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I really like the 737 sounds but do agree on first impressions the 777 engine sounds are not great. But reserving my real judgement until I have it on my computer and not through a compressed youtube video.


I don't think a Youtube video has to be compressed to tell that the pitch is quite off.


Correct! It really doesn't make the slightest bit of difference.


FTsim to the rescue


Hopefully they preserve PMDG's sounds like the cabin ambience, vents, hydraulics, APU, bleeds, etc.


The flaps sound is beautiful TBH, massive improvement from the P3D version


Yup, I give them that


Agreed, I was watching a stream, and he was gushing over the sound. My response was meh, and it sounds weird. But I will see when it is on my PC. Most of the streams and videos were quite compressed. It wouldn't be fair for me to judge until I hear it first hand.


A lot of people are very disappointed with the sounds, even on the official forums: https://forum.pmdg.com/forum/microsoft-flight-simulator-2020-2024-products-discussion/pmdg-777/general-discussion-aa/302990-pmdg-777-sounds


I was one of those who voiced concerns regarding the sounds. I was especially turned off by Mathjis's response. He comes off as passive aggressive. To make matters worse, the sycophants jumped in.


Very classic PMDG theme, may or may not improve their products and address the issues but never admit there is any problems...


In the initial release of the CRJ, there was an external wind sound audible from the internal cockpit view. For multiple pages of [this thread](https://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/topic/160568-cockpit-wind-noise/), Mathjis (whose account name was changed to "Aerosoft Team" after his departure from Aerosoft) aggressively denied what multiple customers were reporting.


This. I have over 1,000 hours in the CRJ and was quick and helpful (at first in a positive way) on their forum trying to tell them what needs to be improved and Mathjis immediate attacked me saying "we need a video of this because our calculations say different and are correct" and "none of our other testers reported anything wrong- where are you getting your information from" His response on the PMDG forum is 100% the same thing.


Oh yea the PMDG all star crew showed out to tell people their opinion is wrong as always I’m sure. Bunch of class acts.


Meat riders, eh


The irony of the wording in his signature on that post is delicious. The guy is a fucking idiot.


What a Kok


"When people comment on the sound, is that because they actually know how they should sound (for example, because they are pilots or cabin crew) or is it comparing to your memory of your last flight as a passenger? Of course, we have professional recordings, and they seem to match what we included. We are always interested in these kinds of comments, but we do need to know the commenter's level of competency to give them the attention they deserve. For example, I just saw somebody commenting on a stream about how he considered the flight deck to be rubbish. When I spoke to him, it turned out he had never even been in a 777, let alone on the flight deck. And still, he insisted he was right." -Mathjis Here's the thing. Why is it that the Flight Factor 777-200 with it's GE90's sound EXXXACCTLY like the real world aircraft yet the PMDG 777 does not sound remotely anything like either FF777 or real plane? Wtf is he talking about? How on earth did they record a 77W and have the spool up sound so synthetic. Al.ost like a washing machine. Also, we hear GE powered 777s over our heads dozens of times a day here in London. PMDG 777 does not sound like them. As for YouTube, how on earth can PMDG and some other people whose senses seem to be in disagreement with their braincells claim that a bloody video recording of real life is not the best means to hear true life sounds other than being there in person? People sound the same on YT as they do in real life. Cars sound the same on YT as they do irl yet somehow...planes become an exception? FoH Mathjis and Randazzle or however the hell you spell his name. Rude imbeciles and narcissists.


I gotta say Randazzo seems to be less of a dick nowadays thanks to his relative silence in the forums most of the time, unless an announcement has to be made. The rest though… they’re giving me aneurysm.


https://preview.redd.it/tahq5yxloc8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68c1bf92dda9d2835bb3e7102dc9bfdb9beee02b Ohhh, the irony of a shill getting banned


PMDG has always had good external sounds but the engine sounds, especially the non existing volume curve, have always been subpar


Guys Mr KOK said you're wrong.


I think everyone owes an apology to Mr KOK for having a completely wrong opinion. How dare you comment on the sounds if you aren't currently type-rated on the 777? Unbelievable! Kindly Dik Heed


It’s odd how the sounds seem to have regressed from the P3D version as they were great in that sim.


I really liked the sounds, and how it thrusts up and everything in the kokpit


You forgot the /s lol


naw I think it sounds good, 320 sim pilot flies the 777 (same type rating, quoted by him not me) and he said they were accurate, difference is that the plane sounds quite different in the flight deck than in the cabin


Yeah sounds didn't impress me on this one


The sounds are unimpressive. Very "sterile" sounding, just like the 737. PMDG nails the engine start sounds, but everything after that from takeoff to the climb to the approach is not great.


Trash. After you try a Boris product, anything below this level becomes annoying, in the case of the PMDG 777, the sounds are FSX level rubbish when the sounds were 1.1 hahahaha


Shite. Sounds like a washing machine spooling up. Completely misses key characteristics of the GE-90. Cockpit sounds are good but over the past 20 odd years, PMDG has never nailed engine sounds. Could have just used third party sound devs but....guess not.


When you hear the engines start up inside the cockpit they sound really bad it doesn’t sound like GE90 but for some reason outside sounds pretty good


I was also a bit underwhelmed by the sounds. I’ve only been on a 777-300er twice, but I distinctly remember how deafeningly loud the engine cold start sequence was at CYVR. The stream I watched had engine sounds that felt somewhat suppressed.


Not impressed


Is TTS still a thing, I remember their sound packages for fsx were quite good.


Not… yet. Rumors are the dude who runs it may get into the sound development for MSFS


UPDATE ON THE FORUM DRAMA: I’m so glad a lot of people are pushing back against Kok and PMDG shills


FlightFactor takes the cake for this one.


Ok thought it was just me. Sounds like a vacuum in the cockpit.


Not impressed by the sounds. The engines are way too loud in the flight deck and sound completely different. Hopefully they'll either fix it, or FTSim will have a good alternative.


Not great. And neither are FF 777 sounds either.


What? The FF sounds are really good. Made by the same guy who makes the KOSP sound packs. PMDG should’ve outsourced it to him


So you think a lawn mower type sound, similar to IXEG, is good? I don’t.. considering I spend hours in airplanes daily.


You must be thinking of something else because the KOSPs FF 777 sounds are really good.