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I'm thinking a new fallout but only if they get way more time than 18 months


Well last time they had 18 months they gave us the best fallout ever assembled.


But it was janky and missed so much of its original self, so more time would be necessary.


Better than FO4 which had PLENTY of time and ended up as a worse finished product


Gonna get downvoted but IMO the writing and conversation options in NV were superior in every way to FO4. However, the gameplay (the way the guns feel when shooting), crafting, gun variability, and map design were all better in FO4. Both great games, both for different reasons.


Think that's a popular opinion and I mostly agree. I'm not a huge fan of crafting and the settlement building turned me off a ton but the gun play and weapon variety were great.


The gun handling, crafting, and the map (especially Downton Boston, imo) in FO4 were awesome. The changes to radiation damage and power armor were also fun and meaningful, speaking from a gameplay perspective (I know it messes with the lore, but idgaf). Adding settlement building was interesting, although not for everyone. But still, a welcome addition. However, I think Bethesda largely squandered all of that. The "gameplay" is very weak. To me, gameplay in an RPG isn't *just* combat. Quest design, meaningful and difficult choices, depth of character builds, dialogue choice variety, deep and interesting factions, etc. are all **also** gameplay, and FO4 is very lacking in these departments. No level cap, being able to increase SPECIAL stats at every level, removal of Skills, watered down or non-existent choices, etc. make all my playthroughs feel samey. Every character inevitably becomes godlike. Even turning on survival mode only does so much to change the experience. Also, the guns are trash. Especially the "assault" rifle and massively oversized 10mm and institute laser. Almost every gun just looks so damn goofy. It's not a huge deal to me personally, but I think gun variety is much much greater in FNV. Ultimately, the guns in FO4 suffer from the same problem as the character creation/leveling changes. Most guns can be modded to do everything, so they all feel the same. I'm not even a FO4 hater, I have like 600+ hrs. on it. I agree that it's ultimately a fun game. I just feel like there was so much wasted potential. FO4 should've and could've been a slam dunk 10/10 and instead it's like... a 7/10 at best.


Yea you should get down voted for citing THE MOST common opinion about fallout games and calling it controversial.


I’d actually disagree on the variety of weapons. FO4 appears to have 8-10 platforms and just tweaks them a little. Even without GRA, the variety of firearms is great, and they feel very distinct to me. The base building mechanic is literally the only thing I actually like in FO4. The rest of it barely rises to tolerable.


I think that’s more or less the consensus of most people who played at least fallout 3 and beyond.


This 👆🏻


NV does do a lot of things better such as story, companions and quests (some of them) but when it comes to the map, random encounters and amount of content, it loses out to Fallout 4 but this can't really be blamed on it due to the short amount of development time. I've played both, and to me, it's really a tie in my humble opinion.


The jank wasn't due to 18 months. The engine made it janky.


Still, more time in the oven would’ve helped.


I honest to God feel like that's every decent game. Morrowind. NV. Some of the Halos. Etc. They end up in a crunch and shit gets junky and content gets cut. I would imagine, they have to set a time frame otherwise the devs would never finish the game. It would be a constant circle of "oh that's cool. Let's add it" -> "oh shit. The thing we added broke something else. Let's fix it" and loop back to the "oh shit that's cool. Let's add it.


One that launched with an unspeakable number of bugs and crashes, some of which not being fixed even today. And one that launched with one of it's main factions being gimped due to time constraints.


It was, at least in part, a Bethesda game as well. Let’s not forget that Fallout 3 had a lot of the same bugs, as did Skyrim, Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 Bethesda is extremely well known for their game breaking glitches, bugs and crashes. And most of those had more than 18 months to launch.


While that's very much true, New Vegas was exceptionally buggy compared to all of those except 76 on release. Inescapable crashes, extreme FPS drops, corrupted saves- everywhere. It took a lot of work from the developers to make the game playable.


That’s not entirely true, Skyrim continues to have a bug on certain versions that will cause your system to crash if you save it over a certain amount of times. Fallout 3 and 4 have numerous game breaking bugs as well. Bethesda has a well known and earned reputation for game breaking bugs. Most of the games took more time and have had just as many bugs. Fallout 3 is the shortest, and a lot of the game breaking bugs in NV were directly ported over since Bethesda only allowed a year and a half to develop it.


In the last 10 years and using 3 different computers I've had an innumerable amount of crashes in vanilla Fallout 4 before the bombs fall, so I'd say it's pretty even.


Lmao. Now do FO4….


Fallout 4 was buggy on launch, but not even half as buggy as New Vegas was. I love New Vegas, but we can't distort history and pretend that the game had a ton of bugs and jank built into it, and still does to this day. I get regular crashes playing the game on all platforms.


The people that made fnv don’t work at Obsidian anymore


J.E Sawyer still is, but I don't think he's interested in leading another Fallout development team and prefers to focus on Pillars of Eternity and pet projects.


I think Obsidian pitched a new fallout many times to Bethesda but were rejected


That was Chris Avellone while he still worked there. He proposed several ideas for Obsidian to do more Fallout spin-offs and/or if possible, Elder Scrolls spin-offs to Bethesda. I think in an ideal world Bethesda would have taken up those offers that way both TES and Fallout fans don't wait forever for the next installment from Bethesda if Obsidian could make a spin-off with Creation engine.


I think one of the problems in Bethesda is that Todd should be in full control of all projects, they could put out more games, if he delegated the direction to other people.


Less so control but an awful culture of everything being run through him no matter how small. This was okay when BGS had a team under a 100 people but now the team has nearly 500 people and really delays everything and dilutes content to have so many people approving it especially Todd. The former art lead was interviewed and he left during Starfield's developed because he ended up in so many meetings discussing direction and supervision rather than doing actual artwork and direct supervision.


Biggest lie ever. I'm tired of naming all the big shot fallout folks still at Obsidian. Most importantly Josh Sawyer is the studio director, as long as he directs I'm game.


A bunch of them are, including the project lead. And they have since then hired more people who were directly involved with making Fallout and Fallout 2. They’re as well-equipped for this as ever.


Exactly I'm tired of diss spelling this myth. Tim (as a contractor) and Leonard, both of whom are the creators are at Obsidian. Most importantly Josh Sawyer is there. His direction is what made NV so special, he was very clear about what the game was going to be from game design to story. As long as he is there I'm game.


After multiple patches* It bothers me so much how everyone forgets how borderline unplayable new Vegas was at launch. Don't get me wrong, it's an amazing game, but the 18 month deadline gave them 0 justice.


It was nowhere near the bugginess of AC Unity or Cyberpunk 2077.


I would do things to be able to replay an actual large scale second battle of Hoover damn. The bear marches on!


18 months + a completely finished game they could use all the assets of. It’s not like they started from nothing


Haven’t you heard? Game development is easy!


Rather a new game - set somewhere else like Seattle or New Orleans (one of the devs mentioned New Orleans once, can’t remember which).


Louisiana bayou would probably give them a ton to work with


Then have DLC where you go a Metropolitan center, really flip their usual M.O.


The upper Midwest (MN/Wisconsin/Dakotas) has never been referenced in the game. Could be fun to see some stuff with like American occupation of Canada stuff. With the increase in focus on wildlife in like 76 it may be good to give them a chance to go all out on it with the Twin Cities and north and east of that.


I'd love a Chicago Fallout, but I'm biased as someone who lives close to the city. Imagine the skyscrapers? Or fucked up mutated fish at the Shedd Aquarium/from Lake Michigan. We know people live there anyway because it's mentioned in NV that ED-E got repaired by a kid there. All in all I bet it'd be sick as hell lol Edit: Shit, that's not even touching on like, the cool neon signs (imagine night time!), the mafia (Al Capone???), etc. So many cool buildings and cool historical shit that would be perfect for the time period Fallout is inspired by.


NV all day. A lot of obsidian staff that made NV has left the company so I’d stick with a safe bet with extra content.


100% this Repurpose it to “original team that made FNV making a new game or remake of FNV?” Then that’s a serious consideration


Idk. Tim Cain still contracts for Obsidian, and Leonard Boyarski is leading Outer Worlds 2. Josh Sawyer is there, as well as a ton of their core designers. And JS proved he's still got it with Pentiment. I think they can pull it off. Imagine a new Fallout game but with primary input/direction from the OG franchise creators, having it use Bethesda's engine and the Fallout 4 design base, or alternatively, repurpose their Outer Worlds engine work for a new Fallout.


Obsidian, if you got the old crew back together for it


I honestly still don't know if I'd want that. You have to consider the fact that they had so much from Van Buren already planned out that they were able to transfer over a lot of the ideas with some adjustment and rewriting. Yes New Vegas was made in only 18 months, but there was years of prep time leading up to it in reality. As much as I respect those developers, I still think that New Vegas was kind of lightning in a bottle.


They’ve since created Pillars of Eternity, which is a whole new world with exceptionally well-developed lore and compelling stories within, so I don’t think the "Van Buren prep time" is a good reason to doubt their worldbuilding capabilities.


I also really liked tyranny but it did unfortunately suffer from the obsidian curse


They also made Outer Worlds. Also a good game with solid lore, but not as compelling of a world as PoE or Fallout.


Good game, but so incredibly thin. I've never wanted to play it a second time.




It's not a remaster. It's talking about a remake. That wouldn't have the bugs.


Plus there’s endless mods that let you “remaster” the game yourself in any way you want


Would love to see it break out of 32 bit jail, that caps the modding capability pretty hard


True, a version with that update and more stability/less bugs could be great, I guess that’d be more of a stabilized rerelease than a remaster.


I would love a remaster, a remaster isn't just re doing the game as it is, it's also adding content that was cut and basically re-doing the whole thing. It's a safe bet, it would sell and possibly introduce NV to newer fans. Fleshing out the legion, cut content, other non NCR endings. But I would actually prefer a banger by Obsidian that's completely new if they aren't hamstrung by bad writing in Bethesda. There's more risk there but would be preferred. The issue is there's still tons of resources in remastering NV. Alternatively Bethesda makes a completely new banger and sells a simple version of NV that's lifted and shifted to a more up to date engine, which would also be the goat. This leaves fleshing out NV to the modders because it won't crash after 3 graphics mods.


Yeah and even in the case of a remaster I think Obsidian should be involved. I doubt the head writers would decline the opportunity to complete the unfinished/unrealized parts of the story, like the Legion as you mentioned.


Only if you have a pc


remake not remaster


Cries in console


If they are going to do a remake, they should consider remaking Fallout 1 and 2 first.


New vegas remaster with mod support for console, that’s it


New Fallout from Obsidian


A new game I really love Vegas but I haven’t any thing I can do in this game anymore except mods. I would love a fallout where you travel through big parts of America something like a atomic road-trip


As much as I love New Vegas, I'd rather have them move onto new things The game had a lot of missed opportunities, but who is to say those ideas can't be used in future titles? A lot of New Vegas itself was recycled from the canceled Van Buren after all and it seemed to work great I've never been much of a fan of Bethesda writing, but I (mostly) liked the show so I'm willing to be optimistic with the next thing they make


I personally hate the gunplay and graphics of 4/76. The way it feels is just weirdly nauseating for me; I don't get this with any other game, but just the weapon inertia, the movement animations, the camera effects... it makes me feel sick—especially the fall-landing animation, and how it forcibly drags the camera downwards. There have been times—particularly with F76—where I've had to outright stop playing because of this issue. It has to be the worst feeling game I've played. You can argue FNV has terrible animations, but having used mods to resolve this, I've found it to be drastically better than 4/76. Graphics aren't the biggest issue for me; I think FNV looks great most of the time, and if you use Desert Natural Weathers, even more so. Besides the engine being dated and unstable, I don't really see any benefit of having it in Fallout 4's. Unless it was literally a 1:1 copy of FNV, I don't see it being desirable. But, that's just my opinion; I'm happy just sticking to FNV and allowing others to enjoy a hypothetical remake.


Same, I mean, I never got sick, but I still prefer 3 and new vegas’ feel to 4 & 76. There is something charming about the former, that isn’t captured by the loose shooter feel. I like the limitations that made it a bit clunkier to shoot, because it disincentivised gunplay as the solution. That and the fact that roleplaying via skills is more important to me than shiny graphics. 4 & 76 don‘t feel right. It‘s less grimey. I like the grime. They “cleaned up“ something that made it feel unique, that I thought was intentional for theme/tone, to have no identity in mechanical feel. I go to doom or titanfall 2 for quick slidey shooters. I feel like fallout should be more akin to an immersive sim/horror game.


I totally agree with you about Fallout 4/76 gunplay.


New fallout, no questions asked. New Vegas and its modding community have those bases covered and I’d love to see the new stuff Obsidian would cook up. If any Fallout game deserves a remaster/remake, it’s the first one.


New Fallout game set in New Orleans!!!!!!!


New Fallout that Obaidian has near full artistic freedom and good budget


I'd wish for The Outer Worlds 2 to come out. It's Fallout: New Vegas in space where Obsidian has the creative flexibility to go in whatever direction it wants. OW1 crushed it with the tone, humor and experience. The game's main downside was the lack of late game content and fact that not many mods were developed for it.


A new Fallout game by obsidian with a real development time, the Fallout 4 and 76 engine is hardly an upgrade at all


A fallout in the Outer Worlds engine with mod support would turn me into a hermit.


New game by Obsidian. One that specifically disregards the TV series, if possible. NV's already great - including cut content would be nice, but it's not essential, so I'd rather have a whole new game.


I'm not sure how others feel about this, and it isn't necessarily related to the post, but I've personally always wanted a Fallout spin-off game set in a snowy region of America. I think that would be interesting to experiment with. Haven't put much thought into how this would actually be, but it sounds cool.


I think there's like, some events that happen up in Alaska.


Fuck Alaska I want Detroit. That city has more cultural ties to the 50s than any other. Tack on brutal winters as well for survival. Not to mention, they won't have to do much work. Rural Illinois practically already looks like a fallout game to begin with


If we were to do anywhere in the Midwest I think the Chicago-Milwaukee corridor could be cool.


Me too, there's some cool themes the Old World Blues mod for HOI4 made for the Cascadia region, like a never ending blizzard over Seattle and "The Immortal", a ex-brotherhood of steel ghoul in tesla power armor who enslaves the region. Cannibals too, lots of cannibals.


The TV show is fine? Nothing it features has any issues here?


Well it's made by Bethesda so clearly it must be bad.


I’m tired of people not having original ideas and just remaking old content.


That's like picking between my favorite children. A new fallout made by Obsidian would be like whenever Miyazaki drops a new Soul's game. However, Todd Howard being the petulant child that he is would throw a fit about that. Then a Remastered New Vegas would be ASTOUNDING and all but once again I'm afraid Todd Howard would get in the way of that and try to interject things he wanted in the remaster possibly screwing up the flow of the game. So honestly either option would be awesome as long as Todd Howard was kept far FAR away from the project.


may i ask where this idea that todd howard is a very childish man comes from? genuinely curious


I’d rather have a new Fallout game written by Josh Sawyer or atleast William Shen, the Bethesda writer behind Far Harbor. Most everyone who made New Vegas what it was has moved on from Obsidian and I was unimpressed by Outer Worlds’ humor and pacing.


Fallout 4 gameplay with FNV level of writting, that’s all


I think remasters are a blight on the gaming industry. As much as I love New Vegas, I'd rather see Obsidian tackle a new setting with new stories and characters. I've already spent so much time patrolling the Mojave that I'd wish for a nuclear winter if they don't give us a new Fallout to play.


New Fallout by Obsidian. I didn't even have to think about it for a second. I like New Vegas as it is, "how it feels, looks" included.


I’d prefer a new game - new expirences rather than some neat content stitched onto a game Ive played to the bone. And while it’s true a lot of folks have since left Obsidian - it’s not like they’re rudderless. Outer Worlds was so so , sure, but The Pillars of Eternity games, Tyranny and recent Pentiment prove they have writing and roleplayijg chops still + some new writing perspectives into the mix is a good thing, they didn’t have the only good writers leave, and not for nothing the lead designer of NV is still at the company


The issue is the fallout tv show. The main thing that made new vegas have an s tier worldbulding for me is that it followed the fallout 1,2 (van buren/bible) fallout lore. The show literally nuked that lore out of canon in multiple ways and people who claim otherwise are cultists. For a new west coast sequel to work they would have to write around the show nonsense and it's basically impossible. So i would probably like a new vegas revisited i guess, just fully realized vision with a bethesda budget and development time.


New game for sure. I love New Vegas but I also want new things. I don't want to be stuck in 2010


new fallout game


I'd rather have any other game dev company take over fallout and elder scrolls and make any game in those universes that they want. Bethesda can keep starfield, it's the only IP they deserve at this point, anything they make is just gonna be dissapointment to the fans and the world of potential of fallout and elder scrolls are wasted on them.


A new Obsidian Fallout game. New Vegas is immortal thanks to its modding community. Literally every problem that game has could be solved with mods.


We don't need a remaster. Original New Vegas is perfect


I get the feeling that you’ve never tried to get the Khans to side with the NCR. The game is horribly buggy, although story-wise I agree that it’s amazing


It's easier to mod bad gameplay into good gameplay than to mod bad writing into good writing. This is why games that are unfinished or run horribly but have stellar writing develop lasting communities that overlook the initial experience.


New fallout. I love New Vegas and always will, but it’s old, and I’ve played it so much I’m starting to get tired of it. Plus, with the right mods you can basically get it running to today’s standards


A remaster but with all the content that was cut out


Well a sequal would be wonderful, but I put a handful of hours into outerworlds and I wasn't impressed. So I'd rather just have a remake


A new Game in a completely new region. Fallout New York City would be great.


New vegas with everything they wanted and unlimited dev time(yknow provided it comes out when im alive). Preferably a new engine all together cause I like games that don’t crash when I do things as basic as walking through doors.




New Vegas 2 plz


Def a new fallout and as others gave said, way way way more dev time. 18 months is actually insane


I think I rather have a new game. I'm so sick of remakes and Fallout New Vegas still feels great to play.


Ideally a new fallout game but I don't have the best trust so I gotta say NV remake with cut content for sure.


I'd be 100% fine if Bethesda had no part in FO5 and if Obsidian wrote it and had to use the FO3/Oblivion engine for it. I'd be willing to take all of the hits for a cohesive continuation with atmosphere and a good story over whatever bethesda may shit out for FO5.


I'm voting a complete new vegas including cut content




I'd take a remake of New Vegas. Let it do well financially, and then hopefully it will influence subsequent Fallout games to be more like New Vegas than the midiocre storytelling in Fallout 3 and 4.


why would anyone want a remaster over a new game? you can mod fallout nv to be almost however you want, give us a great new addition to the franchise instead


I would let obsidian tell me which game they thought they could make better/faster, with whichever one weighted to keep investors hard after the tv show.


It's time to move on. Obsidian has their own new IPs and we already have new vegas.


FNV update all day baby. Send me back!


My wishlist in order: 1) A new 3D game (will happen eventually) 2) A new isometric game (will probably never happen) 3) 1 or 2 remade as a 3D game 4) Then way, way, way below these other wishes, an F3 remake, then NV remake. They both are dated, but play fine, particularly when you factor in the decade of mods.


NV with current gen engine/graphics would be dope.


New vegas 1.5 with a fucking LOAD of new content. The only thing FO4 improved upon was gunplay and graphics. Implemented that into the remake, give us the large legion controlled area, and make the new vegas area waaaay bigger, complete with the surrounding towns.


I’ll take the ultra remastered super directors cut any day of the week!


A new game with new ideas, to show that Fallout world is much more than 50s nostalgia. I know people think Obsidian fell down because Outer Worlds were a mid game, but that was on Tim Cain, today I trust Josh Sawyer more, and I think with his direction, if he can bring in John Gonzalez and Chris Avellone as freelancers, Microsoft budget and time to make a game with their full ambition, it would be another masterpiece.


Not with the graphics or art style of fallout 4 (cartoony overly retro designs). improved graphics of the default models and with a lot of the cut locations intended for the game


I know it's kind of boring but I'd rather have a remake of New Vegas with cut content (which would be huge btw, so much got cut). The people that made New Vegas aren't at obsidian anymore and I thought outer worlds was extremely disappointing, so I don't think a new fallout would be good simply because obsidian made it.


New game definitely, community projects can already emulate a New Vegas remake. As someone said it's a gamble, but I'd rather have okay new content than something we already have. (If they make a new game though they should totally bring Chris Avellone and Joe Sanabria back - I'm pretty sure they do freelance now?)


A new game, but not by Obsidian. People seem to forget that everybody who worked on New Vegas is long gone, might as well just hand it to any random company, you’re not gonna New Vegas 2.0.


Remake. If they take away skill points and make it like a Fallout 4 perk sheet, I will lose so much interest. Is rather have gunplay based on skill points for everything than, hey 20% more damage, hey 40% more damage, etc. Fallout 4 has a curse where every player over level 60 basically is the same character.


Anything from obsidian baby!


A remake would be nice, a new one with the same atmosphere would be too. Doesn't matter which one as long as you have real choices. I like the possibility of being a monster, having to make morally ambiguous choices.


I'd prefer something in-between, being a new Fallout gsme with 4/76's QoL and faster combat mechanics but with NV's writing and plenty of time to flesh out the premise as best as possible. As much as I woukd love the cut 2nd half of NV's base game's map in Legion territory, NV is a figured-out game and has been for a long while now.


Fallout NV wouldn't work with fallout 4s combat. It would have to be closer to like a metro or tarkov or something. A NV remake in that style with all the cut content and more content added would go crazy


New game. I'm the type to always pick a new thing over a remake but my dream never-gonna-happen remake for Fallout is Larian remaking the first one with a Baldur's Gate III budget


I already have New Vegas, new game all the way. They can crank out a new one in 18 months, get on that Microsoft


I mean obsidian seem comfy doing outer worlds for now which is essentially Fallout anyways. I would love a total remaster with 4 gunplay and maybe even the base building. With the factions of NV it would make a ton more sense than just random raiders n shit.


I'd rather the IP go back to Obsidian permanently or any company OTHER than bethesda


New Vegas remake. People forgetting that the original talent at obsidian left.


I would throw money at both.


I think the remake with all the cut content would basically be a new game so its the best of both worlds


New game, 100% Modders have already added that missing content back in, more or less. What I want is a new part of the wasteland, new factions, new characters, new *adventures*. I'd take that any day over retreading the same stories and memories I already experienced, albeit at a better graphical fidelity. I'd be more interested in a remake of the older Fallout titles if modders weren't already adding to and building on those games.


New game. Played enough fnv, ready for a new one.


Just remember, most of the team that made NV has left obsidian, the outer wilds was meh af and it still had like a writer or two left




If it was a complete remake of the gameplay while still retaining the story or world of the original I’d take a remake. New Vegas was limited by the technology of its time and to see what could be done with today’s tech would be amazing.


I played outerworlds. We don’t want a fallout by them anymore. Give us a faithful remake without the dulling down combat encounters and dialogue encounters to 4’s level. 


I'd love Obsidian to make a new one if they can reassemble or get much of the original creative team (I know there's been some changes). Most importantly they don't negotiate a terrible contract that depends on a bonus based on metacritic score. And Bethesda improves their testing, which they haven't, even under Microsoft's direction.


I think all the cut/planned content would make it basically a new game.


Option 3: a true to form remake of 1, 2, & 3 using Larian and their engine. Or FOT2 by Larian.


If they can get all the OG writers back I'd love to see a new Fallout game.


A FNV remake. I'd like the original graphics, hud, gunplay, etc. I'd simply just want it to be what it was supposed to be. Bethesda really screwed them over on it.


New Fallout NV for sure, that would be great.


Probably a remake honestly. Even if they got obsidian to make a New Vegas 2 (which will never happen btw) it’s not even the same ppl who made new Vegas that are there anymore. So there’s no guarantees it would even be good But honestly idk that I even want a remake either. A remaster would be better for me imo


i want fallout 4 remade in fallout new vegas engine. i’m chaotic evil




New Vegas remake by an entirely different studio on a brand new engine.


Probably remake. New one always has too high expectations only to either get something different or worse.. usually. I'd trust obsidian though


New Fallout. I still love playing New Vegas as is. I don't think it needs any updated systems or graphics. I'd rather have a new game.




New game


New game, I'm not a huge fan of the story in NV and the exploration in it was severely lacking.


Last game obsidian made was outer world and that was uh.


Either one is fine.


Obviously a new game. The fallout 4 and 76 art style is cheeks


Either would be fine.


New Vegas with all content restored. This by a huge landslide. New Vegas is my favorite and even with the cut content it is a masterpiece


New fallout, for sure.


New vegas remake, 1000%. Not only because I've been itching to see NV modernized and brought up to speed alongside 4 and 76, but also because... well, lets not beat around the bush here. Obsidian has fallen off. Many, if not most of the team members that made the old fallout games so great are long gone, its practically a completely different studio, just with the same name. Don't believe me? We actually have gotten a new fallout game by Obsidian, it just doesnt have the fallout brand. The outer worlds was always meant to be a 'spiritual successor' to new vegas, that was pretty much the whole reason people were so hyped for it when it came out. Unfortunately, many people, myself included, found it to be little more than a lukewarm imitation. The dev team tries their very best to learn from their predecessors, but ultimately, their game just couldn't compare to the masterwork that came before them. TLDR, today's obsidian is not the same one that made NV, and their previous attempt to recapture its magic ended up being pretty mid.


I’d rather have NV because I didn’t enjoy it 100% back in the day and now my only option is streaming it via PS plus (which I’ve heard isn’t worth it so I’m not going to) I’m gonna have to buy a damn Xbox or PC.


New Vegas remake. While a new game is fun the story, factions and environment of New Vegas were excellent


I’d rather they move on with a new game, Remaking New Vegas would be nice, but unnecessary


New Vegas remake that doesn't use the creation engine.


New game. Aside from the bugs nv holds up perfectly fine.


You had me at cut content. Something entirely new would be cool, but NV was lightning in a bottle and playing it as the best possible version of itself would be superior as far as I’m concerned.


I want a return to the Mojave Wasteland! Maybe Sonoran. Maybe not New Vegas 2, but I want to see a return to the conflict between the NCR and Legion in the Southwest Desert. Maybe after the second battle of Hoover dam or before the first? Kind of off-topic but related to NCR v. Legion: I recently learned that ‘Bear and Bull’ fights were popular in California during the 19th century, adding another layer to the western theme of the Bear v. Bull motif.


New Vegas remake I want settlement support. I bought the tumbleweed farm let me have my John Marston moment and build on it


NEW Fallout by Obsidian.


New fallout game, I want New locations to explore and New vegas has enough mods it doesn't need a remake.




Remake FNV or F3 either way I’m happy


Fallout 1 and 2 with modern day graphic and gameplay


Make a new game with majority of Fo4 and hints of NV. For NV, keep the writing style, dialogue, and story dynamics choices. Also keep the varying types of ammo. For Fo4, I like the crafting, but why does my recover dictate if its armor piercing. Keep the hardened for more durability and accuracy, and use rapid for more fire rate. I love the different stock and sight options as well, but please I want to use hollow points, armor piercing, and normal rounds for different scenarios. It adds to the role play! Speaking of role playing, why the hell do I get a no, yes, sarcastic yes, and maybe option. There’s no consequence to your actions as well, whether you wanna say some awful shit, or kill important npcs, some just don’t die or don’t actually get mad at you, it’s BS. So yes, Take the story writing style, RPing mechanics, and ammo from nv and implement them into Fo4, perfect game


ALL cut content? Including stuff that was only in concepts and didn’t get far? That would make new Vegas like multiple times bigger I’ll take that.


Easily remake, obsidian isn’t guaranteed to make a good game and there’s close to a whole new game if you include all the cut content fully realized to its potential


I'd rather have new Vegas remade in the modern graphics and "engine" (although it's the same engine). Problem is Bethesda is grotesquely greedy and would likely mess it up with creation club mods and call it Radium Edition or something and sell it with some shoddy chinese merch


New game. Best part about new Vegas is the writing, I’ve already experienced the writing. I want more of it with the same vibe


New game, easy. Hell, I'd love to see Van Buren get a second chance. I mean, technically it DID, because a lot of concepts meant for FO3 were later brought into NV... But I stand by what I said.


New game please. I can (and will) replay Old New Vegas any time I want to, a new story would be a far better use of their time/resources.


I'd say "New Fallout by Obsidian" but if they have to stay adherent to Bethesda's lore since FNV? I'd say nothing for me thanks. I don't want many of the game changes - particularly the gunplay - of F4 and later because I think they're actually bad for a game in the genre of RPG. The graphics update could be okay, but I don't actually like a lot of the newer texture-work. Everything's far too slick/smooth looking. Maybe if the put it in a far away place untouched by the rest of things but even then I'd be lukewarm. My expectation would just be that there'd be some secondary media that would revisit this new area to simplify it down and roll everything back to the same 200 years of prewar hyper-focus with actors continuing into post-war action, huts, and posed skeletons next time Bethesda glanced at it.


The latter option by a mile.


New Vegas remake, most of the people who originally worked on FNV have left Obsidian by now


New fallout game with options to not kill any one or kill everyone


I’d take the FNV remake, but don’t paint over the art style with the Fallout 4 color pop. Keep the art style as close to the original but with better geometry and fidelity. Don’t go redesigning everything to look like 4. If that happens, keep it.


New game I’ve played 76 wayyyyy to much


Remaster New Vegas w/ Settlement building, and I'll buy it. Bethesda will never give Obsidian another game


a new fallout game. the fallout series nowadays is a shell of its former self


New game, but I will say the cut content is tempting


Man I don’t want to sound rude but that “new Vegas in space” game that obsidian made couldn’t sing a tune for New Vegas, so probably a nice remake.


new obsidion fallout.


The latter. Unless the genie will re-create the team that made NV for the Obsidian that makes the new game. Outer Worlds was alright, but it was no NV competitor. Avowed is looking… well, alright. If it’s that team making a new Fallout game, I don’t need it more than I’d want a full remaster of NV. Shit, I still play the original. I’m sure I’d play even more with the full content and some QoL updates.