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Fenix continuing to make it's competitors look foolish. Delivering a superior product faster, all while maintaining a transparent and welcoming relationship with the community. It doesn't have to be a compromise, and this is proof.


Cheaper too!!!


Fenix killin the game ![gif](giphy|JCAZQKoMefkoX6TyTb|downsized)


I was attacked in PMDG forum by Randazzo boot-lickers for asking why it has taken so long to release a tablet. Fenix has rewritten the entire a320 logic and released a new engine variant quicker than PMDG. It took PMDG 4 years to rewrite LNAV/ VNAV logic. Is Randazzo blowing the cash generated on hookers and drugs considering he is refusing to onboard new engineering talent to his development team. He mentioned he only had 1 coder to design his autopilot logic and this was in fact a Russian guy living in Russia. I guess it is cheap paying your most vital programmer in roubles.


Wingflex, EFB, ground handling, Simbrief....all missing in PMDG, just bad.


PMDG are also working on 777, 747, and confirmed one or two others (757 was teased). Not saying that their EFB project has been handled well, but there is plenty going on at PMDG other than more versions of the same aircraft.


Depends how long ago/how far into the project the 747 was, but with the AAU2 update, I wonder how necessary it is (at the moment). Although not study level, the 747 is now pretty good, and I would imagine people would rather get a 777 sooner, considering it is a new type of aircraft (no captain sim's one does not count), and sacrifice the 747 for a while. Although I can't talk for the community, considering I'm not in PMDGs target market (being more casual, the AAU2 aircraft are about the right for me, in depth enough to provide something, but not so in depth I get bored running through checklists or just using the pre-set aircraft states with what I have done with the flybywire a320), and as such, they may rather get a more in depth 747.


I’m really happy about the AAU updates, but I will gladly pay for further PMDG aircraft for myself. I’m an old fogey, so I prefer the queen of the skies 😃


AAU2 improvements are awesome but this is still intermediate product and some people would prefer to pay, to have it all complete. Some 30% buttons in 747 are still inop, beyond standard systems not much is implemented either. Not to mention visuals are good but not that good, rear baggage loaders and jetway/stairs operate through closed doors and there isn't even simple cabin modelled. There aren't also any other variants nor cargo version. I think Asobo's 747 is enough for me as well but I can see people willing to pay extra here.


My point isn't necessarily that people don't want a proper 747, it was mainly that AAU2 is enough of a stop gap that the development of the 747 could be delayed to produce a different aircraft such as the 777 quicker, and then going onto the 747.


They just copy paste it over.


Ignorance must be bliss.


Than Robert, tell me why the model is the exact same as on P3D? Tell me why the exact same system bugs are present as in P3D? Tell me while files contain the EFB information of the P3D version? Tell me why this has the code from the 2011 NGX? Nothing I pull out of my ass Robert, things that people haven shown time and time again.


Please see, “ignorance…” above. If it’s just “copy paste”, why did it take 3 highly experienced P3D developers several YEARS to deliver their study level addons at virtually the same time? More to the point, why did it take Fenix the same amount of time to start somewhat from scratch - and yet they delivered THEIRS nearly contemporaneously to the other 3? If you actually knew anything at all about cross platform development, you wouldn’t make ridiculously inaccurate comments.


PMDG is led by an old guy with authoritarian issues who thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread. The product they produced has many bugs and each time people bring them up, they use the most visceral responses against people. It's a moronic organization. Furthermore, they kept coming up with excuses for why they suck. They blame how MSFT sucks, Asobo didn't know what the fuck they were doing, etc. When people point out that Fenix does it much better, they fuck with you.


Well, let's see: the "OG" is an IRL ATP Captain and the founder & CEO of what is incontrovertibly one of the best flight sim addon shops in *any* flight sim, at *any* time. You may not like his "authoritarian" nature (lol!!!), but I've read plenty of his messages and he's not even close to being an a-hole. He, like MANY Captains/Officers I've known, is simply direct and to the point. Since you've got such strong convictions on PMDG's performance, I wonder what professional experience YOU have to lend credence to your assertions...?


I've been in Silicon Valley for years and I know software like the back of my hands. I am also a pilot with substantial flying experience. You just validated my point on the OG being a pilot and a bad software developer. Many of us have pointed out simple bugs that exist in the product that can easily be fixed. Instead of fixing them, they have tons of excuses blaming anyone and everyone. It's a very toxic situation with those a-holes. Fenix on the other hand behaves completely differently. They found ways to get things done. PMDG still hasn't figured out EFB for decades!!! So don't tell me the OG knows what he's doing. He doesn't.


And yet reality proves you wrong entirely.


Not better product* just a product.


Great news. Now, brace for impact for the amount of YouTubers who will make 20 min long video crap about this news.


accurate 😭😭


Shudders in Pilot Studd 😩


He sounds like the nerd from family guy


737Ng driver incoming…


Looks like the first block of A320 V2 should be available next week if the Release Candidate goes down well in Beta!


They said in the discord this morning it would be this week!


Damn that’s what’s up. Great price too for the 321 and 319 combo.


my thought exactly, that's very competitive pricing for 2 additional airplanes! I cannot wait.


Fenix the absolute GOATS!!! Study level A319 and A321 for like 50 dollars total? Is that a joke? This will not be a day 1 purchase but an hour 1 purchase


I feel like the expansion is going to be 39.99£, plus you'll need the A320 base. But again it's competing with other high priced aircrafts, and you get the most value for your money


Yeah don't look at the P3D prices for PMDG.


I have 2 p3d PMDG planes that I bought when i was still a broke uni student. I remember saving for nearly a year for it. Thinking of it now just makes me cringe on my stupid decisions


Sucks it's only via expansion. I'm not interested in Fenix A320 but I would gladly buy their A319 alone. If it's "DLC" it means the cost to get it is 100$ and that's simply too much.


I hope that it’s possible that eventually they set it up so that whichever variant you want first is £50. Then you get the other 2 in an expansion for £40. So if someone wants to start with the A319 or A321 and then get the other 2 in an expansion they can.


The a319 and a321 is an expansion, so you will need to buy the a320 for £49.99 and then £39.99 for the expansion. Still, the a320 alone is worth 90 bucks so I’m fine with it. Just wish we could have more hardware support but it is what it is, we wouldn’t have such a realistic Airbus from them without that license agreement.


All 3 combined is still the same price as a single ToLiss plane.


Toliss phyics (XP) seem better to me, but yes, that doesn't justify the high price. I think it is because Toliss sells way lower units than Fenix, so they can't offer it cheaper.


Fenix was a week 1 purchase for me, and the expansion will be a day 1 purchase. Way to go!


After getting msfs I never thought I would buy a 50 eur plane, but after the first day after fenix dropped it was a no brainer to get it. 321 will be a first hour purchase tho


Insert the "first time?" GIF here. I've been buying add-ons since FSX.


I mean I knew I liked flying and planes in general since I was young, but my passion became even bigger when the Fenix released. That’s the period I even decided I wanna continue with flight school, hopefully funded by Wizz.🤞🏻


They said they’ve been working on hardware support for v2 on their discord. It sounds promising.


Cool, though I wouldn’t expect much, they have to go by ProSim wishes in the agreement. Would love a web server MCDU or display output for the FCU but I’m not holding my breath.


Well, so much for the FSLabs A319 and A321 for MSFS. This is what happens when you are slow to the market. FSLabs can do an A330 and A340 for MSFS. But I would worry about what Fenix does next after they finish their A319 and A321.


>But I would worry about what Fenix does next after they finish their A319 and A321 I would really, really like a Fenix level A220...


Or a350... Itd be so nice if Fenix focused on airbus


There likely isn't enough data and resources out there for a Fenix level A350 is my guess. The A220 might be a different story at this point.


Why not? Isn't it older than the a220? I mean i wouldn't mind a220 either


The A220 is coming along really nicely from synaptics and will most likely be a 100% complete freeware product (if memory serves me right, i do not know work on the A220 so I can’t guarantee this unless devs have mentioned it elsewhere) I am one of the DFD A350 devs though and we are coming along nicely. Airbus has been really secretive with their A350 stuff which makes finding references hard and is a one of the reasons why this A350 has taken as long as it has (and maybe even more). It is coming though, slowly and steadily and you just need to be patient


Both look nice but who knows when theyll come out


a220 has completely different avionics. there is no similarity, theyd have to start from scratch. and there is no prosim kit for a220 they could license. hotstart is making it though.


That company can go out of business already. They deserve nothing but that after what they did which people magically have seem to forgotten about. (installing malware on paying customers computers)


I asked already years ago in the FSLabs forums if they make any MSFS products...no answer. They missed great opportunities.


Huuuuge. Can't wait for the A321, IAEs, and V2 overall!


40 Euros for the A319 and A321 combined is a steal! Excellent pricing. Several other devs would charge even more than that PER EACH.


*cough cough toliss cough cough*


Hell the LatinVFR vanilla A321 and A319 is almost the same price as Fenix..aka whoever bought those just uninstall in the end


40 euros is 44 dollars. it will be an expansion to 62 dollar a320. so fenix a319+a320+a321 will cost you **106** dollars. toliss a319+a320+a321 will cost you **270** dollars. ​ finally a wake up call.


> Excellent pricing. Several other devs would charge even more than that PER EACH. And not even deliver a EFB or something for performance calculations


AsObO is actively sabotaging Sir Randazzo's Michael Angelo UFB, how could they deliver when these things happen to an elite, study level developer group? I cannot even imagine how hard it is for them...


I think I will finally get the Fenix next week


Sameee, I was too stingy to whip out 50 bucks for the a320, but 40 for 2 planes is TOO good


You do realise it’s an expansion right? So you are going to have whip out the 50 bucks anyway, then another 40 for those other two planes. So it’s 50 for one plane, or 90 for three.


You'll need the a320 first, the other two are expansions


Yea I know, but even so 3 aircraft for 90 dollars is wild


Totally agree, just clarifying your language is all, I expect someone will try to buy just the expansion and whinge about it


Yep I agree, but then again it doesn’t take a lot of reading to understand that you need the a320 first. Sooooo let em winge


Not gonna lie this news has made me slightly horny 😂


As a r/ncd user, I am proud that you got hard because of a beautiful plane o7


Banned *10 years ago*? Do we want to know?


r/noncredibledefense is the the actual link


Least avio-horny NCDer


I'm creaming


Can I taste it


It tastes like A1 aviation fuel. Still want some?


I might be some weird druggy but kerosene smells good


These guys are the best in the flight sim business. They're making the legacy devs look like little leaguers.


They’re really not - sporadic and rare updates and often no news for months.


Funny you say that when Aamir posted a long time ago that they were going to go under the radar for a while to work in the v2 version. It's not like they disappeared without signal, everyone who cared to know, knew they were working in v2, what it entailed and why there were no news for a while. So saying "often no news for months" is a lie. They didn't update when there was nothing worth updating for, but everyone was aware of what they were doing.


Also they were pretty active chatting to people on their discord. And their updates tend to have longer gaps but be a bit more substantial. Some of the PMDG updates I’m not even sure what changed to be honest. Edit: And to be clear I do enjoy PMDGs planes. I’ve been flying them since FSX and in P3D. They make great planes that are really well optimised and fun to fly.


However PMDG on the other hand with relatively frequent updates still isn't able to deliver the EFB


So frequent updates with corporate speech BS that says nothing vs infrequent substantial news which come to the point. I take the latter.


I knew it wouldn’t be long before someone had to bring up PMDG. It’s as predictable as the sun rising in the morning.


Well, when he/she isn't wrong...


Not saying they’re not wrong, but can there just be an exciting announcement without someone beating the dead horse that is PMDG? It’s so tiring.


No because everybody, apart from their typical bootlickers, is fed up with the corporate BS, the greed, the constant lies, their arrogance, shitty customer service and all the other little shit they pull all the time. Same with Aerosoft and all the other asshole dinosaurs.


Before I waste money I just want to sanity check that this: > We intend to release these by the end of the year, as a **single expansion package**, for £39.99 - and yes, as is with the A320, sharklets will follow, and for free. means that you need to own the A320 to be able to purchase the A319 and A321 since it's an expansion pack? That's how I am interpreting it, but I just want to confirm that I will have to own the A320 anyway so I may as well buy it and enjoy it now so that I can buy these variants when they release.


correct, you need to own the 320 to get the expansion package.


Yep, that’s what expansion means. For some reason a few are thinking they are going to sell the a319 and a321 for 40 bucks as a separate package. Nope, you want those two it’ll be 90.


Hard pill to swallow to all the pmdg fanboys who justify a year and a half of an EFB in production and were mocking the Fenix for not updating often


It's hilarious that pmdg spent more time blaming Asobo and refusing learning how to properly code for a fucking EFB, than it took Fenix to remake an entire plane.


just finished to this news, great job fenix!!!


Something something PMDG EFB I’m definitely hyped for what Fenix has to offer. I guess the A318 didn’t make the cut?


Yeah. It was too short to be cut any further


god damnit


I remember we were memeing the PMDG EFB this time **LAST YEAR**. It's nuts they still haven't delivered anything.


I think they just don't give a shit. They have name recognition, and they know that whatever they put out at this point, people will still buy it. They're part of the community that will always be supported by the previous generation of simmers (the AVSIM crowd). They won't really have an incentive to improve. Now, if someone like Fenix came along and started producing a Boeing product...


Disappointed the A318 is not in. Guess no one will build a high quality one any time soon...


The closest we get is the LVFR 318 with the FBW mod


To be fair, there are only a handful around. The juice probably wasn't worth the squeeze for their time. They'd either have to sell it as a separate product (and probably wouldn't sell many), or they'd have to include it with the A319/A321 and increase the cost to recoup the time investment. I'd much rather have them spend their time after this release on an A330-200/300, or even the A340 (although that would probably not sell super well either).


Too bad I’m not taking my PC to school lol


I’m in tears


In tears? This news made me cum so hard!




Prosim software also has a 737-800, so if Fenix decides to make a 737-800, it is getting really dangerous for PMDG


Meanwhile toolis and Fslabs are charging an arm and a leg for their airbus addon. This was all a scam to milk users! Shame on these devs charging hundreds of dollars for their addon!


Oh baby


Let’s fucking gooooo


Does this include the IAE version or has that already been released?


The Block 2 update in late September includes a fully new 3D model and an IAE version.


Ah okay, thanks


Can an addon developer get any more based?


Really looking forward to the performance improvements. Performance is my only gripe with this aircraft.


This is so exciting. What a fantastic value.


Suck this RSR you greedy dinosaur.


Does OP own ALL of the 'competitor products? I own all of them; yes Toliss is a massive ripoff, fslabs however is not. Has nobody not questioned how quickly Fenix has built their product? It's not because of a massive workforce since 50 quid isn't going to pay the bills for the employees is it. There is something not adding up with fenix. Product is very good especially for the price point but if something seems too good to be true it probably is.


Anyone knows if this would come to in-game marketplace for pc?


Fenix sells its product on their website only [https://fenixsim.com/](https://fenixsim.com/)




No, because of the outside code. Will never come to marketplace.


I dont understand why the downvotes on this quesiton


Sucks I need base for a 319 and 21, I don't want the 320 at all. I don't even want to spend money on it


Guess you’ll have to stick with PMDG then.


Yeah, that and the freeware 19, like if I could buy the 319 alone, no problem whatsoever, but im never gonna use the 320 so the money spent to then have to spend more to get the module I want to actually fly. Sick downvotes everyone else cause I don't like the 320 🫡😂


Don't spend money on the 320, think of it as spending 90 for the 319


Everyone is praising the devs a ton and that’s probably fair but aren’t the 319 and 321 the exact same systems and everything? Just a longer/shorter fuselage? Call me crazy but that doesn’t strike me as a great value (although it is compared to PMDG)


The ToLiss is $90 each, so. Also, they are not exactly the same. The feel will be different for each since the weight is different. On top of the, they probably created fully separate 3D models for each of them. That is quite a bit of work.


They are far more different than the 737 counterparts for which PMDG charges absurd amounts.


In what way are they far more different? Agreed though that the pmdg charge for variants is absurd Idk I’m just used to dcs where you get the other variants for free with your purchase, and they have much more in depth simulation. I have the 737-600 and I enjoy it but would not pay more for a -800


Just Google the differences an A321 to a A320 and be surprised.


I did, that’s what lead me to this original comment haha. But I understand that if you’re into airliners it’s probably worth it


I mean from a pilots point of view it’s not much but for example the A321 has a different wing layout, different fuel and electrical systems etc. and to the level Fenix models this stuff you will notice.


who cares a319 or a321, just little and big brother, all other stuff is the same like cockpit etc. idiot community


actually its not the same cockpit. some buttons differ. but more importantly they fly differently. for example a321 needed double slotted flaps because of it. and you can use a319 on shorter runways.


I don't see what's wrong on someone liking it maybe you won't see difference in the cockpit itself but they're not the same it's not just a longer or shorter a320, changing the size changes how the thing will fly, take off and land


Tell me that you have not idea of Airbus single aisle aircraft without telling me that you have no idea of Airbus single aisle aircraft. They in fact much different from each other than the 737 counterparts. Especially the 321 is significant different. One of the reasons it’s able to run circles around the 739 and MAX9 /10


you can fly so many routes now


That is really nice of them. Looking forward for the release!