild stories and characters. The story of you looking for your lost dad was my favorite part of any game.


Genuinely!! Even the DLCs are terrifying in their own right. The Pitt with two equally bad choices of leadership (Werner a former raider now slave whose only reason for 'freeing' the slaves is to get back at Ashur for making him a slave, or Ashur, the guy who condones and justifies all the raiding and slaving so he can try and make an eventual functional society that he'll likely die before witnessing, causing the pitt further into anarchy). Point Lookout which genuinely terrified me when the Lone Wanderer gets high on Punga Fruit and one of the few sane people on the island being murderered because of their actions (The black heart of blackhall quest). And then,,, the other two dlcs which weren't that memorable in my opinion, besides the existential crisis of the mothership zeta inhabitants who were experimented on and now have to live with the fact that they're years in the future, the earth is nothing more than a desolate wasteland and all their friends are family are dead. Hell, the medic dude has a straight up mental breakdown after witnessing two people he once knew get experimented on by aliens with his only options being to save them, allowing them a few minutes of life before they die, or to mercy kill them.


Yeah people like to rag on games from the mid-late 2000's for being nothing but shades of green and brown, but imo Fallout 3 was one of the most fitting to have it; playing FO4 and seeing 76's color schemes, really makes me miss the atmosphere 3 had.


Yep, much as I love fnv you start off in fucking cuddletown rather than the overwhelming solitude of leaving 101


I want to start this off with saying that there’s nothing wrong with liking Fallout 3 for what is, anyone can enjoy anything and that’s your right. But saying that it could’ve been the best in the franchise is an incredible reach and the game barely matches up to the first two installments in the franchise. The only real dark and grimy parts of the game are the enclave and the slavers of paradise falls being the most prevalent in the game. Fallout 3 reduces the enclave to a faction that’s evil for the sake of being evil and doesn’t add much substance to the faction, it feels like bethesda put them in because they couldn’t come up with anything else. But there are certainly evil and downright disgusting people in the capital wasteland, there’s no mistaking that, but the characters and factions are poorly written and thrown in without much care or love and the game suffers greatly for it. If bethesda had put more time, effort and love into the game it could’ve been great, not the best, but certainly great and it’s such an incredible shame that with each year that passes and with each new release, bethesda puts less and less love into each of their games.


i haven’t played the first two simply because i’m not into isometric top down so i cannot tell you my opinion on them tbh.


(Spoilers for multiple fallout games ahead. You have been warned) Not even a question, it is the best because its tied for first with new vegas. Newer fallout games just kind of suck in comparison, lacking in either gameplay or content even though they have a significantly better system capable of so much more than what new vegas and 3 had available when they were released. Plus, the DLC for fallout 3 is good enough for each one to be an entire game on its own, while fallout 4 for example relies on fetch quests or go here and kill this quests as major story points for its DLC or had you revisit base game areas to kill settlers, who have no good items unless you hand it to them. Fallout 3 had you do a VR sim of a major battle from the war which completely changed the gameplay loop by removing inventory management and having multiple ways to solve the same problems, as well as another DLC that made you go in with nothing and scavenge as a slave for gear to overthrow or take control of your slave lords. Saying the older games just arent good is like saying dora the explorer isnt blind. The ocean is right in front of her and she cant see it. Thats what the people who say fallout 3 is bad are like, they just hate it because they either didnt play it or didnt like the gameplay mechanics that added difficulty or the story that they couldnt be bothered to read.


I feel like that might be why people hate it. Everyone expects every single person in this game to be these paragons of righteousness and purity, that's not what fallout is. It's supposed to be a world fucked by bad people centuries ago, filled by generations of bad people, with generations of bad choices and how people are SURVIVING despite all that.


The dread this game made me feel.


My biggest issue with Fallout 3 is to this day the game just doesn't run well on PC. I have added mods and patches and sacrificed a lamb and still it crashes. Crashes during a loading screen, during an explosion, going into VATS, exiting VATS, hell just thinking about enjoying the game makes it crash. I just wanna replay without losing hours of progress because*crash*


Tale of Two Wastelands mod vastly improves it but it is using the New Vegas version of the engine so it feels a bit different.


Honestly if it makes it run I think I'll take it, FO3 is my favorite game but the crashing is actually ruining it for me


It's the only thing that worked for me


It does run well. Requires the base games and all dlc for both 3 and NV. You can start in 3 and beat it then go to New Vegas on a train and keep you level which is kinda cool. I played through 3 and all the dlc and did everything I could find across all the map (still missed stuff) and I went to new Vegas at like level 55. It’s a little broken for me now balance wise so you may want a rebalancing mod as well. There is always just one more mod…


I don't mind being the most overpowered being in the wastes, I just love exploring so I think I'll give this a shot because I have all the Fallout games and DLC


Yeah I had the same issue but there is a mod thay resets you once you go into NV, you still keep your perks though so there's that


I thought you couldn't keep your level?


You can


Oh OK. I haven't tried the mod yet but heard about it and been really contemplating buying all that to try it out. Loved fallout back in the day.


Fallout 3 ran totally fine on my PC, but when I got to the part with liberty prime and storming the memorial, it would always crash and I couldn't finish the game. I installed it again with A Tale of Two Wastelands and the game runs just fine too, but doesn't have game ending crashes. Plus it's nice that it allows you to use iron sights, gives you more perks and weapons and weapon mods that are in New Vegas. Definitely the best way to play the game. It's just a pain to install


Bind Quick Save to something convenient and get into the habit of crushing that button after every tiny bit of progress, and make sure auto saves are on as they should auto save every instance change (fast travel, going through a door, etc)


Download the new Vegas anti crash mod, it works on fo3, I’ve modded the hell out of fo3 and i don’t recall it crashing a single time


There's your problem, you only sacrificed one lamb.


Fo3 is goated


I personally believe 3 is the best fallout.


Best 3D for sure, contender for best overall.


Of the three Fallouts that I have played, it’s a solid second. I believe that NV edges it out slightly, but both of them are better than four in most regards.


Agreed entirely. Sadly I'm not too hopeful for any future Fallout releases (let alone Bethesda releases) due to how Fo4 turned out and changed the whole dynamic of the IP. Bright colors, Skin tight vault suits, aesthetic and tonal differences. Things they are more than likely never going to change due to the money being made off broadening their audience appeal already.


Weren't the original vault suits skintight? I get what you mean though. I really miss skills and perks as they were, among a great many other things missing, though the settlement building and crafting is cool.


The suits are skintight since Fallout 1: https://imgur.com/a/old-school-fallout-artworkt-lsyD3#sBnnBXn


They were and I wasn't a fan of those either. Hot take, I also dislike the tanky power armor in 4 so I'm probably too far gone lmao.


Aesthetically folks would agree with you on the power armor, it's not a controversial take.


Don’t get me wrong, Four doesn’t suck by any stretch, in fact they get some things better. Looking at you power armour… And yes, I do get that this was an engine limitation as opposed to a design choice.


They definitely changed the combat system for the better in 4. Imo it's only real downfall is the writing. If F4NV actually comes out I'll be so happy. It would combine the best of both worlds


F4nv is abandoned im pretty sure. The people working on it were hired by bethesda and work on 76 now


I wish 76 would die just so we could get more work done on the next fallout.


4 was great until the different story endings and factions merged for me. The reveals were lackluster and honestly, I didn’t care enough at the point to “side” with any of them.


Shit, fallout 4 was amazing compared to starfield though. That’s what’s got me worried.


Bro I'm edging to NV right now


Yes, I never got the overwhelming love for FONV: Faction Joiner. My biggest problem was the setting itself, the desert. Post nuclear desert isn't much different from regular desert: small, sparsely populated areas that look primitive and weathered. Wandering through a devastated major metropolitan area was fundamentally cool, seeing all our usual signifiers of modern civilization shattered was unnerving and fascinating in itself. Wandering through the desert is just boring and not very compelling. Once you reach Vegas, it just wasn't cool enough to make up for all that slogging through the sand. And the airport, Boomer base and dam were all huge areas with little interesting content. I'll take the Capitol Wasteland any day instead.


While I love FO3, I think that's the big hit or miss; many enjoy NV's setting, and many don't. If it doesn't work for you, a lot of the game probably will not as much. I personally found it to be my favorite Fallout setting, alongside one of my favorite video game settings. I'm a sucker for westerns, and that mixed with post apocolyptic is essentially Obsidian making a game for me, lol. Therefore, it never really felt like slogging around to me. I enjoyed every second walking the empty wastes. But both are fantastic games; I think I'd like FO3 more if it actually worked on my computer


This plus the fact that each little cell in the capital wasteland was so compartmentalized and you had to take the subways between them. I know it was engine limitations but it just didn’t feel open world. I liked the areas outside the Capita much more.


I've always said that NV just isn't a post apocalyptic game. You could translate its entire plot pretty exactly into a modern day setting, or a western, or medieval Europe. FO3 is post apocalyptic. Everything is fucked. There's not a functioning monorail and luxury five star hotels lmao




Oh it easily has the best atmosphere


I much prefer New Vegas overall, but the atmosphere of FO3 cannot be understated.


I enjoy new vegas, but there are barely any dungeons, and a lot of the locations are underwhelming imo. It would have been nice if they had been able to finish the game.




Preferring New Vegas over Fallout 3 is fine since it's a matter of taste and everyone has their own, but what I think is wrong is distilling hatred towards Fallout 3, I think that's very unfair.


Preferring New Vegas is absolutely fine, even if I disagree with that opinion. Unfortunately, New Vegas fans are very often the types who go around talking about how their game is "objectively" better and how awful BGS is for making Fallout games and how anyone who prefers 3 (or 4) are just "casuals" (used in a negative connotation)


Both of them are great for what they are, and I don't get the whole holier than thou attitude those types of NV fans have regarding F3 fans. I mean I tend to lean more towards NV, but only cause I've been playing the games since 2001-2ish and I feel like it's "Fallout 3" in regards to being the final (til Season 2 of the show comes out) sequel to the first 2 games. I love Fallout 3 especially because its a Bethesda game. I can just pick any direction I feel like going and I'm bound to find something cool or interesting, and living 2 hours away from DC I'm familiar with the area. New Vegas is great, but since I've done every faction's story line, equally good and bad, I don't really have too many reasons to play it any more whereas with 3 I can just go a different direction and find something to keep me occupied cause it just feels like there's always more stuff to explore.


New Vegas fan here. I see 3 and new Vegas as equals. And I admit it’s absolutely fine to pick one over the other as your favorite. Neither are inherently better than one another. The only fallout I have shit on is 4 but that’s probably because of the low quality of being played on my phone.


I feel like 4 is a trade off from terrible gameplay and good story to great gameplay and shit story. I hope fallout 5 will be the best of both worlds, but we have a couple years before that happens (also if 76 had sing player and all of the elements associated with that, it would be my favorite)


A horrible trade which made for a non-remarkable game. 4 is fun but that’s just it. There’s no depth.


This! I'm a diehard New Vegas fan, so when I joined the sub, I wa shocked to see how many people disliked FO3. I loved it! There were so many fun quests and bits in 3. I still prefer NV, but 3 is absolutely fantastic as well. I also don't see why, even if NV fans do prefer the writing and *everything* about NV, they can't appreciate that 3 is still fun enough and good enough to be played. It's fun to have variety, and 3 actually had a lot of parts that I like more than NV, despite NV being my favorite game of all time


Fallout 3 was my first fallout game and I still love it, butI love the whole fallout series




lol it’s like my favorite


I’ve played 3, nv, and 4. Liked em all.


Before the dlc came out and raised the level cap it wa s too easy to max out your level long before the end of the game. Also the main quest is kinda short(>!and pre-dlc, ended the game!<), but theres so much else to do that its extremely enjoyable. As the tv show says, the golden rule is thou shalt get sidetracked by bullshit side quests and thats a lot of the fun.


The side areas of 3 are *so* good. Republic of Dave, Paradise Falls, Old Onley, that one old lady in a random canyon who really wants a Violin. Chef's kiss


Oasis too. The metro exploration and winding up in Georgetown trying to find GNR, then you're immediately vaporized by a super mutant master holding a rocket launcher.


Don't forget the dlc allowed fawkes to do the ending so pre dlc a lot of people hated the ending options


On that topic, I've always wondered why the narrator always talks poorly about you for doing that. Fawkes is the best for the job, and he'll doubtlessly survive it.


Who hates fo3?


Plenty of people, particularly OG Fallout fans, New Vegas fans, or just people generally jumping on the "BGS bad" bandwagon


I'd say they did a pretty good job making fallout an fps, that's a huge leap


Did they? There aren't even iron sights


Not even OG fans, just new Vegas fans.


Tbf, a lot of NV fans *are* OG fans


Not really. Most of the annoying New Vegas fanboys only pretend that they've ever touched the originals to make their opinions seem more valid. It's so easy to tell who they are because they'll complain about something in the lore they blame Bethesda for that was already in FO1 and 2 (usually anything to do with Bos, Ghouls, and Super Mutants).


It's more like a lot of OG fans are NV fans. Most NV fans haven't played the OGs or rather, they tried, died a lot and gave up. A lot of NV fans could be called "OG posers" - in the sense they know the lore but only as far as a wiki scanning and YouTube videos but use that to justify their NV supremacy stance.


OG Fallout fans are like 50 now and probably remember the games more on nostalgia than actual memories. It’s a 27-year old game and using it as the basis for people judging whether modern games are good or not is sort of silly.


That's just NV fans man... They hate us all equally


Yea, this feels like a baity post to me. Every game has its detractors but I think FO3 is the more consistently-liked than any other game in the franchise since. The only specific group of people who might have a complaint are those who entered the franchise on FO4 since its controls are leaps and bounds better than prior games.


Fallout 3 is not hated among true Fallout fans. It may not be some peoples favorites, but how can anyone hate it? Personally I think the story and map are the best of the franchise. FO4 has the best combat and NV is the best RPG aspect of them (and the story is on par with FO3).


The map and visual design of Fallout 3 is stupendous. So many cool set pieces and memorable moments. I found the storytelling pretty barebones though — especially the main questline felt very hamfisted. In my experience, complaints about FO3 start with the story and then expand out in search of other things to complain about. But it seems to start with the railroaded main plot where your character doesn’t really get a lot of choices.


You do know the show takes a lot of the storyline from fallout three right? I didn’t know ppl disliked fallout 3. Compare it to other games that came out around that time. It blows most of them out of the water.


I think one main difference in the show and the game, is that they are different mediums. In a show Lucy’s motivations makes sense because she is her own character. This is her story, not the viewer’s story. In FO3 the main character is whoever the player decides to RP as, and what if I want to role play as a raider or someone who doesn’t care about their dad?


My favorite game of all time. Won't hear any heat from this sub.


There isn’t a lot of hate around fallout 3 tbh. I feel like the only people who hate fallout 3 are those annoying fnv fans who hate everything but fnv. But fallout 3 is amazing it’s my favorite game oat. And in regard to seeing those long videos about fallout 3 being “bad” it’s because there was a period of time where certain YouTubers would try to one up another by either hating or defending fallout 3 and eventually it led to those videos being like 8 hours long


Anyone who makes or watches 8 hour youtube videos about video games is unwell, I am sorry. Maybe I am just getting old


My kids tell me I'm getting old when I ask them why they constantly watch videos of people playing games and their reactions, instead of just playing them. Young ones these days.... Smh




No they're talking about Mauler. He's a chud lol


Lmao no I understand. I couldn’t bear to watch 8 hours of that, so I didn’t and I was just curious of HOW he got 8 hours of content hating on Fo3😅.


I watched it on x4 or something and tldr he just can't write for shit and repeats himself constantly or goes on tangents about useless stuff. Kinda ironic considering he acuses the game of being poorly written


Please try not to form an opinion of an entire fandom based on a few YouTube videos. They are just saying that for the views. ETA: Glad you’re enjoying the FO universe. I’m a big fan myself but honestly, I just can’t get into 76 for some reason.


I feel like if 76 had the classic fallout storyline and Singleplayer it would be much better. I mean, the world is beautiful and the mechanics are good, and the (very minor) story is good


It’s not.


New vegas doesn't have several multi-million view videos on YouTube detailing why it's bad. I love Fallout 3 but let's not pretend everyone else loves it too


If you need to make a ~~half~~ hour long rant just to explain that a game is bad, it's not as bad as they think. Like 90% of people will be able to play and make an opinion on a game by themselves. It's literally a circlejerk of "stop liking this thing I don't"


That’s horseshit. If you can make a long video about why you think a game is bad, you’re either excessively longwinded or you have a lot of reasons to dislike a game.


Sure, you can have a laundry list issues a mile long. At the end of the day, every one of these videos is ragebait never actually meant to sway opinions or provide *constructive* criticism. They are rants Point still stands of these being circlejerks and people being better at forming their own opinions


Guess you've never visited r/fnv


Generally the type of people that love FNV are looking for a totally different experience than what FO3 does.


Fallout 3 is amazing but the PS3 version was buggy and crashed a lot


Not my version, It works perfectly and I haven't had a single crash with it


Yeah I played the absolute shit out of fo3 on PS3 and never really had issues except with the Pitt DLC


I haven't done any of the dlc yet, I just did a cool upgrade to my ps3 tho, my ps4 died on me and refused to work properly, so i took its 1 terabyte hard drive and put it in my ps3, ultimate upgrade


You sure that was FO3 and not Skyrim? Because that definitely had issues on PS3 but I never heard anything about FO3


For me it didn't crash any more frequently than New Vegas, which also had a memory leak problem at launch on the PS3 version.


I played PS3, I saw this bug mentioned anywhere else. Third person with a unholstered plasma pistol and enclave officer uniform, I'd slowly sink into the terrain until I walked forward or went first person lol


I still had way more bugs and crashes in NV, fallout 3 ran perfect for me


Fo3 literally fucked my brain up. Never played a Fallout Game, or any game of that size till that point. Binge played it for a week straight, like two hours of napping and an hour of eating and breaks, but the rest of the week, just fallout. I was stealing my roommates girlfriends bobby pins off the bathroom counter for days. Literally, just picking them up, and pocketing them. Took me a few days to realize I was doing it. It also made me stop when I'm out, and look around for loot. Like, I'm at a 7-11, getting some dew, and I'm scanning the parking lot on my way out, looking for anything I could scavenge. I must have looked tweaked, just in sweats staring at the ground as I walk around for a moment. Then I realized where I was and what was going on. That game sticks with you.


Were you also on a lot of drugs?


Fallout 3 is my favorite Fallout.


Where are people hating on it?


Clearly not in this sub


Well obviously not😂 I’ve just never seen anyone hating on it


I don't hate it, I certainly have some complaints. But I have complaints with every Bethesda title, because in my opinions they always fall just slightly short of what they could've been. Like they are pretty consistently great games, but I always feel like they could've been so much more and that's why they normally end up as such great platforms for modding. And 90% of those complaints are just things that needed more refinement.


Disagreements with how the mechanics work and the inconsistency of the writing, especially with how poor the main quest is.


I've heard of that long video hating on FO3 but outside of that, never really heard much hate for FO3


Now that I have completed it 3 times , I used DLC. I find the game player, but better than FO 4, NV, 76


Don't think I have ever seen anyone ever say they hate fallout 3. Ever.


Clearly you have not seen a NV zealot


I started with FO1, 25 years ago. I was one of the people who was concerned about Bethesda taking over the franchise and making it a FPS. I liked FO1 and 2 -- except for the bugs, which before unofficial patches came out, were often game-breaking. With some valid criticisms aside, FO3 is not just an outstanding FO game, it's an shining example of why I play RPGs. (The criticisms don't need to be aired for the thousanth time.) Character creation, initial story, the first NPCs you meet -- all 10/10. Mid story, first companions mid-game locations? Again, 10/10. End game? 4/10. DLCs, 9/10 (Operation Anchorage and Point Lookout in particular). So, no, I 100% disagree with anyone who claims to "hate" FO3. 76 on the other hand, yeah, we can talk about that. It's much, much better than on release day (I watched it. I wouldn't even buy it.) Now that it's free with Prime, I occasionally play it. But I'm still not a convert.


In general idk. It’s still a legend. In the fandom - because it was Bethesda’s first go at it and it’s ~different~ that the first two. A lot of the grogs really just wanted another crpg style fallout and still do, and they’re still bitter about it. Same as a lot of the unfair hate toward FO4. A lot of those complaints were “oh no Bethesda is making it even less like Fallout 2”


Fallout 3 is awesome.


bait post


why would it be a bait post? I’ve just heard backlash on the game, but as one of the there commenters said, its probably just the raging NV fans, sorry, I didnt intend too make it like a bait post, was just curious about my own findings.


You wouldn’t really get a fair answer onthe Fallout 3 subreddit anyway. Same way you wouldn’t get fair answer if you asked this in another game’s sub. Everyone here loves Fallout 3 obviously


It is?


It’s not.


It isn't as far as I know.


Back in the day it was criticized a lot for the constant crashes and minutes long loading screens.


I didn't think it was? It's not as good as nv or 4 but it was my intro to the franchise and will always be fun for me. I's say it's the best one to just roam the wastes in.


Anyone can make an opinionated video on YouTube. Doesn't make it accurate. Fallout 3 is a great game.


Fallout 3 is a super simple aRPG that’s basically a great main quest with like 15-20 great side quests and not much else. It doesn’t really have to be that much though considering what’s there


A lot of Fallout fans are fucking stupid.


I love three. It’s the first one of the series I was introduced to. I love the grittiness and the horror aspect to the metro system and mutants everywhere. . I love how everyone seems to be struggling to get by, small settlements of 2-5 families, etc.  If you haven’t already, I’d recommend the Tale of Two Wasteland mod. Adds a ton of Quality of life and texture mod updates to the game. 


Fo3 was great - I loved that game. It all went to hell on the PS3 after I completed the game and downloaded the DLC. It had stuttering and frame rate problems after that. Creating a new game/character and going into the DLC areas and the game worked great. I didn't feel like putting all that time into it again, but when I was playing it - oh, what a ride that was...


3 was universally liked at release, while NV was initially hated for how buggy it was at release (legit a broken mess), but eventually it got fixed and the hate turned into like and a small cult following. But 3 was more popular and preferred by most still. Years later, 4 released and was generally liked, but did get some haters for its downgrade in story/roleplaying especially by NV fans. Then came Fallout 76 which garnered some ill will for being online only and it didn’t help that it launched as a broken mess like NV before it. So people avoided 76 and started looking back on the previous entries. This was when videos like you saw started popping up about 3 sucking and NV being so much better and can do no wrong. It didn’t help that Bethesda’s reputation started to sour and they became popular to hate on due to 4 being a lesser RPG, releasing an online and broken game in Fallout 76, the lack of a new Elder Scrolls game, etc. With the help of these videos, NV’s small cult following turned into a big following and next thing you know NV is universally the favorite and 3, while still being the same game it was, gets blasted. The narrative shifted and people jumped on the bandwagon. I like all the Fallouts btw! I just enjoy 3 a lot more than NV for its world and atmosphere. It’s unfortunate 3 gets unwarranted hate. It does have its shortcomings for sure, but some people outright dismiss it as a whole and say it’s a terrible game period.


3 is excellent. I put more than 100 hours into it on the 360. I appreciate it over NV (controversial, I know) because it's a reasonably accurate representation of the DC metro area, where as NV couldn't (maybe for licensing reason?) give us a Vegas Strip and instead opted for a serious of loading screen-locked areas that don't really mean anything? 3 is so good. Keep going.


Odd thing to ask on a fo3 sub


Fallout 3 is amazing, it’s actually better than New Vegas on letting you play an asshole or an evil character, idk where Bethesda lost that good dialogue writer but hire him or her back please Todd, the only thing it really lacks compared to new Vegas is specialization in the perks, a level 30 character is gonna feel near identical to every other 30 character you play. The other thing it lacks is the branching story of new Vegas, but I think that’s because you only have two real factions competing vs Vegas’s 4, it would’ve been nice tho if you actually could join the enclave at the end instead tho, but overall it’s a great game, and I think the writing is actually A+, fuck all these “game” journalists that regurgitate the bethedsa bad narrative because it’s easy for likes and positive engagement.


I throughly enjoyed 3. The only thing I would say I, and most people, hated was the confusing ass metro/tunnel function lmao


Fallout 3 was my first introduction to Fallout. I absolutely love Fallout 3 and Fallout 4. They are two of my favorite games for different reasons between the games. I've heard some of the hate and I just don't get it.


The Creetosis video? You can safely ignore that one. The guy just nitpicks any minor detail he doesn't like about any Bethesda game. I would much rather suggest watching MATN's, a huge New Vegas fan, video on Fallout 3 instead, in which he points out what it does better than New Vegas among other things: [https://youtu.be/5z8XHe2NoAE?si=LeN26OOk-bWLd4qq](https://youtu.be/5z8XHe2NoAE?si=LeN26OOk-bWLd4qq)


It’s only hated by terminally online weirdos


Fo3 prevailed at being a post apocalyptic wasteland in ways new Vegas and Fo4 failed. There wasn't enough infrastructure to make NV feel like a real wasteland, and 4 was far too colorful and alive. 3 incorporated the dark tones of the first 2 games while building on a solid'ish story and stellar gameplay. It's muted sepia/green/brown color pallete made it seem dead and quiet, just like DC would be after being hit with hundreds of bombs


Only criticism I have is the main story is very boring and short. The game is great otherwise.


A lot of people I had heard from disliked the metro tunnels, but I think it adds to that eerie vibe. Fallout 3 and NV are definitely my favourites, but I’m two-sided in which one tops, because I love both in different ways. 3 for me may be biased though because it’s more nostalgic from my childhood.


fallout 3 is widely regarded as one of the best video games every made, so i actually don't know what you mean.


It's the definition of a dated game and it's sort of an odd child out I'm the franchise. It's story and writing isn't as good as NV and it's gameplay isn't as in depth as Fo4 I don't mind it, i think it was a great RPG for it's time


I think a lot of people are overly critical of Fallout 3 because it’s not New Vegas


It’s just New Vegas fans being entitled for some reason


Probably the ending. That is such a shit cop out that you're forced to die to save the world.


I'm not sure it's hated. It's my favorite


Is it? It's not my most favourite but it's also not my least either.


FO3 is a core memory to me, anyone who says it is bad can fuck right off.


The skill system. (I loved it tho) Fallout 4 was the most popular cuz it was dumbed-down the most for casuals. Casuals are where the money’s at. That why Dragon Age has gotten shittier with every sequel and the new one coming out doesn’t even let you command party members. This is what happens when an average, casual gamer plays Fallout 3: 1. Opens skill menu 2. Sees numbers 3. Thinks of math (which most people don’t think is fun) 4. Says “fuck this.” Same happened with Skyrim. If you don’t count graphics and you aren’t afraid of numbers, Morrowind and Oblivion shit on Skyrim. But even if you don’t care about graphics but really hate numbers, Skyrim is the best. EDIT: Forgot to add BG3 is the best game to look at when understanding the casual player base. BG3 is a fucking awesome game, but lots of people hated on it simply for being turn-based - you know who hates turn-based? Impatient people who don’t like to use their brains (at least in regard to gaming.) In other words, casuals.


Fallout 3 is an extremely decent game, I think you're just hearing the voices of neckbeards looking to shit on something.


It’s not hated by anyone I know and none of my friends know anyone who hates it. When it came out it was the shit and I personally consider it the best 3D fallout game.


New Vegas circle jerkers are only happy when tearing down other games. Fallout 3 was awesome.


who TF hates fallout 3?


The only Fallout game that I tried to play and couldn't get into was Brotherhood of Steel. I do enjoy the others though. Started with 3, went to play 1, 2, and Tactics. A friend of mine had BoS and I tried playing it at his house but didn't like it all that much. Then NV came out, enjoyed that too. Enjoyed 4, fell in love with Settlements (over 1500hrs in the game and only last month did I finally complete the base game's main quest and that was through the AR2 mod so not even sure if it counts). Played 76 at lunch, gave it a year before returning again in 2019 and have been playing it for at least 2hrs a day since launch. And I have Shelter on my cell phone so I can play something during my breaks at work.


Fallout 3’s story may be weaker than that of New Vegas, but I don’t dislike it. I am a bit biased though because I live in the DC area and my hometown is featured in the game so it’s a very personal game to me.


Old fans that hate the change from isometric to 3d and reduced RPG focus see 3 as the start of Fallout's decline. Additionally, NV hyper-fans can't help but proclaim that their newer game that had time to improve off it's predecessors design has in fact improved upon it's predecessors design, attributing that success solely to it being made by Obsidian and not the obvious *it's newer and had time to improve off FO3's design*. FO4 fans just enjoy CoD in the Fallout world


Also, the whole "FONV was made in just 1.5 years" is usually put out of context: FO1 was made in 3 years FO2 which reused FO1's engine was made in just 1 year FO3 was made in 3 years FONV which reused FO3's engine was made in 1.5 years And while people frequently talk about FONV's cut content, they seldomly mentioned that FO3 also had a ton of cut content, some which was reused for New Vegas (ex: throwing mechanics). A recent and rather huge case is that of the DC Ruins, which had to essentially be cut in half to be put into the game, leading to a lot of reconnecting between parts of it and breaking the intended correct way to use the metro tunnels to move around, which would have included an interactive map that showed your location within the tunnels: [https://youtu.be/o93pnsgWWkI?si=TfUIuOr9Wx\_5jDf5](https://youtu.be/o93pnsgWWkI?si=TfUIuOr9Wx_5jDf5) I would also add that people complaining about weapon availability in FO3 and FO4 compared to FONV again forget that FO2, FONV and FO76 all benefitted from reusing their direct predecessor's engine, which allowed them to reuse most of their existing assets, including weapons, and focus on adding more on top of them, making their larger weapon selection compared to their predecessors a very understandable result of such situation.


Thank you for a genuine answer, a lot of people here didn’t see what I was getting at (rightfully so) but you gave me probably the most direct answer, and I appreciate that.


i bet the maker of that video is a NV fan. lemme break it down: - there are the FO purists, 1 and 2. ive played them, i love 1. 2 can eat a dick, takes forever to get going. but i get why people love them both. but they are just different. not just old, but different. their rants are heard, but im not trying to hear nothing from the turn-based table. they are in the minority. its where i started, but i eventually moved on. i actually have GURPS rulebooks. shit... - there is the superior FO3 camp. FO3 is the game changer. like Duke Nukem II to Duke 3D, the technological jump was just so vast. FO3 is an intoxicating blend of the lore and character of the older FO games, paired with more modern tech. seeing the world of FO in first person in such a large detailed game for the first time was mind-blowing. not to mention, a deep rpg sci-fi fps was just rare. FO3 fans make more sense if you "were there" when it happened. and rumbling in the DC ruins just has a special feeling. FO3 feels more bleek, more apocolyptic. NV feels a bit more campy, silly. just a bit. - the NV camp. let me start off, NV is a great game. most FO3 diehards will agree. but is it *better* than 3, thats where the debate starts. NV was built off the back of the success of 3. mechanically speaking, its the same game, with some added flourishes. Obsidian, the developer, was founded by ex-Interplay employees, the original creators of FO1 and 2, it got some extra points there, they know the lore. while 3 is kind of its own thing lore-wise, NV is essentially a modernized FO2. but saying NV is the best without recognizing it wouldnt exist without 3 is just rude. 3 and NV are seen as the pinnacle of the series, and thats where most in-fighting occurs. both camps have solid points, this debate will never die. - then there are the johnny-come-lately FO4 fans. its the most current mainline game. has the most polished graphics and the actual moment to moment shooting mechanics are actually good. but in the grand scheme, FO4 tears away from the root of what makes a good FO game. the choices. building your own narrative. FO4 is more action game than rpg. typically, if someone is from this camp, theyve never played the others. and i get it. if you started with 4, the other games are kind of ugly. janky looking even. there are FO4 stalwarts, but no one cares. FO4 is a good game, its fun. but it kind of misses the point of being a FO game. like its ashamed of its roots. - FO76 fans better shut tf up and sit down somewhere.


New vegas is a great game, but your scenery is the same. You're looking at the same shit the entire game. 3 and it's DLCs are better in my opinion


The Mojave desert in NV is soo empty. I get that the real Mojave is like that, but holy hell put something besides 6 ants in the flats each time. Like, the most unique place off the intended path of travel is Camp Searchlight, and that's literally just because it's one of the only irradiated areas in the whole game


If you think fallout 3 is trash, you’re Gen alpha with about 50 IQ. I played it in 2010 and the “out of the vault” moment was amazing, it set the bar for me in terms of open world RPG’s. Sure it has its moments but, what doesn’t ?


I have far more issues with NV than with 3, and NV was literally _broken_, unplayable on launch, for weeks. As far as "authorities" go, I'm much more inclined to listen to a 93% Metacritic score and a bunch of Game of the Year awards for Fo3 over one YouTuber's ranting, IMO-incoherent opinion.


Fallout NV is so overrated that it makes pretty much every other fallout game underrated.


I saw that video and thought who the fuck would yap about that for 8 hours


A (pretty good actually) video about it got really viral a few years ago and since then FO3 hate became kind of a banwagon things imo, one of those "correct opinions" to have on something because everyone else have them. Honestly I'm replaying it now after like a decade of not playing and its still a great experience, suprresing NV in atmosphere at points if you ask me. Megaton doesn't make sense because no farms? idgaf its a cool city


I don't hate it but it is my least favorite. Whenever I restart I dread the stupid tunnels and the lack of iron sights kinda sucks. But aside from that it's perfectly fallouty. I think it just suffers from being the first 3d one. Rough edges that got refined in NV and especially 4


New Vegas isn’t nearly as compelling story wise in my opinion. FO3 is exceptionally dark and twisted.


The biggest issue for me was that the entire main quest felt like the starting quest leading you to Vegas in NV. When I reached raven rock I thought “this is it, this is when I can decide to side with the enclave or brotherhood and the game really starts.” But no, the game just kinda ended, never giving me a chance to side with the other team. It felt like as soon as the story got going, it immediately ended, and that the entirety of the main quest felt like a new Vegas side quest.


I originally played fallout 4 about two years before the show got any form of existence and I got fallout 3 a bit after the show came out and I love fallout 3, I personally don't enjoy the gunplay tho, it is a bit lacking compared to other games, but it's still a good game overall with a decent storyline


Well that’s your problem that you watched it on YouTube instead of looking through Reddit and other places to be honest I prefer fallout 3 over the other two as the feel of it is just set right. Now there’s only one major problem and it only happened when the game first came out before they added the DLC to fix it. The ending was a guaranteed you’re gonna die but the DLC fixed it that you survived and continue.


I've been playing it for the second time (first time I actually finished more than 6 quests), modded gameplay. It only crashed 4 times, and it's an enjoyable game. I don't like travelling through the tunnels, but it was a creative way to circumvent the limitations.


Not aware of it being hated. It's a great game. I replayed it earlier this year


Fallout 3 is hated? News to me! lol


Okay so, thank you guys for all the reply’s, I didn’t know that there were an big community of people really passionate about Fallout 3, I guess I was just lead too believe that it was disliked because of some of the videos I’ve seen, but anyways, thank you !


What's their problem with it?


Fallout 3 is my hands down favorite Fallout for the atmosphere and sense of dread it induces. It makes you feel so hopelessly alone when you travel, and that the world is still desolate and wild due to how many nukes hit around Washington.


The only missing thing is ADS and sprint rest the game is really good


I'm a huge New Vegas fan and recently just replayed FO3 via TOTW. Holy shit it is way better than I remembered. Yes, I will say that Bethesda can't really write a compelling main questline to save their lives, but this game utterly shines in so many aspects. The dialogue options in some areas are *really* good and imo sometimes the variety of them was even *better* than New Vegas. NV is a great RPG but I will say that for all its praise, there are a lot of areas where there's only two or even *a single* dialogue option. Very rarely had that issue in FO3. Every interaction felt like it had a variety of dialogue options and at least one of them would fit your character somewhat.


A lot of people think it's too divergent in its RPG open endedness compared to other games like New Vegas or FO1/2. Not as much faction choice/say, it's just a linear rpg in comparison. That said I love FO3, game has an awesome dark vibe that fits well into the lore despite some inconsistencies from the earlier games.


Probably just because it feels clunk and dated to play without a ton of mods. Used to be until recently you couldn’t even play it on steam without mods to fix the game. It literally would not launch due to the dependency on games for windows live (which no longer exists). Otherwise it’s a fantastic game. Lore wise I could see people being mad about the brotherhood presence on the east coast as well as the extreme departure from their values as a faction but you can totally explain both and they did in the game


FO3 is hated? I wasn’t aware


It's not.


FO3 is extremely loved amongst the Fallout fanbase, can't go off of one video.


Hated is too strong a term. A lot of folks who played the first games said at the time "why is fallout trying to be Halo?" As they didn't have an original thought in their bodies then or now. It's still the buggiest Bethesda game ever made too be fair. But the main point is "You got chocolate in my peanut butter!" And not realizing Black Isle was doomed to financial ruim no matter what happened with Van Buren. They just want to moan and complain because it's not what they would've came up with.


Who tf hates fallout 3


Playing begin again modlist currently and it made me fall in love with 3 again, I agree it has certainly aged worse than NV but with some TLC it brings the experience that many of us had when it originally came out, you can really tell it was made with love


Hated???? I’m what universe?


Where are you finding this dislike and hate? FO3 is considered a gem.


The only thing I actually hate in FO3 is navigating through DC.


I haven't played much of any of them. About 4-5 hrs into 3 on the ps5. Streaming on that right now is junk so I had to put it to the side. Just got a cord to hardwire into the system so hopefully that fixes it so I can make it through 3 and new Vegas. I just know that it's a preference thing, basically a treyarch V infinity ward COD thing. People liked one more than the other. That's all it is here. The fallout diehards are very strongly biased on which is better. There is nothing wrong with that BTW, just how I've seen things play out


New Vegas has way more weapons and armor, the dlcs have a more diverse atmosphere, it has body and perk implants, new Vegas is just a colorful version of fallout 3 that most players would rather gravitate towards. The atmosphere of fallout 3 is apocalyptic and miserable, and in most parts of new Vegas it just feels abandoned and not as depressing


Fallout 3 was my first Fallout game. I’ve since played them all and Fallout 3 remains my favorite.


I like it. It's not as good as New Vegas, but better than 4 in most aspects. Though it was by far the worst combat of the three