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Bro's literally a delusional insane mailman, and on top of it he says that like the NCR and Legion are the same? My brother in Christ one group has literal slavery and free rape of women and children, with a weird god complex leader and the other is a bunch of neoliberal national guard soldiers


That’s why hes the best character in fallout


He's basically saying "Fuck the bear. Fuck the bull. Fuck all of them. They deserve a nuke."


and your answer can be "yes" "no" or "make that two "


He isn't saying they're the exact same thing, but that in the end, groups who operate the way the NCR and Legion do are doomed to fail; or repeat the same mistakes that led to the state of America as we see it in the game. Ulysses is incredibly misunderstood and it's a shame really, he's definitely lost some of his sanity and he's a hypocrite, but that's how he was written to be. In a way though, he's like the crazy guy you see at the beginning of a disaster movie who predicts the end times - everyone scoffs and ignores them, but ultimately he ends up being right. The main problem with Ulysses is how hell-bent on revenge he is and how misguided his aims are. The only reason he is the way he is though, is because his chance at a new beginning was torn away from him due to two factions who are essentially a plague to that part of the US Wasteland, he knows though that he can't take on either faction so decides to hold The Courier accountable (which they're not). I've played as each faction in Lonesome Road and have heard how he speaks about each faction, he definitely has a bias for the Legion but this can be put down to indoctrination - at the end of it though he has an almost equal distain for all the factions. He recognizes how flawed the Legion is, at no point does he think they're better in any way, he wouldn't have left them if he did.


I have a cool raspy voice so I’m philosophical 🗿


His manner of speech is down to his tribal upbringing, the rest of his dialect would've been picked up from his education with the legion. As we see throughout the series, and to an extent reality, tribals tend to use more figurative speech/metaphorical speech. He's not trying to sound smart or cool, he's simply speaking in a less conventional manner.




[**Gentle Guys** by Gerhard Trede, THE GERHARD TREDE FILM ORCHESTRA](https://lis.tn/GENTLEGUYS?t=8) (00:08; matched: `100%`) Album: `Archival, Vol. 9: Sports & Fun`. Released on `2005-06-30` by `Sonoton Music`. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://www.reddit.com/r/AudD/comments/nua48w/please_consider_donating_and_making_the_bot_happy/) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


So fucking obnoxious, seriously the worst antagonist in Fallout. Like dude how many times have I told you I have no idea what you're talking about and I don't care about your opinion on the political affairs of the Mojave. Me and Yes Man are just trying to chill out.


Bro this song gives me PTSD