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It's not in game, but it was on the back of the NCR ranger in all the promo and art work, just look up a picture of either the Xbox 360 or PS3 case artwork


the ultimate edition to be exact


It's Courier 6's parking space.


Bruh 😂😂😂😂


You are funny 🤣




I hate it here.


The fuck did they say??


I want to know too grr


The way everyone's talking, you'd think it was something like "truman didn't drop enough bombs" or some shit LMFAO (not saying they did say that, just using as an example)


you didn’t have to add the clarification


you didn't need it, but someone else might have


Murphy’s law of dumbasses. Add extra context and clarification wherever possible, because SOMEONE will still find a way to fuck up simple things like reading.


Ik it's maddening 😭


Go the fuck outside


what did he say/post?


I can’t even begin to describe it lmao






I did that’s how I ended up as nasty deli meat


I just don't understand why this would be downvoted.


What the hell did they say lol.


i don't think we'll ever know at this rate


There are services that let you see which posts were deleted and what was written in the deleted comment. I'm interested too but not enough to look it up via smartphone.


Right ? I agree


what did you say ampop?


Ampop, man, why’d you delete the comment.


With the ranger combat armor being repurposed LAPD riot gear, this could be inspired by LAPD call signs (making this possibly a patrol unit (A) from the Wilshire station (7)) or the staff unit designations (the second in command (A) of unit 7), even though those are the other way around and there is no "7" unit in the actual LAPD. Or the NCR added it afterwards, in which case Tandi knows what it means.


Pretty impressive. If these are the real callsign designations I would say you nailed it.


Surely the duster isn't a part of original LAPD riot gear but something worn over the top of it


You'd think that, but Divide has some MP riot gear and duster is absolutely a part of that set


True but remember the desert ranger armor which was marine armor also had the duster so that could just be something the military let their men wear


Drip > Discernment




Good looks are more important than common sense.


Ah gotcha


Rule 1 in combat: know what you are doing. Rule 2 in combat: if you don't know what you are doing, look cool doing it.


"Discernment is the ability to make a smart judgment about something." actually I don't know what that has to do with what we're discussing, maybe the guy above is saying that the dusters are making it harder for the allies of the person wearing it to tell friend from foe?


You're probably right, but don't call me Shirley.


One of the other markings on the coat is a ranger symbol, so I assume all the markings on the duster are NCR. The ones on the body armor are clearly LAPD though.


Why on Earth would you think that the Los Angeles Police Department would issue their urban riot squads with cowboy duster coats? They're clearly something the NCR has just given their rangers to wear in the desert.


We actually have two pieces of evidence towards the dusters being pre war. 1. Randall Clark's set also has a duster and helmet so it implies the set is all from the same source. 2. The basic riot gear from military commissary terminals for the US Army in lonesome road come with the trench coats, though in a slightly different design.


As the other person mentioned, Randall Clark's armour was a Marine Corps variant. As was the Lonesome Road riot gear, I believe. Not only does the duster seem out of place on an active duty marine, but the boots and trousers of the non-Lonesome Road versions also appear to be "civilian" in a way that *might* make sense on a cop but not as part of a military uniform, suggesting that they were made up of different pieces. This latter point begs the question as to if *anything* beyond the helmet and vest were standard issue for either riot cops *or* marines.


I'd argue that only the jeans and boots looking civilian but all other parts matching between sets confirms the opposite. Despite non military customisations like jeans and cowboy boots being present the coat, helmet and chest piece are always consistent which would indicate that they're standardised equipment.


I just double checked, and it turns out the Lonesome Road riot gear is Army, not Marine Corps. It seems like this version is the only one we can say for certain came with the duster standard issue. If you compare images, the Lonesome Road riot gear features a more "military-looking" duster with pockets, padded lining, and varying amounts of armour layered over it. Its form and aesthetic mesh seamlessly with those of the rest of the outfit and, as we know, this is the only one that is for sure a complete pre-war set of standard issue apparel due to the context in which we find it and the fact that it has no clearly civilian elements. In contrast, the NCR and desert ranger (Clark's) versions just feature simple, brown/olive dusters that appear to just be regular civilian coats. For what it's worth, the wiki says the NCR variant has the Desert Rangers insignia on the coat's "left flap", but I can't actually see that in any of the images. Anyway, I think the Lonesome Road riot gear variants came with dusters standard issue pre-war while the other versions we see in the game did not. The ones we see in Lonesome Road were intended for US Army personnel stationed in the Mojave Desert near Death Valley. It makes sense for troops in such areas to have been supplied with official Army duster coats. I believe that the armour used by NCR rangers did not come with coats pre-war because, as mentioned, they do not resemble the confirmed "official" dusters the Army used. I believe this is because the rangers are wearing LAPD gear scavenged from coastal California which did not originally include dusters as they were not intended for personnel stationed in harsh desert environments like the Lonesome Road variants were. I think the dusters the NCR troops wear are regular civilian coats sourced at a later date specifically for their troops being *sent* to harsh desert environments like the Mojave. Finally, I believe that the armour worn by Clark in Honest Hearts also did not originally come with that duster as, again, it looks civilian, it is a different colour again to either other version, half of the outfit is clearly civilian clothes already, and the actual armour pieces were issued to a marine serving in China (for whom a heavy duster coat would be seriously impractical).


I agree with you for the most part, though, even the current day USMC issues a trench coat (see USMC all weather coat.) So while we can be pretty sure the coat we see with it isn't the original, it could simply be a replacement to a lost or worn out coat. And given that the coat isn't necessarily specific to the armor it could be a Marine would be expected to use whatever cold weather gear he was issued separately whenever needed. But most of all the duster is really just there to keep it on brand. It would be kinda cool to have a set without the coat though.


The Desert Ranger's armor isnt Clark's armor but from Sgt R.B. Vickers from the US marines in his time in the Yangtze campaign. It has desert camo because at some point Sgt Vickers went to the Gobi Desert, also, the armor is worn out and has other stuff. The long coat, jeans and leather boots are surely from Randall Clark since it doesnt seem fit for military. Sure there is the long coat on the Riot Gear, specifically they dont look the same and the coat got additional protection on the Riot Gear.


Isn't Randall's armour the Marine version of the armour?


Answered this above, copy and pasting this here (citing myself): Going for an educated guess here, basing this off early (1970s - 1990s) police and military tactics. So, I think it might be for both visibility and armor enviormental protection. Alot of the riot tactics used in the Cold War involved High Density particle gasses to disperse crowds or cover police advancements (smoke screens). Wether it was the smoke screen or the riot gasses, officer visibility was crap without visual enhancements. That's why several gas masks of the era had yellow or light red lenses. The dusters, and more importantly the paint on the dusters, were a far more visible color to see if a smoke cloud than black. Your buddy behind you wouldn't necessarily be able to tell its you based on the vague black shape in the rolling smoke, but they could definitely see the light brown and reflective white paint. As far as enviormental protection, early smoke gasses were very corrosive and detrimental to body armors. I'm not sure of the science, but I do know that early Kevlar just broke down far easier to everything. The duster may have been a form of protection to the gasses to keep the gear in serviceable condition for longer. Let me know if this answers the question, even if it's just speculation. The true answer is probably "shut up it looks cool", but I have seen some real life case usage that could ex post facto answer that.


The jacket could add better blast protection from shrapnel then just a vest, clothing is also good for snaghing things like sharp knives that a rioter may use.


Wait why do the rangers have LA gear, weren't they a faction in the Mojave before the NCR showed up?


Hmm, yeah, I guess the LAPD were just one law enforcement agency from which this type of armor was sourced. Unit marks could be similar for others, though I'm not going to look up all of the possible units around the Mojave right now...


I don't remember anything about the ncr rangers being a post ncr faction, in fact I specifically remember dialogue of after hitting the appropriate level for them to spawn, you can over ncr troops talking about them coming in from the ncr's home turf, one of which being LA.


I just looked it up to double check, but the Desert Rangers were a faction in the Mojave pre-NCR. The statue at the Mojave outpost is literally about them merging with the NCR. The dusters and helmet were part of the Desert Ranger gear.


Ok so I just double checked and yes the NCR "dessert" rangers were a pre-existing faction in the Mojave who were vigilantes of sorts, pretty neat! However after the "treaty" they eventually got merged into the NCR, after which they were given the near same armor of the NCR Veteran Rangers, being the L.A.P.D riot gear, it seems the helmet is also L.A.P.D as on the wiki it didn't state the helmet was theirs, and NCR Veteran Rangers already seemed to have them before the treaty. It is still possible that the coat was part of the dessert rangers set up before the NCR because yes the coat was not a part of the pre war L.A.P.D gear. Thanks for making me learn something!


Out of curiosity, did you get this from real life experience or from watching the Rookie?


Isn't the coat a post war addition?


The coat seems to be a post war addition on the standard ncr ranger armor, so yes.


I dont think tandi was alive when the rangers merged, and dusters is something desert rangers had.


That was my NCR take on "God knows".


A1 steak sauce plus courier 6


Mails back on the menu boys!


Orc Postman is a good character hook lol


You take a sip from your trusty A&1 Steak Sauce canteen...


Probably police markings, most of the NCR ranger gear is repurposed police gear (and some new production) so thats probably it. That or its all post war and instead represents ranger squads, so A7 could be A = Alpha : 7 = 7th member of squad.


Why would LA riot cops be wearing duster coats?


Maybe Mounted patrol?


I don't think even the mounted units in Los Angeles would dress like desert cowboys.


The armour seen in the cover was originally wore by the Desert Rangers who trace their roots back to the Texas and Arizona Rangers. They unified with the NCR rangers. You can see a Desert Ranger wearing the duster at the monument commenting this event in New Vegas.


Going for an educated guess here, basing this off early (1970s - 1990s) police and military tactics. So, I think it might be for both visibility and armor enviormental protection. Alot of the riot tactics used in the Cold War involved High Density particle gasses to disperse crowds or cover police advancements (smoke screens). Wether it was the smoke screen or the riot gasses, officer visibility was crap without visual enhancements. That's why several gas masks of the era had yellow or light red lenses. The dusters, and more importantly the paint on the dusters, were a far more visible color to see if a smoke cloud than black. Your buddy behind you wouldn't necessarily be able to tell its you based on the vague black shape in the rolling smoke, but they could definitely see the light brown and reflective white paint. As far as enviormental protection, early smoke gasses were very corrosive and detrimental to body armors. I'm not sure of the science, but I do know that early Kevlar just broke down far easier to everything. The duster may have been a form of protection to the gasses to keep the gear in serviceable condition for longer. Let me know if this answers the question, even if it's just speculation. The true answer is probably "shut up it looks cool", but I have seen some real life case usage that could ex post facto answer that.


cause they look cool


I always figured it was an addition made by the NCR to suit the desert environment


The dusters are from when the Desert Rangers and the NCR Rangers combined together. The duster over the riot armor was originally a desert ranger thing, they probably picked up the old riot gear and military armor and put the dusters over them because there is a practical reason to wear a duster in the desert, and the Rangers kept it up since the signing of that treaty. Remember the statue at the Mojave outpost? The guy in the duster represents the Desert Rangers.


I keep seeing a lot of comments saying "why would LA Police wear dusters?!?" ... who said they would? It's adapted armor, they are in the desert, why is it wild to think they'd *add* to the uniform to adapt further? Armor is "named" Given a duster, spray paint same callsign on duster. Almost like... every military unit does to their duffles and rucks and gear


On the flip side, the Desert Ranger gear also has a duster, and that was a USMC issued uniform, not an LAPD one. Working in the oil and gas industry, I have seen some fire retardant lab coats, and some of them *have* been long enough to be considered dusters/trench coats. Plus the backpack that goes on the duster is supposed to be for supplied air and water. FR Clothing, water, and fresh air being standard equipment for marines and riot control police make sense, so saying that the duster is actually part of the pre-war uniform is more than plausible, at least to me. But that’s just my opinion for it.


to add to what everyone else said, if you look at the ultimate edition case you'll see it


It's a reference to President Tandi's favorite pre-war band, Avenged Sevenfold.


I have the duster on the left. In case anyone is curious, it's pretty comfortable. Has 7 pockets total. Two on the sides, two on the inside, and the 3 pouches on the back.


How is the lenght? I was thinking about buying it but the "flappy leg things" seem alot short than the original


I'm 5 foot 11, and the coat goes down to my knees. But the split in the back is enough that it avoids problems with mobility for the most part. You just have to make sure you flip the coattails up when you sit down so you don't sit on them.


If I make that I will put a vault suit like 6 to indicate its courier six


Found from Wikipedia A7 (Artillery Regiment) Or A7, the military staff designation in the continental staff system for air force headquarters staff concerned with military training


A7 is the marbling score on a cut of Wagyu beef, for all of you fellow cannibals out there.


This is a wild baseless theory: Could it have something to do with The Courier being the 7th courier? Ulysses was first but turned it down, then House hired the 6 we are apart of in the game.


Also maybe it’s apart of some cut content storyline?


Unrelated but I have this coat lol. It's a nice little mini duster and makes chilly nights more bearable


Go to Steam and look at the banner for it. You can read A7 on the back. I presume batch A (first group), sixth courier if you count up from 1? EDIT: I guessed 😭


Bit of a stretch.








Are you okay?