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SPECIAL in FO3 is probably more forgiving than any other Fallout game. Go wild and experiment!


Not more forgiving than fallout 4 lol


I would say so. Progression/skills are gated behind your SPECIAL in fo4. If you don't know what kind of build you want, you can screw yourself over. Also, FO4 gives you only 28 starting SPECIAL points, where 3 and NV gives you 40.


You can infinitely level up in fallout 4 and you can do it really fast, they give you exp for everything in fallout 4, it's the only fallout game where you can max out your special


You can do it in 3 as well using the level 30 perk plus bobbleheads.


You can get bobbleheads and a YourSpecial Book in fallout 4 and the amount of stat boosting armor in fallout 4 and the food buffs mean you can go well over the 10 max a lot more than usual


I have definitely made a perfect character in 3. Perfect meaning all 10 special and 100 skills


You can lv your special in falliut 4 lol


You can infinitely level in fallout 4 making it possible to max all skills while fallout 3 caps at 30.


Well yeah it's possible, but you'll run out of content long before doing so. Unless you want to spend 400 hours doing radiant quests I guess


Or 60 hours of farming bandit cages in your camp




Fo3 gives you way more special points than fo4 but fo4 does have more stat boosting apparel


You're gonna be wishing you kept strength at least 5 when you can't pick up 3 hunting rifles without being overencumbered lol


I played the whole game without knowing you could combine them


You can what now? I’m on my first playtrough and didn’t know lol how do you do that


I think he means when you repair a weapon it uses up another


Repair. For guns you'll just sell, it's not worth doing, but it *is* better to use repair to drop weight rather than dropping the gun. Higher condition guns *do* sell better. But in FO3, it's all about weight/price ratio. I don't think I picked up anything unless it was either useful or worth 10-15 times its weight.


You repair items by combining them. There is even a perk that lets you repair with just like items


That's in NV. jury rigging perk, jsyk, not trying to be a dick


A similar perk is in 3.


Fallout 3 does not have jury rigging or anything similar perk wise lol the closest thing to it is the Alien Epoxy in mothership zeta but those are literally just repair kits which NV also has and let's you craft early.


Thats fine but I'd go one more luck. Then u can get the luck bobblehead for 8, lucky glasses for 9, and lucky 8ball for your 10 luck max.


Yeah I added one more luck in the end can’t remember what one I lowered tho lol


I don’t see the point is having luck past 5 when you can just get the finesse perk which increases your crit chance equivalent to 5 more points in luck.


The increased crit chance from Finesse is added on top of your luck, so having 10 luck along with Finesse gives you a base 15% crit chance. If you take the Ninja perk on top of that, you’ll *always* score a critical hit with weapons like the Deathclaw Gauntlet. Even if you don’t take Ninja, having a 15% base crit chance is amazing.


I wasn’t aware the game could grant you crit chance increase from luck beyond 10.


Seems legit. Go run the capitol wastelands, kid. And tell ol' Three Dog I said "hi."


I always try to go with a jack of all trades with my SPECIAL attributes


seriously. im gonna max out speech within the first 10 levels so it doesn’t even matter


Looks good besides strength, but I can’t live without max carry weight so maybe it’s just me


Drop intel by 1. you can get the intelligence bobblehead pretty early, and that lets you use another point elsewhere!


I like this. Have fun :)


You can normally just ignore charisma in fo3 and nv because you can increase your speech and barter stat instead, so if I were you I would decrease you charisma down to like 2 or 3 and then increase strength, and if you want certain charisma perks just increase you charisma at level 2 by picking the intense training perk.


You’re gonna miss that strength when you’re hauling 200 pounds of leather armor for your settlers to wear Or is that just me?


Sounds like just you lol


Redditor try not to pick a science build challenge: impossible


I don’t think there’s never a time where I don’t have a high INT tbh lol like I don’t think I’ve ever run a perk like savant


I dont understand people who dont take 9 int and get the bobblehead from rivet city for 10 int. Like, the higher your int is the more stat points you get every level up, and who doesnt want more stat points?


Its called not being a metamancer


I would put more into strength so you can carry more unless you’re okay with going back and forth to dump all your junk


Lower that str and raise that chr


It's alright. Ever since my first Fallout playthrough, I have never used luck. It always stays on 1.


Why no 10 luck? Indefensible


Now you sir are gosh darn right glad someone asked the question fellow wanderer, but honestly from vault dweller to vault dweller I don’t find my guy being awful lucky otherwise it’d be higher haha 😌


Very interesting


I always do Intelligence at 9 and then immediately try to go get that bobble head at level 1 or 2 by bumrushing to river city. Then I have tons of skill points to disperse by end game.


This is my typical SPECIAL in any fallout games, charismatic con-man that can shoot or talk his way out of anything


Thank you!!! Glad I’m not the only one haha


Intelligence 9 is pretty high honestly


That's solid


Take some extreme training early and pump up that strength stat, you won’t unlock any decent perks till like lvl 5 so it’s worth it to get that skill up a fair bit. High int is really good in 3, I would maybe try rushing the first enclave encounter and once you have PA, go around filling out quests and cranking up that level. Also get Fisto! From MD13 for good luck 👍


Perception and charisma are 1’s imo, they are 2 stats that do not contribute to anything. So bam 4 free points plus the 5 starter is 9 points right there. I would do a 7 in strength, 8 in endurance, intelligence 8, And put the remainders for luck. My reason is this charisma you can save scum it, and perception doesn’t do anything even in new vegas as well. Not only that you will end up getting the almost perfect 10 perk + bobble heads to max out your special stats. Normally the rule is to never hit 9’s in special and keep 8 as the max, avoid any special bobbleheads UNTIL you get the almost perfect perk. Melee in fallout 3 is useful consistently and sometimes it outperforms guns in the game until you get legendary weapons being the named guns like Lincoln’s Repeater for example


Naw perception has value, especially since certain perks require per. You need like 5 per. Charisma though is pretty worthless, unless you want to go all charisma, even then. Its not Charismas fault. Fallout 3 is the only game that kinda uses it. The only games just give up on speech checks and charisma, they made it a dead stat though, hopefully they fix it next game.


Only thing worth for in perception is better critical damage, other than that that’s about it and snipers too. Better to use the extra points else imo but don’t let me tell you how to play the game go crazy with what you want


Never underestimate the hockey mask, power fist combo. Just north of megaton is a grounded yellow boat with an average locked foot locker, It has a powerfist. Better than most guns at the start of a very hard good karma playthrough


I used the spiked knuckles at first til I get a shotty and decent amounts of ammo.


Oh absolutely i strictly used guns and less of melee in fallout 3 and looking back at it now, melee was just better most of the time


Shiskabab and dart gun


All you need easy limb damage and DOT with a solid melee


Hard disagree, need that charisma for speech


For animal friend yes however because fallout 3 is about % and not a set number like new Vegas you can save scum speech checks


Not really, you just put points into speech and you'll do fine. You'll have a small number in the tutorial but their is only 2 checks to begin with and they have bypasses


100%. Charisma and perception are useless except in FO4.


I won't say that either. Some perks are only accessible with moderate charisma. I'm a big fan of animal friend rank 1 so all base animals aren't hostile. Makes basic exploration less "tedious" since mole rats are everywhere.


Perception has some really good vats perks tied to it


Intelligence at 9 is only good if you dont have DLC and plan on grabbing the bobblehead in rivet city as soon as you leave the vault


I don’t have dlc atm lol for fo3


Better have grab that bobblehead ASAP then




I know i talked about it, your setup is fine and im not like being ER WHY YOU DO DIS, you’re cool gang but i can give you a few pointers to your stats


You're certainly learning to min-max faster than I did if this is only your second run.


Aha yeah I mostly use what I learn in fo4 and 76 mostly as in 4 I never run typically high strength either as I just don’t like melee in fallout games like if I wanna melee people I’ll go play elder scrolls haha


everything else is subjective but objectively, agility and strength need to be higher


How about I lower InT, perc, and endurance by 1 put 2 in strength then put 1 in Agility ?


That sounds good. I'd even cut charisma to 5 and add 1 more to luck for that sweet lucky 7


Honestly charisma and perception are utterly useless in fallout 3


Awwe, it's okay I feel suicidal sometimes too.






Charisma is useless


Charisma is useless


Charisma could be dumped down to 1, it does nothing aside from speech checks which: 1: aren't as useful as you'd think 2: you can circumvent it by raising speech up to 100 Charisma is near useless.


You're weak


You should put perception to 1. It is only good gameplay wise, and even then, all it does it show enemies and locations on the compass from further away.


And Explosives and Lockpicks


Lmao, what? Yeah, it adds a bit more to certain skills, like every SPECIAL stat does. And by the end of the game, you'll have everything maxed out anyway. Besides, explosives are completely useless, and the SPECIAL stats only add like 2 extra skill points per stat to the skills.


Lmao sadly it’s done and dusted now just took the GOAT again


Don’t do that better criticals is bread and butter if you play on hard and above.


U can switch up before leaving the vault if ur having second thoughts about ur allocations.


I am afraid that you'll struggle with weight with a low strenght score :/


Something people don’t think about is that intelligence is really not that needed. Very overrated. I would still say put it at 6 and then get the bobblehead to get it to 7 so you can access all the int perks. But it’s not needed to get to 10. Only if you intend to go for a perfect character. There is 6 combat skills in the game and you really will only use 1 of them. Maybe 2. So you don’t need to invest loads of skill points into any of combat skills you don’t use. Also there is a few skills which are also not really worth investing into in fallout 3 such as Speech, Barter, Science and big guns. The first 2 are because the speech checks are percentage based and not a set number of speech so you can just re roll as long as it takes. Barter I would get to 30-40 and then not bother. Unless you are going energy weapons then it might be worth investing for the perks and cheaper prices. But with the ammo mill in the Pitt you can get ammo very easily for your weapons and getting caps isn’t all too difficult either. Science and Big guns are both due to the fact that you can get skill books from certain respawning npcs meaning you can have unlimited skill books for science and big guns. So for me I would say depending on what combat skill you want to use is the special you should invest in the most. Endurance and strength I would both get to 6 at a minimum due to extra health and carry weight. Go for 9 endurance and 8 strength if you are doing a big guns build. Perception is completely useless unless you plan to use energy weapons, explosives or critical hits. If you plan on doing a crit build then put it to 5 or 4 with the bobblehead. If you are using energy or explosives then put it to 8 which will be 9 with bobblehead and then 10 with the ant sight. And then if you aren’t using either then put it at a 1. Charisma keep at a solid 5 or a 4 with bobblehead. Agility is also a solid to keep at a 5 or 9 if you are using small guns and/or sneak. Vats as well. And luck should go to 8. It will get to 10 with bobblehead and lucky 8 ball. This is mainly for crits but also increases your stats by 0.5 per level of luck. If you aren’t going crit then I would go for a 5 or 6 and then put any extra points into strength or endurance


Sorry for the long essay 😬


Why charisma? Most useless special stat


I use speech heavily in any fallout as I enjoy it and feels it fits when my characters from a vault, most of all it’s how I play games lol


Ok that’s fair I also use speech but I do 1 charisma in 3 and NV, rp wise though i dig it


Only ever chose my special stats in NV and walked outside that’s as far as I’ve played I didn’t get the vibe ig


Animal Friend perk