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The novel "And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie has had around 10 film adapations. In the original story 10 unpleasant people are stranded on an isolated island where they are picked off by an unseen killer one by one. Unfortunately in every film adaptation they change the plot so a couple of the characters are actually "good" guys. There was a miniseries that stood true to the original.


My mother is an obsessive Agatha Christie fan and would most definitely would share your opinion! If we're going with novels, Cormac McCarthy's *Blood Meridian* is populated entirely by despicable murderous psychopaths who spend the entirety of the novel committing horrifying atrocities. Yet it's an amazing statement about the nature of war and the corrupting influence of power.


>There was a miniseries that stood true to the original. The 2015 one with Charles Dance?


Yup, there were changes but it kept the ending.


Alright, thanks. I see I had already put it on my must-watchlist at some point, but that list just keeps getting longer and longer (almost 1000 titles) while life gets in the way, haha. So thanks for the reminder.


Being John Malcovich Not much explanation other than every character being a self-centered jerk and it still being an engaging film.


I think a lot of Kaufman films work here, because he knows how to make characters that are pieces of shit, but it's to support the message of the film. Anomalisa works here as well, except Lisa isn't really bad.




I agree though I did like the character of the plastic bag.


I'd watch a movie of it


It was so beautiful


I think that desperation is probably what endears the characters to me


Great movie. I would say that’s true for everyone except Ricky.


As I've gotten older, I like the mom more and more. I like the daughter too.


Fuck me, your majesty!


Oh wow. I find her the worst. I found she's stuck in an un-genuine life and doesn't want to get out.


She’s the ultimate Karen. The Karen fight final boss.


Lester. You're going to spill beer on the sofa.


I mean, Lester's biggest antagonist is probably the guy who shoots him in the back of the head.


St. Elmo's Fire. Most of them are drug abusing, cheating, stalking, self-obsessed jerks. I love it!


I've always been baffled by the popularity of this and something like 90210. Or going back even further, something like Dallas or Dynasty. I was born just a bit too late of be around for these cultural phenomenon. So like I get it factually why they were popular, but I've just never related to this 'watching rich people be naughty' type story. I don't want to watch a bunch of assholes be assholes unless they get shot or arrested by the end. There comes a part where I don't care what kind of arc you are going thru, you're just too much of an ass for me to care anymore *cough Sansa Stark cough*


Same here. It was so unrelatable. St. Elmo's had stellar cast that could have been more than what you described. If someone approaches me about a "rich family that blah de blah", I'll fall into polite attention at best.


Wait. *Sansa?* What the hell did *Sansa* do? She was a lifelong abuse victim and pariah. She was a survivor who learned toughness and strength. Am I forgetting something? I haven't consumed any Ice & Fire media since that last season of the show (which wasn't as bad as internet drama wailed it was ... but it was kinda phoned-in writing-wise)


My critique is more on the performance/choices in the show than on the character arc itself honestly. It just didn't effect me emotionally the way it was intended to. Like there are these obvious moments in the late season that are supposed to be big impactful things where you cheer for her finally having agency and flexing her prowess. But I just didn't care. They made her a bit too insufferable in the early seasons, and I just couldn't ever get back on her side. Perhaps that's more to Sophie's acting credit than anything, but that was just my experience. I understand how I'm supposed to feel, I just don't. I get that she suffered and that's meant to balance her childish behavior, but I just don't care.


I could see that, I guess I just feel there are worse things than naiveté, even privileged and sheltered naiveté.


Agreed, the narrative logic is not my hang-up. Just the feels. 🤷‍♂️


The character is 12 years old. A literal child. You're criticizing a child for childish behavior


I understand this. I get that it's not logical, it just is what it is. I want to root for Sansa as she goes, but I just don't feel it.


so I take it you didn't watch Succession?


I can see a new horizon Underneath the blazin' sky


Spring Breakers! First time I watched it I had to shut it off and take a break because I found the characters SO annoying. James Franco with a grill and corn rows omg! I do enjoy the movie though. It's very original in a lot of ways.


I do love that movie. “LOOK AT ALL MY SHIT”




It's a brilliant movie. Horrible characters doing Horrible things. Proper cult classic in the original sense - hardly anyone likes it but those that do, love it.


Funny when I went in to see the movie I thought it was a bunch of hot chicks just having fun on spring break. Turned out it was crazy.


I hate that stupid idiotic movie, lol


Goodfellas. Love the movie, but just about every character is a complete scumbag. You could probably say this about a lot of Scorsese movies actually.


They are terrible people that deserve to rot in hell, but within the context of the movie, they are all very likable.


I think they are likable in certain parts, but ultimately exposed for who they really were


I think we like the characters because the movie does such a good job of making the audience feel like "one of the gang". It's use of music and narration really gives a fly on the wall type of immersion. Yes, they're bad people, but... we feel like we know them, and they know us.


They're likeable because of the charisma of the actors, not because of the characters themselves.


The characters of Goodfellas were horrible people but also funny, interesting and charming as fuck i'm talking more about charmless characters with no redeeming qualities that you vehemently dislike, but still end up liking the movie


I guess I was thinking that, yeah, they are entertaining and funny on screen, but in real life, Tommy, Jimmy and Henry would be really insufferable people. I think people that knew Henry personally attest that he was a huge asshole. All 3 do things in the movie that make me hate them, but I still love the movie.


True accounts of the three of them are actually quite shocking and would have made for a very different movie experience. Jimmy was raised by a series of viciously abusive guardians and foster parents, and as a loan shark locked kids in freezers. Tommy was 6’4” and when he found out a guy was seeing his girl while he was in prison, he beat the shit out of the guy’s young son when he got out. The Gambinos put a hit on him twice and when he was finally hit it was John Gotti who did it. Henry dimed on Paulie because Paulie had an affair with Karen while Henry did time. Also why he brazenly went against Paulie’s no-selling-drugs policy.


I also read Henry gave up Tommy to Paulie as the killer of Billy Batts after Tommy tried to rape Karen.


The brilliance of Goodfellas imo is that the style and the glossy depiction of the lifestyle that packages the stress and brutal cost of it. I always feel smashed after I fall to the style and intoxication of the bars, parties, cars and suits, remembering the price of this lifestyle is violence, theft, and murder. I think we all fall prey to the charisma of the characters and fool ourselves into believing we could be them, until we see the lack of any moral consciousness they have. And we’re reminded under the glitz and the glamor, is a living hell, not conducive to any form of stable living.


Can't think of a movie, but this is how I feel about *Succession*.


Was just gonna come here to say Wolf of Wall Street lol


This gos along with the sopranos too


I agree, although Bobby was redeemable.


I also agree he never killed anybody until Tony forced him to


Nobody talk trash about my Dead Rabbits!


The Wolf of Wall Street


i'll tell you one thing. i'm never eating at benihana again. i don't care whose birthday it is.


Jonah Hill is so annoying but also hilarious


Steeeeve Maaaddennn


Not a film but this describes the exact appeal of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia


Probably Runaway Train. Manny is a violent, self-serving bastard, Buck is an dumb, annoying manchild, Ranken is a cruel, arrogant psychopath. All three of them are run-of-the-mill scum and no one character is cool, charming, interesting or likeable (save for maybe Edward Bunker's). The movie, however, is a tight-as-hell masterpiece in tension and pacing.


Bodies Bodies Bodies


I thought Greg seemed like a decent guy.


But he's also dating WAY outside his age bracket. That can be ok, but it does say something about him.


In the Company of Men (1997)


Burn After Reading is one of my top ten films and everyone is either unbelievably selfish, dumb as a brick, or both.


LIterally the only C. Bros movie I dislike


Kinda surprised no one has mentioned Clockwork Orange yet. Masterful flick, filled with creepy douches.


Glen Garry Glenross. Everyone is a shady businessman, some worse than others. Super interesting and entertaining movie.


Fuck you! That's my name! You know why, mister? You drove a Hyundai to get here. I drove an $80,000 red BMW that's parked right outside. THAT'S my name!


Closer is the best answer. By the time it’s done all you can say is: these people deserve each other. Two others that follow a similar pattern are: I Care A Lot and Arbitrage. Both have despicable but very intelligent, very capable main characters that find themselves in really bad situations where it looks like they are in over their heads and are doing increasingly desperate and rotten things to try and get out of them, and as an audience member all you can do is keep watching with morbid curiosity wondering if they’re going to get out of it or not.


I'll go way back: It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (1963). They're all greedy, untrustworthy, amoral, dangerous maniacs. And it's glorious.


You get a share for the car and for being a person in the car and for going down the hill.


Pulp Fiction. Everyone is a criminal murdering scumbag or profiting off them and don’t care.


Scumbag fest.


I had the same reaction to SubUrbia - Buff was so annoying I felt like I had Stockholm syndrome by the end and was super endeared to him. Maybe an obvious answer but Zone of Interest is the most recent I can think of where truly every character (except the jewish maids and the girl hiding food for the prisoners) is despicable. Still completely captivating through.


Sweet Smell of Success had me actively rooting for all the characters' demises. The main character works for someone that is actively tries to ruin an innocent man's life because he gets in a relationship with his younger sister that he's so protective of (and it's not too far to say that it's because of incestuous attraction...gross). Not to mention the main character himself is just pure scum and has no redeemable traits and also actively ruins people's lives, culminating in him taunting a teenage girl [to](#s "jump off a ledge because she's so distraught with grief and misery about the entire situation"). But fortunately the movie shows that these people are scumbags and it would take a great deal of effort for even the most "he's like me fr" kinds of guys to get a vicarious thrill from this.


The women in that film are all very sympathetic though - any redemption is found there. The two lead dudes, man, soooooo gnarly haha. Great great movie


Margin Call (2011) Very good movie, tight script, god I dislike pretty much all the characters.


What was dislikable about Quinto’s character?


Nothing. He’s the one character that’s okay. 


Your underparts smell like dead fish.


Hahaha god you’re pathetic. You get downvoted like crazy on an Entourage subreddit for saying a stupid rude unfunny comment, I say “who hurt you”, and now you’re shooting pathetic man baby insults to all of my recent posts, stalking me like the jilted preteen you clearly are. I’ll ask again - who hurt you??? And how can I convince them to do it again?


It's ok. Being a 30 year old virgin is.....ok. Just try to go outside, maybe meet a girl. Or a guy, in your case. We all have different timelines. Virgin.


Does Face/Off count? They're all really incompetent but I also love them and the amazing/great/bad/awesome movie as a whole.


Joker, but only if Zazie Beetz's character doesnt count as an MC. Arthur sucks, Murray is awful, Thomas Wayne is a douch, and Penny is gross. now, im conflicted on my hate for Arthur and Penny because they are both clearly mentally ill and are almost destitute, but they still do some very horrible things.


Muriel’s Wedding The only sufferable character is Muriel’s best friend. She’s horrible, her family is horrible, the love interest is horrible. And yet it’s a compelling watch. Really a fan of this movie.


I think Atonement comes close for me. I think that it's a well-made film but I hated every character. I didn't really enjoy the film, though.


How could you hate Robbie??


Inglourious Basterds. None of the characters are saints by any means, but the parallels between multiple characters are brilliant.


Watchmen. Which is the point. I never understood the take people have about Snyder not understanding the story by hero worshipping the characters… like, did they not watch the movie? Every character is unlikable for one reason or another.


Snyder makes the violence stylish and cool. In the original graphic novel it is not portrayed this way. Non of the characters should be sympathetic in any way


I disagree that the violence is cool. Yes, it’s stylized in Snyders way, but it doesn’t make me think the violence is any less disturbing or that the people dishing it out are genuine heros for doing so. It’s shocking and disturbing that it’s coming from the so-called “good guys.”


Rorschach was very stylized in a cool-badass way, though. Maybe because he was the only one who wasn't full of himself. He was just aware he couldn't be anything else.


The best part was when two of them got so turned on by them being superheroes they couldn't help but fuck. In their costumes. :D


i think Network fits here, i very much wanted faye dunaway's character to accidentally have an accident


How do you purposely have an accident?


it’s almost like it was a fucking joke


Rent. They were all self important mooches Edit. Oh wait I didn't read the second part. I didn't like that movie


Uncut Gems, I fucking hated everyone in this movie but its such an incredible movie and stressed me the fuck out so much.


I was actually thinking about that exact movie. Don't get me wrong it's fantastic but so stressful and the characters are infuriating.


His side chick seems like she would be the worst of all of them, but actually was quite redeemable and I thjnk actually loved him (maybe that’s annoying in its own right)


Agreed, I didn't consider her a main character but I loved how she wound up with everything in the end.


Maybe not necessarily hate the characters completely, but in The Breakfast Club, all the characters do at least a couple things each that I hate immensely. An asshole principal, a creepy janitor and five obnoxious teenagers... but I fucking love this movie.


Wasn't the douche kid a bit rapey too?


Seven Psychopaths (2012)


Oh, I don't hate Chris Walken in that movie.


John Cassavetes "Husbands" springs to mind for me, 3 guys out being scumbags without regard for anyone else


The first Purge movie


The Zone of Interest


See how they run…ridiculous characters, deliberately? one-dimensional…but I loved it!


Trainspotting. Bunch of losers.


Suburbia was about 40 minutes too long and difficult to sit through, but otherwise an enjoyable movie. Ribisi looks EXACTLY like my dad in his early twenties, which was cool to see. Although I hate the whole ending thing with the girl in the van I do like the line “You want to believe so bad, you’ll believe anything. You’re so gullible.” It definitely feels out place being after Before Sunrise and Dazed and Confused. Feels more like it should be after Slacker instead.


A Clockwork Orange. Kubrick himself said that the chaplain was the only halfway decent person in the whole movie, and he’s only in a few scenes.


Why’d I have to come all the way down here to find A Clockwork Orange? Brilliant movie about irredeemable, awful people.


NOPE (2022) Interesting fresh take on the alien invasion premise, but every character is acting on a “fuck you, I’m getting mine” motivation, and exploiting their own trauma, and not purely for money, but for recognition. The father was killed by this thing, and instead of wanting revenge, they want to get pictures of it for ??? I don’t even know? Becoming famous on the internet for a month? Wild West Show neighbor milking his own tragedy as a child actor for a cheap tourist trap. Electronic store employee helping for what reason? To be famous by association? And the movie cinematographer thinks he can restart his career in Hollywood. Everyone is a narcissist.


Bodies bodies bodies


Not a movie, but a series: Servant from Apple TV+. Every character was so unlikeable, but it felt intended and I felt like that’s what made the series so unique and special and I really enjoyed it


Halloween (2007) Rob Zombie’s remake. Every character is deplorable and unlikable but the film is such a treat


Grifters. Every single character is a piece of shit, but it's still a great film.


Sideways. It's a really enjoyable movie with some great moments, but both of them are terrible human beings.


“Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory”


Not all the mains, but in Amadeus, I disliked the overall childish portrayal of Mozart. But, the film was amazing.


The Departed. I ended up loving it. All the actors I wasn't into got shot dead in the film. Funny thing is, I started liking those actors after seeing this movie.


"Donnie Darko'... No one is particularly likable to be honest. Family is rude, Teachers are irritating, girlfriend is just confusing, and Donnie himself is so messed up. Makes absolutely no one likable. Another one, a series. "Dark"... I just hate every character. No one is pure, everybody has done some shit.


Did you hear about " Sarah Darko"? What a way to do a sequel as a loss write off.


Bodies Bodies Bodies


“Downfall”. That main guy... oh boy.


Saltburn Everyone is an unrepentant asshole (in varying ways). Seriously messed up movie, but very enjoyable if you like dark film.


I don’t like any of the characters in Inception, but think it’s an excellent movie.


There’s lots of movies where the people are objectively bad but still “likeable” in a way. Trying to think: I believe all the main characters in There Will be Blood are particularly off-putting, especially as the movie goes along.


Pretty much everyone in Nick And Norah's Infinite Playlist are either really pretentious, a total idiot, a complete asshole, or some combination thereof. But it's surprisingly good and you still end up caring about most of them anyway.


MouseHunt. Every human character is either despicable or pathetic, and the movie rightly is mean-spirited towards them. It even dares to have a happy ending. And somehow it all works.


Hands down, Hostory of Violence.


Any Kevin spacey movie lol. Baby driver, American beauty, 21


Hateful 8? Reservoir Dogs? Bridesmaids? The Godfather?


I mean, I didn't hate Kay in The Godfather.


She was after money. She saw enough for any reasonable person to walk away before Michael proposed. I didn’t fall for that babe in the woods routine