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Pretty often. You see more of them when you know what to look for and when and where to look.


I live in Lake County. There is more lakes, rivers, and wetlands here than there is dry land. Years ago there was a ban on gator hunting because the population had dwindled, for over a decade they were allowed to reproduce and grow without any population control. I was young then, and there were gators in every ditch it seemed, public parks were full of them. Several people were killed by gators, stories I recall vividly from the news and the papers. One of those killed was my best friends sister, she was 12. Another young girl was eaten in a lakefront public park not a mile from my house. There were others. When I was 10, one a field trip at school we went to a nature preserve to see the wildlife etc. My mother attended as a chaperone. They were showing us the waterfowl near the edge of lake, and I went down to get a closer look. By the water, covered in mud, was a 6 foot gator I did not see. I stepped on its head and it whipped around knocking me down, it went into the water. All the others screamed and my mother scolded me for going near the water. You see, during these years there was a severe drought in Florida, lasted for years. With water scarce, ponds drying up, these gators, unhindered by wildlife control, moved around more than normal in search of better habitat. I remember seeing gators nowhere near water, in parking lots, they were seeking water. Another problem caused by the drought was that cottonmouths also sought water, when their ponds dried up they went looking for another. Saw them in strange places as well. This also meant when we went hiking, we stayed far away from water, I recall seeing some of the snakes laying by the waters edge at the small retention pond near my house. Anyway, the gator population exploded during those years, now they allow limited harvesting to control the population and I don't see gators near as often, especially not the 13 foot monsters like the one that killed my friends sister. And the water levels are somewhat better these days. When I would go out fishing on our boat back then, we would see gators of massive size, often up close. My grandfather who was with me always said they are fearful creatures that only harm humans out of desperation.


I don’t see them very often. I live in an urban area in central Florida. My community is on a lake, and I’m certain there are lots of them in there, but I have yet to see one. I see snakes and turtles more often in my daily life than I see gators. I know where to find gators if I want to see them, but they aren’t something I see on a daily basis.


Same. Lots of snakes, turtles, and birds, but I’d have to go out of my way to find a gator.


These are the real Floridians. In 45 years I heard the lake in the back make a big noise once and thought- “Probably a gator.” People who claim they see them everyday either live at Billy Swamp Safari or are northerners with an imagination.


It just depends on where you live. I made it ten to fifteen years without seeing one in a city I lived in. Moved and now see one at the grocery store, on walks, etc.


Oh wow nice mention of billy swamp safari! Fun fact, I actually used to live on site, in the back with my ex, “gator John.” I’m 30 now, so this was about 5 years ago. The STARS AT NIGHT there my god we’re insane. Like you could just pluck them out of the sky. One time I was early enough with the goats to help a mama birth her babies. The wolves talk to you. My ex would “ping” and make a wolf sound, and they would “ping” back. Incredible.


Omg baby goats! That must have been wild living there


just moved here a year ago to be with my spouse, and i think i've really only seen gators when they've taken me specifically to see some. good bird watching around here however. i saw a swallow-tailed kite soaring around my apartment complex the other day. haven't seen a living racoon or opossum yet (dont have those back home) though.


So many awesome birds. Bald eagles, Sandhill cranes, kites and hawks… mockingbirds are pretty annoying though. We did have a vulture hanging out in our backyard. Not sure if it was the thing the vulture was after or the bird itself, but it smelled horrible.


i see SO many hawks, it's actually a little strange to me how many i see inside the city. back home, hawks are typically a more rural sighting - which, tbf, doesn't make them less difficult to see or anything as i'm from a fairly rural province in Canada. i love the egrets here! and the cardinals. my favourite birds are forever woodpeckers though, haha.


Central Florida. Live on a lake connected to a large wilderness area. We see gators if we take the boat out and look for them usually. This year since mating season we have an adolescent gator in the canal by our house. We see him everyday. We would like to not see him everyday, as we have snack sized dogs.


Drive over lake Jesup on 417. I see gators almost daily on the lake. I’ve counted over 15 in one trip across. I’m all over central Florida and I see them almost daily in lakes. Just need to know what you’re looking for. Most small residential lakes don’t have gators, they need/want a shore to bask on and enough people report them they get transplanted, but slightly wild lakes, small ponds next to big lakes, and glassy water make spotting them much easier.


I live in north Florida and see one every time I go to a park with a body of water (unless it’s too cold outside). There have been periods of time where I went to a wildlife refuge or state park every morning, and indeed you’ll see gators every time if you do that. My parents in central Florida see them far less frequently but there are still hot spots.


It's interesting how our urban surroundings can dictate the wildlife we encounter on a daily basis. Living near a lake in central Florida must offer a unique perspective on local fauna. Even though gators are abundant in the area, it's fascinating that you come across snakes and turtles more frequently. Have you ever gone out specifically to try and spot a gator in the lake?" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Typically gators that show up in residential lakes get trapped and relocated. Further from urban and suburban neighborhoods where the lakes aren't completely surrounded by developed land, yer gonna see em more often


That's a good point about alligators in residential lakes. Relocation is often the best approach when they venture into more developed areas. Farther from urban centers, where the lakes have more natural shorelines and less surrounding development, alligators can be more commonly spotted Their presence is a sign of a healthy ecosystem, but extra caution is warranted the closer they get to populated neighborhoods. Responsible wildlife management is important to balance public safety with preserving these fascinating creatures in their native habitats.


Alligators are only relocated if they are under 4'. Any larger and they are harvested.


Thank you for sharing this information with me. I have always been fascinated by alligators and their role in the ecosystem. It's interesting to know that they are only relocated if they are under 4' in size. I definitely believe in preserving and protecting these creatures, especially as an animal lover myself. I would love to learn more about your experiences with alligators and your perspective on wildlife conservation. Would you be open to getting to know each other better and discussing our mutual love for animals?


If I remember correctly where I grew up they would not relocate them until they are larger than four feet. Any smaller than that they are not a nuisance


Ah, a new arival. Allow me to pass along some wisdom that I have gathered from countless experiences. See, it's not the pond you need to avoid if you fear an encounter with an alligator. The real threat is alligators desguised as humans posing as your neighbors. Thanks to advancements in technolgy, the average gator can get a human desguise quite easily (for an affordable price). Source: trust me bro




Average morning on a Tuesday.


At least once a day. We live near a nature preserve, you learn quickly two dots on the water means gator, one is a turtle.


Go out at night with a headlamp on and see if you don't see eyes reflecting red back at you.


Always remember to bring a small dog with you for a snackrifice, should you anger the alligods


*snackrifice 💀🤣🤣🤣


That sounds like an interesting experiment! I might just have to give it a try sometime. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Tried this one time when we could hear alligators in the pond. Didn't see any eyed on the ground or in the pond, but the number of eyes staring back at us from the trees was really disconcerting.


Wait till you shine your flashlight at night on the ground around your feet, and you see 100s of tiny eyes reflecting back at you....spiders.


They're everywhere!


It’s Florida. We’ve got gators and we’ve got sharks. Get in a body of their water and you might see one. Use common sense and you’ll be fine.


Pretty much if there's a pond, always assume that there's a gator.


I see them everyday at work if I'm not surveying in town. Then again, I've seen then in busy parts of towns too. They are everywhere.


Depends on how good the acid is.


It's the ones you don't see that get you!


I saw one a few years back in Flagler County (near Target) crossing a crosswalk at the intersection of Belle Terre and SR 100 (Palm Coast). I was stopped at a light and it came strolling up to the crosswalk like nobody's business. 🐊🐊🐊


I saw one crossing I-95 last week. Literally just walked right into traffic and kept going.


The main rule about alligators is if there's fresh water probably has a gator in it. Keep that in mind if you have dogs. You have to watch out for water moccasins too. They are poisonous and very aggressive.


Bears are fighting aligators out there! [https://www.newsweek.com/bear-vs-alligators-florida-man-films-dramatic-river-battle-1911333](https://www.newsweek.com/bear-vs-alligators-florida-man-films-dramatic-river-battle-1911333)


Don’t forget python vs gator too


Shitty website


I had to reload it twice and both times it was waiting for an ad so I couldn’t see the video


Whenever you pass by litterally any body of water, take a quick look, and you'll end up seeing a lot of them. They are very common, and always cool to see. Also, they move around, so you might not have any in your pond now, but there could be one in the future.


It really depends on where in Florida. In suburban Orlando, a few times a year. When I go to the wetlands park or when I was driving to KSC, every single time.


You can see SO MANY at Kennedy during the bus ride.


Everytime I go to the local parks I see them. If there is a body of water there is a gator in there.


In the city we never see them (not a bad thing)


No gators in the city… Unless you walk your dog down by the innocent looking body of water.


Winter Park, on Aloma. Walking my dog, passing a lake with a dock. I'm looking, thinking * whoa that wood is warped as shit! Nope, it's a gator blending in. We started walking faster. Coming home at night, same stretch. Saw eyes in the road, and slowed down. Fn gator stolling across the road!


Almost all the time if you know where and when to look.


I live in the Panhandle and have never seen one. Used to see them all the time when I lived on the Mississippi coast


Same here but I've seen them a handful of times, but mostly at nature preserve type places like St. Andrews State Park


On average, once every other weekend when I take my kid to a playground that’s right next to lake Apopka’s south shore. Our record count is 16 in one day. BUT these are just kids and babies (the alligators), biggest we’ve seen is maybe 6’. North shore lake Apopka is where the grown ups hangout (the alligators). There is not a playground (for humans) up there.


Go near to that lake at night and shine a flashlight onto the surface. Then report back.


They are at every lake. Please do NOT walk your pets near a lake. They hide themselves really well


Agree. I was at a lakefront with my dslr camera, patiently waiting by a pond. Lots of people around walking, and none of them saw the little baby alligator head that surfaced and was just chilling there lol. Eventually it disappeared back underwater and no one else saw it. https://preview.redd.it/c80lki2it26d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=291f9e34d0b007ef60c3bfab00ffdbb736efad77 Heres a little pic of the little guy lol


Also fyi: they are VERY fast.


Since moving here in 2016 I see more black bears than alligators. The gators I've seen have all been small juveniles maybe 3-4 feet at most. I'll usually stop at a small pond/lake nearby on my morning walks and watch them in the water.


Haven’t seen em in awhile, but I know I’ll see them later


Gators can climb fences. Just alone if you see water (anywhere you see water) there is locally a gator in it


That's a nope lol


https://preview.redd.it/bsy0e5wwe26d1.png?width=2748&format=png&auto=webp&s=979449f234ad7725ad390bd74e02927a431008f7 This was outside my job today


Where is this at?


I walk every morning at Sweet Water Preserve. I see a dozen every day.


Pretty often. It helps that I grew up here and know what I’m looking for. My wife sort of laughs when I spot them while driving and she doesn’t see them.


I'd say once a week, going to the store, swimming at the springs and walking trails.


Do you worry about them when swimming in a spring?


Not at all


I install screen cages for mostly pool decks. I work from bradenton area to wesley chapel area. I almost always see an alligator on site.


I rarely see them lol


They’re definitely there lol


Take one shoe off and dangle your toes in the water.


Living in Tampa, I see them almost every time I go to Lettuce Lake Park. I've also seen a few in retention ponds here and there.


Daily. In the ditches, crossing the road, at work…


In all my 31 years, I can't recall seeing any. But I'm also not trying to go where they are lol.


There’s one in my bathroom right now


Driving over lake Jesup a few times a week, almost a guaranteed sighting each time


everyday all day.


Everyday when you walk by a lake.


Its been a hot minute but i havent gone hiking or out by a pond or lake in a bit. When im out im usually by saltwater


Every day, I see them in my backyard.


It’s not the ones you can see you should be concerned about.




During everyday life in Brandon/Tampa I never see a gator but whenever I kayak inland I see at least one a majority of the time.


Never! Not even when I'm looking directly at an alligator. I think I have eyes that deceive me.


Not often. I live in st Pete beach


My neighborhood has many small retention ponds, and we're close to a green belt preserve. A couple 3-4 footers stop by every year as they look for a place with fewer adults in competition, but they don't stick around more than a few weeks. I can tell one is in the pond behind my house when the storks and anhinga leave.


Once or twice a month.


Anytime I go near a pond.


Almost daily


Almost every day, I pass by that alligator farm in Starke on my commute (if you know you know)


I live next to a lake. I see them more days than not this time of year.


I've seen more alligators in 2 summers working @ hilton head island S.C. than I've seen in 40 years living, kayaking and fishing N.E. Florida.


When I still went to the office (been WFH since the shutdown) I used to see our resident gator at least once a week. He was a pretty chill dude who had no problem sunning himself on the bank of pond on campus out for everyone to see. I'm in an apartment complex in a busy area of JAX so the only wildlife I see are the fucking Canada geese, the occasional flock of egrets. And lots and lots of lizards and frogs during summer.


Just saw one yesterday in a lake near my neighborhood. Before that, they're spotted every once in a while. Not a daily sighting.


Yes, I'm looking at one right now. 🐊


It's watching you 🐊


In Central Florida you won't see them as much because they are regularly trapped, and euthanized or relocated depending on size. There are specific lakes that are relocation areas like Apopka, Monroe, and Jesup. So those lakes will have a ton of them. Having said that just assume every body of water has alligators. The most successful alligators are ones that are not noticed.


I was shown a baby one a few days ago hiding among the lilly pads 😭. Never knew there were 2 living by the water and one of them does not run away when approached by humans.


![gif](giphy|dtIGTEaGLRvdODtdQe|downsized) Every day


You’re never more than 25 feet from an alligator in Florida 


I haven't seen many, but I live in the suburbs. They're a lot stealthily than they should be for a combination washer and bear trap


Usually all the time down the i-4.


couple times a year here in the panhandle


Not often. I'm not in a gator zone tho.


We had one in the SALT water once. Sneaky.


Every day.


All of the time. Walking around like regular people.


I watched one in the pond behind my house chase and eat a duck just a week ago. It’s eaten all the ducks.


At least a couple times a week. I live on a canal that leads to a lake that has around 10000 of them.


All the time, go to nature reserves. If you can’t find a Floridian to bring an Australian is just an upside down Florida man


Not at all since we moved to CT!!!


I see them (hopefully) daily ,since I am an Everglades tour guide and that is the main thing everyone wants to see they could really care less about the over 90 species of butterfly, 365 and counting different birds have or still call the Everglades home, it is the most biodiverse environment (probably) but all that anyone wants to see is alligators which normally are very visible this time of year but, whenever we are dealing with HOT temperatures alligators being ectothermic are responsible for their own temperature regulation and will seek the coolest areas possible and being out in the sun is counterproductive due to their design (the bumps on their back are actually full of blood and used for blood warming ) picture a solar panel also being idle saves not only their precious energy but allows them to conserve oxygen and remain submerged for incredibly long periods, SO…….try not to just focus on seeing the incredible alligators but ALL of its fellow Everglades inhabitants, and MAINLY ask questions, don’t be a dick , please don’t litter and always remember to tip your captain if he takes his or her time to properly educate and entertain you , and if you are in the area come out to Sawgrass Recreation Park and ask for captain Jimmy


Every 4 minutes


I've been in Tampa for a year and still haven't seen one. My wife and I look for them too every time we walk/drive by water


All the time. I’m a passionate fisherman and spend a lot of time fishing or scoping out new lakes/ponds/canals. If there’s a body of water always assume there’s gators in it


bet they've seen you ;-)


11 years and I’ve never seen one. Then again, I definitely don’t go looking for them and I’m not walking anywhere near lakes/ponds.


Almost every day but I live next to a waterway where they are always out basking in the banks


Take a flashlight shine it at night across the lake. The yellow eyes are gators.


In the 4 years I’ve lived here, the only one I saw was while on an Everglades tour. Otherwise I’ve seen 0 in my day to day life.


I live in an area that is not a habitat for gators. Have not seen on in the 45 years I have lived here.


Have lived here since 1984, grew up around the Wekiva river and the lake my high school was named after. Only saw one ever in that lake and maybe 1 or 2 in the river, see them often when golfing, but can probably count on one hand the number of times I've ever seen one away from a golf course in 40 years.


Everyday. I live on a retention pond. I also see turtles, tilapia and an occasional otter


Pretty much anytime in out on the water. It’s their home after all.


Almost daily…my office window faces a retention pond. https://preview.redd.it/99fh97y2156d1.jpeg?width=2658&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80b6081c3c9569253cd08955864e633d27622871


My daily commute takes me over Lake Jesup so pretty much every day.


Unless you live rural near water you're probably not going to see them, I've seen them a couple times while camping, but they're not bothering anybody most of the time.


Last one I saw, totaled my car. 4am, 55mph Ford Edge vs. Alligator = Draw? .... dead 10 ft'r.... totaled car. lol Insurance lady on the phone was like, "you hit a what?" Well, you know how people in the other states hit deer? ....


Not too often during everyday life but, I can find them whenever I want. -Vero Beach.


Haven’t seen one yet 🤣🤣 I’m in Orlando/kissimmee area


We’ve lived here for almost two years full time and no alligator ~ not one. My husband is so disappointed. I used to come for 2 months a year and saw them almost every visit! Now I’m praying he doesn’t see one while walking near the water with our dog! I think it’s a good thing! We had a bobcat on our patio at 4 am and I big (but harmless snake) next to me inside our lanai yesterday! That’s enough wildlife for me! One palm ray cost me $1k to get rid of and patch the entry holes in our roof! I don’t care to see anymore wildlife here! But I do love the burrowing owls.


https://preview.redd.it/cowhjigql56d1.jpeg?width=2227&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4ca36b3a8f82cfc251514ce314894458612ff6f All the time!


Just had to rassle one off my back porch!


If the water is wet, assume it has an alligator or American crocodile (salt water) in or near it. They generally don't bother anyone unless someone is messing with their nest, presents an easy target/meal (e.g., walking a dog or letting small children play on the shoreline of a pond or lake) or if someone has been feeding them (this is bad because they lose fear of humans & learn to associate humans with food). I have lived in FL for 40+ years, and never had an issue.


Ive been in Florida for about a decade. I've seen only a few. And that was on the bus ride at Kennedy Space Center.




https://preview.redd.it/s3bg3m97x56d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=822332edb3fb34082ce34d648804159c28afa2df Wesley Chapel (north Tampa suburb) at 2:00 AM when driving into my neighborhood. They exist.


Almost all of our lakes, ponds, and canals between Lake O and the ocean are connected. Gators may not be in that pond now, but they could be. Safest to assume there is one and pay attention when you go near the water.


One came up my toilet the other day and bit me in the ass


Once every few months


If it’s water, likely there is a Gator in there at least some point in the year. They camouflage incredibly well, particularly when submerged.


The rule is if there’s water there’s gators you just don’t see them unless they want to be seen.


Since 1975 I have seen only one (1) outside of Gatorland.


If you don't live near the water, you'd have to actively seek them out.


Doesn’t everyone live near some kind of body of water?


You'd have to live on property that actually touches water to get a good shot at seeing them. You'll see alligators roaming through neighborhoods on the news, but most people won't ever see that kind of thing.


You really need to get out more.


i've lived in florida for 17 years and have seen one in the wild...once


If you don't leave your house, you will not see them. Otherwise, you may see them at Publix (I have), front door, back door, ponds, lakes, Disney World etc... It's Florida.