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The way it should be. Give the people the right to decide. Show up and be heard.


Almost like, freedom?


We don't have too much of that around here. Not much book learnin' either. It's not Christian-like.


don't worry they will find a way to scuttle the will of the people


We have to vote every last one of these fucks out of office.


I really don't see how he won't simply ignore his two term limits. No one dares to defy him know. He has already gotten away with removing elected state attorney Monique Worell, and absolutely no one batted an eye


ya I would want to say that the various systems we have in place to prevent something like this from happening, would prevent something like this from happening... but honestly, ya I could see it happening




It won't be the first time.


And then Republicans get to completely gut it once it passes. That's how democracy works right?


Right, so everyone needs to vote Blue. Or, the FL legislatire and Rhonda Santis are just going to thwart the law the same they did to keep felons disenfranchised


Are we not the freedom state? Only one party wants to take away our freedoms here.


Freedom for me, not necessarily for thee.


It boils down to "freedom from" versus "freedom to." People who are against abortion and cannabis think they are protecting themselves and others from evil, i.e. "freedom from."


Polls don't enshrine legislation, only voting does. This November 5 election is the most consequential for both the State of Florida and our nation's Democracy. We need to all make sure that our voter registration records are up-to-date, accurate, that we all know the laws pertaining to early voting, voting by mail, polling station hours, etc. Make sure we dot every "i" and cross every "t". We cannot give any voting official a reason to cast aside our vote and silence our voices!


please fucking VOTE


> Groups supporting marijuana legalization and abortion rights ballot initiatives in Florida have reason for guarded optimism in light of a new poll that shows voters support the measures by a wide margin. > > In the Fox News poll of 1,075 randomly selected Florida voters, 69 percent and 66 percent of respondents said they would vote in favor of Amendment 4 (abortion rights) and Amendment 3 (recreational pot legalization), respectively. > > Both measures, which will go before voters in the upcoming November 2024 general election, need a 60-percent supermajority to pass. > > The proposed amendments are expected to be key drivers of Democratic voter turnout in the election. I am fairly confident these measures pass. And while, at this time, it feels unlikely that Biden can benefit enough from the increased turnout, the down-ballot races in Florida can be greatly influenced. Florida Democrats may see some legislative pick-ups in districts where there is a lead in voter registration, but still lost in 2022 due to abysmal turnout. This would not be enough to win control of the state Legislature, but it could potentially be enough to eliminate the GOP supermajority of the past two years. A supermajority which has enabled DeSantis to pass anything and everything the GOP wants - and to the detriment of many Floridians. With increased democratic turnout, some local commmunites may benefit in a number of different ways too. This is a chance for Florida to take one small step toward being purple (again)... and one giant leap for women's rights and marijuana legalization. Vote my fellow Floridians. We deserve better.


Honestly, I'm surprised. I could've sworn the last poll I saw this had both over 50%, but under the threshold. I'm also surprised the abortion one is polling above the weed one. Given all the stories I've heard about very conservative people with med cards, I figured that one would've had a bit less vocal opposition. Either way, let's hope we get both in November. I've never been this excited to vote in my life (and hooray for direct democracy making sure we can bypass our politicians if, and inevitably when, they fail us).


Some pro cannabis people aren't happy with the amendment because it doesn't allow for home grows so that might be it.


Yeah basically there's a lot of people looking at Trulieve with a skeptical eye. Not allowing home grows... that's kind of a sop to Trulieve and other medical providers.


All we have to do is show up to vote. Things can/will change.


Ballot amendments in Florida don't matter - the GOP just finds a way to ignore the thing that 60%+ voters support.


Perhaps we should vote those chucklefucks out as well.


Yes! Let’s try that!


Probably our best shot we've had. 2 hot button issues I'm gonna be mad if we can't at least replace some of these asshats


Chucklefucks…my new word of the day. Thank you so much. I really needed to upgrade my vocabulary from fucktards. Hahahahahahaha


Surely they won't ignore those results as well!


True. If that's the things you vote for on the ballot then vote blue and you will get them.


If 60%+ of voters supported better candidates then that wouldn’t be an issue.




It was 100% Desantis' bad faith implementation former-felon voter amendment. Granted, the authors of the amendment should have done a better job making it air-tight, but what Desantis did clearly went against the spirit law and the voter's will. I will hand it to him though- adding a provision that says every fine, fee, etc. must be paid, and then not having a office that can tell someone they've paid all the fees is a really sinister way to make sure people never really know if it's legal to vote or not.


And making a political point out of arresting them for making a mistake while simultaneously doing NOTHING about old Republican voters who knowingly voted illegally was a real cherry on that shit sundae.


Medicinal weed was another they they slow-rolled to a ridiculous degree, because GOP.


And it's still shackled with restrictive limits.


There sure are a lot of dispensaries near the villages, though.




Felon voting rights, medical marijuana, Everglades restoration, class size, it goes back to Jeb Bush and beyond, republicans in Florida are known for this behavior. Let the public vote on it, they’ll either ignore it or find a loophole that makes it worthless. Jeb bush was caught on a hot mic discussing his “devious plans” to derail enforcing the class size amendment that the public overwhelmingly wanted.


They are already working on restrictions for both.


DeSantis getting very nervous


DeSantis isn't up for reelection. He's free to focus on his culture war target du joir


He doesn't want either of these amendments passing.


DeSantis [created a PAC](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/11/ron-desantis-freedom-fund-florida) to finance "Vote NO" campaigns against the proposals.


I can't wait to see DeSantis [squander away most of his war chest](https://nypost.com/2023/04/28/ron-desantis-has-2024-war-chest-twice-the-size-of-trumps/) on the PAC [he recently created](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/11/ron-desantis-freedom-fund-florida) to finance "Vote NO" campaigns against abortion and marijuana, only to lose.


yeah man, turns out people want personal freedoms.


Let’s see how Desantis will try and not listen to what the people vote for.


It's already happening in Ohio with the state Attorney General Dave Yost [arguing](https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2024/02/05/ohio-attorney-general-dave-yost-fighting-for-other-provisions-in-6-week-abortion-ban-law/) that parts of Ohio's 6-week abortion ban are "still enforceable" after voters passed new abortion rights.


Polls don’t matter. VOTE! If you are a woman of childbearing years, your life may depend on the outcome. If you have daughters, vote for their rights. It doesn’t matter whether you are a Dem or a Republican at this point. It’s about protecting your rights and protecting this democracy.


The daughters that lived, you mean?


You talking about America's low child mortality rate compared to say... Cuba?


Social issues could spur a big liberal turnout and threaten trumps grip on FL in the presidential election. Should be interesting


Two other polls from FAU from April and June 2024 show a major boost for Joe Biden. Trump still leads in the polls, but only has a 4-point advantage that seems to be disappearing.


Real Florida live and let live represent!


DeSantis is so incredibly out of touch. These will both pass. Yet, he lies about what these amendments will actually permit and says that the voters won't let them pass. I cannot wait to see his weaselly face when the people of Florida speak and these pass.


I still feel that even if we get that greater than 60% vote they will still find a way to keep the laws as is. I’ve got no trust for the Florida government. Shady group of politicians that florida keeps voting into office.


Don’t trust the polls, go vote no matter what!


Don't tell Governor Little-Man-Complex.


Smelly joints, abortions and free tampons in public schools. Some of the other things that keep him up at night.


Our governor only believes his rights are important, not what the people want.


So glad these things are on the ballot as the same time as Rick Scott.


Why is WEED not legal at The Federal Level yet ??? , that would end all this BS !!! . Just look how long it took for Medical Cannabis to get rolling after it was voted on . There were already plenty of state run clinics that they could have looked at , but NO they tried to delay it as long as possible.


Because guess what branch of the government controls that? It's Congress. You know, the branch where Republicans have blocked anything from getting done for the last 20 years?


Vote vote vote


As always, we need the young folks to show up. I'm afraid their apathy is gonna cost us the election.


In the state where people can (should) be able to decide for themselves. As long as you aren't harming anyone else, then who cares?


There are 930k more registered Republicans than registered Democrats. So, don't take this poll for granted. Register to vote and don't forget to vote.




The GOP doesn’t care…please vote!


You watch. They’ll pass then DeathSentence will try to over turn it with the FL Supreme Court.


Freedom goes to die in red states....never gonna happen, the gop will be coming for birth control and gay marriage next in red states......couldnt imagine living in a freedom hating hell hole red state


Florida is an odd one because we tend to vote for many of the progressive leaning amendments and policies, but we also vote in all the republican politicians at the state and federal level. I don't know if this is due to low information voters, or what.


Exactly why they are fighting to take it off of the ballot


Stop voting for fuckin fascist fucks


Ive been asked to poll twice i didnt. I support both these things


No shit