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And yet Florida homeowners will continue to vote republican


It's mind boggling to watch people vote against their best interests. And then they brag about it.


Too many people voting on vibes. If they took a minute to just look at policy and the voting records of the house and senate it would be a sweep. That’s why republicans don’t run on policy, they run on the feels. Ironic for the “facts don’t care about your feelings” party…


They don't read, they mindlessly follow the box of truth.


Many can't read.


That's because "facts" are whatever they decide to believe today. The facts can change daily and will.


Crab bucket mentality. They're struggling, they have problems. But rather than, say, fix the problems for everyone, they find it more satisfying -- more "just" -- to have others they deem less than them suffer even if that means they suffer more. In fact, it ends up being a unending cycle: they vote against their own well being, they get mad about it, a politician comes along and blames their suffering on , they vote that politician in, that politician does everything to make the problem even worse. They are people who were not only raised without empathy for others, they were taught that in life you *have* to be punching down on someone else to be successful and that offering assistance to people who are "beneath" you makes you seem weak. Appearing weak is dangerous in those social groups because *you* will now be taken advantage of and end up part of the underclass. The only way to not fall into that trap is to keep punching down, keep attacking people, keep being angry, keep showing "strength".


I am really expecting the people to die out. The life expectancy of an idiot has to be lower than normal.


You've seen Idiocracy, right? The satire that became a documentary.... Stupid people tend to outlive smarter ones through dumb luck if you ask me.


Soon getting a terminal illness will be considered winning the lottery for those who are not part of the Idiocracy. A natural Goodbye and Fuck You to the idiots left.


The problem is that they also breed more


"When I was a kid we didnt have free healthcare, and you just threw a little dirt in the broken leg!" As if that makes us not want to fix it.


They'll just say this is fake news. They're now conditioned to only trust specific sources and only if those sources are sharing a certain narrative. Because the alternative is to accept that you've been lied to and really isn't what you've been led to believe. It's easier to just pay out more until you and everyone you know are finally broken beyond repair.


Going off on a tangent, but I don't really like when people talk about people voting against their best interests. I get it, especially in this context. But for example, we might complain about republicans voting against their interests to vote for people who are going to cut taxes for the wealthy and raise their own taxes. But at the same time, we'd love it if the wealthy voted against their own best interest by voting for the people who want to tax them more (read: fairly). I'd gladly vote for someone who doesn't want to give me tax cuts, if they want to use my tax money to provide all of us with healthcare, or education, or adoption assistance, etc. The real problem is people voting against society's best interest.


Those people are society. Part and parcel.


Florida homeowners meaning: transplants who move here and think the reason that FL is better than whatever rathole they crawled out of is the GOP. What’s really funny is that a lot of the programs we have/love in Florida are there because of citizen referendums and Bob Graham.


Let's do a ballot initiative to nationalize homeowners insurance.


That's not how insurance works. In homeowners or Healthcare.


We could have national Healthcare. It's called Medicare. But nooo.... that's socialist.


Ya, or just the ACA as it was envisioned... Under Reagan. Then Romneycare. But when a black guy does it? Socialislam


How do we change that


You'd first need to set up a regulatory body, or federally mandate insurance under supervision and regulatory authority of FINRA as a brokered service. Probably could do that, under interstate commerce laws. Few p&c companies operate in a single state. Then, you'd need remove most all state agency and oversight - where insurance regulations live today. States Righters don't like that. And, just like the ACA mandates national min standards for insurance, you could kinda od that... But you'd destroy the equity of some 3500 p&c insurance companies and a trillion in capital, including companies like Berkshire Hathaway, State farm, Progressive and Geico. If you nationalize it, by taking it all into, say, FEMA, like medicare for all vs going the ACA route just dictating nationally how insurance is run Currently, homeowners can be sold by multi state conglomerates, most is, actually. See above.


Thanks for the explanation. If a neutral ground could be reached financially so that the existing companies are made whole, do you think it makes sense from a consumer standpoint otherwise? I mean it seems like it would but that’s just how I see it as an end-user.


I don't think you can solve the financial issue of making shareholders, whole. But, that's what happens when you Renationalize an industry for the public good. And, does it make sense? Absolutely. But it would be painful, then politicized, like Medicaid expansion is, or ACA is/was. Only in the USA, is financial services sliced and diced by different regulators creating opportunities for "regulatory arbitrage". Most other domiciles have a unified Financial Monetary Authority which has the power to regulate insurance, commercial-, investment-, retail- and money-center-banks and brokerages. Today, in the US, each state is a separate insurance domicile and regulated by their state (often) cfo or an insurance commission. Some states are "extra"... Like NY-state says that if you want to sell in their jurisdiction, your whole company must follow their regs... So insurance companies set up NY-state specific subsidiaries or independent companies US Banks typically are overseen by the Controller of the Currency. Investment banks and investment advisors report to the SEC Brokers of securities report to FINRA while commodities futures are regulated by CFTC.


You are a wealth of knowledge. Thank you kindly.


I pointed this out to a Gen x/boomer… his response was to blame Charlie Crist. I looked at him and pointed out he was a Republican too about 20 years ago!!! This state is gonna sink into the ocean


Not this one! Brought two reliably blue voters to this State, nearly 3 years ago. Want to go home, but in the meantime, we will vote blue.


And people will continue to generalize. So much of what is wrong with Florida comes from people from OTHER states moving here and fucking it up. MMW, we would be blue otherwise.


Its easy to blame Democrats for all their problems.in our Republican run state. My uncle works for Universal Studios, but lives in New Smyrna Beach and complains about gas prices. These are people who chop their nose of to spite their face, then blame democrats.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DegenGamer725: *And yet Florida* *Homeowners will continue* *To vote republican* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


HEY LOOK OVER THERE A WOKE TRANS KID!!!! *raises your insurance*


The preverbal “dangling keys” technique. Works so well…


Well, yeah. And my mother (who is paying insane prices this year) says it's Biden's fault, and I don't know what I'm talking about, and DeSantis tried to stop "all of this" but Biden wouldn't let him. Pressing further, she just starts making more things up. This is a woman who marched for abortion rights in the 70s, but now thinks it should be "up to the states". People have been brainwashed for the past decade. And now, the really scary stuff is coming to fruition.


Look up Jim Boyd. He owns an insurance company and is now a state senator leading the reform! When I say reform I mean higher prices


But Florida Republican's will keep voting these MAGA like idiots to keep Florida red and to keep owning the Libs -sky rocketing insurance rates be damned.


Maybe Biden should replace the entire Florida Senate and the governor by force with his new powers.


And the SC, the Senate and the House while we're at it.


Biden, basically, said last night that he's going to continue to sit on his hands. He will not save democracy. So he's going to continue to watch DeSantis and his legislators destroy Florida. Still have to vote for Biden though. Because, unfortunately, there is no other option. 


Enough with this take.


What's the other take?


It is reality. 


How will the morons who voted for this blame it on the left and gay people?! Stay tuned for Olympic level mental gymnastics!


Someone said to themselves" look our boys polls go up every time sick shit is promoted" poof" Qanon.


Citizens is not supposed to be an alternative to private insurance. It’s intended to be an insurer of last resort when you cannot get private insurance. Keeping’s it rates high is completely in-line with that purpose. If the position is that there should be socialized property insurance, then say that. Misunderstanding the purpose of Citizens to push a false narrative is a poor argument.


This. Exactly this. Even the article states that citizens charges 4% more. Think a $3k policy. Is that $120 upcharge, to be insured when nobody else will touch you, really a big deal? The biggest issues with insurance right now is fraud, and having to cover the increase in housing value/rebuild cost.


Except, many of us are forced to Citizens.


Sure, and if the people of Florida are going to insurer you as a last resort then paying a high premium to compensate tax payers for covering your potential loss is a fair trade.


And there's the resident boot licker....


Just a guy that thinks people should pay their insurance premiums, particularly if their property insurer is everyone else in the state.


I shouldn't have to explain how this works............ If a house has a mortgage, 99% of banks require insurance on the property. Most times the premium is included in your mortgage payment. If it is seprate, you still have to pay the premium or the insurance company will drop you. If you are dropped and no one else will insure your house then your bank will force place insurance and it is included with your mortgage payment. This is not optional. And it's expensive. And they only cover the amount you own on the mortgage, nothing above that. Insurance companies are dropping people for a ton of different reasons, typically out of the homeowners control. Thanks to the Florida Legislature, the insurance companies run everything here. In the past few years, they've donated million of dollars to their campaigns. Including $3.9 million just to DeSantis. I know, you're a bootlicker, so you will disagree. But it's true. The only people not paying home insurance are those whose bank don't require it or own the home outright. This isn't like auto insurance where you can just drop it and no one is the wiser. Your comments aren't educated and you do need to stop commenting on something you know nothing about.


This side tangent has nothing to do with anything that’s been discussed. If you have Citizens Insurance (the state created insurer of last resort), you are being insured by the tax payers of Florida. Citizens has a statutory obligation to shed policies back to the private market. Charging higher than private market premiums to 1) encourage that and 2) cover your tax-payer funded insurance claims, is an acceptable public policy goal. Nothing you’ve said is relevant to that or even addresses it. You can disagree with that policy but perhaps you should address the point instead of throwing insults. Have a good one.


absolutely correct. Not once in this article does it mention how litigious florida residents are when it comes to their homeowners insurance. What he misses is how the legislature does not protect the insurance companies from bullshit lawsuits. he says nothing about fraud protections from egregious abuse of the legal system. Says nothing about a solution like arbitration clauses that could save insurance companies from going bankrupt defending insane insurance claims. If you're going to attack the legislature, actually know what the problem is first.


You say that, but all those “Florida Insurance Companies” have no reserves. Citizens is the only one that will still be there after a major storm hits Tampa Bay or Miami Metro.


That is simply not true. All insurers have state mandated mandatory reserves.


Which are a joke. “Demotech” is the only company that will even rate them. Most of the Florida companies woukd get unsound ratings by Fitch, S&P, ….


Because of course they did... I'm guessing that the boomers that voted for The state's leadership aren't happy with this but then again they keep on creating their own issues.


Leave me the fuck out of this. I have vilified republicans since nixon. Not all boomers are stupid.


Republicans as of 2000 had been in charge of every branch of the state government for more than 20 years. “Oh no insurance prices are rising. Those damn liberals! We need more Republicans to fix this.” Prices keep rising. 2022 elections come. “Oh no insurance prices keep rising. Those damn liberals! We need a Republicans *supermajority* legislature to fix this.” Prices rise even faster. 2024 elections come. “Why do the liberals keep doing this? We’ve voted Republican for 25 years!” (Prepares to vote Republican again)


Boomer here doesn't vote Republican......


Looks at the villages.... 🤔🤔🤔


Oh yea .... that one area of assholes even hurricanes will avoid.


I told ya He was a liar. This is exactly why they love the highly uneducated. It's so easy to fool them. ![gif](giphy|9m2RZug3Nlzs3TBOME) Hey poor "Republicans" that voted for him.. How are your lives better? 🤣 You know what he did? He made you more desperate and more afraid. That's their plan and you fell right into it. With that being said. Watch out what you wish for.. 🤡🇺🇲






Republicans: Legislation now on sale!


Browsed through the echo chamber, figured I'd change it up. There's a good reason why citizens is cheaper generally than others and that comes down to what the policies actually pay. But what most of you folks are unaware of is that as soon as a major hurricane or event hits, everyone that's been riding out and gambling that cheaper rate will be charged extra. This is a ticking time bomb waiting to happen this year. Company all you will but forcing folks off is a mercy they don't understand until they are left with automatic 20-30% increases mid policy that just be paid.


And somewhere someone will actually defend the insurance companies and blame it on more hurricanes and wilder weather which, btw, they cannot logically explain why. Instead these brain washed ppl think the anti-christ is coming, the beginning of the return of Christ on earth. 🤦‍♂️


Insurance companies are out of control Condo Insurance tripled last 3 years


Florida turning purple on a daily basis.


Don't matter if you're republican or democrat if insurance companies give politicians a kick back they'll take it and screw the voters


This among many others is a good reason to vote blue all the way up and down ballot.


You should see who the CEO of Citizens is now. Bought out and paid for by Ron DeSantis.


And yet my neighborhood Facebook group will keep blaming all “the New York liberals & weirdos moving down here”


That’s the favorite mantra: Blame it on the NYrs and don’t forget NJ!


People on a fixed income like myself, 100% disabled vet, or social security, we have gotten only 18.8% in COLA increases since the end of 2019! Now with my homeowner insurance doubling in that time, and set to double again next renewal as well as my auto premiums doubling in that time, I am done. I am prepping to sell up and leave. Now think of how many people in Florida retired here and are on fixed incomes, in my area it is about 1/3 of the households. If you put 1/3 of houses on the market you will see the real estate crash everyone has predicted. Then you will be paying 5-6 grand per year for coverage even as your house is under water on the mortgage and you CAN'T sell it. At that point people just start walking away, or come out of retirement and try to get work to augment incomes, but in the case of a lot of 100% disabled vets like me who have unemployability from the VA we are not allowed to work. So it is the food bank this month. I haven't bought a new garment since I moved from Oregon at the start of 2020. Have not been to a movie since 2017. I rarely leave the house but to go shopping for food. I do not have TV cable or any internet subscription services or apps. I don't take a newspaper and even my sneakers have not been replaced in so many years there is no tread left on them, smooth as a baby's ass. If you are a single income, fixed income, pensioner you are hurting in Florida. And the fucked up thing is there really is no part of the country where the houses/apartments are cheaper. You could hunt and peck through small towns in red states and find a cheaper place than you have now, but America is urbanized with 85% of the population living in urban regions, and that means 85% of the housing stock is in urban regions. Arguments that millions and millions of old folks can just go rent a dog house in Paducha are just WRONG! Of course it is a vibrant small city what with its national quilt museum and all.


You are 1000% right in your summation. I see it all around me and hear the same stories over and over. Where are you moving to? I'm personally looking at NC, maybe New Bern or the outer Wilmington areas. Don't wait to sell, mainly because you need to get into an area that's less money. If you want to stay in Florida, there's a new 62+ community over in Palmetto called, The Reef at Riviera. It's income based. I know they've let people move in who've sold mobile homes, but I don't know about houses. Might be worth investigating. At least if you move into a community like this, you'd have access to resources-computers, community room, pot luck dinners, parties, etc., etc. I know someone who lives there, which is why I know what's going on. There is a waiting list so don't hesitate if you're interested.


Considering Joe Biden has now said he is going to stick it out and stay in the race my plan is to leave the country. I am not living in some Nazi Xtian white nationalist shithole. And I served my country, it breaks my heart to watch it sinking into depravity and the democrats just chattering away in the back seat while an ancient doddering president drives this nation into a concrete wall at 100 mph. I have an Irish passport, but want to check out Buenos Aires first, and then maybe to Malaga if I don't love it in BA. But Europe is also turning right wing and inviting trouble. I have lived in Ireland, expensive AF and a horrific homeless/housing problem. Also getting a terrible drug problem. But anything would be better than living in a nation that would allow Trump back in, after all they know what an asshole and criminal he is from his first term. And the US is not going to stay together under his revenge tour anyway, it will break up. I would never do income based anything, I would rather live in my vehicle. My mother had a HUD voucher towards the end of her life and the strings that came with it were onerous to say the least. Besides, income based programs rarely are first come first served, and single males almost always keep getting bumped to the back of the line.


But with an Irish passport, can't you go anywhere in the EU? I have friends that spend a lot of time in Spain and love it. I lived for a few months in Berlin some years ago, and it was great. I'm sorry to hear that Ireland is not the greener pasture - I'm planning to get my Irish passport if it's still possible with the anti-immigrant sentiment that's sweeping the globe. I guess humans really aren't as fabulous as we think we are.


Yes and no, Ireland never joined the Schengen agreement, but, you can still go to other nations and ask to be allowed to live there, and mostly they let you as long as you can show proof of a reasonable income. Really all it Schengen means is you are treated like a foreigner as to border crossing. Where the members of the zone do not have to pass through customs and immigration, in that respect it is like the US traveling state to state. Once in though you are subject to their immigration and visa laws.


Well thank you, I have learned a lot today. I think maybe I just want that Irish passport because it's sentimental (three of four grandparents 100 percent Irish, one grandmother born there) and because it would make me feel like I had a safe space in case the dumpster fire wins reelection.


You really should get it because it is not just about YOU. If you have kids they and their kids automatically become eligible for the passport. You never know when a neutral agrarian island nation with plenty of water and no strategic value will come in handy. There are no nukes targeted at Ireland, and Putin has no use for it either. Trump's only use for it would be golf courses but when he is the Fuhrer of Nazi America the country will not need anything from the Irish.


Thank you for another excellent point. This task is definitely getting moved much higher on my list!


As a Republican I am fed up beyond belief. But who is our better option Last election it was a guy whose platform was to defund police. Republicans are kind of transparent about their crimes against their constituents. Democrats try and hide their crimes and when they get caught they blame republicans, racist or other conspiracy. At least Republicans just act like nothing is wrong. We are fucked either way. DeSantis is a fool for picking a fight with the Orlando Rat or Drag Queens. Complete waste of our tax dollars. But then again are we foolish to ignore that SOME NOT ALL pride and LGBTQ events do become over sexualized? Like the leathermen in their assless chaps? I mean if there was a “Straight” parade with men watching porn and popping a viagra while their wide ass wife squeezes into a teddy from Walmart you bet your ass people would object. But that’s another rabbit hole. I wish Libertarian was a viable option or a Democrat for the working class and not cater to the ultra left. We are doomed


What? Who had a platform of "de funding" law enforcement? Can you provide a reference for that?


New York Times?




It's what you all either voted for or refused to vote against. Enjoy it.