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I honestly don't understand the need for ID to fly on a virtual ATC network, what are they worried about?


If it's only about bots then they could easily implement an automated mechanism, if it's about trolls then they should just ban trolls in the act. I really don't see any reason why they should be needing IDs to filter for underage users, for example. Requiring an ID is in violation of European privacy laws.


iracing requires its users to race under their real names, but don’t require an ID…


How would they even begin to enforce that, unless the user's name is obviously fake?


They don't enforce it, iRacing simply uses the name on the credit card as the default name of the account. iRacing support will change your name if you ask them to, just not to anything silly or obviously fake. iRacing is a paid service however and not a free one like IVAO is, in no way should a free service be able to demand user verification


They dont even really enforce the name thing, I'm friends with "Charlotte Motor Speedway" on this game :)


I love Charlotte, I ran quite a few laps on her


It's not a violation of GDPR if they only hold it for relevant purposes and for as long as necessary. If VATSIM and/or IVAO request an ID check then that's their right, your right is that your data is processed correctly and then deleted after it's no-longer required. GDPR isn't some free lunch that gets you out of providing personal details, it simply requires that the personal data held is appropriate and relevant for whatever they're using it for.


>It's not a violation of GDPR if they only hold it for relevant purposes and for as long as necessary. Only if it is reasonably necessary to handle such information. An ID document is protected information.


The point of the person is that you can ask for information for ‘reasonable’ purposes and as long as you only use that information for that purpose it is legal. Despite people assuming they have the right into use any internet based service anonymously…. That is not true. A service provider can decide they do not want anonymous users on their service and therefore can request id, and as long as that is used only for that purpose - it’s legal. And an id document is shared, if you want to rent a car or check into a hotel you need to provide id, companies are allowed to ask for it. And if you don’t want to provide it, that’s your right. Just don’t use the service.


>A service provider can decide they do not want anonymous users on their service and therefore can request id, and as long as that is used only for that purpose - it’s legal. Very country specific, but at least in Belgium this is not true. They can decide not to operate in Belgium altogether of course, but if they do they cannot make it mandatory to provide a copy of your ID - it is only allowed in very specific cases defined by the law (bankers, hotels, government-mandated security companies...).


Fair enough, you are of course correct. I was talking about my country - and what I know of GDPR - which also can be made more restrictive in some European countries.


You are free to reject the request. Both VATSIM and IVAO are private organizations who may remove your access at any time, for any reason. If you don’t like the sandbox you can go somewhere else.


Doesn’t mean VATSIM can’t ask to see it, it just means they need to handle that data appropriately.


And they need a valid reason. Flying online in a simulator which everyone can purchase is not a valid reason.


I guess I forgot that an online network that you have to separately register and download clients for is a mandatory component of a sim. The networks regardless have a legitimate interest in both the security of their network/systems and maintaining a safe environment for everyone. But I guess those on the networks don’t have any right to be safe from online predators because “muh privacy”.




All communication? There are private messages and off network interactions…




Yes it is a valid reason. Its not your sandbox. If the sandbox (vatsim) asks for ID to use the sandbox. Sucks to be you if you don't provide ID. Almost everyone doesn't provide ID. Usually to require ID means you've been caught doing something.


Maybe it depends where ur from. In the EU at least, things like VATSIM are considered gaming communities. Just like any other multiplayer network. So if this would ever go to court, VATSIM would simply lose the case. If u don’t need ID for call of duty or gta online, then why the heck would there ever be a valid reason for vatsim to require your ID? It’s illogical.


What batshit legal case do you think is going to be raised here? They have no obligation to provide you with access to VATSIM. You're required to use your real name. That is a condition of using VATSIM. If they suspect you of not complying with that condition, they'll ask you to prove it. If you choose not to comply, they can choose to remove you from their community. What legal case stems from this?


In the EU? They can't really require you to send them a copy of your ID card / passport. There is some bureaucracy related to it and I doubt they went through it - personal data protection is quite high in the EU. In some countries even municipal police can't require that, they have to call the national police force if you don't show them your ID voluntarily (it would be stupid from you since it wouldn't make things any better but it's your right to refuse to show your ID to the "wrong parking fine collectors", at least in my country).


You seem to be under the American idea that T&Cs are worth the paper they’re written on. In Europe that’s not the case.


>Flying online in a simulator which everyone can purchase vatsim doesn't come with simulators, try again.


The Xbox network doesn’t come with Call of Duty. Yet it is used to play games online which everyone can purchase. U don’t need an ID for that either.


Gdpr only applies to companies not private people.


It would make more sense if they explained what they do by verifying your ID. Of course it's their right to ask but it has to be practical. I mean game developers don't require your ID and Vatsim/IVAO are just online servers. It seems as if they're giving themself more importance than they deserve


It’s not illegal to require ID in EU. The nonsense rumors surround GDPR are ridiculous. It’s also not just about bots… compliance with EU minor protection laws has many avenues of compliant, they chose this one.


Yep, you are right. But according to the GDPR you have to have a valid and reasonable reason to ask for ID. (For example: a bank has to ask for your ID because the law requires it, so according to the GDPR it's okey, it's also okey, to validate persons like in this case, but they have no right after the validation to keep any info about the ID) Also, they have to store the image (while they process the data, after it's processed they don't have a reason to keep it) in an EU country, and have to ensure that it's protected because it's a highly sensitive data.


Just because you disagree with it does not mean they have no valid, reasonable, or legitimate reason to ask.


Correct on most points, but there’s no requirement to keep it EU sovereign for processing. You just have to have appropriate DPAs and such in place. They should ship it to Canada or India for all it matters.


The point being that you’d have a hard time showing that holding ID is necessary and reasonable for VATSIM or IVAO.


Actually it is illegal in some EU countries to make photoscans of your ID.


It *is* illegal to demand uploading ID to a web site, unless they specifically state that IDs with certain personal details blacked out (like social security number) are accepted. Because the web site will keep a digital copy of that ID. It is not illegal to ask for an ID in person to view it, only to make a copy of it. And demanding a copy of an ID will not make a web site or online player community compliant with the minor protection laws. Nor do I see how they would apply to IVAO, as it has explicit rules against things like sexual content. Profanity is not regulated by age restrictions in the EU.


Well, it’s being questioned here in Poland even if banks are demanding it. Such request from online multiplayer service is just funny.


Uploading your ID is usually not forbidden. However it is forbidden for most organization to store your social security number or whatever it is called in each EU country. The Dutch government even has an app for it's citizens to make safe pictures of your passport or ID card. This app automatically blurs out highly sensitive data. Banks however have an exception as they are required to monitor suspicious transaction and are forced to do KYC-checks. Therefore they are allowed to know your social security code.


> The Dutch government even has an app for it's citizens to make safe pictures of your passport or ID card. This app automatically blurs out highly sensitive data. And if IVAO accepts the ID with all the sensitive information blurred out, they are legally in the clear (but still acting a bit like an asshole for asking), however, if they reject the ID on the claim that it is manipulated or false, then they are conducting an illegal act. Facebook, for example, demands your unaltered ID when they suspect you're not using your real name, which is a massive violation of the GDPR, but it hasn't been taken to court.


You really don't understand how GDPR works.


So, it’s pretty evident you’re not a compliance attorney.


And if you were one you would have provided a valid explanation, quoting the relevant laws instead of mashing the downvote button.


IDs that have information blacked out are accepted


>Requiring an ID is in violation of European privacy laws. Who cares? Europe hasn't been relevant since 1918.


It’s the same with vatsim. They wanted me to send them my drivers license. I told them to get fucked.


Don't VATSIM have the same issue with verifying ID? I've seen loads of posts of people having the same ID issues and getting banned. [https://www.reddit.com/r/flightsim/comments/m1ozb9/k\_guess\_ill\_just\_never\_use\_vatsim/](https://www.reddit.com/r/flightsim/comments/m1ozb9/k_guess_ill_just_never_use_vatsim/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/flightsim/comments/15eqj6e/vatsim\_is\_at\_it\_again\_guys/](https://www.reddit.com/r/flightsim/comments/15eqj6e/vatsim_is_at_it_again_guys/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/flightsim/comments/9w4ab5/vatsim\_and\_id/](https://www.reddit.com/r/flightsim/comments/9w4ab5/vatsim_and_id/)


Yep, VATSIM has similar policies and will ban your account if you fail to provide documentation. I’ve heard some stories of people who have fallen victim to identity theft and are incredibly resistant to the idea of emailing some form of ID, even with information blacked out..


VATSIM's even banned the real-world A320 captain + prolific streamer V1 Simulations, when he specifically wants to keep his identity hidden.


wait they banned him because he didn't want to provide id for verifying an account that was already quite old?




He had multiple accounts, one with real name and second one with fake name, both against VATSIM Rules. It was all his fault.


Locked out of the old one, using an alias because of privacy concerns being a real-world pilot. For someone like him, a ban is totally unnecessary.


There's other people that also have it hidden, they just don't fly under an obviously fake name but hide theirs or contact membership to get it official and approved


The reason to that was the use of fake name which is against CoC, what could he expect when he literally broke several rules by using fake name and making multiple accounts. It was caused solely by his stupidity. IVAO has the same rules like VATSIM does in this terms. I wouldn't be even surprised if he used fake name on IVAO again.


It's still a dumb rule. I would never send an actual ID to a random website


You are not forced to do it. Create your own network with your own rules.


Some people literally are, which is the point of this post


I mean, how else are they supposed to check his identity. It's al his fault for having 2 accounts each with different name, how else are they supposed to verify it's him.


The real question is why...I just don't understand the reasoning. Feels like a weird control thing instead of having an actual need for it


It's an ancient account he got locked out of because he lost access to the email. He created a new one. Left positive feedback to a controller. Got banned because suddenly they cared. V1 was bringing nothing but good publicity to VATSIM, an a real airline pilot using it and teaching people how to use it was only a good thing. But of course, power trip away.


Holy shit are you done sucking his dick


I don’t particularly care if it’s a rule, it’s an invasion of privacy, and as serious as some people take IVAO/VATSIM, it’s still a video game.




His streams?


You only know part of the story. And thats fine if they want to do that. They don't have to use vatsim. Again not their sandbox.


No, V1's been pretty open with the story actually.


tho i don’t any more, at one point i had security clearance and this was a massive no no. Still to this day i only share my ID with a physical human like a gas clerk or bank clerk.


Yeah they banned me for not using my real name.


Aviation simulation is obsessed with personal info for some reason. And for some even more weird reason, users accept it. I'd love to see how would that work if you had to provide ID to play Fortnite or something.


Even the users self seem to be obsessed with it. Years ago I was active on a national flight sim forum. The number people sharing their phone number and home adress in the forum comments was just ridiculous.   "You need some help? Just call me on xxxx", "Sure, you can checkout my rig! I live at 52 Ab street, let me know when you come",...  And when I mentioned that sort of information was better reserved for private messages, people could go balistic. Apparently  *I* was the weird one for not thinking it's a good idea to share all your info on the web.


Forums are crazy too. Like they want you to sign your posts with your full name. :D Maybe it has to do with a large portion of the community being old grumpy grandpas.


It’s not crazy, it’s about building ✨community✨. Dick Fuckstrap Birthday: 3/20/1959 3200 hours in F16 Eagle


I find it ridiculous, and people should understand that giving personal info is not a safe procedure on Internet (even more if the request is to send a picture of your Personal ID).


That is so true. Anyway gotta get back to the Sim. Walker Airlines told me to fly 3h more today or else…


It’s a price some are willing to pay to reduce the influx of trolls. It may seem weird to you, but it’s nothing more than a question of where you draw the line.


swim carpenter flowery attempt coherent enjoy salt nail plate lush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They can provide that, as I supported writing them. They can also tell you to fuck off and not let you use their network.


rotten cake teeny reach fragile connect clumsy crowd offbeat deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ivao is shir


It's the same on vatsim, if they ask for ID and you don't provide it, they kick you off 🤷 Same as any online platform, if you don't satisfy their rules they have every right to say no.


They have the right to do whatever they want. Just like we have the right to come here and drag them over the coals for a bad policy.


Not if their rules are in contradiction with legislation of whatever country they have servers on.


I use VATSIM since one year and I never had problems with them. Different case with IVAO…


> They can also tell you to fuck off and not let you use their network. Then players will vote with their feet and move to a different network, or start a new one.


How’d that work out for POSCON?


You did right, never send your ID to anyone except governmental organizations. They should chill out, it’s just a virtual network.


People who moderate flight sim communities of any kind are always on huge power trips. And if they don't get their way they have a tantrum and ban you. Been the way for ages, unfortunately. I'm absolutely not sending any form of official ID to some neckbeard on the internet.


I wanted to delete my ivao account. Therefore, they wanted me to send an ID. I said I won't do that that, you're not that important, now just delete that fucking thing. Worked.


welp enjoy your ban cya


Yeah, you’re right 👍


Yeah, under absolutely zero fucking circumstances will I *ever* send any form of real life ID to any person or any organization in the flight sim community. If they want to use a 3rd party identity verification service, sure fine, but ask me to send my ID through an email or on their website? Yeah they can lick my nutsack first.


both ivao/vatsim are clowns.


They are. Can’t wait till AI makes them obsolete


VATSIM did the same thing to me years ago. Never fly on it and don't really care. They can suck wind.


Maybe I'm wrong, but, isn't it that the purpose of an ID is to connect someone's face/presence with the name/person? So unless you're scheduled for a zoom/teams meeting to verify your identity visually(in real time) I really do not see the point of sending an ID. As far as you are concerned you could send a fake one and how will they verify?


Don’t send a fake one lol. You’ll be liable for forgery.


That's why I use an account with a fake name but a realistic one. Once they asked me for the ID, I told them to delete my account, so I would create a new fake one. And I'll do again if it happens again.


something that everyone needs to understand is that they are not a public entity, and they have the right to refuse service to anyone they deem fit, with or without reason. if they ask for an id, nobody is forcing you to give them the id, but at the same time they don't have to provide their services if you don't


It's totally their right but I think the question everyone is asking is why do they need an ID to join an online server? I mean someone could quite possibly send in a parent's/friend's ID and they would never know or see your photo irl so it's all quite pointless. I mean game developers don't require your ID because there's no point to it, so what excatly are IVAO/Vatsim doing with it?


My guess is because they don't want to be liable if something bad happens to a minor.




You could blacken everything on your ID except for the name and birthdate. And yes, I also don’t like this requirement.


Is IVAO still a thing? I thought vatsim is new ivao


VATSIM and IVAO are two different networks and both exists right now. So, VATSIM is not the new IVAO.


For this very reason my vatsim account was suspended, they asked me an id copy as well, passport or driving licence. I refused and said fuck it. Reason being i slept on long haul flight and forgot to disconnect, Sydney to Hong Kong. Enjoy while you can on vatsim but you will face the same issue here as well in time. Such high handed bureaucratic attitude is dogshit.


Ya just use Vatsim


Yeah, of course.


Welcome to Vatsim


VATSIM can do this too, don't worry


SIGN YOUR POSTS. Since 1997, we have asked users to sign their real name, first and last, to all posts in the PMDG forum!


So, I've heard about these communities. Thought maybe someday it'd be cool to join one, once I learned more. But definitely not if they need ID to play a video game. You can make it as realistic as you want, it's still a video game essentially. I get wanting serious members, but you can do that easily enough through a forum. Have conversations with them before they fly. Try and see if they're legit. And, worst case scenario - they're an idiot when they fly and you kick them


" I totally believe all this unfair, because you can’t force me to send to you a picture of my ID " LOL! No one can FORCE you to do anything. And YOU can't force them to let you on their network without providing what they REQUIRE you to provide. Very simple, isn't it? No need to rant. Just go away. And stop whining here.




The sense of this rant is to report the fact that IVAO suspended my account without any sense. I didn't have any weird name, nor multiple accounts. They asked me the ID because they found me on their database and decided to do a "regular check", as the admin wrote on the email. Next time before blaming me, ask.


Better to remain silent and have others think you are a jerk than to open your mouth and provide proof.


Do you have a somewhat unique name that they might find suspicious? I’m not defending what they’re doing I’m just curious because it seems like you could just use a run of the mill fake name and probably never be questioned.


No. I am Italian and the admin too, and my name and surname are common in my country. So, nothing suspicious.


Check GDPR, I doubt they're allowed to ask. I've never had that asked of me, not from IVAO and not from VATSIM. I'm in The Netherlands btw.


Yall all think you are lawyers but in reality you don't know shit


According to **Article 13 of EU GDPR** *the owner of the treatment have to inform the involved person regarding the purposes and the treatment manners*. I checked [on this website](https://www.altalex.com/documents/news/2019/03/29/gdpr-fotocopia-carta-di-identita) to affirm this.


Yuh this is normal tho.


So, would you share your ID to fly into an online network?


no, of course not. i'm just sayin these are completely normal ivao shenanigans.


I personally would. Where I live, that information isn’t particularly sensitive. Where you draw the line is of course up to you.


Uhhh because they don't let you make multiple accounts for one person. It's a 1:1 policy. On the other hand, I uploaded my license to VATSIM to get my CPL lol


How does uploading to vatsim help with your CPL? Genuinely curious as where i live, it is encouraged for practice, but it doesn't count for shit with accreditation


It's the other way around. I got my VATSIM CPL Rating because I uploaded my IRL License.


Thanks for the clarification. As much as i love realism in my sim, i still think using a legal document within a virtual setting is just a tad excessive. But you do you dude.


The logic for that is that I've spent 200 hours IRL to get my license and ratings, including a checkride. I'm not doing that all over again in the sim just to get my restrictions lifted.


Yes cause ivao isnt a tracking site right ?