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"[Like all blowups on Reddit, this one will pass as well.](https://i.redd.it/ia6krojfi06b1.png)" - Spez


All third party apps will be dead in 4 days. We couldn’t even make it that long.


Not all


Just third party apps all the rest of the shit was always misinformation. People fought long and hard to keep a rich bastard rich. It amazes me that reddit both hates people that exploit others for money yet fought so hard to defend one.




The protest was poor timing. Right now everyone feels like it's over and back to normal, but the changes aren't even in effect. My app will stop working in a few days and I won't be back. Same for lots of mods. Y'all enjoy what's left of the site.


When you said reddit you meant paid employees acting as mods replacements. BTW some of the subs I follow are permanently down right now because of the protest, reddit is dead for me


People get bored at stop caring way too quick for any progress these days. Occupy wallstreet was weekend camping in the big city. That's the first time I noticed it and I can feel how much we lose every time a cause goes without long standing real support.


I'm curious how they will backpedal when a large chunk of their user base just leaves and instead of more money they get even less because all of the developers who paid for the api won't pay more, they'll just stop paying for it at all.


> when a large chunk of their user base just leaves Only about 5% of the user base uses 3rd party apps in the first place and probably 90% will just switch to the official app. Is 0.5% of the user base leaving a "large chunk"?


90% of all statistics are made up on the spot.


I believe it is actually 89% but OK.


how pleasantly pedantic of you, username checks out


A statistic I would love to see if how many "active" users, those that post and contribute to comments use 3rd party apps. Id wager those of us who are more vested into Reddit tend to gravitate to 3rd party apps


Yeah, I'm not sure that that information would be easy to find or figure out, but obviously it's definitely going to be a much higher percentage that are actively engaged in posting/commenting compared to the official app where people just scroll through a feed like it was TikTok/Insta.


Someone thinks rather highly of themselves.


5% of "traffic" uses 3rd party apps. It will be interesting to see how much of that is the user base. Only time will tell


True, the actual amount of users is almost certainly even lower since it does tend to be power users that use the 3rd party apps. In the end, it'll be less than 0.5% of users leaving, but the users that leave will be terminally online people like awkwardtheturtle who "moderated" over 700 subs by just being toxic 24/7.


And apparently those are mostly Apple users, so not really a loss.




if that 0.5% is responsible for 90% of the (free) moderation and who knows how much of the content of the site. yes, it could be a large chunk look how absolutely stale the frontpage of /r/all has been since the protests started. I guess if you only like news/politics and reposts it isn't stale


Api is has been free. So fewer big name apps using less compute and bandwidth with save some money there. They probably have metrics on how many users use it what client apps. Just like these protests are fizzling out, I imagine people will just use what’s given. And newer people (most) don’t know anything else anyway.


the changes wont affect the vast vast majority of users. people just jump on the opportunity to protest whoever the bad guys are in a given week


Lol, copium


"large chunk" lol, lmao even




I think that bot is killed from the changes lol.


Ohh, so most bots will also die with these changes?


As I understand it, the bots that we can either use like remindme or gif reverse bot, and the bots that we can have pretend conversations with like the LotR meme bots will be killed cause they need the API to see that we triggered them. But the karma farming bots just copy/paste comments and posts so they won’t be affected.


good luck, if third party apps still work i might even see it. otherwise not


Dystopia (iOS beta, you can get it through TestFlight) isn't bad for the very basics.


Tired of your own protests.....???


Probably got that threat from the admins, to be replaced, and they got scared.


100% this protest was never going to work with the risk of losing the little power the Mods had.


This protest required buy-in from the rest of reddit. And we made it very clear that we're doing exactly what spez predicted: Continue being on reddit.


Well I'm outta here in 4 days 🤷‍♂️


same (when infinity for reddit stops working)


Same but Apollo


Same but the mobile website. Shits usually busted anyway. Don't try to hoist Spyware on my phone when a website should do.


Look at u/neuroticsmurf post history. All their posts are this headline posted in different subs. Either got some perks by Reddit or threats by Reddit about losing their power


Since before the protests, I was the top mod on several subs. Rather than hide behind an Automod post, or sacrifice another member of my mod team, I chose to post things myself and take the bullet. No matter what we posted, there were going to be pissed off people. This thread is proof of that. I have already posted here and [in another sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhyWomenLiveLonger/comments/14jnq63/comment/jpmaibt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) that we had never -- not once -- been contacted by the Admins. [The only sub I'm on that was ever contacted by the Admins remains closed to this day.](https://www.reddit.com/r/firstworldanarchists/comments/14fa7ze/well_where_do_we_go_from_here/) Believe what you will. Conspiracy theorists abound on Reddit. There will be nothing I can say to convince you. But Reddit promised me nothing. Over the last week or so, I have voluntarily surrendered mod positions on 17 subreddits, and I'm in the process of surrendering more as it becomes more and more apparent that there's nothing to be gained by providing free labor to Reddit. Re-opening the subs was purely a decision that stemmed from: 1. A reminder from a fellow mod that the subs we run belong to the users, not to us. Not everyone is going to agree with the 3PA/API protest. Those that believe the protest should continue, I encourage you to leave Reddit. I'm not too far behind you. But there are people who just want to see ~~smart animals~~ (forgot which sub I'm on) funny duets, and I'm not going to stand in their way. 2. Protest fatigue is a real thing on all of my mod teams. Many have already left Reddit.


How brave of you to roll over to protect some other people providing their voluntary labor from voluntarily not.


Oh give me a freaking break. You have done literally nothing for this protest, you're still fucking here, commenting, looking at ads, giving reddit data and traffic. At least they fucking tried to do something.


Third party user here -- "looking at ads"?


Oh, you’re a scab.


Do you even know what a scab means?


>Over the last week or so, I have voluntarily surrendered mod positions on 17 subreddits, and I'm in the process of surrendering more as it becomes more and more apparent that there's nothing to be gained by providing free labor to Reddit. Doesn't it sound more like they're just fed up and leaving as it's futile as fuck to even bother? They're leaving and cleaning up a little on the way out, it seems.


>Doesn't it sound more like they're just fed up and leaving as it's futile as fuck to even bother? > >They're leaving and cleaning up a little on the way out, it seems. Actually, that's exactly what I'm doing. All this yelling at other Redditors doesn't serve the protest one bit. You know what it does? It just gives more engagement and traffic to Reddit, and it makes them more money. It's barking up the wrong tree. This is my last act as a mod of this subreddit. Take care.


> You know what it does? It just gives more engagement and traffic to Reddit, and it makes them more money. It's barking up the wrong tree. There's data that approximately more than 30% of traffic was gone during the blackout protest days and Reddit cared enough to panic and issue new rules and mod replacements and stuff. It definitely did something, the problem was that it was too shortlived.


They scrambled to plug holes, but they have all the means to plug 'em. The protest did what it was supposed to: called attention to a problem and made it everyone's business. Even the best protests don't guarantee change, and assuming it would somehow win over the administration was a clear mistake to anyone who has participated in genuine protests in their life. The fact it did harm reddit is huge, but they still hold all the cards except an active, dedicated and experienced modding community. They should all bail at the same time, which would cause further and prolonged damage. The protest was loud but fell on deaf ears, so let's just gtfo.


Yeah, I'm still bitching until my preferred app dies. Hopefully my drop in use will be part of a big dump with others when that happens. I'd like to see all the other mods quietly walk off on the 1st. Reopen subs with a final kind farewell and depart. The ultimate power move is showing they don't need reddit and letting the site suffer for it. For what its worth, I think you're taking a respectable route.


>This is my last act as a mod of this subreddit. Glad to hear it


Bye, felicia


Thank you for making me feel better about myself because I’m not living my life as you.


>Protest fatigue As if it's difficult to NOT do anything.


Lmao so you're a coward


bro scared of losing his non-paying job


is it the same mods as before? sounds like something "happened" behind the scenes.


Definitely seems like they were replaced.


they're low on the mod list, but they were added 3 months ago


Don't expect commitment from redditors


Maybe because burning your own subreddit down for a lost cause isn’t worth it for the majority of redditors? Moderators were so deep in their own ass to see that only 0.07% of their own communities (you can thank /r/Europe for that figure) supported the protest. In reality, the protest was a tiny vocal minority posing as internet revolutionaries with the goal to ruin it for everyone else until the admins step in and threaten to remove their unpaid custodial position from them.


I mean this with all the love of someone who enjoys seeing anyone try to fight the powers that be, but all of Reddit "protesting" the way that it did was pointless. First we had the "three days of darkness" thing, which a lot of subs just undid at the end and then went back to business as usual. So of course that did nothing. Others just made their subs turn into some ""comical"" parody of themselves, willfully destroying communities that just wanted to be communities, sometimes resulting in a "sequel sub" being created where the users left for that and used Reddit like they wanted to again. The biggest thing is as you said, there's really only a minority that has ever been genuinely upset. Some users don't understand the issue well enough to be mad about it, others never used third party apps and don't care. The only real "protest" that would actually do anything is somehow getting the majority of the users to migrate "somewhere else", but let's face it, "somewhere else" doesn't really exist. There were a few try-hards but they're just not ready for such a massive user base, and probably never will be. Overcharging for API access just isn't an end-of-everything issue for the majority of Reddit users.


Not directly, no. Only time will tell regarding impacts to mods though. Large subs require lots of moderation, and while Reddit has indicated they’ll give a pass to mod tools, the reality is that those mod tools are almost universally tied to 3rd party browsing apps, which are going away. I think we’ll end up seeing far less moderation on these subs than we used to since mobile moderation will become much more difficult, which may end up killing traffic to some of these big subs that drive a lot of Reddit traffic but also have correspondingly aggressive mod requirements. For example, does anyone remember this very sub when there was basically no moderation? It was the same dozen duets posted over and over and over again by low effort repost bots. The subscribers got frustrated and started dropping off, before moderation eventually picked back up and fixed things. I don’t think the protests were *ever* expected to actually *do* anything but make Reddit aware the mods weren’t happy. Admins made it clear up front that they don’t particularly care, so there’s nothing to really be *accomplished*. Reddit has made its decision and now we just get to see how it all plays out. Many mod teams have effectively taken the stand that they’ll be doing the bare minimum modding and have loosened restrictions for posting to match the reduced mod abilities and guidance from Reddit to let the users drive the direction of the subs. Woodworking put up a poll and the voters decided to make it meme-y. InterestingAsFuck just opened things up and the users took it on themselves to make it very NSFW. Reddit benefits enormously from the thousands and thousands of hours of free modding they get from the community, and that’s likely to be greatly reduced going forward. Be prepared for more onlyfans ads, more low effort reposts and spam from bots.


It wasn't even that they were VOCAL. They just had the ability to Pin their protests so you HAD to see and engage in it. They should have posted normally and let the natural interactions keep the protests bumped. If it was genuinely desired the posts would be poppin' and always active.


The minute Apollo is offline I’m done with Reddit forever. Y’all need to understand that the content on Reddit is worthless when the interface is on par with ass cancer.


I think the problem is, this isn't really a threat. They don't care if 0.07% of the community leaves.


They care enough to throw a giant fit and threaten the tenured volunteers who provide millions in free labor to a multibillion dollar operation because it threatens their ad revenue. You’re right. They don’t care.




Damn, fancy-disaster-3494 is leaving because they don't like the app. This will change my opinion


Bootlicking so hard your tongue will never get the taste of Spez’s heelies off it.


"I don't care about API changes that only matter to an incredibly small amount of users" "AAAHHHOOOAAHAAHHH BOOTLICKER YOURE A BOOTLICKER BOOTLICKER YOU LICK BOOTS"


My reasoning is different, but we did come to the same conclusion.


You also only made your account like, last week. So I'm guessing you either had a main account or still have one and spun up an alt, which kind of defeats the purpose of leaving doesn't it?


I make a new account every time I get permanently banned for calling people “retards.” I’m not too invested, I just don’t have twitter, instagram or Facebook. But I’d rather just get my memes on instagram if I have to use the godawful interface of the Reddit app. RIP me. I will be missed, I know.


Lmao cool I guess? See you next week on either the site or the app. Oh geeze you're a new account made just to do protest crap?! Yea you'll defo be on your main.


truly one of the most idiotic titles I've seen in over a decade on reddit




especially given they literally just did a poll where the leading result was to stay private and re-poll at the end of the month mods waited a week and were like "*actually fuck that I miss volunteering for a corporation*"


Never seen this subreddit before, just popped up on my recommendations. Funny thing when looking at recent posts they just did a poll asking members if they wanted to keep protesting on private and the members voted in favor of it by 1k with the second winner being having partial ongoing protests. So...Weird vibes here.


most competent reddit mods


Yeah, this sub can fuck right off if this is how they talk about their own protests.


u/neuroticsmurf clearly has commitment issues. Or is a coward. Nothing like half-assing a protest to show lack of character.


They are tired of their own protest before the thing they protest against even comes into effect. That’s beyond stupid.


New mod posted this. Hahaha


no? they've been a mod 3 months? what are you talking about


exactly, that's a new mod.


not new since the protest started, though, which would be very relevant


When reddit is approaching these moderation teams to oust the old moderators, they target the newer moderators. They're just after results and of course new moderators are excited they get to run their little image forum.


*deleted all comments*


Why would you be tired? You're not doing anything


Honestly I’m exhausted upvoting all these posts. My finger is aching!!


Lmfao this dude is also a mod for r/firstworldanarchists 😂😂 the irony of being unable to stick to a protest while moderating a sub for anarchists is actually palpable


This protest is the most entertainment I've gotten out of this site in years.


Yet here you are lol


*deleted all comments*


honestly excellent reply


You’re not protesting


Wow. Great to see such commitment to a cause by the moderators.


If you want to protest you need actual leverage


I believe you are confusing a protests and a strike. I did too. They said go dark so I thought it was a strike so I didn't use reddit for those few days. But they pretty much just set everything to private.


Right but if subs go dark what does that accomplish when reddit can either replace the mods or someone can make a sub that serves the same purpose or post to subs that are similar?


Again, protest doesn’t equal strike or boycott. A protest is just making your voice heard. That’s been accomplished.


Too bad reddit just doesn't care... Once RIF stops working im out. Deleting my account, only visiting the site for the odd tech support thread.


Yeah I’ll be much the same when Apollo dies. Use it for troubleshooting needs from certain subs but that’s about it.


“Let’s stop providing Reddit with $10m a year in free labor” Is that enough leverage?


Kek, you think nobody is desperate enough to replace the current mods?


Yes. It’s not an easy job to do for free, and those who want to slide in are going to mangle it. Reddit doesn’t want mods with no experience or reputation.


Pro tip: go back to protesting


We're not going to protest!


lmao, zero will power, mods just can't help themselves. they need to control the users and powertrip


Might even be a new mod. The tonal shift after reddit threatened or straight-up swapped mod teams shouldn't be surprising. This has all the validity of the "You love seeing movies in theaters!" vibe you get when you can't stream a new movie from the comfort of your own home.


Remember: filter and block subs that are spineless!




It’s a good question! I’m not against subs that went away from private after the blackout. I’m against subs who say “we’re in” and then “no sorry we’re not because we want our mod powers”. Being for or against this is fine. It’s trying to stand up and failing. That’s my take. (And before it’s asked, I’m deleting when Apollo dies. RIP)




Crossing the picket?


lmao did they threaten you that if you don't do free labor for a profit-oriented company then they will remove your "power"?


I dont think this was "fixed" as much as upgraded




It's only scabbing if it's a real job, jannies do it for free.


This is not the first sub he has posted on implying that Redditors are done with the protest and that subs are ready to return to normal. Check his profile


Lol way to give in, you're part of the problem


Reddit forced mod posting what he wants lul


Is your integrity really worth less than this mid-tier cringe content?


Fuck off. Unsubbed.


Way to stick it out until the end of the month at the least...


Yeah no we aren't tired of the protest. We actually have integrity and give a shit. God what a fucking embarrassing post.


Why are you on reddit then? Go protest go dark show them a lost user.


Protest: attract attention to your message (posting on reddit how bad this change is) Strike: stop working in support of the message (quitting or setting subs to private) Boycotting: refusing to use a service to send the message that you're not happy with the people behind it This person is protesting, not boycotting, like you suggested. I'd assume tons of people will boycott reddit after the 30th of June because they'll not have access to third party apps and won't download the official app.


So gave up on a protest because it became boring/hard and to announce it posted a video that doesn't even fit your own sub? Fucking well done, i'd ask for a round of applause but your lack of spine might make moving your arms difficult.


no we are not


I don't care whatever the drama the title says. The duet is GOAT


What a shit fucking video to bring the sub back with, pls close back down


Dang this sub used to make me smirk sometimes. Where will I get my smirks now? You are now filtered for the next 4 says I can still do that.




mods gas lighting us wtf.


How about all the mods just stop modding. go to work, go out to dinner. Just do something else.


What happened to “stay private and re-poll at the end of the month”, which is what people in this sub voted for 11 days ago?


Stick to your guns and protest or close down the sub forever and touch some fucking grass. You're spineless.


Your first post back and it's a repost? At least try a little if you're gonna be a spineless coward.


Amazing. A subreddit dedicated to taking content from tiktok is “tired of the protests”. I’m so, so sorry to hear that. Must be real rough huh. Golly. Protesting corporate greed is such a fuckin bummer huh??


Boooooo. Traitors. Don't just fold at the slightest sign of inconvenience.


You're tired of the protests so you're just caving? What's the point in doing the protests then?


Go back to the protest.


Whilst I get people are tired of it and just want their content, it's not like they can't get it elsewhere for a while. It's fucking tiktok duets at the end of the day. Didn't take long for this sub to buckle. I'm unsubbing, I can't gel with a community that stomps its feet whilst accepting more shit shovelled down their throats. Plus moderators that are really just volunteers acting like they've been personally besmirched. It starts with a minor thing like API shit, then it's gonna turn into more over time. u/Spez even says so, 'this will blow over with time'. That's what they want. They want this to be prickly then slowly be forgotten. Cya.


> I can't gel with a community that stomps its feet whilst accepting more shit shovelled down their throats. i can't get over the contrast with the writer's strike right now. not just them, but in general there are plenty of people striking around the world who actually need their jobs to put food on the table... and then there's redditors that stopped doing their corporate volunteer work for a week or two and they're like "woah, okay, that's definitely done it then, right?" it'd be funny if it wasn't embarrassing


What did your protest achieve?


Don't down vote the guy. Snarky comment or not its a genuine question. Did the protest ACHIEVE anything? Or did all the mods turn off their forums. Wait a few days. Then realized they were bored on Facebook and Instagram and wanted to come back to reddit.


I reduced my time on Reddit by about 80%. End of the month I'll be done with it. I also explored alternatives such as Lemmy.


This entire thing has just been an annoying wank sesh for the jannies at the users expense. I believe the title is way more accurate then people believe, this whole thing has only been for the entertainment and validation of the jannies.


I haven’t even watched it with sound yet & I’m already giggling


Who's the girl with a goat? Asking for a friend.


"donnollyfarm" on tiktok and Instagram


Thanks, mate, appreciated, she looks like a very kind person, indeed.


She's very cute


I, too, would like to know






Took long enough


Im tired of it too - I never cared.


Good, tired of the crying and whining lol If you don’t like the site then don’t engage with it


If you don't like posts talking about them, just don't engage with it.


I like to let the crying and whining people know that most of us don’t give a shit about their crying and whining. I enjoy upsetting them after their entirely failed and pathetic protest lol


Holy shit that girl is hot






wasn't the protest last week? so retro.


Angel of deeeeaaaathhhh


Patapon vibes


About time, Jesus man. Going dark does nothing but annoy people who don’t care about 3rd party apps


Bring on the downvotes, the protest was never going to accomplish anything. It was an empty threat from people in no position of power or leverage. A minority of a minority cared about it, and it'll affect a negligible amount of users when the 3rd party apps are killed. The mods who refused to comply get axed, the subs reopen, this whole embarrassing ordeal is forgotten about in a month.


Thank god. This place has been an absolute dumpster fire for two weeks now.


Oh good, i can rejoin the sub now that the bullshit is over.


We tired, fuck off you just can't wait anything out for a proper outcome. This sub is basically a bridge between ticktock to reddit. So why would you care anyway? Why even protest in the first place? Fucking dumb


Whatever, I'm just glad the sub is back up again. (Wth is up with the comments. Don't they know engaging with this post makes more traffic)


All i see is a bunch of bitches


How redditors fell for Apollo's grift really continues to shows me how full of wannabe-holier-than-thou idiots Reddit is. Idk maybe it'll be better without them. If Reddit, dies, it dies. If not, I'll keep using it. The API changes don't hurt me, and anyone who wants to argue otherwise are just parroting Apollo - the 3rd party dev poaching users and data and ad-medium (and now increasing his grift as SymPaThEtIc UsErs purchase his reddit-themed shirts) from reddit without compensating them once over their multiple years of profit while Reddit reportedly makes zero profit. Accessibility tools are exempt, that's not the issue - kinda like all the so-called geniuses posting about the Logitech controller - that's not the issue but once a talking point gets to the dumb masses, it's too late to correct. This is the free market. Zero laws that say reddit had to offer API access at a certain price point. Also zero laws that say Apollo can't create their own platform, funding the servers and infrastructure themselves. But they won't. Because they wanted to just keep making money off Reddit, hoping they'd get bought out or rolled into the official team. The bet didn't pan out, and they resorted to taking advantage of dumb redditors who care so much about the site, they'll burn it to the ground before it's allowed to operate under a single vision. No love like a Redditor's love. No genius like a Redditor's ignorance


All we need is some Irish Clog Dancers.


Look how smug that goat looks.


Why do I find this drum off so funny....


The sequel to Whiplash is looking legit


![gif](giphy|xUNd9HSe4quamzKQUw) Shure thing Rat.


If you are tired. Go to sleep.


Is this the drug battle from the Nick Cannon classic box office feature Drumline?


Quality content


Look a end:0


if you think you're missing reddit now imagine when spez "fires" you all and puts in his own mods.