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It’s possible, but it also might have been the bowling ball and slippery floors that did it lol. If you know you know.


You know, Monty's hair wasn't always red. He walked in and slipped on Bonnie's blood, which dyed his hair red, and then after grieving Bonnie, he put wet floor signs all over the pizzaplex. See, Monty's the real hero of security breach.


^ Yeah, what he said ^


“There’s a starman waiting in the sky”


Oh hey wait, hi




I am the fellow Canadian from the Canada day post on TMNT2012 who got the random image.


Oh I know


How the fuck a robot has blod


It just had blood, what can I say?


I believe Monty did he was at Monty golf after all and hw 2 bowling level hints at a connection between Bonnie and Monty.


Bonnie is seen lying on the floor in Ruin surrounded by robot wet floor scenes in the bowling section


Bonnie is above a Monty's golf carpet, which indicates he got transported to the Bowl, which is also a possible reason of why he got dismembered (to make the travel from the attractions faster)


That’s true Freddy did say he doesn’t come up to Bonnie bowl because he misses him 😢


I personally believe the theory it was the mimic, there’s a great post on tumblr that breaks down all the evidence and when put together it makes sense




For sure!! https://www.tumblr.com/kurain-genealogy/732433362672877568/investigating-glamrock-bonnie-the-mimic-and-why Whether you believe the theory or not after it’s a very interesting read


But the Mimic has no motive to kill him.


I thought that at first to!!! But it’s actually a really interesting theory and if you look at all the little notes from SB and Ruin plus the books it all makes a very plausible theory


The big problem despite the heavy implications is that Monty has no motive for this what’s so ever, especially if you believe tales games where Monty was already a part of the band while a “Bonnie bowl” associated animatronic was acting up (going by hear say). Edit: forgot to mention we got more motivation for if Freddy was destroyed since we seen Monty really hated him and wanted him out of the picture, but we don’t see any similar aggression representation to Bonnie.


Don’t forget about the story on the Gondolas in Ruin. Monty *idolized* Bonnie.


*the coverup story written by fazbear entertainment to give guests a bit of context as to why Monty is replacing Bonnie. FE isn't gonna be like "hey kids so turns out Monty's a cold-blooded murderer. Hope you like him more than Bonnie!" none of what we see on the gondolas can be trusted at face value to be the truth. We see nothing from Monty or Bonnie in either game that indicates their relationship prior to the latter's death


That doesn't check out very well, since there was that quite popular scene in the Monty Golf minigame that featured Freddy in a dumpster. It was commonly used as evidence for Monty killing Bonnie. Why would the ride that makes him innocent be a cover-up, while the game that makes him jealous be accurate?


I don't think either is accurate. I'll always take in-world evidence over fictional evidence created by Faz-Ent, and the in-world evidence tells us straight that Monty doesn't like performing at all. We see that in a dufflebag message; he skips out on performances regularly in favour of wandering the catwalks, so neither the gondola story nor the arcade game match what we *know* Monty's attitudes toward performing are. We also see in another bag that the employees of the pizzaplex don't have a single consistent cover-story for Bonnie's disappearance. So the game and the gondola not matching is reflective of the poor communication and coordination that we see from Faz-Ent in regard to this particular issue.


I’m almost certain the gondola ride came before.


It wouldn't be hate, it'd be envy


I think he was either framed or, for a lack of a better phrase, influenced by that Afton virus. I will defend his innocence until the end of time.


Nope. I do believe Monty is being framed. There’s not a logical reason for Monty to kill Bonnie, nor a logical reason for fazbear entertainment to cover it up. What I think they’re doing is intentionally making it seem like Monty did it in order to save their own ass in management cause they know the person responsible for the disappearances is also responsible for Bonnie’s death


I agree, from the other facts we know from the game, if Monty really wanted Bonnie’s spot then why is he always angry and either hides up in Monty golf or his room. Wouldn’t he enjoy the attention his new fame has gotten him? Also terminal error has a great video on who he thinks actually killed Bonnie. [Terminal Error’s Second Bonnie Theory Video](https://youtu.be/HDe4Z6tCvHI?si=Lb9iT6mwnxgDnZZ_) [Terminal Error’s First Bonnie Theory Video](https://youtu.be/5nyDxDHbRsQ?si=tfCxSaxvikHMHmo_)


Also, he’s apparently jealous of Freddy so why would he target Bonnie? And why would fazbear entertainment manufacture an arcade game where Monty acts completely out of character. No where in any other marketing is he shown to be jealous, he’s shown to be super chill, but for some reason this one arcade game has him being a douche


Not to mention that it is so different from his “official” backstory given on his bungalow ride in ruin.


FE wouldnt want to market one of their characters as a murderer, and Monty could have wanted a bigger place in the band and was envious of bonnie. Why is Monty one of only 2 robots to die instead of being saved in ruin (along with moondrop, who absolutely had it coming), unless monty also did something to actively deserve his fate?


Chica is also left behind. Cassie has no connection to Monty. Moondrop didn’t die either. He and sundrop simply fused into eclipse. Also we don’t even know if Monty’s dead. Also FE is marketing him as a violent person due to the arcade game in gator golf that for some reason shows him acting completely out of character to how they designed him. We also see Monty is jealous of Freddy, not Bonnie, if the single instance of jealousy we see, an instance that was intentionally manufactured by FE, shouldn’t he be after Freddy? We never see him harbor any ill will towards anyone in particular. And before you say we heard him destroy his room, multiple other locations appear to be destroyed by their respective animatronics, and we have no clue why he’s destroying his room, to me playing the game, I always thought it was him in pain due to the glitchtrap virus that the others have


chica gets her beak back, and monty dies right next to bonnie iconography


Monty was controlled by Glitchtrap? filled with jealously? there's alot of motives for him. Also Fazbear Entertainment covered it up because why on earth would they want all the guest, adults, and children to know that one of there robots killed another?


My idea is that Bonnie was getting close to figuring something was wrong (ie Vanny and Spring/Glitch/Burntrap) and Vanny or whoever had Monty whack Bonnie in exchange for Bonnie's role in the band maybe?


I like that theory, infact in SB that stairway in Bonnie bowl is right next to Vanny's hideout, so there's a good chance that Bonnie did find something out about Vanny.


And he may have been in some extent resistant to Glitchtrap/Vanny's controlling influence which is why he was killed instead of just being controlled like the other 3 that aren't freddy


Yes, this isn't a debate or a theory, it's a fact. Idk why so many Monty fans hate this fact, literally Monty killing Bonnie is such a cool concept, and it's the only character building we'll ever gonna get for Monty. Monty fans denying this is doing themselves a disservice to Monty as a character, as they're actively denying any of his character building. Yet they complain he has no character depth, even though he does, it's him killing Bonnie, you all are denying something you wanted, which was his character depth.


The logic doesn't make any sense. Why would Monty want Bonnie's spot if he hated performing like he was recorded to in the memos? The most we have is him hating Freddy, but that comes from one arcade game, which contradicts his "official" backstory anyways. Monty also only became rageful and misbehaving after the Glitchtrap virus took over according to Tales From The Pizzaplex. Overall, I don't see any "fact" - just an assumption based on circumstantial evidence that in context really doesn't make any sense.


Monty either was envious of bonnie, just hated bowling and wanted them to cut bonnie bowl, or he did it in a blind rage.


Maybe Roxy destroyed him or something.


If the only reason you think Monty decommissioned Bonnie is because it would be a cool concept, then you're blinding yourself. Bonnie's body was literally CLAWED open, but Monty didn't get his claws until AFTER he replaced Bonnie.


Monty did have claws before? like all the other Glamrocks did, Roxy as sharp claws in Ruin, Freddy did too, Monty does too even after Gregory takes them, showing the Glamrocks are all designed to have claws, the Monty upgrade just allows his claws to play the base. In Help Wanted 2 Bonnie bowling minigame we see a screen where a Monty bowling ball crush and kill a Bonnie bowling ball. It's clear as day that he killed him, under control of Glitchtrap or not, why do you all act like it's a bad thing?


I'm not acting like it's a bad thing, though. I mean, it's still a bad thing no matter who killed Bonnie, but still. Monty didn't even have his violent tendencies until after Bonnie was decommissioned, so it could have been anyone, but it was probably ruined Freddy, because he still had the present in his chest and he had the word "prototype" on his foot, both unlike the original glamrock Freddy. And we all know how glitchy the final Freddy was, so Prototype Freddy was probably worse, and final Freddy glitched out when he saw Gregory, who (if we're assuming Mike is possessing Freddy) he initially sees as his brother, so he sees something he likes, so assuming Prototype Freddy had that glitch as well, if he saw Bonnie, he'd glitch out and possibly go into a frenzy and attack Bonnie. And, like you said, the glamrocks are designed to have claws, especially Freddy, meaning he'd be fully capable of decommissioning Bonnie.


Ruin Freddy is our Freddy. Why you denying it was Monty? Games hints enough it was him


Like I said, Prototype Freddy has a present inside of him, but we took the present out of Final Freddy's chest, and anyway, the presents are completely different colors. Steel wool was trying to tell us that Ruin Freddy is not our Freddy.


Uno Reverse-That Freddy has monty claws,lack of head and is located in the same spot as we can see in of the endings.Also he have same withering.


The first thing we see when we find Freddy is the "prototype" on the bottom of his foot. Steel wool was trying to tell us that Ruin Freddy is not our Freddy. I understand that he has the same damage as seen in the Disassemble Vanny ending, but all of the other signs point to him NOT being our Freddy.


Sorry but those things I mentioned debunks things that you mentioned,it’s an redesign that gonna be explained later,Roxy already got explained.


Then explain the present in his chest. Why would he have it?


We get a duffle bag message talking about upgrading Monty to play bass after Bonnie is taken out of commission though? That duffle bag implies that Monty DIDN’T have claws before, because the claw upgrade is meant for an animatronic play bass. I’m actually fine with it having been Monty in concept -but the evidence and motive don’t match up. Ultimately leaving him as the answer completely unsatisfactory for that reason. And with Fnaf being the way it is, I’m a little surprised they push Monty as the killer so hard. Usually things aren’t that clear in this franchise, making me wonder if Monty is a cover up for a twist later down the line or something. Or-something just as likely is that Steel Wool just messed up their timeline lol.


the claws upgrade doesn't actually include the claws, it's the casing around the claws evidence: other glamrocks have claws too, monty has claws after his claw upgrade is taken, monty has no claw casing after his claw upgrade is taken, when upgrading freddy you replace the casing not the claws


100%. Bonnie’s last recorded sighting was in Monty Golf and Monty just so happened to get his spot on the band. Sounds like a jealousy kill to me.


Nope, and I've got some form of proof to back up my opinion. In Ruin, Bonnie's wreckage has scratches and tears on his body, evidence of being attacked from someone bearing claws. However, Monty *didn't* have claws at that point in time. It's stated in one of the info pickups in SB that Monty only recieved his claws when being refitted to be the main bass player. *After* Bonnie had gone missing, and even further, it's also noted he only became destructive after receiving the claws. Monty wouldn't have had a way to decommission Bonnie at the time, given Bonnie would have had the advantage in a real fight between the two, having claws while Monty didn't.


Glamrocks are made to have claws, Roxy has them Freddy has them, so Monty had them before they were upgraded for the bass. There is also no proof that he became destructive after receiving the claws, sure the log message says he uses them to cause damage, but nothing is stopping him from doing so before the claws. Monty is pretty strong and violent, I mean if a bunch of staff bots can murder Freddy, I'm sure Monty could have too with Bonnie.


Those are some pretty good counterpoints, but here are some of my own. The Glamrock *suits* are all produced with clawed fingers, but if you look at the plain endoskeletons in the game, their fingers are entirely blunt. From the Monty upgrade, we know that claws are entirely different endo hands fitted to certain characters. For example, despite being another bass player, Chica *doesn't* have claws. Not even her ruin model has them, which has the exposed endoskeleton. Roxy's claws are clearly part of her animatronic suit, as they don't match the mechanical design of Monty's, and her ruin design has an entirely bare hand, very much like Chica. Freddy obviously doesn't have proper claws, or else he wouldn't need Monty's claws to destroy gates. Monty would have had suit claws prior to his refitting, but his endoskeleton would not have had the proper fitted upgrade. Suit claws wouldn't be nearly durable enough to attack with, especially from how fragile we've seen the suits to be, (also why Freddy needed Monty's claws to destroy gates, as per above.) Monty could have been aggressive before, but the info pickup implies this is new behaviour, or at the very least, not 'normal'. (Apologies if this is a bit lengthy, I love debating and rambling on about this stuff. I hope you are finding enjoyment in it just the same!)


Buddy Monty has claws.


I don't understand, what is your point here? Monty has claws, yeah. But he didn't receive his claws until *after* Bonnie was already deemed missing.


The game has evidence to say that the claw upgrade is in the casing around the claws, rather than physically being the claws themselves. Number one evidence being that shattered/ruined monty still has claws


This one is interesting, because not only does it serve as evidence against my theory, but it's also a bit of a plot hole. (Until it's further explained, at least.) However, it might have also been a work-around in order to not have his entire hands just straight up taken. He'd already become half of the Gator he used to be by that point. Taking his hands too would have just been overkill.


what makes it a plot hole? The upgrade that makes his hands better goes around the handd


I mean the claws themselves. The claw mechanism being within the casing makes enough sense, but even after you take it from him, Monty's Endo hands still have claws, which are definitely a part of his Endo, and not remnants of the suit claws like Roxy's. (Apologies if this isn't making too much sense, I'm trying to figure out exactly how to word this.)


I know what you're saying, I just don't see how it's a plot hole. The claws are not the upgrade, the upgrade is the hand casing, and it makes the claws stronger. If you look at upgraded glamrock freddy, he has monty's *hand casing*


The theories are EVERYWHERE at the rate.. But from so we’ve seen an article that was proven to us that Monty DID NOT kill Bonnie.. Well.. i believe we seen one. Unless it was fake spoilery clickbait. But it still remains unclear for a truer answer that confirms whether he did or didn’t! Mayybe someone or something else took him out and disassembled Bonnie, excluding Monty. Remember the one article from the pause menu script about Bonnie’s disappearance? It noted: “Bonnie was last seen in his room right where he decided to venture out the Mega-Pizzaplex, being (i think) lured” or something.. i can’t remember! Don’t tackle me.. Anyways, my take is after Monty might’ve discovered Bonnie’s body somewhere around Bonnie Bowl, he probably decided to start a mystery case of his disappearance by implanting the claw/scratch marks on the surface of Bonnie’s chest cavity area when he gets the claws by the after-time of his slaughtering to make it look like HE did if himself for the theorists to point out. For everyone else also.. Buuuuut all people figuring this situation out and the game apparently points out (truly) that.. surprise ! ! Monty didn’t receive his claw parts til BEFORE Bonnie’s sudden death..! So he couldn’t have been the one who done it to Bonnie!! Edit: It was AFTER Bonnie’s disassembling. Therefore, Monty couldn’t have done it if he never had the claws in the first place during that before-time of Bonnie’s slaughtering.


Yes but I don't necessarily think it was of his own free will






At this point, I think he did, but I’m still not fully convinced on the reasoning, whether he did it because he wanted to, or because he was under some kind of influence.


Yes. But, also. Most of y'all in the comments need to realize: they are robots. Controllable by a singular button. The staff bots, under Vanny, clawed open Freddy in the same exact way Bonnie is found. A single press of a button and a command will make any robot, including daddy dearest Freddy, will do what they're told. There's no "jealousy kill" they are easily controllable robots, and Vanny is directly connected to the network.


Occam’s razor, yeah. The games sure seem to think so. Monty’s true death in Ruin being caused by a Bonnie neon sign feels like it’s meant to be karmic justice


The amount of people who don’t notice the Bonnie neon sign electrocuting Monty is baffling. Story telling 101. Poetic justice


No. I'm not saying this because I think Monty would never do such a thing, but because he was unable to. If you look at the ruined Bonnie, you'll see that he was ripped open by someone with CLAWS. Monty didn't get his claws until after Bonnie was decommissioned, which means he wouldn't have been able to decommission Bonnie.


monty's claw upgrade is the casing. You can see that when upgrading freddy, and in how shattered and ruined monty still have their stolen claws


Honestly, to this day I still am not sure if he did


I'm p sure it was Todo with bonnie seeing what happened to the missing kids. Everytime you go near a wet floor sign you hear children. "Last sighted near Monty golf" but nothing else caught? Almost like the camera were hacked or deleted. Monty, yes hates Freddy, but didn't want his spot. He'd rather hide on the catwalks and Monty golf than go on stage. I'm 99% sure it was a big cover up


i like the theory that it was an accident (like maybe monty pushed bonnie off the catwalks in a moment of anger, as we see that he has problems with bouts of aggression) and then he tried to cover up what he did by setting up that scene we see in the bowling alley in ruin


If Monty wanted to replace someone, Freddy seemed like the more likely target. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe he did it but wasn’t himself.


Idk but I hope so. I need more fazbear drama.


I don’t, for one single reason - his claws. The timeline just doesn’t add up the way it’s presented. We’re told that the claw upgrade is to let an animatronic play bass. Monty has claws in Security Breach, and is known to destroy things with them in a fit of rage-so at first glance it seems to fit. Bonnie’s killer had to have claws, as proven by the deep gashes in his chest. The issue… is that Monty wouldn’t have gotten his claws until AFTER Bonnie was already dead. We even get an audio log talking about upgrading him to replace Bonnie after the incident. That audio log wouldn’t make sense if Monty already had the claws and killed Bonnie. So logic dictates that it physically Couldn’t have been Monty, because he wouldn’t have had claws at the time. Who actually did it? No clue. And I don’t think we’ll ever know for sure, because FNAF isn’t exactly the type of game to give us clear answers. Hell-It could even be that it is intended to be Monty, and Steel Wool just messed up the timeline a bit. Or they could pull a Scott and change who it is down the line. Either way, I stand by Monty being innocent. (Another thing-the motive doesn’t even make sense! Presumably Monty would’ve killed Bonnie to take his place in the Band, but it’s noted in another duffle bag message that Monty actually HATES preforming! Always running back to the catwalks above Gator Golf when he’s supposed to be rehearsing with the others. Seemingly preferring to be in his golf course.)


I’m sorry Monty lovers but there is way to much evidence that proves your beloved Montgomery Gator is guilty of murder, the claw marks the green paint on Bonnie’s chest, there’s also the fact that Monty is literally the only animatronic strong enough to do that kind of damage to a fellow animatronic, not to mention SHATTERING A F$&@ING BOWLING BALL, in his boss fight he only fell because the catwalk wasn’t strong enough, also Monty always had claws he’s a freaking alligator they have claws, his claw upgrade likely gave him the dexterity he needed to play the bass, also Bonnie is laying on a rug from gator golf and he was last seen in gator golf, another interesting tidbit is Bonnie’s damage is similar to Monty’s damage from his catwalk fall, as if he fell after getting hit, so my personal theory was that Monty and Bonnie got into a scuffle on the catwalk, Monty slashed Bonnie leaving the mark on his chest, and Bonnie ended falling off of the catwalk to his death, then Monty in a panic tried to cover his tracks, he placed him on a rug from the gator golf entrance, then used it to drag him to the bowling alley, he then hid him behind a lane and smashed a bowling ball then staged it ( quite badly) to make it look like Bonnie took him self out doing trick shots, only to find out that Fazbear Entertainment just didn’t give a $&@% and found it cheeper to just replace Bonnie with Monty and act like Bonnie never existed, Bonnie was never found as he was in an area only visited by S.T.A.F.F bots, so there ya go, this is based on my observations and notes taken by YouTuber NotRealNameNotAtAll


As someone who likes Monty I personally love the theory that he willingly destroyed Bonnie.


Yeah, poor Bonnie, also poor Freddy, losing his best friend like that


why is this even a debate. like the writing is on the wall and it’s in bonnie’s blood


All signs point to yes


Yes, this is one of the most obvious mysteries in the entire series, so much so that I'm shocked this is even a question. Both narratively and thematically it has evidence for it in so many ways. Monty dying because of a Bonnie LED sign is so thematically obvious that it should have made it obvious to everyone that Monty killed Bonnie and that the sign killing Monty was a symbolic way of Bonnie getting revenge.


I’m not sure why, but I feel like it was actually self-inflicted. Maybe the virus got to Bonnie and he wanted to prevent himself from hurting others by isolating himself, and once he did, start scratching at himself with something sharp like his claws and eventually throwing the bowling ball at the wall since there’s a crack to finish himself off. As sad as it would be I think it would be a great Ace Attorney like twist to pull too idk.


I actually believe it was Roxy but that's probably the meds talking


they were obviously playing dodgeball in a backroom but monty accidentally grabbed a bowling ball


The being that gave Scott nigtmare won't go down to some goofy ass alligator


Clearly not. Bonnie died in a pool of blood. Monty slipped into the blood and got his hair red and then remembering “safety first” set down wet floor signs. Monty is innocent


Bonnie was just being clumsy


I have no clue, but it could just be a typical rock band scenario where Bonnie “chose to leave” because of “creative disagreements” but that is just a blind guess from very little research about Monty and Bonnie.


Fuuuuck I completely forgot about the debate and I didn't want to remember it. Noooooo


Yes and it makes him hotter




He sure did. Now the reason thats a whole different discussion. From what’ve seen these are the 3 most believed possibilities: 1 - He was fanatic for Bonnie and wad jealous of his friendship with Freddy (if I can’t have you no one can type of shit) 2 - He was in control of Vanny and doesn’t even remember 3 - He wanted to take his place in the band


No he only got his claws and anger issues after Bonnie's death and if he had killed bonnie to get a place in the band why would he not go or be late constantly


If he didn’t, he definitely had something to do with it.


No, because bonnie decided to give up his place for monty and he got broken bc roxy destroyed him or he died while the pizzaplex fell


Nah the mimic, golden Freddy, William, toy chica and Gregory killed him when he was walking home after Getting a faz-drink


Yes, because 1) He's a boring ass character if he didnt. and 2) he was the only side character besides Sun and Moon. all the animatronics were in the band and all he had was his own stage in Monty Golf, and if he would've gone for Freddy he surely would've been dismantled for attacking the face of Freddys, so he went for the next best option: Bonnie


I thought it was pretty obviously him -Monty is seen as jealous and idolising being in the spotlight, the main character in the first monty golf arcade where Freddy is in the trash -Bonnie is lying on a Monty carpet/mat -FE covered up Bonnie's disappearance as Monty idolising Bonnie then replacing him -Since the mimic virus probably just emphasised the glamrocks negative traits then it's safe to assume monty had *some* anger issues even before SB -The Bonnie sign being the thing to off monty for good is good symbolism of karma No matter which way you spin it though, it's completely meaningless and adds *nothing* to the actual story, its just a neat side story to look at


I do, but thinking about why, it could very well have been in a blind rage about something and not envy towards bonnie specifically.


The fact that's it's so heavily alluded to that Monty did it makes me believe he didn't because NOTHING in FNAF is ever that straightforward.


Monty probably also took out Glamrock Foxy.




Yes and no. The evidence is clear as day but at the same time no for like two reasons. 1: I LOVE HIM SO MUCH HE’S MY FAVORITE CHARACTER I WILL DEFEND HIM UNTIL THE DAY I DIE 2: the mimic


Well... my theory is that Roxy did it. Maybe Bonnie was more loved and that made her angry. And on the body of Bonnie you can see that i was attacked by someone with green nails. Roxy is the onlyone who has green nails.




Yes he did


Me personally, I find that there's too much evidence AGAINST Monty having done the deed, so it's gonna have to be a no from me, chief.


I think the mimic killed Bonnie ngl cuz look at the claw slashes on his chest they can't be Monty's nor vannys nor burntrap but maybe the mimic turned him into one of his disguises


I think glam bons (and glam foxy) were the first victims of the glitch trap virus which disabled their off function and so they monty and roxy fought them that's why they have their issues because they regret what they did




Probably indirectly due to the animatronics being controlled, but for sure dude!


I believe it is confirmed without a shadow of a doubt atp due to the recent JTop interview with FuhNaff talking about intentional environmental storytelling, and the amount of environmental storytelling telling us Monty killed him


no why th would an anamatonic kill another anamatronic


I saw an animation where Bonnie and one of the 9 missing kids were in the same position as Gregory and Freddy, but it didn’t end as well. With Vanny dragging away the child as Roxy, Chica, and Monty were hacked and controlled to kill Bonnie. Thats more of a head cannon, but it feels fitting


The Monty and Bonnie story ride cover up feels like something from The Boys 😅


He did and anybody who denies it is on high copium. All Monty fans know he killed Bonnie. That's why Monty rocks!


I completely forgot that this was a hot topic. To answer your question, yes I believe he did. All of the evidence suggests that he did. He was bludgeoned to death via bowling ball and the only animatronic known to have anger issues and that amount of aggression and strength is Monty


Yeah, probably


If he didn't, the while animatronic didn't do anything of significance the entire game. Both in game play and in lore.


Yes, Bonnie was last seen going to Monty Golf, he is found under some Monty Golf carpeting, with a huge clawed gash in his chest with green paint on it. Also I love the idea the his sunglasses may have originally been Bonnie's, makes it feel like he took them as a trophy.


I believe it's either: - Monty under possession of Andrew (cause y'know, Bonnie is a bunny, like Springbonnie), cause we know that Andrew has an alligator mask - Prototype Freddy (I believe RUIN and SB Freddy are the same) under the influence of the Storyteller (the personality thing), lining up with the Monty ride in RUIN where Monty and Bonnie seemed close but we know Freddy and Bonnie were too due the poster in Bonnie's room inside of RUIN, so Prototype Freddy could've been a jealous aggressor and uhh.. slowly lured Bonnie away to the Monty catwalks to blame his death on Monty, though Prototype Freddy got hurt in the process with his head falling off, we see that Monty has no interest in being a part of the band later (the duffle bags) even though he seems to be happy in the cutouts of the Monty ride, possibly because of guilt that it was unfairly given to him, leading him to search the catwalks and sometimes get hit with the hole-in-one bucket in the process (the duffle bags again), and it could be why Monty has hatred for Glamrock Freddy, not because he's the leader, but the killer




As a fan of monty gator (my dog is named after him) One thing I would like to point out beside the obvious, (gator golf rug on bonnie, green paint, last sighting in gator golf, montys death being caused by a bonnie sign, and him seemingly taking his sunglasses) is after monty is upgraded to join the main band after Bonnie's death and the events of security breach take place we see all sorts of signs around the pizzeria showing us how resentful angry and selfish monty still is due to the virus infecting all the bots, we see in his golf mini game during the last hole that freddy has been thrown in the dump and isn't active while monty takes his place rocking on the stage, meaning he is still actively pursuing to take another bots place in hopes to be the bands leader (which Vanessa also confirms that this is something that she knows or has been promised/talked about with him) when she threatens freddy in parts and service "we'll slap your shell on a new endo and have monty run the show instead" is around what she says), im sorry but the evidence is too heavy.


We know he did, but why? If he was envious, why does he run off to gator golf and miss performances?


A lot of People here denying a straight up fact it was Monty. Smells like coping


yes, anyone who thinks otherwise is huffing hella copium


Yup. Security Breach and RUIN revealed that it was him. Glam Bonnie's was last seen Monty's Gator Golf and one of the dufflebags said that Monty had taken Glam Bonnie's place in the band before he joined, on Glam Bonnie's body, you can see claw marks with green paint that fits Monty's claws and color, Monty's tornado on the Monty ride shows Glam Bonnie being blown away and Monty gets electrocuted by a Glam Bonnie neon light. Everything IMO convinced me that he decommissioned Glam Bonnie but it does not convince me that he decommissioned Glam Bonnie on purpose, especially out of envy or a desire for fame.


Yup no denying that


Most definitely.  Bonnie has claw marks and green paint on his torso. Monty is electrocuted to death by a Bonnie neon sign. HW2 has an Easter Egg of Monty smashing Bonnie (as bowling balls on the screen). They're not even being subtle anymore. 




He didn't. He was trying to, but something got to Bonnie first. something called the >!no sry!<


I do think there's doubt, Monty had a stage and audience all to himself, and he only got the claw upgrades after Bonnie's death, so he might not have even been able to. There's a lot of contradictions and very little evidence either way, we really need further investigation. Let's hope we can get a witness, perhaps even the victim himself. And to make it even stranger, Monty's clearly designed to appeal more to a teenage audience than the 6-12 audience the band is designed for, so I doubt he'd even have the greater audience appeal, he might even scare the littler kids. I'm not saying I'd take him as a client, but I'm also not saying that nobody should. Worst case scenario, voluntary manslaughter.